예제 #1
        public void RunUI()
            string userAction = string.Empty;

            while (true)
                userAction = string.Empty;
                    @"Hello and Welcome to the garage
what is your license plate number?
Notice: since you can have multiple cars in our garage we need the license plate
of your main vehicle:");
                m_MainClientLicensePlate     = InputFromConsole();
                m_CurrentVehicleLicensePlate = m_MainClientLicensePlate;
                if (!this.m_GarageManager.ClientExists(m_MainClientLicensePlate))
                    OutputToConsole("your car is'nt in our garage.");

                    ///create a new client profile
                    this.m_CurrentClient = EnterNewClient(m_MainClientLicensePlate);

                    ///enter the new client to our data structure
                    this.m_GarageManager.AddClient(m_MainClientLicensePlate, this.m_CurrentClient);
                    OutputToConsole(string.Format("****Thank you! We've entered your details into our system****{0}", Environment.NewLine));
                    OutputToConsole(string.Format("****Thank you! We've found your details in our system****{0}", Environment.NewLine));

예제 #2
        private void InitGarage()
            //_GarageCore = new GarageAppCore("http://pizzohome.ddns.net:5000", "Testing123");
                _GarageCore = new GarageClient(UserSettings.GarageApiEndpoint, UserSettings.Token);

                Button garageButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.toggleBtn);
                Button statusButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.refresh);
                _GarageStatusTxt = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.statusLbl);

                if (!_EventsSubscribed)
                    garageButton.Click += ToggleGarage;
                    statusButton.Click += GetGarageStatus;
                    _EventsSubscribed   = true;

                GetGarageStatus(this, null);
                Toast.MakeText(this, "Please make sure Garage settings are correct.", ToastLength.Long).Show();
        public static void CheckIfRepowerArgsExceptions(string i_LicensePlate, float i_RepowerAmount, bool i_IsFuelEngine, GarageManager i_GarageManager, string i_MainClientLicensePlate, FueledEngine.eFuelType i_FuelType = FueledEngine.eFuelType.None)
            GarageClient o_Client = null;

            GarageClient.SingleVehicleInfo o_InnerDict = null;
            if (i_GarageManager.m_GarageDictonary.TryGetValue(i_MainClientLicensePlate, out o_Client))
                if (!o_Client.m_Vehicles.TryGetValue(i_LicensePlate, out o_InnerDict))
                    throw new Exception("license plate was not found in the garage");

            if (o_InnerDict.m_Vehicle.m_Engine.GetEngineType() == Engine.eEngineType.Electric && i_IsFuelEngine)
                throw new Exception("vehicle cannot be charged because it is not a fueled vehicle");

            if (o_InnerDict.m_Vehicle.m_Engine.GetEngineType() == Engine.eEngineType.Fuel && !i_IsFuelEngine)
                throw new Exception("vehicle cannot be charged because it is not an electric vehicle");

            if (i_RepowerAmount > o_InnerDict.m_Vehicle.m_Engine.getMaxPowerAmount())
                if (i_IsFuelEngine)
                    throw new Exception("Fuel amount requested is greater than the fuel tank capacity");
                    throw new Exception("charge time requested is greater than the max charge time possible");

            if (o_InnerDict.m_Vehicle.m_Engine is FueledEngine)
                FueledEngine currentFueledEngine = (FueledEngine)o_InnerDict.m_Vehicle.m_Engine;
                if (currentFueledEngine.GetFuelType() != i_FuelType)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Fuel type requested, does not match the fuel type of this vehicle ({0}).", currentFueledEngine.GetFuelType()));
예제 #4
 public UI()
     this.m_GarageManager = new GarageManager();
     this.m_CurrentClient = null;