public void Submission_SendRequest() { //Arrange //Fake input params var sen = new Sender { Title = "Mr", ForName1 = "Sat", ForName2 = "aa", SurName = "Gat", AddressLine1 = "133Gleny", AddressLine2 = "Barking", Postcode = "Ig11", Country = "UK", Email = "*****@*****.**", Mobile = "0123456789", HMRCUserId = "VATDEC180a01", SenderPassword = "******" }; var bus = new Business { BusinessName = "ABC", RegisteredDate = DateTime.Parse("07-04-2017"), TradingName = "ABC", VATRegNo = "999900001", }; var add = new BusinessAddress { Line1 = "1 First Add", Line2 = "2 Second add", Line3 = "3 Third", Postcode = "Ig11", Country = "UK" }; // bus.AddressList.Add(add); var per = new PeriodData { PeriodrefId = "201701", StartPeriod = DateTime.Parse("07-04-2017"), EndPeriod = DateTime.Parse("31-07-2017") }; var vat = new VAT100 { Box1 = "1.50", Box2 = "0.50", Box3 = "2.00", Box4 = "2.00", Box5 = "0.00", Box6 = "20", Box7 = "10", Box8 = "10", Box9 = "5" }; //Arrange //var sm = new SubmissionManager(_gatewayService); // var test = sm.SendSubmissionRequest(sen, bus, per, vat, true); //Act //var govtalkmessage = _gatewayService.CreateGovTalkMessage(sen, bus, per, vat, true); // var strGovTalkMessage = HelperMethods.GovTalkMessageToXDocument(govtalkmessage).ToString(); ////generate irmark from govtalk message //byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strGovTalkMessage); // var irmark = HelperMethods.GetIRMark(bytes); // var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(strGovTalkMessage, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); //set irmark value in the doc // if (irmark!=null) // { // XNamespace ns = xdoc.Root.Name.Namespace; // XElement body = xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "Body"); // if (body != null) // { // var bodyElelemts = from el in body.Descendants() // where el.Name.LocalName == "IRenvelope" // select el; // foreach (var ele in bodyElelemts) // { // XNamespace ns1 = ele.Name.Namespace; // var element = ele.Descendants(ns1 + "IRmark").First(); // if (element != null) // { // element.Value = irmark; // } // } // } // } // string strSendRequest = xdoc.ToString(); //TODO: Need to validate the xml before sending to gateway but this seems to be complicate yet as //this needs to be validate individual classes irenvelope and vat payload and govtlak envelope so for future // // bool result = HelperMethods.IsValidXml(strSendRequest, @"C:\Temp\ASA.API\ASA.Core\XSDs\envelope-v2-0-HMRC.xsd", ""); //var submissionResponse = sm.SendSubmissionRequest(sen, bus, per, vat, true); //var erorrs = submissionResponse.Errors.Count; string correlationId = "585F0728964645B2A944B4410D0EF5A8"; string polluri = ""; var govTalkMessageForPoll = _gatewayService.CreateGovTalkMessageForPollRequest(correlationId, polluri, true); var pollreq = HelperMethods.GoVTalkMessageToXDocumentForPoll(govTalkMessageForPoll); var pollStr = pollreq.ToString(); var pollresponse = _gatewayService.SendHMRCMessage(pollStr, polluri); var strContent = HelperMethods.ExtractBodyContent(pollresponse.ResponseData.ToString()); var successResponse = HelperMethods.Deserialize <SuccessResponse>(strContent); var str = HelperMethods.Serialize(successResponse); var doc = XDocument.Parse(str, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); ////select only body element from xdoc XNamespace nsr = ""; var hmrcresponsemsgnode = (from d in doc.Descendants() where d.Name.LocalName == "Message" select d).ToList(); var messagedetailsnode = (from m in doc.Descendants() where m.Name.LocalName == "AcceptedTime" select m).ToList(); var paymentBodyNode = (from p in doc.Descendants() where p.Name.LocalName == "Body" select p).ToList(); List <XElement> col = new List <XElement>(); col.AddRange(hmrcresponsemsgnode); col.AddRange(messagedetailsnode); col.AddRange(paymentBodyNode); Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > dic = new Dictionary <string, List <XElement> >(); dic.Add("hmrcResponseNode", hmrcresponsemsgnode); dic.Add("password", messagedetailsnode); dic.Add("plan_id", paymentBodyNode); //Asset // Assert.IsInstanceOfType(govtalkmessage, typeof(GovTalkMessage)); //check if the object is govTalkMessage //Assert.IsTrue(result); //validate generated xml // Assert.AreEqual(erorrs, 0); }