public PaxValue(int fromYear, int toYear, GeneralHelpers.Size size, double pax) { this.Pax = pax; this.FromYear = fromYear; this.ToYear = toYear; this.Size = size; }
public StartDataRoutes(string origin, int destinations, GeneralHelpers.Size minimumsize, Route.RouteType routetype) { this.Countries = new List <Country>(); this.Origin = origin; this.Destinations = destinations; this.MinimumSize = minimumsize; this.RouteType = routetype; }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string searchText = txtTextSearch.Text.ToUpper(); Country country = (Country)cbCountry.SelectedItem; Region region = (Region)cbRegion.SelectedItem; Boolean humansOnly = cbHumanAirports.IsChecked.Value; Boolean hubsOnly = cbHubs.IsChecked.Value; List <Airport> airports = Airports.GetAllActiveAirports(); if (humansOnly) { airports = airports.FindAll(delegate(Airport airport) { return(GameObject.GetInstance().HumanAirline.Airports.Contains(airport)); }); } if (hubsOnly) { airports = airports.FindAll(delegate(Airport airport) { return(airport.IsHub); }); } if (country.Uid != "100") { airports = airports.FindAll(a => ((Country) new CountryCurrentCountryConverter().Convert(a.Profile.Country)) == country || a.Profile.Country == country); //airports.FindAll(delegate(Airport airport) { return airport.Profile.Country == country; }); } if (country.Uid == "100" && region.Uid != "100") { airports = airports.FindAll(delegate(Airport airport) { return(airport.Profile.Country.Region == region); }); } CompareType sizeCompare = (CompareType)(((ComboBoxItem)cbCompareSize.SelectedItem).Tag); GeneralHelpers.Size size = (GeneralHelpers.Size)cbSize.SelectedItem; switch (sizeCompare) { case CompareType.Equal_to: airports = airports.FindAll(a => a.Profile.Size == size); break; case CompareType.Larger_than: airports = airports.FindAll(a => a.Profile.Size > size); break; case CompareType.Lower_than: airports = airports.FindAll(a => a.Profile.Size < size); break; } airports = airports.FindAll(a => a.Profile.Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || a.Profile.ICAOCode.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || a.Profile.IATACode.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || a.Profile.Town.Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || ((Country) new CountryCurrentCountryConverter().Convert(a.Profile.Country)).Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchText)); // airports = airports.FindAll((delegate(Airport airport) { return airport.Profile.Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || airport.Profile.ICAOCode.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || airport.Profile.IATACode.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || airport.Profile.Town.ToUpper().Contains(searchText) || airport.Profile.Country.Name.ToUpper().Contains(searchText); })); this.ParentPage.showAirports(airports); }
public CooperationType(string section, string uid, GeneralHelpers.Size airportsizerequired, int fromyear, double price, double monthlyprice, int servicelevel, double incomeperpax) { CooperationType.Section = section; this.AirportSizeRequired = airportsizerequired; this.Price = price; this.MonthlyPrice = monthlyprice; this.Uid = uid; this.FromYear = fromyear; this.ServiceLevel = servicelevel; this.IncomePerPax = incomeperpax; }
//returns the brush for a specific airport size private Brush getSizeColor(GeneralHelpers.Size size) { Color color = Colors.DarkRed; switch (size) { case GeneralHelpers.Size.Large: color = Colors.DarkBlue; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Largest: color = Colors.DarkRed; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Medium: color = Colors.Black; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Small: color = Colors.White; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Smallest: color = Colors.Gray; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Very_large: color = Colors.Yellow; break; case GeneralHelpers.Size.Very_small: color = Colors.Violet; break; } TypeConverter colorConverter = new ColorConverter(); Color c2 = Color.FromArgb(25, color.R, color.G, color.B); LinearGradientBrush colorBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(); colorBrush.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0); colorBrush.EndPoint = new Point(0, 1); colorBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(c2, 0.15)); colorBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(color, 0.85)); colorBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(c2, 1)); return(colorBrush); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GeneralHelpers.Size size = (GeneralHelpers.Size)ccAirportSize.SelectedValue; ComparerControl.CompareTypes compareType = ccAirportSize.SelectedCompareType; string text = txtText.Text.Trim(); Country country = (Country)cbCountry.SelectedItem; Region region = (Region)cbRegion.SelectedItem; var airports = Airports.GetAllAirports().Where(a => a.Profile.IATACode.StartsWith(text) && ((country.Uid == "100" && (region.Uid == "100" || a.Profile.Country.Region == region)) || new CountryCurrentCountryConverter().Convert(a.Profile.Country) as Country == country)); if (compareType == ComparerControl.CompareTypes.Equal_to) { airports = airports.Where(a => a.Profile.Size == size); } if (compareType == ComparerControl.CompareTypes.Large_than) { airports = airports.Where(a => a.Profile.Size > size); } if (compareType == ComparerControl.CompareTypes.Lower_than) { airports = airports.Where(a => a.Profile.Size < size); } Frame frmContent = UIHelpers.FindChild <Frame>(this.Tag as Page, "frmContent"); if (frmContent != null) { frmContent.Navigate(new PageShowAirports(airports.ToList()) { Tag = this.Tag }); } }
//returns all airports with a specific size public static List <Airport> GetAirports(GeneralHelpers.Size size) { return(GetAirports(delegate(Airport airport) { return airport.Profile.Size == size; })); }
public AirportProfile(string name, string code, string icaocode, AirportType type, Period <DateTime> period, Town town, TimeSpan offsetGMT, TimeSpan offsetDST, Coordinates coordinates, GeneralHelpers.Size cargo, double cargovolume, Weather.Season season) { this.PaxValues = new List <PaxValue>(); this.Name = name; this.Period = period; this.IATACode = code; this.ICAOCode = icaocode; this.Type = type; this.Town = town; this.Coordinates = coordinates; this.CargoVolume = cargovolume; this.MajorDestionations = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.Cargo = cargo; this.Logo = ""; this.OffsetDST = offsetDST; this.OffsetGMT = offsetGMT; this.Season = season; this.ID = string.Format("{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}-{4:00}-{5:00}", char.ConvertToUtf32(this.IATACode, 0), char.ConvertToUtf32(this.IATACode, 1), char.ConvertToUtf32(this.IATACode, 2), name.Length, char.ConvertToUtf32(this.Name, this.Name.Length / 2), (int)this.Cargo); }