예제 #1
        private double speedLine(GazeLine gl)
            double estimatedWords = gl.Length / averageWidthWordSpace;
            double elapsedtime    = gl.gazes.Last().timestamp - gl.gazes.First().timestamp;
            //60000 ms to minute conversion
            double speed = 60000 * estimatedWords / elapsedtime;

예제 #2
        private int wordsLine(GazeLine gl)
            double estimatedWords = gl.Length / averageWidthWordSpace;

            return((int)estimatedWords + 1);
예제 #3
        //creating a csv. name : lines_Benedick_3.csv, content: X;y;timestamp;duration;lineID

        //reading the csv and alanyse each different lineID. For each fixation line, computing the y median position,
        //taking the n neareast text line of the corresponding xml (the xml name correspond to the last letter of the csv file)
        //Save 1 file per fixation line
        //The file contain: n+1 lines (the first is the fixation line, and next ones are the nearest text lines with the potition of the words) : lineID; x1; x2; x3 …
        static void nearestXMLLines(string fixationLinefilename, string xmlFolder)
            #region serialize the XMLs
            string[] xmlFiles  = Directory.GetFiles(xmlFolder, "*.xml");
            int      xmlNumber = int.Parse(fixationLinefilename[fixationLinefilename.Length - 5].ToString());
            //select the good xml file
            string xmlPath = "";
            foreach (var item in xmlFiles)
                if (int.Parse(item[item.Length - 5].ToString()) == xmlNumber)
                    xmlPath = item;
            if (xmlPath == "")
                Console.WriteLine("Error, the XML file corresponding to the csv cannot be found.");
            PcGts         xml;
            XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PcGts));
            using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(xmlPath))
                xml = xs.Deserialize(rd) as PcGts;
            #region Analyse the fixations and the lines, create corresponding objects
            List <string> fixations = File.ReadAllLines(fixationLinefilename).ToList();
            fixations.RemoveAt(0); //remove the header
            List <GazeLine> lines      = new List <GazeLine>();
            int             idLine     = -1;
            GazeLine        curentLine = new GazeLine();
            for (int i = 0; i < fixations.Count; i++)
                Gaze     g     = new Gaze();
                string[] split = fixations[i].Split(';');
                g.gazeX     = float.Parse(split[0]);
                g.gazeY     = float.Parse(split[1]);
                g.timestamp = float.Parse(split[2]);
                g.duration  = float.Parse(split[3]);
                g.idLine    = int.Parse(split[4]);
                if (i == 0)
                    idLine            = g.idLine;
                    curentLine.idLine = g.idLine;
                else if (idLine != g.idLine)
                    //save the line
                    //start a new one
                    curentLine        = new GazeLine();
                    idLine            = g.idLine;
                    curentLine.idLine = g.idLine;
            //add the last group
            //Foreach line take the 5 nearest text line (in y)
            foreach (var line in lines)
                //get median y of line
                double y = line.MedianY;
                Dictionary <int, TextLine> nnLines = nearestLines(y, nbNeareastLines, xml);
                //save the fixation x pos and the nearest text lines
                string        nameFile     = fixationLinefilename.Replace(".csv", "_" + line.idLine + ".txt");
                List <string> linesToWrite = new List <string>();
                linesToWrite.Add("idLine; x1; x2;...");
                string lineFixation = line.idLine.ToString();
                foreach (var item in line.gazes)
                    lineFixation += ";" + item.gazeX + ";" + item.gazeY;
                foreach (var item in nnLines)
                    string lineTxtToWrite = item.Key.ToString();
                    foreach (var word in item.Value.Words)
                        lineTxtToWrite += ";" + word.Center.X + ";" + word.Center.Y;
                File.WriteAllLines(nameFile, linesToWrite);