예제 #1
        protected void GamesGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // store which row was clicked
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            // get the selected GamesID using the Grid's DataKey Collection
            int gameID = Convert.ToInt32(GamesGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["GameID"]);

            // use EF to find the selected Game from DB and remove it
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                Game deletedGame = (from gameRecords in db.Games
                                    where gameRecords.GameID == gameID
                                    select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();
                //// perform the removal for the two teams in db
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Team deletedTeam = (from teamRecords in db.Teams
                                        where teamRecords.GameID == gameID
                                        select teamRecords).FirstOrDefault();
                // perform complete  removal in the DB

                // refresh the grid
예제 #2
         * <summary>
         * This method pupulate the Gridview with games list
         * The method take a integer value
         * if its true-show the list in that date, which can be selected using calender
         * if its false-show the list in the  week,which can be selected using the dropdown
         * </summary>
         * @method GetGames
         * @returns {void}
        protected void GetGames(Boolean checker)
            string sortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() + " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString();

            // connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //checks whether it list should list by date or week
                if (checker)//show by date
                    // query the games Table using EF and LINQ
                    var Games = (from allGames in db.Games
                                 where allGames.EventDate == DateSelectorCalendar.SelectedDate
                                 select allGames);

                    // bind the result to the GridView
                    GamesGridView.DataSource = Games.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortString).ToList();
                else //show by week number
                    int weekNo = Convert.ToInt32(WeekNoDropDownList.SelectedValue);//converting the selected week number to the int

                    // query the games Table using EF and LINQ
                    var Games = (from allGames in db.Games
                                 where allGames.WeekNo == weekNo
                                 select allGames);

                    // bind the result to the GridView
                    GamesGridView.DataSource = Games.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortString).ToList();
예제 #3
         * <summary>
         * This event handler deletes a game from the databse using EF
         * </summary>
         * @method GamesGridView_RowDeleting
         * @param {object} sender
         * @param {GridViewDeleteEventArgs}
         * @returns {void}
         * */
        protected void GamesGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //store which row was clicked
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            //get the selected gamename using the grids datakey collection
            int GameID = Convert.ToInt32(GamesGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["GameID"]);

            //use ef to find the slected game and delete it
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //create object of the game class and store the query string inside of it
                Game deletedGame = (from gameRecords in db.Games
                                    where gameRecords.GameID == GameID
                                    select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //remove the selected game from the db

                //save db changes

                //refresh gridview
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the game being edited and enters it's data into the text fields
         * </summary>
         * @method GetGame
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void GetGame()
            // populate the form with existing data from the database
            int GameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["GameID"]);

            // connect to the EF DB
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // populate a game object instance with the GameID from the URL Parameter
                Game UpdatedGame = (from game in db.Games
                                    where game.GameID == GameID
                                    select game).FirstOrDefault();

                // map the game properties to the form controls
                if (UpdatedGame != null)
                    GameNameTextBox.Text    = UpdatedGame.GameName;
                    DescriptionTextBox.Text = UpdatedGame.Description;
                    RunsTextBox.Text        = UpdatedGame.Runs.ToString();
                    SpectatorsTextBox.Text  = UpdatedGame.Spectators.ToString();
                    Team1TextBox.Text       = UpdatedGame.Team1;
                    Team2TextBox.Text       = UpdatedGame.Team2;
                    WinningTeamTextBox.Text = UpdatedGame.WinningTeam;
                    CreatedDate.Text        = UpdatedGame.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
예제 #5
         * <summary>
         * This method connects to db and pulls out existing info for an existing game
         * </summary>
         * @method @getGameDetails
         * @return {void}

        protected void getGameDetails()
            // populate the form with existing data from the data base
            int gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

            //connect to db
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                Csgo updatedDetails = (from gameRecords in db.Csgoes where gameRecords.gameID == gameID select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //map the game properties to the form

                if (updatedDetails != null)
                    Team1TextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team1;
                    Team2TextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team2;
                    RoundsForTeam1TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.roundsWon.ToString();
                    RoundsForTeam2TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.roundsWonTeam2.ToString();
                    PointsForTeam1TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.totalPoints.ToString();
                    PointsForTeam2TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.totalPointsTeam2.ToString();
                    MapPlayedTexBox.Text       = updatedDetails.mapPlayed;
                    SpectatorsTextBox.Text     = updatedDetails.spectators.ToString();
                    WinnerTextBox.Text         = updatedDetails.winner;
                    //WeekTextBox.Text = updatedDetails.weekOfGame.ToString();
예제 #6
         * <summary>
         * This method deletes record from the DB
         * </summary>
         * @method CsgoGridView_RowDeleting
         * @returns {VOID}
         * */
        protected void CsgoGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;                                                           // store which row was called
            int gameID      = Convert.ToInt32(CsgoGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["gameID"]); // get game ID

            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)                                  // check to see if user is logged in
                //connect to db to remove row

                using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                    Csgo removedGame = (from gameRecords in db.Csgoes where gameRecords.gameID == gameID select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();



예제 #7
         * <summary>
         * This event handler deletes a team from the database using EF
         * </summary>
         * @method TeamsGridView_RowDeleting
         * @param {object} sender
         * @param {GridViewDeleteEventArgs}
         * @returns {void}
         * */
        protected void TeamsGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //store which row was clicked
            int selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            //get the selected teamID using the grids datakey collection
            int TeamID = Convert.ToInt32(TeamsGridView.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["TeamID"]);

            //use ef to find the selected team and delete it
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //create object of the team class and store the query int inside of it
                Team deletedTeam = (from teamRecords in db.Teams
                                    where teamRecords.TeamID == TeamID
                                    select teamRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //remove the selected team from the db

                //save db changes

                //refresh gridview
예제 #8
         * <summary>
         * This method creates a new team object and adds it to the database, redirects the user to team viewing page
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to the server
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // use the Teams model to create a new team object and save a new record
                Team newTeam = new Team();

                int TeamID = 0;

                // add form data to the new teams record
                newTeam.TeamName    = TeamNameTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.Description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.Sport       = SportTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.City        = CityTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.TotalRuns   = Convert.ToInt32(TotalRunsTextBox.Text);
                newTeam.AllowedRuns = Convert.ToInt32(AllowedRunsTextBox.Text);

                // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new team into the database

                if (TeamID == 0)

                // save our changes - also updates and inserts

                // Redirect back to the updated departments page
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the team being edited and enters it's data into the text fields
         * </summary>
         * @method GetTeam
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void GetTeams()
            // populate the form with existing data from the database
            int TeamID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["TeamID"]);

            // connect to the EF DB
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // populate a team object instance with the TeamID from the URL Parameter
                Team UpdatedTeam = (from team in db.Teams
                                    where team.TeamID == TeamID
                                    select team).FirstOrDefault();

                // map the team properties to the form controls
                if (UpdatedTeam != null)
                    TeamNameTextBox.Text    = UpdatedTeam.TeamName;
                    DescriptionTextBox.Text = UpdatedTeam.Description;
                    SportTextBox.Text       = UpdatedTeam.Sport;
                    CityTextBox.Text        = UpdatedTeam.City;
                    TotalRunsTextBox.Text   = UpdatedTeam.TotalRuns.ToString();
                    AllowedRunsTextBox.Text = UpdatedTeam.AllowedRuns.ToString();
예제 #10
         * <summary>
         * This method connects to db and pulls out existing info for an existing game
         * </summary>
         * @method @getGameDetails
         * @return {void}
        protected void getGameDetails()
            // populate the form with existing data from the data base
            int gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

            //connect to db
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                Smite updatedDetails = (from gameRecords in db.Smites where gameRecords.gameID == gameID select gameRecords).FirstOrDefault();

                //map the game properties to the form

                if (updatedDetails != null)
                    Team1SmiteTextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team1;
                    Team2SmiteTextBox.Text          = updatedDetails.team2;
                    KillsForTeam1TextBox.Text       = updatedDetails.killsTeam1.ToString();
                    KillsForTeam2TextBox.Text       = updatedDetails.killsTeam2.ToString();
                    PointsSmiteForTeam1TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.pointsTeam1.ToString();
                    PointsSmiteForTeam2TextBox.Text = updatedDetails.pointsTeam2.ToString();

                    SpectatorsSmiteTextBox.Text = updatedDetails.spectators.ToString();
                    WinnerSmiteTextBox.Text     = updatedDetails.winner;
                    //WeekTextBox.Text = updatedDetails.weekOfGame.ToString();
예제 #11
         * <summary>
         * This method creates a game object based on that information, then redirects the user back to the home page.
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to the server
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // use the Games model to create a new Game object and save a new record
                Game newGame = new Game();

                int GameID = 0;

                // add form data to the new games record
                newGame.GameName    = GameNameTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Runs        = Convert.ToInt32(RunsTextBox.Text);
                newGame.Spectators  = Convert.ToInt32(SpectatorsTextBox.Text);
                newGame.Team1       = Team1DropDownList.SelectedValue;
                newGame.Team2       = Team2DropDownList.SelectedValue;
                newGame.WinningTeam = WinningTeamTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Created     = DateTime.Now.Date;

                // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new game into the database
                if (GameID == 0)
                // save our changes - also updates and inserts
                // Redirect back to the updated games page
예제 #12
         * <summary>
         * This method sorts out the games played by week
         * </summary>
         * @method csgoSort
         * @returns {VOID}
         * */

        protected void csgoSort(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //checks to see if the week field is empty
            if (weekNumberSort.Text == null)
                string   week      = weekNumberSort.Text; //store the input into a string
                string[] weekArray = null;
                char[]   splitChar = { 'W' };             //split the input into 2 parts the year will be stored in weekArray[0] and the week number is stored in the second index of the array
                weekArray = week.Split(splitChar);
                string weekNum = weekArray[1];            // store just the week number into a string variable

                int weekSort = int.Parse(weekNum);        // parse the number as an integer

                //connect to EF
                using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                    //query the csgo table
                    var Csgo = (from allData in db.Csgoes where allData.weekOfGame == weekSort
                                select allData);

                    //bind results to the gridview
                    CsgoGridView.DataSource = Csgo.ToList();
예제 #13
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the teams from the database
         * </summary>
         * @method GetTeams
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void GetTeams()
            //connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //query the teams table using EF and LINQ
                var Teams = (from allTeams in db.Teams select allTeams);

                //bind results to gridview
                TeamsGridView.DataSource = Teams.AsQueryable().ToList();
예제 #14
         * <summary>
         *  This method takes all the inputs on the csgo details page and inserts it to the fields in the table
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @returns {void}
         * */

        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //creating new csgo object based on the model
                Csgo csgoGameDetails = new Csgo();

                int gameID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)// our url has a gameID in it
                    gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

                    //get the current game from EF DB
                    csgoGameDetails = (from csgo in db.Csgoes where csgo.gameID == gameID select csgo).FirstOrDefault();
                string   week      = weekNumber.Text;
                string[] weekArray = null;
                char[]   splitChar = { 'W' };
                weekArray = week.Split(splitChar);
                string weekNum = weekArray[1];

                //add form data to the new game record
                csgoGameDetails.team1            = Team1TextBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.team2            = Team2TextBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.roundsWon        = int.Parse(RoundsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.roundsWonTeam2   = int.Parse(RoundsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.totalPoints      = int.Parse(PointsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.totalPointsTeam2 = int.Parse(PointsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.mapPlayed        = MapPlayedTexBox.Text;
                csgoGameDetails.spectators       = int.Parse(SpectatorsTextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.winner           = WinnerTextBox.Text;
                //csgoGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(WeekTextBox.Text);
                csgoGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(weekNum);

                //use LINQ to ADO.NET to insert record to DB
                if (gameID == 0)

                //save all changes in the DB

                //redirect to csgo stats page
예제 #15
         * <summary>
         *  This method takes all the inputs on the smite details page and inserts it to the fields in the table
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @returns {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //creating new smite object based on the model
                Smite SmiteGameDetails = new Smite();

                int gameID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)// our url has a gameID in it
                    gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

                    //get the current game from EF DB
                    SmiteGameDetails = (from smite in db.Smites where smite.gameID == gameID select smite).FirstOrDefault();
                string   week      = weekNumberSmite.Text;
                string[] weekArray = null;
                char[]   splitChar = { 'W' };
                weekArray = week.Split(splitChar);
                string weekNum = weekArray[1];

                //add form data to the new game record
                SmiteGameDetails.team1       = Team1SmiteTextBox.Text;
                SmiteGameDetails.team2       = Team2SmiteTextBox.Text;
                SmiteGameDetails.killsTeam1  = int.Parse(KillsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                SmiteGameDetails.killsTeam2  = int.Parse(KillsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                SmiteGameDetails.pointsTeam1 = int.Parse(PointsSmiteForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                SmiteGameDetails.pointsTeam2 = int.Parse(PointsSmiteForTeam2TextBox.Text);

                SmiteGameDetails.spectators = int.Parse(SpectatorsSmiteTextBox.Text);
                SmiteGameDetails.winner     = WinnerSmiteTextBox.Text;
                //csgoGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(WeekTextBox.Text);
                SmiteGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(weekNum);

                //use LINQ to ADO.NET to insert record to DB
                if (gameID == 0)

                //save all changes in the DB

                //redirect to smite stats page
예제 #16
         * <summary>
         *  This method takes all the inputs on the dota details page and inserts it to the fields in the table
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @returns {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //creating new csgo object based on the model
                Dota dotaGameDetails = new Dota();

                int gameID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)// our url has a gameID in it
                    gameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["gameID"]);

                    //get the current game from EF DB
                    dotaGameDetails = (from dota in db.Dotas where dota.gameID == gameID select dota).FirstOrDefault();
                string   week      = weekNumber.Text;
                string[] weekArray = null;
                char[]   splitChar = { 'W' };
                weekArray = week.Split(splitChar);
                string weekNum = weekArray[1];

                //add form data to the new game record
                dotaGameDetails.team1           = Team1DotaTextBox.Text;
                dotaGameDetails.team2           = Team2DotaTextBox.Text;
                dotaGameDetails.killsTeam1      = int.Parse(KillsForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                dotaGameDetails.killsTeam2      = int.Parse(KillsForTeam2TextBox.Text);
                dotaGameDetails.objectivesTeam1 = int.Parse(ObjectivesForTeam1TextBox.Text);
                dotaGameDetails.objectivesTeam2 = int.Parse(ObjectivesForTeam2TextBox.Text);

                dotaGameDetails.spectators = int.Parse(SpectatorsDotaTextBox.Text);
                dotaGameDetails.winner     = WinnerDotaTextBox.Text;

                dotaGameDetails.weekOfGame = int.Parse(weekNum);

                //use LINQ to ADO.NET to insert record to DB
                if (gameID == 0)

                //save all changes in the DB

                //redirect to dota stats page
예제 #17
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the dota data from the DB
         * </summary>
         * @method GetSmiteData
         * @returns {void}
         * */

        protected void GetSmiteData()
            //connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //query the csgo table
                var Smite = (from allData in db.Smites
                             select allData);

                //bind results to the gridview
                SmiteGridView.DataSource = Smite.ToList();
예제 #18
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the dota data from the DB
         * </summary>
         * @method GetDotaData
         * @returns {void}
         * */

        protected void GetDotaData()
            //connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //query the csgo table
                var Dota = (from allData in db.Dotas
                            select allData);

                //bind results to the gridview
                DotaGridView.DataSource = Dota.ToList();
예제 #19
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the csgo data from the DB
         * </summary>
         * @method GetCsgoData
         * @returns {void}
         * */
        protected void GetCsgoData()
            //connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                //query the csgo table
                var Csgo = (from allData in db.Csgoes
                            select allData);

                //bind results to the gridview
                CsgoGridView.DataSource = Csgo.ToList();
예제 #20
         * <summary>
         * This method pupulate the Gridview with games list
         * </summary>
         * @method GetGames
         * @returns {void}
        protected void GetGames()
            string sortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() + " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString();

            // connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // query the games Table using EF and LINQ
                var Games = (from allGames in db.Games
                             select allGames);

                // bind the result to the GridView
                GamesGridView.DataSource = Games.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortString).ToList();
예제 #21
  * <summary>
  * This method gets teamnames and enters them into the team name dropdown lists
  * </summary>
  * @method GetTeamNames
  * @return {void}
  * */
 protected void GetTeamNames()
     //connect to EF
     using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
         //query the teams table using EF and LINQ
         var Teams = (from allTeamNames in db.Teams
                      select allTeamNames.TeamName);
         //adds team names to Team1dropdownlist
         Team1DropDownList.DataSource = Teams.AsQueryable().ToList();
         //adds team names to Team2dropdownlist
         Team2DropDownList.DataSource = Teams.AsQueryable().ToList();
예제 #22
        protected void GetUser()
            string UserID = Request.QueryString.ToString();

            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                AspNetUser updatedUser = (from user in db.AspNetUsers
                                          where user.Id == UserID
                                          select user).FirstOrDefault();

                UserNameTextBox.Text    = updatedUser.UserName;
                PhoneNumberTextBox.Text = updatedUser.PhoneNumber;
                EmailTextBox.Text       = updatedUser.Email;
예제 #23
         * <summary>
         * This method pupulate the Gridview with teams list
         * </summary>
         * @method GetTeams
         * @returns
         * */
        protected void GetTeams()
            // populate the form with existing gmae data from the db
            int GameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["GameID"]);

            // connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // query the games Table using EF and LINQ
                var Teams = (from allTeam in db.Teams
                             where allTeam.GameID == GameID
                             select allTeam);

                // bind the result to the GridView
                TeamsGridView.DataSource = Teams.AsQueryable().ToList();
         * <summary>
         * This method creates a new team object and adds it to the database, redirects the user to team viewing page
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to the server
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // use the Teams model to create a new team object and save a new record
                Team newTeam = new Team();

                int TeamID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) // our URL has a Team in it
                    // get the id from the URL
                    TeamID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["TeamID"]);

                    // get the current team from EF DB
                    newTeam = (from team in db.Teams
                               where team.TeamID == TeamID
                               select team).FirstOrDefault();

                // add form data to the new teams record
                newTeam.TeamName    = TeamNameTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.Description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.Sport       = SportTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.City        = CityTextBox.Text;
                newTeam.TotalRuns   = Convert.ToInt32(TotalRunsTextBox.Text);
                newTeam.AllowedRuns = Convert.ToInt32(AllowedRunsTextBox.Text);

                // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new team into the database

                if (TeamID == 0)

                // save our changes - also updates and inserts

                // Redirect back to the updated admin teams page
         * <summary>
         * This method creates a game object based on that information, then redirects the user back to the admin games page.
         * </summary>
         * @method SaveButton_Click
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to the server
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // use the Games model to create a new Game object and save a new record
                Game newGame = new Game();

                int GameID = 0;

                if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) // our URL has a GameID in it
                    // get the id from the URL
                    GameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["GameID"]);

                    // get the current game from EF DB
                    newGame = (from game in db.Games
                               where game.GameID == GameID
                               select game).FirstOrDefault();

                // add form data to the new games record
                newGame.GameName    = GameNameTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Runs        = Convert.ToInt32(RunsTextBox.Text);
                newGame.Spectators  = Convert.ToInt32(SpectatorsTextBox.Text);
                newGame.Team1       = Team1TextBox.Text;
                newGame.Team2       = Team2TextBox.Text;
                newGame.WinningTeam = WinningTeamTextBox.Text;
                newGame.Created     = Convert.ToDateTime(CreatedDate.Text).Date;
                // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new game into the database
                if (GameID == 0)
                // save our changes - also updates and inserts
                // Redirect back to the updated games page
예제 #26
         * <summary>
         * This method pupulate the form with all the details
         * </summary>
         * @method GetGames
         * @returns {void}
        protected void GetGames()
            // populate the form with existing gmae data from the db
            int GameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["GameID"]);

            // connect to the EF DB
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                // populate a game instance with the GameID from the URL parameter
                Game updatedGame = (from game in db.Games
                                    where game.GameID == GameID
                                    select game).FirstOrDefault();
                Team updatedTeam1 = (from team in db.Teams
                                     where team.GameID == GameID where team.TeamNo == 1
                                     select team).FirstOrDefault();
                Team updatedTeam2 = (from team in db.Teams
                                     where team.GameID == GameID
                                     where team.TeamNo == 2
                                     select team).FirstOrDefault();

                // map the game properties to the form controls
                if (updatedGame != null)
                    GameCategoryDropDownList.SelectedValue = updatedGame.GameCategory;
                    GameNameTextBox.Text  = updatedGame.GameName;
                    GameDescTextBox.Text  = updatedGame.GameDesc;
                    EventDateTextBox.Text = updatedGame.EventDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    SpectatorTextBox.Text = updatedGame.SpectatorsNo.ToString();

                    Team1TextBox.Text         = updatedTeam1.TeamName;
                    Team1DescTextBox.Text     = updatedTeam1.TeamDesc;
                    Team1PointsTextBox.Text   = updatedTeam1.TeamScore.ToString();
                    PointsAllowedTextBox.Text = updatedTeam1.TotalScoreAllowed.ToString();

                    Team2TextBox.Text       = updatedTeam2.TeamName;
                    Team2DescTextBox.Text   = updatedTeam2.TeamDesc;
                    Team2PointsTextBox.Text = updatedTeam2.TeamScore.ToString();
예제 #27
         * <summary>
         * This method gets the games from the database and puts them into the gridview based on the date specified in the dropdown menu
         * </summary>
         * @method GetGames
         * @return {void}
         * */
        protected void GetGames()
            //connect to EF
            using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                DateTime date1 = new DateTime();
                DateTime date2 = new DateTime();
                date1 = Convert.ToDateTime(TrackingWeekDropDown.SelectedValue);
                date2 = Convert.ToDateTime(TrackingWeekDropDown.Items[TrackingWeekDropDown.SelectedIndex + 1].Value);

                //query the Games table using EF and LINQ
                var Games = (from allGames in db.Games
                             where allGames.Created >= date1.Date &&
                             allGames.Created < date2.Date
                             select allGames);

                //bind results to gridview
                GamesGridView.DataSource = Games.AsQueryable().ToList();
                TrackingDateLabel.Text = date1.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") + " To " + date2.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
예제 #28
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CustomValidator1.IsValid)
                //convert scores
                int Points1 = Convert.ToInt32(Team1PointsTextBox.Text), Points2 = Convert.ToInt32(Team2PointsTextBox.Text), PointsAllowed = Convert.ToInt32(PointsAllowedTextBox.Text);

                // Use EF to connect to the server
                using (GameTrackerConnection db = new GameTrackerConnection())
                    // use the Game model to create a new Games object and
                    // save a new record
                    Game newGame = new Game();
                    Team newTeam1, newTeam2;
                    newTeam1 = new Team();
                    newTeam2 = new Team();

                    int GameID = 0;

                    if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
                        // get the id from url
                        GameID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["GameID"]);

                        // get the current ames from EF DB
                        newGame = (from game in db.Games
                                   where game.GameID == GameID
                                   select game).FirstOrDefault();

                        newTeam1 = (from team in db.Teams
                                    where team.GameID == GameID
                                    where team.TeamNo == 1
                                    select team).FirstOrDefault();

                        newTeam2 = (from team in db.Teams
                                    where team.GameID == GameID
                                    where team.TeamNo == 2
                                    select team).FirstOrDefault();
                    // add form data to the new Game record
                    newGame.GameCategory = GameCategoryDropDownList.SelectedValue;
                    newGame.GameName     = GameNameTextBox.Text;
                    newGame.GameDesc     = GameDescTextBox.Text;
                    newGame.WeekNo       = this.GetWeekNo();
                    newGame.EventDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(EventDateTextBox.Text);
                    newGame.SpectatorsNo = Convert.ToInt32(SpectatorTextBox.Text);
                    if (Points1 > Points2)
                        newGame.GameWinner = Team1TextBox.Text;
                        newGame.GameWinner = Team2TextBox.Text;
                    newGame.TotalScore = Points1 + Points2;

                    // add form data to the  Team1 record
                    newTeam1.TeamName          = Team1TextBox.Text;
                    newTeam1.TeamDesc          = Team1DescTextBox.Text;
                    newTeam1.TeamScore         = Points1;
                    newTeam1.TeamNo            = 1;
                    newTeam1.TotalScoreAllowed = PointsAllowed;

                    // add form data to the  Team2 record
                    newTeam2.TeamName          = Team2TextBox.Text;
                    newTeam2.TeamDesc          = Team2DescTextBox.Text;
                    newTeam2.TeamScore         = Points2;
                    newTeam2.TeamNo            = 2;
                    newTeam2.TotalScoreAllowed = PointsAllowed;
                    // use LINQ to ADO.NET to add / insert new game into the database
                    // check to see if a new game is being added
                    if (GameID == 0)

                    // save our changes

                    // Redirect back to the updated Dashboard page