예제 #1
        private string GenerateTree()
            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            double constR = 1 / Math.Sqrt(2);
            double constU = 45;

            var input =
                "F(200)\n" +
                "F(l)->H(l) Uloz Doleva F(l*" + constR + ") Nacti Uloz Doprava F(l*" + constR + ") Nacti";

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            DrawingAction[] elements = new DrawingAction[]
                new DrawingAction(0, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(new PathSegment(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0)))),
                new DrawingAction(1, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(new PathSegment(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0)))),
                new DrawingAction(2, canvas => canvas.PushToStack()),
                new DrawingAction(3, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(constU)))),
                new DrawingAction(4, canvas => canvas.PopFromStack()),
                new DrawingAction(5, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(-constU))))

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

            string svg = creator.Draw(output, 0.3);

예제 #2
        public static void DRAWING_TEST_GOSPER()
            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            var input =
                "L\n" +
                "L->L Doprava R Doprava Doprava R Doleva L Doleva Doleva L L Doleva R Doprava\n" +
                "R->Doleva L Doprava R R Doprava Doprava R Doprava L Doleva Doleva L Doleva R";

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            DrawingAction[] elements = new DrawingAction[]
                new DrawingAction(0, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(new PathSegment(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(10)))),
                new DrawingAction(1, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(60)))),
                new DrawingAction(2, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(new PathSegment(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(10)))),
                new DrawingAction(3, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(-60))))

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

            string svg = creator.Draw(output);

예제 #3
        public static void DRAWING_TEST_LEAF()
            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            var input =
                "Uloz Otoc S(50) Nacti Uloz X Nacti Uloz Y Nacti\n" +
                "X->Uloz Doprava X Vytvor_polygon Polygon Nacti Polygon Z Polygon Ukonci_polygon \n" +
                "Y->Uloz Doleva Y Vytvor_polygon Polygon Nacti Polygon Z Polygon Ukonci_polygon\n" +
                "Z->Z F(100)\n" +
                "S(len)->F(len) Rotace(1) S(len)";

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            var greenLine = new PathSegment(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0));
            var polygon   = new Polygon();

            polygon.FillColor   = Color.Green;
            polygon.StrokeColor = Color.Black;

            DrawingAction[] elements = new DrawingAction[]
                new DrawingAction(0, canvas => canvas.PushToStack()),
                new DrawingAction(1, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(180)))),
                new DrawingAction(2, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(greenLine)),
                new DrawingAction(3, canvas => canvas.PopFromStack()),
                new DrawingAction(4, canvas => { }),
                new DrawingAction(5, canvas => { }),
                new DrawingAction(6, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(10)))),
                new DrawingAction(7, canvas => canvas.CreatePolygon(polygon)),
                new DrawingAction(8, canvas => canvas.AddPositionToPolygon()),
                new DrawingAction(9, canvas => { }),
                new DrawingAction(10, canvas => canvas.ClosePolygon()),
                new DrawingAction(11, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(-10)))),
                new DrawingAction(12, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(greenLine)),
                new DrawingAction(13, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0))))

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

            string svg = creator.Draw(output);

예제 #4
        public static void TEST()
            var expressionParserFactory = new IntExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <int>(expressionParserFactory);

            var input =
                "A\n" +
                "B->BB\n" +

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;
예제 #5
        public static void DRAWING_TEST_ROSE()
            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            var input =
                "Uloz Vytvor_polygon X(0,0) Polygon Ukonci_polygon Nacti Uloz Vytvor_polygon X(0,1) Polygon Ukonci_polygon\n" +
                "X(t,d):d=0->Polygon G(5, 1.15, -1) Polygon Uloz Doprava Y(t) G(3, 1.19, t) Polygon Ukonci_polygon Nacti Uloz Doprava Y(t) Vytvor_polygon Polygon Nacti X(t+1,d)\n" +
                "X(t,d):d=1->Polygon G(5, 1.15, -1) Polygon Uloz Doleva Y(t) G(3, 1.19, t) Polygon Ukonci_polygon Nacti Uloz Doleva Y(t) Vytvor_polygon Polygon Nacti X(t+1, d)\n" +
                "Y(t):t>0->G(1.3, 1.25, -1) Y(t-1)\n" +
                "G(s,r,t):t>1->G(s*r, r, t-1)\n" +
                "G(s,r,t):t=-1->G(s*r, r, -1)";

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            var polygon = new Polygon();

            polygon.FillColor   = Color.Green;
            polygon.StrokeColor = Color.Black;

            var moduleParser = generatorParser.ModuleParser;

            DrawingAction[] elements = new DrawingAction[]
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Uloz"), canvas => canvas.PushToStack()),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Nacti"), canvas => canvas.PopFromStack()),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Doprava"), canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(60)))),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Doleva"), canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(-60)))),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Vytvor_polygon"), canvas => canvas.CreatePolygon(polygon)),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Ukonci_polygon"), canvas => canvas.ClosePolygon()),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Polygon"), canvas => canvas.AddPositionToPolygon()),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("X"), canvas => canvas.Move(new Move(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0)))),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("Y"), canvas => canvas.Move(new Move(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0)))),
                new DrawingAction(moduleParser.GetModuleId("G"), canvas => canvas.Move(new Move(new IndexCanvasProperty <double>(0)))),

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

            string svg = creator.Draw(output);

예제 #6
        public INode Parse(string text)
            var        reader = new StringReader(text);
            var        input  = new AntlrInputStream(reader.ReadToEnd());
            var        lexer  = new GeneratorLexer(input);
            var        tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            var        parser = new GeneratorParser(tokens);
            IParseTree tree   = parser.expr();

            if (tree == null)
                return(new NodeError(null, "Недопустимое выражение"));
            var visitor = new GeneratorVisitor();
            var n       = Node.Visit(visitor, subParse => subParse[0], tree);

            if (n is NodeError && n.Token == null)
                return(new NodeError(null, "Недопустимое выражение"));
예제 #7
        public static void DRAWING_TEST_TREE()
            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var generatorParser         = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            var input =
                "Mlada\n" +
                "Mlada->StaraUlozDopravaMladaNactiUlozDolevaMladaNactiStaraMlada\n" +

            var reader    = new StringReader(input);
            var generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            var blackLine = new PathSegment(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(10));

            blackLine.FgColor = Color.Black;
            var greenLine = new PathSegment(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(10));

            greenLine.FgColor = Color.Green;

            DrawingAction[] elements = new DrawingAction[]
                new DrawingAction(0, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(greenLine)),
                new DrawingAction(1, canvas => canvas.AddToPath(blackLine)),
                new DrawingAction(2, canvas => canvas.PushToStack()),
                new DrawingAction(3, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(45)))),
                new DrawingAction(4, canvas => canvas.PopFromStack()),
                new DrawingAction(5, canvas => canvas.Rotate(new Rotation(new ValueCanvasProperty <double>(-45))))

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

            string svg = creator.Draw(output);

예제 #8
        private void GenerateSVG()
            if (_modules.Count == 0)
                ErrorMsg = "You have not defined any modules, please define them first!";

            if (_axiom.Count == 0)
                ErrorMsg = "Your axiom is empty, please fill it first!";

            var expressionParserFactory = new DoubleExpressionParserFactory();
            var sqrt = new Function <double>("sqrt",
                                             expressions => { return(parameters => Math.Sqrt(expressions[0](parameters))); });

            expressionParserFactory.Functions = new[] { sqrt };
            var generatorParser = new GeneratorParser <double>(expressionParserFactory);

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var rule in _rules)

            var input = builder.ToString();

            Generator <double> generator;
            var reader = new StringReader(input);

                generator = generatorParser.Parse(reader);
            catch (ParserException)
                ErrorMsg = "Error while processing your input. Please check if all rules are correct";

            var output = generator.CurrentGeneration;

            if (output.Count > 1000000)
                ErrorMsg = "Resulting image is too complex, please try reducing number of generations";

            DrawingAction[] elements;
                elements = CreateDrawingActions(generatorParser.ModuleParser);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                ErrorMsg = "You have mistake in modules definition! Please revise them";

            var creator = new VectorDrawer(elements);

                if (RandomizationPercent != 0)
                    double randomFactor = ((double)RandomizationPercent) / 100;
                    Svg = creator.Draw(output, randomFactor);
                    Svg = creator.Draw(output);
            catch (Exception)
                ErrorMsg = "Internal error while drawing your image";