private void RunTheClient() { IResponse theResponse = new GenericResponse(false); REQUEST_TYPE_ENUM sendThis; while (connected) { OutputClientInfo(); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select an option:"); if (youHaveTheStock) { sendThis = StockholderOptions(); } else { sendThis = StocklessOptions(); } switch (sendThis) { case REQUEST_TYPE_ENUM.SEND_INFO: Console.WriteLine("Requesting updated market info. Please wait for the market to update."); theResponse = theConnection.GetInfo(); break; case REQUEST_TYPE_ENUM.SEND_TRADE: Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the trader you want to give the stock to."); string sendTo = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Sending stock to {sendTo}"); theResponse = theConnection.GiveStock(sendTo); break; case REQUEST_TYPE_ENUM.SEND_QUIT: Console.WriteLine("bye"); connected = false; break; } if (connected) { marketInfo = theResponse.GetMarket(); Console.WriteLine(theResponse.GetInfo()); } } theConnection.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("That's all, folks!"); }