예제 #1
        override public MultidimensionalArray GetSurfacePoints(LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double[] PositionS, double AngleS)
            int SpatialDim = lsTrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            if (SpatialDim != 2)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only two dimensions are supported at the moment");

            double hMin = lsTrk.GridDat.iGeomCells.h_min.Min();
            int    NoOfSurfacePoints            = Convert.ToInt32(5 * Circumference_P / hMin);
            MultidimensionalArray SurfacePoints = MultidimensionalArray.Create(NoOfSubParticles(), NoOfSurfacePoints, SpatialDim);

            double[] InfinitisemalAngle = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, Math.PI * 2, NoOfSurfacePoints + 1);
            if (Math.Abs(10 * Circumference_P / hMin + 1) >= int.MaxValue)
                throw new ArithmeticException("Error trying to calculate the number of surface points, overflow");
            for (int j = 0; j < NoOfSurfacePoints; j++)
                double temp0 = Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]) * length_P;
                double temp1 = Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]) * thickness_P;
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 0] = (temp0 * Math.Cos(AngleS) - temp1 * Math.Sin(AngleS)) + PositionS[0];
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 1] = (temp0 * Math.Sin(AngleS) + temp1 * Math.Cos(AngleS)) + PositionS[1];
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test using subsonicInlet at the inlet and
        /// supersonicInlet (Dirichlet) at the outlet
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CNSControl[] EulerSubsonicInlet1D()
            CNSControl[] templates = GetTemplates();

            foreach (CNSControl c in templates)
                int divisions = (int)c.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification.Single(t => t.Item1 == "divisions").Item2;

                int noOfCells = (2 << divisions) * 8;
                c.GridFunc = delegate {
                    GridCommons grid = Grid1D.LineGrid(
                        GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, Math.PI / 2.0 + 0.0, noOfCells + 1));
                    grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "supersonicInlet");
                    grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "subsonicInlet");
                    grid.DefineEdgeTags((Vector x) => Math.Abs(x[0]) < 1e-14 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1);
                c.ProjectName += "_subsonicInlet2";

                c.AddBoundaryValue("subsonicInlet", CompressibleVariables.Density, exactDensity);
                c.AddBoundaryValue("subsonicInlet", CNSVariables.Velocity[0], exactVelocity);

                c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", CompressibleVariables.Density, exactDensity);
                c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", CNSVariables.Velocity[0], exactVelocity);
                c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", CNSVariables.Pressure, exactPressure);

예제 #3
        public GridCommons GetGrid()
            var grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-2, 2, 7), GenericBlas.Linspace(-2, 2, 5));

            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "wall_top");
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "Velocity_Inlet");
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(3, "Pressure_Outlet");

            grd.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] _X) {
                var X    = _X;
                double x = X[0];
                double y = X[1];

                if (Math.Abs(y - (2)) < 1.0e-6)

                if (Math.Abs(y - (-2)) < 1.0e-6)


예제 #4
        public static void Init()
            //GridCommons grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(RandomSpacing(), RandomSpacing());
            //grid = new GridData(Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 8), GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 2)));
            //grid = new GridData(Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(new double[] { -6, -4, -2, 2, 4, 6 }, GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 2)));
            //if (curved)
            //    grid = Grid2D.CurvedSquareGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(1, 2, 5), GenericBlas.Linspace(0, 1, 17), CellType.Square_9, true).GridData;
            //    grid = (Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17), GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17))).GridData;
            grid  = (Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17), GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17))).GridData;
            MgSeq = CoarseningAlgorithms.CreateSequence(grid);

            for (int p = 0; p <= 3; p++)   // loop over polynomial degrees...
                var uMapping = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(new Basis(grid, p));

                var MgMapSeq = new MultigridMapping[MgSeq.Length];
                var BasisSeq = AggregationGridBasis.CreateSequence(MgSeq, uMapping.BasisS);
                for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < MgSeq.Length; iLevel++)
                    MgMapSeq[iLevel] = new MultigridMapping(uMapping, BasisSeq[iLevel], new int[] { p });
                MultigrigMap.Add(p, MgMapSeq);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// \f[
        ///   - \operatorname{div} \left( \mu (\partial_d \vec{u}) \right)
        /// \f]
        /// </summary>
        public double Term2(int d, double[] X)
            if (d < 0 || d >= D)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            if (X.Length != D)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            double _mu = this.mu(X);

            double[] _dmu = new double[D];
            double[] _dU  = new double[D];
            double   _ddU = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < D; j++)
                _dmu[j] = this.dmu(X, j);
                _dU[j]  = this.dU(j, X, d);
                _ddU   += this.ddU(j, X, d, j);

            double ret = 0;

            ret += GenericBlas.InnerProd(_dmu, _dU);
            ret += _mu * _ddU;

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a simple 2d/3d Cartesian grid within the domain \f$ (-7,7)^D \f$
        /// </summary>
        protected override GridCommons CreateOrLoadGrid()
             * double[] xnodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 11);
             * double[] ynodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 11);
             * GridCommons grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xnodes, ynodes, type: CellType.Square_Linear);
             * this.Control.NoOfMultigridLevels = 3;
             * return grd;
             * //*/
            //double[] xnodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //double[] ynodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //double[] znodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //var grd = Grid3D.Cartesian3DGrid(xnodes, ynodes, znodes);

            double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 3);
            double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 3);

            var baseGrid = Grid2D.UnstructuredTriangleGrid(xNodes, yNodes);
            var baseGdat = new GridData(baseGrid);
            var aggGrid  = CoarseningAlgorithms.Coarsen(baseGdat, 2);

            base.AggGrid = aggGrid;

예제 #7
        protected override IGrid CreateOrLoadGrid()
            GridCommons grd;

            switch (TestCase)
            case 1: {
                // ++++++++++++++++++
                // affine-linear mesh
                // ++++++++++++++++++
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 21);
                double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 21);
                grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes);

            case 2: {
                // +++++++++++
                // curved mesh
                // +++++++++++
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 21);
                double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 21);
                grd = Grid2D.BilinearSquareGrid(xNodes, yNodes, factor: 0.8);

                throw new ArgumentException("unknown test-case index");

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// constructs an affine manifold from a set of points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pts">
        /// points on the manifold;
        /// 1st index: point index.
        /// 2nd index: spatial dimension.
        /// </param>
        static public AffineManifold FromPoints(params double[][] pts) {
            int D = pts.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < D; i++)
                if (pts[i].Length != D)
                    throw new ArgumentException();
            var ret = new AffineManifold(D);

            switch (D) {
                case 2:
                ret.Normal[0] = -(pts[1][1] - pts[0][1]);
                ret.Normal[1] = +(pts[1][0] - pts[0][0]);

                case 3:
                double a_1 = pts[1][0] - pts[0][0];
                double a_2 = pts[1][1] - pts[0][1];
                double a_3 = pts[1][2] - pts[0][2];
                double b_1 = pts[2][0] - pts[0][0];
                double b_2 = pts[2][1] - pts[0][1];
                double b_3 = pts[2][2] - pts[0][2];

                ret.Normal[0] = a_2 * b_3 - a_3 * b_2;
                ret.Normal[1] = a_3 * b_1 - a_1 * b_3;
                ret.Normal[2] = a_1 * b_2 - a_2 * b_1;

                throw new NotSupportedException();

            ret.a = GenericBlas.InnerProd(ret.Normal, pts[0]);

            return ret;

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the node on the edge that corresponds to the node in the cell (InputNode).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputNode"></param>Node in cell.
        /// <param name="edgesOfCell"></param> Array of surrounding edges
        /// <param name="signMod"></param>sign of Phi/LevelSet
        /// <returns></returns>
        int[] findCorrelatingNode(Node InputNode, Edge[] edgesOfCell, double signMod)
            double[] inputNode    = InputNode.NodePosition;
            double[] EdgeNode     = new double[2];
            int[]    selectedNode = new int[2]; // {edge, No of node}
            double   dist_min     = double.MaxValue;
            double   dist;

            // find closest point: brute force approach
            // loop over all edges with known values
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUsedEdges; i++)
                // loop over all nodes on this edge
                for (int i_EdgeNode = 0; i_EdgeNode < edgesOfCell[i].noOfEdgeNodes; i_EdgeNode++)
                    EdgeNode[0] = edgesOfCell[i].EdgeNodesGlobal[i_EdgeNode, 0];
                    EdgeNode[1] = edgesOfCell[i].EdgeNodesGlobal[i_EdgeNode, 1];
                    double phi = edgesOfCell[i].PhiEdgeEvalBuffer[0, i_EdgeNode];

                    phi *= signMod;
                    dist = GenericBlas.L2Dist(EdgeNode, inputNode) + phi;

                    if (dist < dist_min)
                        dist_min        = dist;
                        selectedNode[0] = i;
                        selectedNode[1] = i_EdgeNode;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// constructs an affine manifold from a set of points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pts">
        /// points on the manifold;
        /// 1st index: point index.
        /// 2nd index: spatial dimension.
        /// </param>
        static public AffineManifold FromPoints(MultidimensionalArray pts) {
            int D = pts.GetLength(1);
            var ret = new AffineManifold(D);

            switch (D) {
                case 2:
                ret.Normal[0] = -(pts[1, 1] - pts[0, 1]);
                ret.Normal[1] = +(pts[1, 0] - pts[0, 0]);

                case 3:
                double a_1 = pts[1, 0] - pts[0, 0];
                double a_2 = pts[1, 1] - pts[0, 1];
                double a_3 = pts[1, 2] - pts[0, 2];
                double b_1 = pts[2, 0] - pts[0, 0];
                double b_2 = pts[2, 1] - pts[0, 1];
                double b_3 = pts[2, 2] - pts[0, 2];

                ret.Normal[0] = a_2 * b_3 - a_3 * b_2;
                ret.Normal[1] = a_3 * b_1 - a_1 * b_3;
                ret.Normal[2] = a_1 * b_2 - a_2 * b_1;

                throw new NotSupportedException();

            double[] Offset = pts.ExtractSubArrayShallow(0, -1).To1DArray();
            ret.a = GenericBlas.InnerProd(ret.Normal, Offset);

            return ret;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// equality check: tests if two objects represent the same affine manifold/plane
        /// </summary>
        public bool Equals(object _other, double RelTol) {
            var other = _other as AffineManifold;
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (other.Normal.Length != this.Normal.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            double l1 = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(this.Normal);
            double l2 = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(other.Normal);
            double Tol = (l1 + l2) * RelTol;

            var inner_prod = GenericBlas.InnerProd(this.Normal, other.Normal);

            double cos_alpha = inner_prod / Math.Sqrt(l1*l2);
            if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(cos_alpha) - 1) > 1.0E-12)
                // Normals not parallel -> manifolds can't be equal
                return false;

            //double offset = inner_prod/(this.a*other.a);
            double defect = inner_prod - (other.a / this.a) * l1;
            if (Math.Abs(defect) > Tol)
                // manifolds don't intersect
                return false;

            return true;
예제 #12
        public double LevelSetForm(ref CommonParamsLs cp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double v_Neg, double v_Pos, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double uAxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Neg, cp.n);

            var parameters_P = m_getParticleParams(cp.x, cp.time);

            double[] uLevSet = new double[] { parameters_P[0], parameters_P[1] };
            double   wLevSet = parameters_P[2];

            pRadius = parameters_P[3];
            double scale = parameters_P[4];

            // double scale = parameters_P[4];

            double[] _uLevSet = new double[D];

            _uLevSet[0] = uLevSet[0] + pRadius * wLevSet * -cp.n[1];
            _uLevSet[1] = uLevSet[1] + pRadius * wLevSet * cp.n[0];

            double uBxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(_uLevSet, cp.n);

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            double FlxNeg = -DirichletFlux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side

            //double FlxPos = 0;

            return(FlxNeg * v_Neg);
예제 #13
        public override IGrid GetGrid(IDatabaseInfo db)
            switch (GridType)
            case GridTypes.Structured:
                           GenericBlas.Linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 2),
                           GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 2),
                           GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 2)));

            //return Grid3D.Cartesian3DGrid(
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 2.0, 2),
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 2),
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 2));
            //return Grid3D.Cartesian3DGrid(
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 4.0, 2),
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 3),
            //    GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 4));

            case GridTypes.Unstructured:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                throw new ArgumentException();
예제 #14
        public void PeriodicPairCheckerBoard()
            // ### Grid
            byte[] tags = { 1, 181, 1, 181 };
            SortedList <byte, string> tagNames = new SortedList <byte, string>(2)
                { 1, "AdiabaticSlipWall" },
                { 181, "Periodic-X" }
            var gridBoundary = new VoronoiBoundary
                Polygon      = GridShapes.Rectangle(1, 0.5),
                EdgeTags     = tags,
                EdgeTagNames = tagNames

            double[] xTics = GenericBlas.Linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 3);
            double[] yTics = GenericBlas.Linspace(-0.25, 0.25, 5);
            for (int i = 0; i < yTics.Length; ++i)
                yTics[i] *= -1;
            MultidimensionalArray nodes = Checkerize(xTics, yTics);

            VoronoiGrid grid = VoronoiGrid2D.Polygonal(nodes, gridBoundary, 0, 0);

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a simple 2d/3d Cartesian grid within the domain \f$ (-7,7)^D \f$
        /// </summary>
        protected override IGrid CreateOrLoadGrid()
             * double[] xnodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 11);
             * double[] ynodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 11);
             * GridCommons grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xnodes, ynodes, type: CellType.Square_Linear);
             * this.Control.NoOfMultigridLevels = 3;
             * return grd;
             * //*/
            //double[] xnodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //double[] ynodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //double[] znodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 25);
            //var grd = Grid3D.Cartesian3DGrid(xnodes, ynodes, znodes);

            double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 3);
            double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 3);

            var baseGrid = Grid2D.UnstructuredTriangleGrid(xNodes, yNodes);

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Test on a curved grid.
        /// </summary>
        public static SipControl TestCurved()
            var R = new SipControl();

            R.ProjectName = "ipPoison/curved";
            R.savetodb    = false;

            R.FieldOptions.Add("T", new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
            R.FieldOptions.Add("Tex", new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 15
            R.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("RHS", X => 0.0);
            R.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Tex", X => (Math.Log(X[0].Pow2() + X[1].Pow2()) / Math.Log(4.0)) + 1.0);
            R.ExactSolution_provided = true;

            R.GridFunc = delegate() {
                var grd = Grid2D.CurvedSquareGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(1, 2, 3), GenericBlas.Linspace(0, 1, 11), CellType.Square_9, true);
                grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, BoundaryType.Dirichlet.ToString());
                grd.DefineEdgeTags(X => 1);

            R.AddBoundaryValue(BoundaryType.Dirichlet.ToString(), "T",
                               delegate(double[] X) {
                double x = X[0], y = X[1];
                return(Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y));

예제 #17
        static RefineAndLoadBalControl OnlyBalancing()
            RefineAndLoadBalControl C = new RefineAndLoadBalControl();

            //C.InitialValues.Add("LevelSet", )

            C.GridFunc = delegate() {
                double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 21);
                var      grd   = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(nodes, nodes);

            double s = 1.0;

            C.LevelSet = (double[] X, double t) => - (X[0] - s * t).Pow2() - X[1].Pow2() + (2.4).Pow2();

            C.GridPartType = GridPartType.none;
            C.DynamicLoadBalancing_ImbalanceThreshold = 0.0;
            C.DynamicLoadBalancing_Period             = 3;

            C.NoOfTimesteps = 20;
            C.dtFixed       = 0.1;

예제 #18
        static public XDGTestControl AllUpTestControl()
            var ctrl = new XDGTestControl();


            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Phi", XDGTestMain.Phi0);
            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Pressure#A", XDGTestMain.PressureExactA);
            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Pressure#B", XDGTestMain.PressureExactB);

            ctrl.GridFunc = delegate() {
                var xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-0.33333, 0.666667, 7);
                var yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 13);
                var grd    = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes);

            //ctrl.ImmediatePlotPeriod = 1;
            //ctrl.SuperSampling = 3;

            ctrl.TimesteppingMode = Solution.Control.AppControl._TimesteppingMode.Transient;
            ctrl.dtFixed          = 1.0;
            ctrl.NoOfTimesteps    = 1;

예제 #19
        public GridCommons CreateGrid() {

            var xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 19);
            var yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 19);

            var grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes);
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "wall_top");
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "wall_bottom");
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(3, "velocity_inlet_pos");
            grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(4, "velocity_inlet_neg");

            grd.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] X) {
                double x = X[0], y = X[1];
                if (Math.Abs(x - (-1.5)) <= 1.0e-7)
                    // velocity inlet
                    return (byte)3;
                if (Math.Abs(x - (1.5)) <= 1.0e-7)
                    //  velocity inlet (
                    return (byte)4;
                if (Math.Abs(y - (-1.5)) <= 1.0e-7)
                    // bottom wall
                    return (byte)2;
                if (Math.Abs(y - (+1.5)) <= 1.0e-7)
                    // top wall
                    return (byte)1;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            return grd;
예제 #20
        static public XDGTestControl RestartTest_FirstControl(string DbPath, out int[] ExpectedTimeSteps)
            var ctrl = new XDGTestControl();


            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Phi", XDGTestMain.Phi0);
            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Pressure#A", XDGTestMain.PressureExactA);
            ctrl.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("Pressure#B", XDGTestMain.PressureExactB);

            ctrl.GridFunc = delegate()  {
                var xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.0 / 3.0, 10.0 / 3.0, 11 * 3 + 1);
                var yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 6 * 2 + 1);
                var grd    = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes);

                //Guid GridGuid = TestDb.Controller.DBDriver.SaveGrid(grd, TestDb);

            //ctrl.ImmediatePlotPeriod = 1;
            //ctrl.SuperSampling = 3;

            ctrl.TimesteppingMode = Solution.Control.AppControl._TimesteppingMode.Transient;
            ctrl.dtFixed          = 0.1;
            ctrl.NoOfTimesteps    = 10;

            ctrl.DbPath       = DbPath;
            ctrl.saveperiod   = 5;
            ctrl.rollingSaves = false;
            ExpectedTimeSteps = new int[] { 0, 4, 5, 9, 10 };

예제 #21
        //static void Main(string[] args) {
        //    BoSSS.Solution.Application._Main(args, false, null, () => new VortexRock4());

        protected override IGrid CreateOrLoadGrid()
            int NumOfCells = 4;

            double[] xnodes1 = GenericBlas.Linspace(-10, -5, NumOfCells + 1);
            double[] xnodes2 = GenericBlas.Linspace(-5, 5, 4 * NumOfCells + 1);
            double[] xnodes3 = GenericBlas.Linspace(5, 10, NumOfCells + 1);

            double[] xComplete = new double[xnodes1.Length + xnodes2.Length + xnodes3.Length - 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < xnodes1.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i] = xnodes1[i];
            for (int i = 1; i < xnodes2.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i + xnodes1.Length - 1] = xnodes2[i];
            for (int i = 1; i < xnodes3.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i + xnodes1.Length + xnodes2.Length - 2] = xnodes3[i];

            GridCommons grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xComplete, xComplete, CellType.Square_Linear, true, true);

            grd.Description = "2D cartesian grid 10x10 cells";

예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array with points on the surface of the particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hMin">
        /// Minimal cell length. Used to specify the number of surface points.
        /// </param>
        override public MultidimensionalArray GetSurfacePoints(double hMin, double searchAngle, int subParticleID)
            if (SpatialDim != 2)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only two dimensions are supported at the moment");

            int NoOfSurfacePoints = Convert.ToInt32(20 * Circumference / hMin) + 1;
            MultidimensionalArray SurfacePoints = MultidimensionalArray.Create(NoOfSubParticles, NoOfSurfacePoints, SpatialDim);

            double[] InfinitisemalAngle  = GenericBlas.Linspace(-Math.PI / 4, 5 * Math.PI / 4, NoOfSurfacePoints + 1);
            double[] InfinitisemalLength = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, m_Length / 4, NoOfSurfacePoints + 1);
            if (Math.Abs(10 * Circumference / hMin + 1) >= int.MaxValue)
                throw new ArithmeticException("Error trying to calculate the number of surface points, overflow");

            for (int k = 0; k < NoOfSurfacePoints; k++)
                SurfacePoints[0, k, 0] = Motion.GetPosition(0)[0] + m_Length / 2 - InfinitisemalLength[k];
                SurfacePoints[0, k, 1] = Motion.GetPosition(0)[1] - m_Length / 2 + 1.5 * SurfacePoints[0, k, 0] + m_Length / 2;

            for (int j = 0; j < NoOfSurfacePoints; j++)
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 0] = Math.Sign(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j])) * m_Length * 7 + Motion.GetPosition(0)[0] + 7 * m_Length / 4;
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 1] = Math.Sign(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j])) * m_Length * 7 + Motion.GetPosition(0)[1] + 7 * m_Length / 2;
            for (int j = 0; j < NoOfSurfacePoints; j++)
                SurfacePoints[1, j, 0] = -Math.Sign(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j])) * m_Length * 2.5 + Motion.GetPosition(0)[0];
                SurfacePoints[1, j, 1] = -Math.Sign(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j])) * m_Length * 2.5 + Motion.GetPosition(0)[1];
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// creates exponentially distributed nodes between two points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loBound">minimum;</param>
        /// <param name="hiBound">maximum;</param>
        /// <param name="N">number of nodes, i.e. length of the returend array</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">
        /// stretching; must be grater than 0; if grater than one distribution of points gets finer
        /// around <paramref name="loBound"/> and if smaller it becomes coarser.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public double[] ExponentialSpaceing(double loBound, double hiBound, int N, double alpha)
            if (loBound >= hiBound)
                throw new ArgumentException("loBound >= hiBound");
            if (alpha < 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("stretching out of range.");

            if (Math.Abs(alpha - 1.0) <= 0.0001)
                return(GenericBlas.Linspace(loBound, hiBound, N));
                double[] ret = new double[N];

                for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
                    ret[i] = loBound + ((Math.Pow(alpha, i) - 1.0) / (Math.Pow(alpha, N) - 1.0)) * (hiBound - loBound);

예제 #24
        protected override GridCommons CreateOrLoadGrid()
            double[] xnodes1 = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 0, a1 + 1);
            double[] xnodes2 = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, 0.5, a2 + 1);
            double[] xnodes3 = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.5, 1, a3 + 1);

            double[] xComplete = new double[xnodes1.Length + xnodes2.Length + xnodes3.Length - 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < xnodes1.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i] = xnodes1[i];
            for (int i = 1; i < xnodes2.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i + xnodes1.Length - 1] = xnodes2[i];
            for (int i = 1; i < xnodes3.Length; i++)
                xComplete[i + xnodes1.Length + xnodes2.Length - 2] = xnodes3[i];

            double[]    ynodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, 0.1, 2);
            GridCommons grd    = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xComplete, ynodes, CellType.Square_Linear, true, false);

            grd.Description = "2D cartesian grid 35x1 cells";

예제 #25
파일: AffineTrafo.cs 프로젝트: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// approximately equal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <param name="RelTol">relative tolerance for comparison</param>
        public bool ApproximateEquals(AffineTrafo other, double RelTol = 1.0e-9)
            int D = this.Affine.Length;

            if (other.Affine.Length != D || other.Matrix.NoOfCols != this.Matrix.NoOfCols || other.Matrix.NoOfRows != this.Matrix.NoOfRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch in spatial dimension.");

            double tolAffine = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(this.Affine) * RelTol;

            if (GenericBlas.L2DistPow2(this.Affine, other.Affine) > tolAffine)

            Debug.Assert(this.Matrix.IsContinious && this.Matrix.Index(0, 0) == 0);
            Debug.Assert(other.Matrix.IsContinious && other.Matrix.Index(0, 0) == 0);
            double tolTrafo = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(this.Matrix.Storage) * RelTol;

            if (GenericBlas.L2DistPow2(other.Matrix.Storage, this.Matrix.Storage) > tolTrafo)

예제 #26
            /// <summary>
            /// Computes, for point <paramref name="pt"/>, the closest point on
            /// the boundary of cell <paramref name="j"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="j">local cell index</param>
            /// <param name="pt">
            /// input; some point in global coordinates.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="pt_Loc">
            /// output, if unequal null: <paramref name="pt"/> in local
            /// coordinates of cell <paramref name="j"/>.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="closestPoint_global">
            /// output, if unequal null: within the boundary of cell
            /// <paramref name="j"/>, the closest point to
            /// <paramref name="pt"/>.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="closestPoint_local">
            /// output, if unequal null: <paramref name="closestPoint_global"/>
            /// in global coordinates.
            /// </param>
            /// <returns>
            /// the distance.
            /// </returns>
            public double ClosestPointInCell(double[] pt, int j, double[] pt_Loc = null, double[] closestPoint_global = null, double[] closestPoint_local = null)
                int D = m_owner.SpatialDimension;

                if (pt.Length != D)
                    throw new ArgumentException("length must be equal to spatial dimension", "pt");

                // point to search for
                MultidimensionalArray _pt = MultidimensionalArray.CreateWrapper(pt, 1, D);

                MultidimensionalArray _pt_local = AllocHelper(ref pt_Loc, D);

                //MultidimensionalArray _closestPoint_local = AllocHelper(ref closestPoint_local, D);

                m_owner.TransformGlobal2Local(_pt, _pt_local, j, null);

                this.GetRefElement(j).ClosestPoint(pt_Loc, closestPoint_local);

                MultidimensionalArray _closestPoint_global = AllocHelper(ref closestPoint_global, D);

                m_owner.TransformLocal2Global(new NodeSet(this.GetRefElement(j), closestPoint_local), _closestPoint_global, j);

                return(GenericBlas.L2Dist(closestPoint_global, pt));
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Test using SubsonicPressureInlet at the inlet and
        /// SubsonicOutlet at the outlet. That is, this test case
        /// uses physically correct boundary conditions
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CNSControl[] EulerSubsonicPressureInletAndOutletTest1D()
            CNSControl[] templates = GetTemplates();

            foreach (CNSControl c in templates)
                int divisions = (int)c.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification.Single(t => t.Item1 == "divisions").Item2;

                int noOfCells = (2 << divisions) * 8;
                c.GridFunc = delegate {
                    GridCommons grid = Grid1D.LineGrid(
                        GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, Math.PI / 2.0 + 0.0, noOfCells + 1));
                    grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "subsonicPressureInlet");
                    grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "subsonicOutlet");
                    grid.DefineEdgeTags((Vector x) => Math.Abs(x[0]) < 1e-14 ? (byte)1 : (byte)2);

                c.AddBoundaryValue("subsonicPressureInlet", "p0", totalPressure);
                c.AddBoundaryValue("subsonicPressureInlet", "T0", totalTemperature);

                c.AddBoundaryValue("subsonicOutlet", CNSVariables.Pressure, exactPressure);

예제 #28
        public override MultidimensionalArray GetSurfacePoints(LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double[] Position, double Angle)
            int SpatialDim = lsTrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            if (SpatialDim != 2)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only two dimensions are supported at the moment");

            double hMin = lsTrk.GridDat.iGeomCells.h_min.Min();
            int    NoOfSurfacePoints            = Convert.ToInt32(20 * Circumference_P / hMin) + 1;
            MultidimensionalArray SurfacePoints = MultidimensionalArray.Create(NoOfSurfacePoints, 2);

            double[] InfinitisemalAngle = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, 2 * Math.PI, NoOfSurfacePoints + 1);
            if (Math.Abs(10 * Circumference_P / hMin + 1) >= int.MaxValue)
                throw new ArithmeticException("Error trying to calculate the number of surface points, overflow");

            for (int j = 0; j < NoOfSurfacePoints; j++)
                SurfacePoints[j, 0] = Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]) * width_P + Position[0];
                SurfacePoints[j, 1] = Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]) * width_P + Position[1];
예제 #29
        public static void Init()
            bool dummy;

                new string[0],
                out dummy);

            //GridCommons grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(RandomSpacing(), RandomSpacing());
            //grid = new GridData(Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-7, 7, 8), GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 2)));
            //grid = new GridData(Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(new double[] { -6, -4, -2, 2, 4, 6 }, GenericBlas.Linspace(-1, 1, 2)));
            grid  = new GridData(Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17), GenericBlas.Linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 17)));
            MgSeq = CoarseningAlgorithms.CreateSequence(grid);

            for (int p = 0; p <= 3; p++)   // loop over polynomial degrees...
                var uMapping = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(new Basis(grid, p));

                var MgMapSeq = new MultigridMapping[MgSeq.Length];
                var BasisSeq = AggregationGridBasis.CreateSequence(MgSeq, uMapping.BasisS);
                for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < MgSeq.Length; iLevel++)
                    MgMapSeq[iLevel] = new MultigridMapping(uMapping, BasisSeq[iLevel], new int[] { p });
                MultigrigMap.Add(p, MgMapSeq);
예제 #30
        override public MultidimensionalArray GetSurfacePoints(LevelSetTracker lsTrk, double[] Position, double Angle)
            int SpatialDim = lsTrk.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            if (SpatialDim != 2)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only two dimensions are supported at the moment");

            double hMin = lsTrk.GridDat.iGeomCells.h_min.Min();
            int    NoOfSurfacePoints            = Convert.ToInt32(10 * Circumference_P / hMin);
            int    QuarterSurfacePoints         = NoOfSurfacePoints / 4;
            MultidimensionalArray SurfacePoints = MultidimensionalArray.Create(NoOfSubParticles(), 4 * QuarterSurfacePoints - 2, SpatialDim);

            double[] InfinitisemalAngle = GenericBlas.Linspace(0, Math.PI / 2, QuarterSurfacePoints + 2);
            if (Math.Abs(10 * Circumference_P / hMin + 1) >= int.MaxValue)
                throw new ArithmeticException("Error trying to calculate the number of surface points, overflow");
            for (int j = 0; j < QuarterSurfacePoints; j++)
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 0] = (Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P * Math.Cos(Angle) - Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Sin(Angle)) + Position[0];
                SurfacePoints[0, j, 1] = (Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P * Math.Sin(Angle) + Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Cos(Angle)) + Position[1];
                SurfacePoints[0, 2 * QuarterSurfacePoints + j - 1, 0] = (-(Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P) * Math.Cos(Angle) + Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Sin(Angle)) + Position[0];
                SurfacePoints[0, 2 * QuarterSurfacePoints + j - 1, 1] = (-(Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P) * Math.Sin(Angle) - Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Cos(Angle)) + Position[1];;
            for (int j = 1; j < QuarterSurfacePoints; j++)
                SurfacePoints[0, 2 * QuarterSurfacePoints - j - 1, 0] = (-(Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P) * Math.Cos(Angle) - Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Sin(Angle)) + Position[0];
                SurfacePoints[0, 2 * QuarterSurfacePoints - j - 1, 1] = (-(Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P) * Math.Sin(Angle) + Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Cos(Angle)) + Position[1];
                SurfacePoints[0, 4 * QuarterSurfacePoints - j - 2, 0] = (Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P * Math.Cos(Angle) + Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Sin(Angle)) + Position[0];
                SurfacePoints[0, 4 * QuarterSurfacePoints - j - 2, 1] = (Math.Pow(Math.Cos(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * length_P * Math.Sin(Angle) - Math.Pow(Math.Sin(InfinitisemalAngle[j]), 2 / superEllipsoidExponent) * thickness_P * Math.Cos(Angle)) + Position[1];