예제 #1
        public override Gateway.QuoteTripResponse QuoteTrip(Gateway.QuoteTripRequest request)
            Logger.BeginRequest("QuoteTrip sent to " + name, request);
            GatewayService.Quotes quotes = new GatewayService.Quotes
                access_token  = AccessToken,
                PassengerId   = request.passengerID,
                PassengerName = request.passengerName,
                Luggage       = request.luggage,
                Persons       = request.persons,
                PickupLat     = request.pickupLocation.Lat,
                PickupLng     = request.pickupLocation.Lng,
                PickupTime    = request.pickupTime,
                DropoffLat    = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?)null : request.dropoffLocation.Lat,
                DropoffLng    = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?)null : request.dropoffLocation.Lng,
                PaymentMethod = request.paymentMethod,
                VehicleType   = request.vehicleType,
                MaxPrice      = request.maxPrice,
                MinRating     = request.minRating,
                FleetId       = request.fleetID,
                DriverId      = request.driverID,
            JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(RootUrl);

            GatewayService.QuotesResponse resp     = client.Get <GatewayService.QuotesResponse>(quotes);
            Gateway.QuoteTripResponse     response = new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
                result = resp.ResultCode,
                quotes = resp.Quotes
예제 #2
        public override Gateway.QuoteTripResponse QuoteTrip(Gateway.QuoteTripRequest request)
            Uri uri;

            if (!Uri.TryCreate(RootUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                return new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
                           result = Result.InvalidParameters
            Logger.BeginRequest("QuoteTrip sent to " + name, request);
            //Logger.Log("RootURL: " + RootUrl);
            GatewayService.Quotes quotes = new GatewayService.Quotes
                access_token  = AccessToken,
                PassengerId   = request.passengerID,
                PassengerName = request.passengerName,
                Luggage       = request.luggage,
                Persons       = request.persons,
                PickupLat     = request.pickupLocation.Lat,
                PickupLng     = request.pickupLocation.Lng,
                PickupTime    = request.pickupTime,
                DropoffLat    = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?)null : request.dropoffLocation.Lat,
                DropoffLng    = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?)null : request.dropoffLocation.Lng,
                PaymentMethod = request.paymentMethod,
                VehicleType   = request.vehicleType,
                MaxPrice      = request.maxPrice,
                MinRating     = request.minRating,
                FleetId       = request.fleetID,
                DriverId      = request.driverID,
            JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(RootUrl);

            client.Timeout = timeout;
            GatewayService.QuotesResponse resp     = client.Get <GatewayService.QuotesResponse>(quotes);
            Gateway.QuoteTripResponse     response = new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
                result = resp.ResultCode,
                quotes = resp.Quotes
예제 #3
 public override Gateway.QuoteTripResponse QuoteTrip(Gateway.QuoteTripRequest request)
     Logger.BeginRequest("QuoteTrip sent to " + name, request);
     GatewayService.Quotes quotes = new GatewayService.Quotes
         access_token = AccessToken,
         PassengerId = request.passengerID,
         PassengerName = request.passengerName,
         Luggage = request.luggage,
         Persons = request.persons,
         PickupLat = request.pickupLocation.Lat,
         PickupLng = request.pickupLocation.Lng,
         PickupTime = request.pickupTime,
         DropoffLat = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?) null : request.dropoffLocation.Lat,
         DropoffLng = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?) null : request.dropoffLocation.Lng,
         PaymentMethod = request.paymentMethod,
         VehicleType = request.vehicleType,
         MaxPrice = request.maxPrice,
         MinRating = request.minRating,
         FleetId = request.fleetID,
         DriverId = request.driverID,
     JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(RootUrl);
     GatewayService.QuotesResponse resp = client.Get<GatewayService.QuotesResponse>(quotes);
     Gateway.QuoteTripResponse response = new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
         result = resp.ResultCode,
         quotes = resp.Quotes
     return response;
예제 #4
 public override Gateway.QuoteTripResponse QuoteTrip(Gateway.QuoteTripRequest request)
     Uri uri;
     if (!Uri.TryCreate(RootUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
         return new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
             result = Result.InvalidParameters
     Logger.BeginRequest("QuoteTrip sent to " + name, request);
     //Logger.Log("RootURL: " + RootUrl);
     GatewayService.Quotes quotes = new GatewayService.Quotes
         access_token = AccessToken,
         PassengerId = request.passengerID,
         PassengerName = request.passengerName,
         Luggage = request.luggage,
         Persons = request.persons,
         PickupLat = request.pickupLocation.Lat,
         PickupLng = request.pickupLocation.Lng,
         PickupTime = request.pickupTime,
         DropoffLat = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?) null : request.dropoffLocation.Lat,
         DropoffLng = request.dropoffLocation == null ? (double?) null : request.dropoffLocation.Lng,
         PaymentMethod = request.paymentMethod,
         VehicleType = request.vehicleType,
         MaxPrice = request.maxPrice,
         MinRating = request.minRating,
         FleetId = request.fleetID,
         DriverId = request.driverID,
     JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(RootUrl);
     client.Timeout = timeout;
     GatewayService.QuotesResponse resp = client.Get<GatewayService.QuotesResponse>(quotes);
     Gateway.QuoteTripResponse response = new Gateway.QuoteTripResponse
         result = resp.ResultCode,
         quotes = resp.Quotes
     return response;