예제 #1
        /// <summary>Gets the input induced camera offset, based on mouse position or game pad state.</summary>
        /// <returns>The offset based on player input.</returns>
        private Vector2 GetInputInducedOffset()
            Vector2 offset;

            offset.X = 0;
            offset.Y = 0;

            // Get viewport, for mouse position scaling and offset scaling.
            var viewport    = _graphics.Viewport;
            var offsetScale = new Vector2(viewport.Width, viewport.Height).Length() / 6f;

            var inputManager = (InputManager)_services.GetService(typeof(InputManager));
            var mouse        = inputManager.GetMouse();

            // If we have a game pad attached, get the stick tilt.
            if (Settings.Instance.EnableGamepad)
                foreach (var gamepad in inputManager.GamePads)
                    if (gamepad.IsAttached)
                        offset = GamePadHelper.GetLook(gamepad);

                        // Only use the first gamepad we can find.
            else if (mouse != null)
                // Otherwise use the mouse.
                var state = mouse.GetState();

                // Get the relative position of the mouse to the ship and
                // apply some factoring to it (so that the maximum distance
                // of cursor to ship is not half the screen size).
                if (state.X >= 0 && state.X < viewport.Width)
                    offset.X = ((state.X / (float)viewport.Width) - 0.5f) * 2;
                if (state.Y >= 0 && state.Y < viewport.Height)
                    offset.Y = ((state.Y / (float)viewport.Height) - 0.5f) * 2;

            // Normalize the vector. This way we get some 'dead area' when controlling with the mouse
            // in the corners of the screen (where the offset length won't change), but we get the same
            // effect as we'd get it with the game pad, keeping it fair in how far players can look.
            if (offset.LengthSquared() > 1)
            return(XnaUnitConversion.ToSimulationUnits(offset * offsetScale));
예제 #2
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

            // Rescan input devices periodically, e.g. to accept newly connected gamepads.
            if ((DateTime.UtcNow - _lastInputDeviceScan).TotalSeconds > InputDeviceScanInterval)
                _lastInputDeviceScan = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Disregard the rest if we're not connected.
            if (!IsConnected)
                // Reset periodic update values.
                _accelerationDirection = Directions.None;
                _accelerationVector    = Vector2.Zero;
                _accelerationChanged   = DateTime.MinValue;
                _targetRotation        = 0;
                _rotationChanged       = DateTime.MinValue;
                _lastUpdate            = DateTime.MinValue;

            // Handle game pad input that we can't properly handle via events.
            if (Settings.Instance.EnableGamepad && _gamePad != null && _gamePad.IsAttached)
                // Handle movement of the left stick, which controls our movement.
                var gamepadAcceleration = GamePadHelper.GetAcceleration(_gamePad);
                if (gamepadAcceleration != _previousGamepadAcceleration)
                    _accelerationVector  = gamepadAcceleration;
                    _accelerationChanged = DateTime.UtcNow;
                _previousGamepadAcceleration = gamepadAcceleration;

                // Handle movement of the right stick, which controls our direction.
                var gamepadLook = GamePadHelper.GetLook(_gamePad);
                if (gamepadLook != _previousGamepadLook && gamepadLook != Vector2.Zero)
                    _targetRotation  = (float)Math.Atan2(gamepadLook.Y, gamepadLook.X);
                    _rotationChanged = DateTime.UtcNow;
                _previousGamepadLook = gamepadLook;

            // See if we want to re-orientate the ship and whether the acceleration
            // changed. Only check every so often, as slight delays here will not be
            // as noticeable, due to the ship's slow turn/acceleration speed.
            if ((DateTime.UtcNow - _lastUpdate).TotalMilliseconds > AnalogPollInterval)
                // Has the mouse moved since the last update?
                if (_rotationChanged >= _lastUpdate)
                    // Yes, push command.
                // Has the acceleration changed since the last update?
                if (_accelerationChanged >= _lastUpdate)
                    // Yes, push command.
                _lastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;