예제 #1
        void go2_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName.Equals("State"))
                GasADObject obj = sender as GasADObject;
                if (obj.State.Equals(State.Loaded))
                    WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo;
                    applyslist.LoadOnPathChanged = false;
                    applyslist.Path  = "sql";
                    applyslist.Names = "state,road,districtname,cusDy,cusDom,cusFloor,apartment,placeholder";
                    String sql = @"select * from (select case when a.f_districtname is null then '新增' when b.f_districtname is null then   '已建'  else  '重复 '  end  state, 
                                    isnull(a.f_road, b.f_road) road, 
                                    isnull(a.f_districtname, b.f_districtname) districtname,
                                    isnull( a.f_cusDy, b.f_cusDy) cusDy,
                                    isnull( a.f_cusDom, b.f_cusDom) cusDom,
                                    isnull(a.f_cusFloor, b.f_cusFloor) cusFloor,
                                    isnull(a.f_apartment, b.f_apartment) apartment
                                    (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESS where f_districtname='{0}') a
                                    full join 
                                    (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESSTEMP) b
                                    on a.f_road = b.f_road and a.f_districtname = b.f_districtname and a.f_cusDy=b.f_cusDy and a.f_cusDom=b.f_cusDom and a.f_cusFloor = b.f_cusFloor and a.f_apartment=b.f_apartment ) t ";

                    string orderBy = "             order by len(road), road, len(districtname), districtname,len(cusDom), cusDom,len(cusDy), cusDy,len(cusFloor), cusFloor,len(apartment), apartment";
                    applyslist.SumHQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { districtname.Text }).Replace("\r\n", " ");
                    applyslist.HQL    = (applyslist.SumHQL + orderBy).Replace("\r\n", " ");
                    save.IsEnabled   = true;
                    search.IsEnabled = true;
                    cancel.IsEnabled = true;
예제 #2
 void go2_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.PropertyName.Equals("State"))
         GasADObject obj = sender as GasADObject;
         if (obj.State.Equals(State.Loaded))
             WebClientInfo wci = App.Current.Resources["dbclient"] as WebClientInfo;
             applyslist.LoadOnPathChanged = false;
             applyslist.Path  = "sql";
             applyslist.Names = "state,road,districtname,cusDy,cusDom,cusFloor,apartment,placeholder";
             String sql = @"select cast(nvl2(a.f_districtname, nvl2(b.f_districtname,'重复','已建'), '新增') as varchar(10)) state, 
                             nvl2(a.f_road, a.f_road, b.f_road) road, 
                             nvl2(a.f_districtname, a.f_districtname, b.f_districtname) districtname,
                             nvl2(a.f_cusDy, a.f_cusDy, b.f_cusDy) cusDy,
                             nvl2(a.f_cusDom, a.f_cusDom, b.f_cusDom) cusDom,
                             nvl2(a.f_cusFloor, a.f_cusFloor, b.f_cusFloor) cusFloor,
                             nvl2(a.f_apartment, a.f_apartment, b.f_apartment) apartment
                             (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESS where f_districtname='{0}') a
                             full join 
                             (select f_road, f_districtname, f_cusDy, f_cusDom, f_cusFloor, f_apartment from T_GASADDRESSTEMP) b
                             on a.f_road = b.f_road and a.f_districtname = b.f_districtname and a.f_cusDy=b.f_cusDy and a.f_cusDom=b.f_cusDom and a.f_cusFloor = b.f_cusFloor and a.f_apartment=b.f_apartment
                             order by length(road), road, length(districtname), districtname,length(cusDom), cusDom,length(cusDy), cusDy,length(cusFloor), cusFloor,length(apartment), apartment";
             applyslist.HQL = String.Format(sql, new String[] { districtname.Text });
             save.IsEnabled   = true;
             search.IsEnabled = true;
             cancel.IsEnabled = true;