예제 #1

        public override VCExpr VisitEqOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings)
            Contract.Requires((bindings != null));
            Contract.Requires((node != null));
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <VCExpr>() != null);
            // we also have to state that the types are equal, because the
            // translation does not contain any information about the
            // relationship between values and types
            return(Gen.AndSimp(base.VisitEqOp(node, bindings),
                               EqualTypes(node[0].Type, node[1].Type, bindings)));
예제 #2
        private VCExpr /*!*/ GenMapAxiom1(Function /*!*/ select, Function /*!*/ store,
                                          // bound type variables in the map
                                          // type
                                          int mapTypeParamNum,
                                          // free type variables in the map
                                          // type (abstraction)
                                          int mapAbstractionVarNum)
            Contract.Requires(select != null);
            Contract.Requires(store != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <VCExpr>() != null);

            int arity = select.InParams.Count - 1 - mapTypeParamNum - mapAbstractionVarNum;

            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            freeTypeVars =
                HelperFuns.VarVector("u", mapAbstractionVarNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen);
            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            boundTypeVars0 =
                HelperFuns.VarVector("s", mapTypeParamNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen);
            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            boundTypeVars1 =
                HelperFuns.VarVector("t", mapTypeParamNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen);

            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            types0 = new List <VCExprVar /*!*/>(boundTypeVars0);


            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            types1 = new List <VCExprVar /*!*/>(boundTypeVars1);


            List <Type /*!*/> indexTypes = new List <Type /*!*/>();

            for (int i = mapTypeParamNum + mapAbstractionVarNum + 1; i < select.InParams.Count; i++)

            Contract.Assert(arity == indexTypes.Count);

            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            indexes0 = HelperFuns.VarVector("x", indexTypes, Gen);
            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            indexes1 = HelperFuns.VarVector("y", indexTypes, Gen);

            VCExprVar /*!*/
                m = Gen.Variable("m", AxBuilder.U);

            Contract.Assert(m != null);
            VCExprVar /*!*/
                val = Gen.Variable("val", cce.NonNull(select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type);

            Contract.Assert(val != null);

            VCExpr /*!*/
                storeExpr = Store(store, types0, m, indexes0, val);

            Contract.Assert(storeExpr != null);
            VCExpr /*!*/
                selectWithoutStoreExpr = Select(select, types1, m, indexes1);

            Contract.Assert(selectWithoutStoreExpr != null);
            VCExpr /*!*/
                selectExpr = Select(select, types1, storeExpr, indexes1);

            Contract.Assert(selectExpr != null);

            VCExpr /*!*/
                selectEq = Gen.Eq(selectExpr, selectWithoutStoreExpr);

            Contract.Assert(selectEq != null);

            List <VCExprVar /*!*/> /*!*/
            quantifiedVars = new List <VCExprVar /*!*/>();


            List <VCTrigger /*!*/> /*!*/
            triggers = new List <VCTrigger /*!*/>();

            // different value arguments or different type arguments are sufficient
            // to conclude that that value of the map at some point (after an update)
            // has not changed

            List <VCExpr /*!*/> /*!*/
            indexEqs = new List <VCExpr /*!*/>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mapTypeParamNum; ++i)
                indexEqs.Add(Gen.Eq(boundTypeVars0[i], boundTypeVars1[i]));
            for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
                indexEqs.Add(Gen.Eq(indexes0[i], indexes1[i]));

            VCExpr /*!*/
                axiom = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
            int n     = 0;

            foreach (VCExpr /*!*/ indexesEq in indexEqs)
                Contract.Assert(indexesEq != null);
                VCExpr /*!*/
                    matrix = Gen.Or(indexesEq, selectEq);
                Contract.Assert(matrix != null);
                VCExpr /*!*/
                    conjunct = Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, triggers, "mapAx1:" + select.Name + ":" + n, 0, matrix);
                Contract.Assert(conjunct != null);
                axiom = Gen.AndSimp(axiom, conjunct);
                n     = n + 1;
