public void HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { if (!DOL.GS.ServerProperties.Properties.ALLOW_TRAIN_ANYWHERE && client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) { GameTrainer trainer = client.Player.TargetObject as DOL.GS.GameTrainer; if (trainer == null || (trainer.CanTrain(client.Player) == false && trainer.CanTrainChampionLevels(client.Player) == false)) { client.Out.SendMessage("You must select a valid trainer for your class.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow); return; } } client.Out.SendTrainerWindow(); }
public void HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { if (!DOL.GS.ServerProperties.Properties.ALLOW_TRAIN_ANYWHERE && client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) { GameTrainer trainer = client.Player.TargetObject as DOL.GS.GameTrainer; if (trainer == null || (trainer.CanTrain(client.Player) == false && trainer.CanTrainChampionLevels(client.Player) == false)) { client.Out.SendMessage("You must select a valid trainer for your class.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow); return; } } uint x = packet.ReadInt(); uint y = packet.ReadInt(); int idLine = packet.ReadByte(); int unk = packet.ReadByte(); int row = packet.ReadByte(); int skillIndex = packet.ReadByte(); // idline not null so this is a Champion level training window if (idLine > 0) { if (row > 0 && skillIndex > 0) { // Get Player CL Spec var clspec = client.Player.GetSpecList().Where(sp => sp is LiveChampionsSpecialization).Cast <LiveChampionsSpecialization>().FirstOrDefault(); // check if the tree can be used List <Tuple <MiniLineSpecialization, List <Tuple <Skill, byte> > > > tree = null; if (clspec != null) { tree = clspec.GetTrainerTreeDisplay(client.Player, clspec.RetrieveTypeForIndex(idLine)); } if (tree != null) { Tuple <byte, MiniLineSpecialization> skillstatus = clspec.GetSkillStatus(tree, row - 1, skillIndex - 1); if (skillstatus.Item1 == 1) { client.Out.SendMessage("You already have that ability!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } if (skillstatus.Item1 != 2) { client.Out.SendMessage("You do not meet the requirements for that ability!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } if (client.Player.ChampionSpecialtyPoints < 1) { client.Out.SendMessage("You do not have enough champion specialty points for that ability!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } skillstatus.Item2.Level++; client.Player.AddSpecialization(skillstatus.Item2); client.Player.RefreshSpecDependantSkills(false); client.Player.Out.SendUpdatePlayer(); client.Player.Out.SendUpdatePoints(); client.Player.Out.SendUpdatePlayerSkills(); client.Player.UpdatePlayerStatus(); client.Player.Out.SendChampionTrainerWindow(idLine); return; } else { client.Out.SendMessage("Could not find Champion Spec!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); log.ErrorFormat("Could not find Champion Spec idline {0}, row {1}, skillindex {2}", idLine, row, skillIndex); } } } else { // Trainable Specs or RA's IList <Specialization> speclist = client.Player.GetSpecList().Where(e => e.Trainable).ToList(); if (skillIndex < speclist.Count) { Specialization spec = (Specialization)speclist[skillIndex]; if (spec.Level >= client.Player.BaseLevel) { client.Out.SendMessage("You can't train in this specialization again this level!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } // Graveen - autotrain 1.87 - allow players to train their AT specs even if no pts left int temp = client.Player.SkillSpecialtyPoints + client.Player.GetAutoTrainPoints(spec, 2); if (temp >= spec.Level + 1) { spec.Level++; client.Player.OnSkillTrained(spec); client.Out.SendUpdatePoints(); client.Out.SendTrainerWindow(); return; } else { client.Out.SendMessage("That specialization costs " + (spec.Level + 1) + " specialization points!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); client.Out.SendMessage("You don't have that many specialization points left for this level.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } } else if (skillIndex >= 100) { // Realm Abilities var raList = SkillBase.GetClassRealmAbilities(client.Player.CharacterClass.ID).Where(ra => !(ra is RR5RealmAbility)); if (skillIndex < raList.Count() + 100) { RealmAbility ra = raList.ElementAtOrDefault(skillIndex - 100); if (ra != null) { ra.Level = client.Player.GetAbilityLevel(ra.KeyName); int cost = ra.CostForUpgrade(ra.Level); ra.Level++; if (client.Player.RealmSpecialtyPoints < cost) { client.Out.SendMessage(ra.Name + " costs " + (cost) + " realm ability points!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); client.Out.SendMessage("You don't have that many realm ability points left to get this.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } if (!ra.CheckRequirement(client.Player)) { client.Out.SendMessage("You are not experienced enough to get " + ra.Name + " now. Come back later.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } client.Player.AddRealmAbility(ra, true); client.Out.SendUpdatePoints(); client.Out.SendUpdatePlayer(); client.Out.SendUpdatePlayerSkills(); client.Out.SendTrainerWindow(); } else { client.Out.SendMessage("Unfortunately your training failed. Please report that to admins or game master. Thank you.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); log.Error("Realm Ability " + ra.Name + "(" + ra.KeyName + ") unexpected not found"); } } } if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error("Player <" + client.Player.Name + "> requested to train incorrect skill index"); } } }
public void HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { if (!DOL.GS.ServerProperties.Properties.ALLOW_TRAIN_ANYWHERE && client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) { // A trainer of the appropriate class must be around (or global trainer, with TrainedClass = eCharacterClass.Unknow GameTrainer trainer = client.Player.TargetObject as DOL.GS.GameTrainer; if (trainer == null || (trainer.CanTrain(client.Player) == false && trainer.CanTrainChampionLevels(client.Player) == false)) { client.Out.SendMessage("You must select a valid trainer for your class.", eChatType.CT_Important, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow); return; } } //Specializations - 8 trainable specs max uint size = 8; long position = packet.Position; IList <uint> skills = new List <uint>(); Dictionary <uint, uint> amounts = new Dictionary <uint, uint>(); bool stop = false; for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint code = packet.ReadInt(); if (!stop) { if (code == 0xFFFFFFFF) { stop = true; } else { if (!skills.Contains(code)) { skills.Add(code); } } } } foreach (uint code in skills) { uint val = packet.ReadInt(); if (!amounts.ContainsKey(code) && val > 1) { amounts.Add(code, val); } } IList <Specialization> specs = client.Player.GetSpecList().Where(e => e.Trainable).ToList(); uint skillcount = 0; IList <string> done = new List <string>(); bool trained = false; // Graveen: the trainline command is called foreach (Specialization spec in specs) { if (amounts.ContainsKey(skillcount)) { if (spec.Level < amounts[skillcount]) { TrainCommandHandler train = new TrainCommandHandler(true); train.OnCommand(client, new string[] { "&trainline", spec.KeyName, amounts[skillcount].ToString() }); trained = true; } } skillcount++; } //RealmAbilities packet.Seek(position + 64, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); size = 50; //50 RA's max? amounts.Clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint val = packet.ReadInt(); if (val > 0 && !amounts.ContainsKey(i)) { amounts.Add(i, val); } } if (amounts != null && amounts.Count > 0) { // Realm Abilities var raList = SkillBase.GetClassRealmAbilities(client.Player.CharacterClass.ID).Where(ra => !(ra is RR5RealmAbility)); foreach (var kv in amounts) { RealmAbility ra = raList.ElementAtOrDefault((int)kv.Key); if (ra != null) { RealmAbility playerRA = (RealmAbility)client.Player.GetAbility(ra.KeyName); if (playerRA != null && (playerRA.Level >= ra.MaxLevel || playerRA.Level >= kv.Value)) { continue; } int cost = 0; for (int i = playerRA != null ? playerRA.Level : 0; i < kv.Value; i++) { cost += ra.CostForUpgrade(i); } if (client.Player.RealmSpecialtyPoints < cost) { client.Out.SendMessage(ra.Name + " costs " + (cost) + " realm ability points!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); client.Out.SendMessage("You don't have that many realm ability points left to get this.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); continue; } if (!ra.CheckRequirement(client.Player)) { client.Out.SendMessage("You are not experienced enough to get " + ra.Name + " now. Come back later.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); continue; } bool valid = false; if (playerRA != null) { playerRA.Level = (int)kv.Value; valid = true; } else { ra.Level = (int)kv.Value; valid = true; client.Player.AddRealmAbility(ra, false); } if (valid) { client.Out.SendUpdatePoints(); client.Out.SendUpdatePlayer(); client.Out.SendCharResistsUpdate(); client.Out.SendCharStatsUpdate(); client.Out.SendUpdatePlayerSkills(); client.Out.SendTrainerWindow(); trained = true; } else { client.Out.SendMessage("Unfortunately your training failed. Please report that to admins or game master. Thank you.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } } else { client.Out.SendMessage("Unfortunately your training failed. Please report that to admins or game master. Thank you.", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } } } if (trained) { client.Player.SaveIntoDatabase(); } }