internal protected override void Draw(Gdk.Drawable win, Gdk.Rectangle area, long line, int x, int y)
            int  top    = y;
            int  bottom = top + this.Editor.LineHeight;
            bool isOdd  = (top + (int)this.Data.VAdjustment.Value) % 2 != 0;

            win.DrawLine(isOdd? bgGC : bgGC2, x, top, x, bottom);
            win.DrawLine(isOdd? foldDashedLineGC : foldDashedLineGC2, x, top, x, bottom);
예제 #2
        internal protected override void Draw(Gdk.Drawable win, Gdk.Rectangle area, int line, int x, int y, int lineHeight)
            win.DrawLine(UseBGColor ? bgGC : gc, x, y, x, y + lineHeight);

//			int top = y;
//			int bottom = top + lineHeight;
//			bool isOdd = (top + (int)editor.VAdjustment.Value) % 2 != 0;
//			win.DrawLine (isOdd? bgGC : bgGC2, x, top, x, bottom);
//			win.DrawLine (isOdd? foldDashedLineGC : foldDashedLineGC2, x, top, x, bottom);
예제 #3
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose args)
            Gdk.Drawable win = args.Window;

            int width, height;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);

            int arrowHeight = height / 2;
            int arrowWidth  = arrowHeight + 1;
            int arrowXPos   = this.Allocation.X + this.Allocation.Width - arrowWidth;

            if (DrawRightBorder)
                arrowXPos -= 2;

            //HACK: don't ever draw insensitive, only active/prelight/normal, because insensitive generally looks really ugly
            //this *might* cause some theme issues with the state of the text/arrows rendering on top of it
            var state = window != null? StateType.Active
                                : State == StateType.Insensitive? StateType.Normal : State;

            //HACK: paint the button background as if it were bigger, but it stays clipped to the real area,
            // so we get the content but not the border. This might break with crazy themes.
            //FIXME: we can't use the style's actual internal padding because GTK# hasn't wrapped GtkBorder AFAICT
            // (default-border, inner-border, default-outside-border, etc - see
            const int padding = 4;

            Style.PaintBox(Style, args.Window, state, ShadowType.None, args.Area, this, "button",
                           Allocation.X - padding, Allocation.Y - padding, Allocation.Width + padding * 2, Allocation.Height + padding * 2);

            int xPos = Allocation.Left;

            if (Pixbuf != null)
                win.DrawPixbuf(this.Style.BaseGC(StateType.Normal), Pixbuf, 0, 0, xPos + pixbufSpacing, Allocation.Y + (Allocation.Height - Pixbuf.Height) / 2, Pixbuf.Width, Pixbuf.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                xPos += Pixbuf.Width + pixbufSpacing * 2;

            //constrain the text area so it doesn't get rendered under the arrows
            var textArea = new Gdk.Rectangle(xPos, Allocation.Y + ySpacing, arrowXPos - xPos - 2, Allocation.Height - ySpacing);

            Style.PaintLayout(Style, win, state, true, textArea, this, "", textArea.X, textArea.Y, layout);

            state = Sensitive ? StateType.Normal : StateType.Insensitive;
            Gtk.Style.PaintArrow(this.Style, win, state, ShadowType.None, args.Area, this, "", ArrowType.Up, true, arrowXPos, Allocation.Y + (Allocation.Height) / 2 - arrowHeight, arrowWidth, arrowHeight);
            Gtk.Style.PaintArrow(this.Style, win, state, ShadowType.None, args.Area, this, "", ArrowType.Down, true, arrowXPos, Allocation.Y + (Allocation.Height) / 2, arrowWidth, arrowHeight);
            if (DrawRightBorder)
                win.DrawLine(this.Style.DarkGC(StateType.Normal), Allocation.X + Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Y, Allocation.X + Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Y + Allocation.Height);
        void DrawFoldSegment(Gdk.Drawable win, int x, int y, bool isOpen, bool isSelected)
            Gdk.Rectangle drawArea = new Gdk.Rectangle(x + (Width - foldSegmentSize) / 2, y + (editor.LineHeight - foldSegmentSize) / 2, foldSegmentSize, foldSegmentSize);
            win.DrawRectangle(foldBgGC, true, drawArea);
            win.DrawRectangle(isSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC  : foldLineGC, false, drawArea);

                         drawArea.Left + drawArea.Width * 3 / 10,
                         drawArea.Top + drawArea.Height / 2,
                         drawArea.Right - drawArea.Width * 3 / 10,
                         drawArea.Top + drawArea.Height / 2);

            if (!isOpen)
                             drawArea.Left + drawArea.Width / 2,
                             drawArea.Top + drawArea.Height * 3 / 10,
                             drawArea.Left + drawArea.Width / 2,
                             drawArea.Bottom - drawArea.Height * 3 / 10);
예제 #5
        internal protected override void Draw(Gdk.Drawable win, Gdk.Rectangle area, long line, int x, int y)
            if (backgroundGC == null)

            win.DrawRectangle(backgroundGC, true, x, y, Width, Editor.LineHeight);
            win.DrawLine(separatorGC, x + Width - 1, y, x + Width - 1, y + Editor.LineHeight);

            foreach (long bookmark in Data.Bookmarks)
                if (line * Editor.BytesInRow <= bookmark && bookmark < line * Editor.BytesInRow + Editor.BytesInRow)
                    DrawBookmark(win, x, y);
         * void InternalDrawBackground (TextEditor Editor, Gdk.Drawable win, Pango.Layout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, int y, ref int startXPos, int endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
         * {
         *      Gdk.Rectangle clipRectangle = new Gdk.Rectangle (mode.Editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, 0,
         *                                                       Editor.Allocation.Width - mode.Editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, Editor.Allocation.Height);
         *      // draw default background
         *      using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *              fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *              fillGc.RgbFgColor = selected ? Editor.ColorStyle.Selection.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor;
         *              win.DrawRectangle (fillGc, true, startXPos, y, endXPos, Editor.LineHeight);
         *      }
         *      if (startOffset >= endOffset)
         *              return;
         *      int caretOffset = Editor.Caret.Offset - BaseOffset;
         *      foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links) {
         *              if (!link.IsEditable)
         *                      continue;
         *              bool isPrimaryHighlighted = link.PrimaryLink.Offset <= caretOffset && caretOffset <= link.PrimaryLink.EndOffset;
         *              foreach (ISegment segment in link.Links) {
         *                      if ((BaseOffset + segment.Offset <= startOffset && startOffset < BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset) ||
         *                          (startOffset <= BaseOffset + segment.Offset && BaseOffset + segment.Offset < endOffset)) {
         *                              int strOffset    = BaseOffset + segment.Offset - startOffset;
         *                              int strEndOffset = BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset - startOffset;
         *                              int lineNr, x_pos, x_pos2;
         *                              layout.IndexToLineX (strOffset, false, out lineNr, out x_pos);
         *                              layout.IndexToLineX (strEndOffset, false, out lineNr, out x_pos2);
         *                              x_pos  = (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
         *                              x_pos2 = (int)(x_pos2 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
         *                              using (Gdk.GC rectangleGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *                                      rectangleGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *                                      using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *                                              fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *                                              drawBg = false;
         *                                              if (segment == link.PrimaryLink) {
         *                                                      fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
         *                                                      rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.Color           : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.Color;
         *                                              } else {
         *                                                      fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
         *                                                      rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.Color           : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.Color;
         *                                              }
         *                                              // Draw segment
         *                                              if (!selected)
         *                                                      win.DrawRectangle (fillGc, true, startXPos, y, x_pos2 - x_pos, Editor.LineHeight);
         *                                              int x1 = startXPos + x_pos - 1;
         *                                              int x2 = startXPos + x_pos2 - 1;
         *                                              int y2 = y + Editor.LineHeight - 1;
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y, x2, y);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y2, x2, y2);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y, x1, y2);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x2, y, x2, y2);
         *                                      }
         *                              }
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }
         *      startXPos += Editor.GetWidth (Editor.Document.GetTextBetween (startOffset, endOffset));
         * }
        /*	bool Overlaps (ISegment segment, int start, int end)
         *      {
         *              return segment.Offset <= start && start < segment.EndOffset ||
         *                          segment.Offset <= end && end < segment.EndOffset ||
         *                              start <= segment.Offset && segment.Offset < end ||
         *                              start < segment.EndOffset && segment.EndOffset < end;
         *      }*/

        public bool DrawBackground(TextEditor Editor, Gdk.Drawable win, TextViewMargin.LayoutWrapper layout, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, int startOffset, int endOffset, int y, int startXPos, int endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
            int caretOffset = Editor.Caret.Offset - BaseOffset;

            foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links)
                if (!link.IsEditable)
                bool isPrimaryHighlighted = link.PrimaryLink.Offset <= caretOffset && caretOffset <= link.PrimaryLink.EndOffset;

                foreach (ISegment segment in link.Links)
                    if ((BaseOffset + segment.Offset <= startOffset && startOffset < BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset) || (startOffset <= BaseOffset + segment.Offset && BaseOffset + segment.Offset < endOffset))
                        int strOffset    = BaseOffset + segment.Offset - startOffset;
                        int strEndOffset = BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset - startOffset;

                        int x_pos  = layout.Layout.IndexToPos(strOffset).X;
                        int x_pos2 = layout.Layout.IndexToPos(strEndOffset).X;

                        x_pos  = (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        x_pos2 = (int)(x_pos2 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        using (Gdk.GC rectangleGc = new Gdk.GC(win)) {
                            //	rectangleGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
                            using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC(win)) {
                                //		fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
                                drawBg = false;

                                if (segment == link.PrimaryLink)
                                    fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
                                    rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.Color : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.Color;
                                    fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
                                    rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.Color : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.Color;
                                // Draw segment

                                int x1 = startXPos + x_pos - 1;
                                int x2 = startXPos + x_pos2 - 1;
                                int y2 = y + Editor.LineHeight - 1;

                                if (selectionStart < 0)
                                    //		Console.WriteLine ("Draw BG at " + y + "//" + Editor.GetTextEditorData ().VAdjustment.Value);
                                    //		Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace);
                                    win.DrawRectangle(fillGc, true, x1, y, x2 - x1, Editor.LineHeight);

                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y, x2, y);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y2, x2, y2);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y, x1, y2);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x2, y, x2, y2);

             *      int curOffset = startOffset;
             *      foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links) {
             *              if (!link.IsEditable)
             *                      continue;
             *              ISegment segment = link.Links.Where (s => Overlaps (s, curOffset - BaseOffset, endOffset - BaseOffset)).FirstOrDefault ();
             *              if (segment == null) {
             *                      break;
             *              }
             *              InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, curOffset, segment.Offset + BaseOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
             *              curOffset = segment.EndOffset + BaseOffset;
             *              InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, segment.Offset + BaseOffset, curOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
             *      }
             *      InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, curOffset, endOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
        internal protected override void Draw(Gdk.Drawable win, Gdk.Rectangle area, int line, int x, int y, int lineHeight)
            foldSegmentSize  = Width * 4 / 6;
            foldSegmentSize -= (foldSegmentSize) % 2;

            Gdk.Rectangle      drawArea = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, Width, lineHeight);
            Document.LineState state    = editor.Document.GetLineState(line);

            bool isFoldStart  = false;
            bool isContaining = false;
            bool isFoldEnd    = false;

            bool isStartSelected      = false;
            bool isContainingSelected = false;
            bool isEndSelected        = false;

            if (line < editor.Document.LineCount)
                LineSegment lineSegment = editor.Document.GetLine(line);
                foreach (FoldSegment segment in editor.Document.GetFoldingContaining(lineSegment))
                    if (segment.StartLine.Offset == lineSegment.Offset)
                    else if (segment.EndLine.Offset == lineSegment.Offset)

                isFoldStart  = startFoldings.Count > 0;
                isContaining = containingFoldings.Count > 0;
                isFoldEnd    = endFoldings.Count > 0;

                isStartSelected      = this.lineHover != null && IsMouseHover(startFoldings);
                isContainingSelected = this.lineHover != null && IsMouseHover(containingFoldings);
                isEndSelected        = this.lineHover != null && IsMouseHover(endFoldings);

            Gdk.GC bgGC = foldBgGC;
            if (editor.TextViewMargin.BackgroundRenderer != null)
                if (isContainingSelected || isStartSelected || isEndSelected)
                    bgGC = foldBgGC;
                    bgGC = foldLineHighlightedGCBg;

            win.DrawRectangle(bgGC, true, drawArea);
            if (state == Document.LineState.Changed)
                win.DrawRectangle(lineStateChangedGC, true, x + 1, y, Width / 3, lineHeight);
                //		win.DrawRectangle (bgGC, true, x + 3 , y, Width  - 3, lineHeight);
            else if (state == Document.LineState.Dirty)
                win.DrawRectangle(lineStateDirtyGC, true, x + 1, y, Width / 3, lineHeight);
                //		win.DrawRectangle (bgGC, true, x + 3 , y, Width - 3, lineHeight);
            }            /* else {
                          *     win.DrawRectangle (bgGC, true, drawArea);
                          * }*/

            if (line < editor.Document.LineCount)
                int foldSegmentYPos = y + (editor.LineHeight - foldSegmentSize) / 2;
                int xPos            = x + Width / 2;

                if (isFoldStart)
                    bool isVisible         = true;
                    bool moreLinedOpenFold = false;
                    foreach (FoldSegment foldSegment in startFoldings)
                        if (foldSegment.IsFolded)
                            isVisible = false;
                            moreLinedOpenFold = foldSegment.EndLine.Offset > foldSegment.StartLine.Offset;
                    bool isFoldEndFromUpperFold = false;
                    foreach (FoldSegment foldSegment in endFoldings)
                        if (foldSegment.EndLine.Offset > foldSegment.StartLine.Offset && !foldSegment.IsFolded)
                            isFoldEndFromUpperFold = true;
                    DrawFoldSegment(win, x, y, isVisible, isStartSelected);
                    if (isContaining || isFoldEndFromUpperFold)
                        win.DrawLine(isContainingSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, drawArea.Top, xPos, foldSegmentYPos - 2);
                    if (isContaining || moreLinedOpenFold)
                        win.DrawLine(isEndSelected || (isStartSelected && isVisible) || isContainingSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, foldSegmentYPos + foldSegmentSize + 2, xPos, drawArea.Bottom);
                    if (isFoldEnd)
                        int yMid = drawArea.Top + drawArea.Height / 2;
                        win.DrawLine(isEndSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, yMid, x + Width - 2, yMid);
                        win.DrawLine(isContainingSelected || isEndSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, drawArea.Top, xPos, yMid);
                        if (isContaining)
                            win.DrawLine(isContainingSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, yMid + 1, xPos, drawArea.Bottom);
                    else if (isContaining)
                        win.DrawLine(isContainingSelected ? foldLineHighlightedGC : foldLineGC, xPos, drawArea.Top, xPos, drawArea.Bottom);