public List <GardenEntity> PlantsToPlantInThisMonth(GardenEntity.Month thisMonth) { GardenDAO gardenDAO = new GardenDAO(); List <GardenEntity> gardenEntityList = new List <GardenEntity>(); if (gardenDAO != null) { gardenEntityList = gardenDAO.PlantsToPlantInThisMonth(thisMonth); } else { throw new Exception("GardenDAO is null. PlantsToPlantInThisMonth"); } return(gardenEntityList); }
public List <GardenEntity> PlantsToPlantInThisMonth(GardenEntity.Month thisMonth) { List <GardenEntity> gardenEntities = new List <GardenEntity>(); using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(conString)) { try { con.Open(); } catch (SqlCeException ee) { //unable to open SqlCe connection SqlCeErrorCollection errorCollection = ee.Errors; StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); Exception inner = ee.InnerException; if (inner != null) { bld.AppendLine("Inner Exception: " + inner.ToString()); } foreach (SqlCeError err in errorCollection) { bld.AppendLine(err.ToString()); } } string tmp = ((int)thisMonth).ToString(); using (SqlCeCommand com = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT * FROM Plant WHERE SeedStartMonths LIKE '% " + tmp + " %'", con)) { SqlCeDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { try { AddReaderToGardenEntityList(gardenEntities, reader); } catch (Exception) { //unable to parse datas } } } } return(gardenEntities); }