public void SendChangedWorldState(GameObjectState[] worldState) { List <byte> data = new List <byte>(); foreach (var state in worldState) { data.AddRange(GameObjectState.Serialize(state)); } byte[] bytes = data.ToArray(); //Console.WriteLine($"Send {bytes.Length} bytes"); if (bytes.Length == 0) { return; } lock (clientsLocker) { foreach (var c in clients) { lock ( if (c.isRunning) { c.Send(PacketType.WorldState, bytes); } } } }
void ProcessClient(object _client) { if (!(_client is TcpClient)) { return; } ClientInfo clientInfo = new ClientInfo { isRunning = true, thread = Thread.CurrentThread, client = _client as TcpClient }; = clientInfo.client.GetStream(); lock (clientsLocker) { clients.Add(clientInfo); } byte[] data = new byte[ClientConnect.OneObjectSize]; { ClientConnect clientConnect; ClientConnectResponce responce; lock ( { while (! { Thread.Sleep(1); } PacketType type = Protocol.BaseRecieve(, out data); if (type == PacketType.ClientConnect) { clientConnect = ClientConnect.Deserialize(data); responce = ClientConnected(clientConnect); clientInfo.playerId = responce.playerId; clientInfo.Send(PacketType.ClientConnectResponce, ClientConnectResponce.Serialize(responce)); List <byte> listWorldState = new List <byte>(); foreach (var state in responce.initialWorldState) { listWorldState.AddRange(GameObjectState.Serialize(state)); } //Console.WriteLine($"Send {listWorldState.Count} bytes to player {responce.playerId}"); clientInfo.Send(PacketType.WorldState, listWorldState.ToArray()); } else { throw new Exception("Recieve smth wrong in Server.ProcessClient()"); } } } data = new byte[BasePlayerAction.OneObjectSize]; BasePlayerAction action; while (clientInfo.isRunning) { lock ( { if (! { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); continue; } PacketType type = Protocol.BaseRecieve(, out data); if (type == PacketType.PlayerAction) { action = BasePlayerAction.Deserialize(data); action.playerId = clientInfo.playerId; playerActions.Enqueue(action); } else if (type == PacketType.ClientDisconnect) { clientInfo.isRunning = false; //Console.WriteLine("Client going to disconnect"); ClientDisconnect disconnectInfo = ClientDisconnect.Deserialize(data); //Console.WriteLine("Deserialize disconnect data"); clientInfo.Send(PacketType.ClientDisconnectResponce, ClientDisconnectResponce.Serialize( new ClientDisconnectResponce() { } )); //Console.WriteLine("Send ClientDisconnectResponce"); } } } lock (clientsLocker) { //Console.WriteLine("Close client streams"); lock ( {; clientInfo.client.Close(); } //Console.WriteLine("Try to remove from clients"); clients.Remove(clientInfo); } //Console.WriteLine("Close client"); }