예제 #1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     // Override base clas start to avoir generating trials and starting the publish
     // coroutine
     gp = gameObject.AddComponent <GazeProcessing>();
     gv = gameObject.AddComponent <GazeView>();
예제 #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        eyecal      = gameObject.AddComponent <EyeCalibration>();
        gazeProcess = gameObject.AddComponent <GazeProcessing>();
        gazeView    = gameObject.AddComponent <GazeView>();

        el      = new EyeLink();
        el_Util = new EyeLinkUtil();
        checker = new EyeLinkChecker();

        // Add Listeners
        EventsController.OnEyeCalibrationUpdate += gazeProcess.UpdateCalibration;
        EventsController.OnEyeCalibrationUpdate += eyecal.UpdateCalibration;