protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder(); try { Sim actor = parameters.mActor as Sim; Sim target = parameters.mTarget as Sim; if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show("You are about to run 'ForceError', proceed?")) { return(OptionResult.Failure); } target.mInteractionQueue = null; } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, msg, e); } finally { Common.DebugWriteLog(msg); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { try { Sim sim = parameters.mTarget as Sim; sim.InteractionQueue.QueueChanged += new QueueMonitor(sim).OnChanged; //sim.RoutingComponent.OnRoutingEvent += new RoutingMonitor(sim).OnPerform; SimpleMessageDialog.Show(Name, sim.FullName + " is now being monitored."); } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, e); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { try { Sim target = parameters.mTarget as Sim; using (Common.TestSpan span = new Common.TestSpan(TimeSpanLogger.Bin, "Total", Common.DebugLevel.Stats)) { GetUnfilteredSocials(parameters.mActor.SocialComponent, parameters.mActor as Sim, target, Relationship.Get(parameters.mActor as Sim, target, false)); } Common.RecordErrors(); } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, e); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { try { if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show("You are about to run 'TestPopupMenu', proceed?")) { return(OptionResult.Failure); } sMsg = null; List <InteractionObjectPair> interactions = GetAllInteractionsForActor(parameters.mActor as Sim, parameters.mTarget as Sim); Sims3.Gameplay.UI.PieMenu.TestAndBringUpPieMenu(parameters.mActor, new UIMouseEventArgsEx(), parameters.mHit, interactions, InteractionMenuTypes.Normal); Common.WriteLog(sMsg); } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, e); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { try { string key = ""; while (true) { key = StringInputDialog.Show(Name, "Enter Translation Key", key); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { return(OptionResult.Failure); } SimpleMessageDialog.Show(key, Common.LocalizeEAString(key)); } } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, e); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder("Run"); try { Terrain terrain = parameters.mTarget as Terrain; if (terrain != null) { foreach (Sim sim in LotManager.Actors) { Common.TestSpan span = Common.TestSpan.CreateSimple(); Route r = null; uint simFlags = sim.SimDescription.SimFlags; try { r = Route.Create(sim.Proxy, simFlags); } finally { msg += Common.NewLine + sim.FullName; msg += Common.NewLine + " " + sim.SimDescription.mSimFlags; msg += Common.NewLine + " " + span.Duration; } SimDescription simDescription = sim.SimDescription; Posture previousPosture = sim.Posture; SimRoutingComponent routingComponent = sim.RoutingComponent as SimRoutingComponent; bool flag = false; span = Common.TestSpan.CreateSimple(); try { //routingComponent.SetRouteOptions(route, simFlags); if (!(sim.CurrentInteraction is IHasCustomRouteOptions)) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.BeginAsCar, (sim.Parent is Vehicle) && !(sim.Parent is IBoat)); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnablePlanningAsCar, simDescription.ChildOrAbove); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.DisablePlanningAsPedestrian, false); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.PushSimsAtDestination, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.UseAutoSlotFootprintLocking, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.ReplanToFindObstacleWhenPathPlanFails, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.IgnoreParent, false); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.IgnoreChildren, false); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.CreateSubPaths, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.CheckForFootprintsNearGoals, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.PenalizeGoalsOnDifferentLevels, true); if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP10)) { IBoat parent = sim.Parent as IBoat; if (parent != null) { flag = true; r.Follower = parent.Proxy; r.FollowerAgeGenderSpecies = (uint)parent.GetBoatSpecies(); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.EnablePlanningAsBoat, true); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.BeginAsBoat, true); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.UseFollowerStartOrientation, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.OffsetDestinationForLongAnimals, true); r.AddObjectToIgnoreForRoute(sim.ObjectId); } bool flag2 = OccultMermaid.IsEveryOneGroupedWithMeATeenOrAboveMermaid(sim); bool flag3 = false; if (!flag2) { flag3 = ((previousPosture is CarryingChildPosture) || (previousPosture is CarryingPetPosture)) || sim.Autonomy.SituationComponent.InSituationOfType(typeof(GoHereWithSituation)); } bool flag4 = simDescription.ChildOrAbove & !(previousPosture is ScubaDiving); flag4 &= !(sim.InteractionQueue.GetHeadInteraction() is Lifeguard.GiveCPR); flag4 &= !(sim.InteractionQueue.GetHeadInteraction() is Lifeguard.FakeInjury); flag4 &= !(simDescription.CreatedByService is GrimReaper); flag4 &= !flag2 || flag3; flag4 &= !(previousPosture is BeingRiddenPosture) && !(previousPosture is RidingPosture); bool flag5 = simDescription.ChildOrAbove && simDescription.IsHuman; flag5 &= !(previousPosture is CarryingChildPosture) && !(previousPosture is CarryingPetPosture); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnableWaterPlanning, flag5); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.DestinationMustBeOnLand, !flag5); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.EnablePlanningAsBoat, (parent != null) || flag4); if (flag2 && flag5) { r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.RouteAsMermaid, true); } else { r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.RouteAsLifeguard, Lifeguard.ShouldUseRescueSwimWade(sim)); } } // Cut if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.Undefined | ProductVersion.EP3)) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnableSubwayPlanning, true); } if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.Undefined | ProductVersion.EP5) && ((sim.IsWildAnimal || sim.IsStray) || (sim.IsUnicorn || WildHorses.IsWildHorse(sim)))) { r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.EnablePlanningAsBoat, false); r.SetOption2(Route.RouteOption2.DestinationMustBeOnLand, true); } if (routingComponent.SimSatisfiesSpecialConditions()) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.PassThroughObjects, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.PassThroughWalls, true); } if (sim.HasGhostBuff && !flag) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.RouteAsGhost, true); } if ((GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.Undefined | ProductVersion.EP4) && (sim.CarryingChildPosture != null)) && (Stroller.GetStroller(sim, sim.LotCurrent) != null)) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.PlanUsingStroller, true); } if (sim.IsHuman) { SwimmingInPool pool = previousPosture as SwimmingInPool; if (pool != null) { if (pool.ContainerIsOcean) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnableWaterPlanning, true); } } else { Ocean.PondAndOceanRoutingPosture posture2 = previousPosture as Ocean.PondAndOceanRoutingPosture; if ((posture2 != null) && (posture2.WalkStyleToUse == Sim.WalkStyle.Wade)) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnableWaterPlanning, true); } } } // Cut if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP8)) { if (SimEx.GetOwnedAndUsableVehicle(sim, sim.LotHome, false, false, false, true) is CarUFO) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnableUFOPlanning, true); } if ((sim.IsHuman && sim.SimDescription.ChildOrAbove) && PondManager.ArePondsFrozen()) { bool flag6 = true; while (previousPosture != null) { if (previousPosture.Satisfaction(CommodityKind.Standing, null) <= 0f) { flag6 = false; break; } previousPosture = previousPosture.PreviousPosture; } if (flag6) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnablePondPlanning, true); } } } } } finally { msg += Common.NewLine + " B " + span.Duration; } span = Common.TestSpan.CreateSimple(); try { if (!(sim.CurrentInteraction is IHasCustomRouteOptions)) { r.ExitReasonsInterrupt = unchecked ((int)0xffa9bfff); if ((0x0 != (simFlags & 0x3)) && !sim.LotCurrent.IsWorldLot) { r.SetValidRooms(sim.LotCurrent.LotId, null); } if ((sim.IsHorse && sim.SimDescription.AdultOrAbove) && !sim.SimDescription.IsGhost) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.RouteAsLargeAnimal, true); } if (((sim.IsHorse || sim.IsDeer) || (sim.IsFullSizeDog && sim.SimDescription.AdultOrAbove)) && !sim.SimDescription.IsGhost) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.OffsetDestinationForLongAnimals, true); } if (sim.IsHorse && sim.IsInBeingRiddenPosture) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.RouteWhileMounted, true); } if (previousPosture is LeadingHorsePosture) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.EnablePlanningAsCar, false); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.RouteAsLargeAnimal, true); r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.RouteAsSimLeadingHorse, true); } if (sim.IsPet && !sim.IsInBeingRiddenPosture) { r.SetOption(Route.RouteOption.IgnoreSidewalkAndLotRestrictions, true); } } //route = sim.CreateRoute(); } finally { msg += Common.NewLine + " C " + span.Duration; } } } AcademicTextBook book = parameters.mTarget as AcademicTextBook; if (book != null) { Sim a = parameters.mActor as Sim; GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback = null; if ((a.OccupationAsAcademicCareer != null) || !book.mRequireAcademics) { if (book.TestRockAndRead(a, false, ref greyedOutTooltipCallback)) { msg += Common.NewLine + "A"; } if (a.Inventory.Contains(parameters.mTarget) && !(a.Posture is Sim.StandingPosture)) { if (book.TestReadBook(a, false, ref greyedOutTooltipCallback)) { msg += Common.NewLine + "B"; } } if (a.GetObjectInRightHand() == parameters.mTarget) { if (book.TestReadBook(a, false, ref greyedOutTooltipCallback)) { msg += Common.NewLine + "C"; } } msg += Common.NewLine + "D"; } msg += Common.NewLine + "E"; } CommonDoor door = parameters.mTarget as CommonDoor; if (door != null) { if (door.mObjComponents != null) { msg += Common.NewLine + "Count: " + door.mObjComponents.Count; for (int i = 0x0; i < door.mObjComponents.Count; i++) { msg += Common.NewLine + door.mObjComponents[i].BaseType; if (door.mObjComponents[i].BaseType == typeof(PortalComponent)) { msg += Common.NewLine + " Found"; door.mObjComponents[i].Dispose(); door.mObjComponents.RemoveAt(i); break; } } if (door.mObjComponents.Count == 0x0) { door.mObjComponents = null; } } } HarvestPlant plant = parameters.mTarget as HarvestPlant; if (plant != null) { msg += Common.NewLine + "mBarren: " + plant.mBarren; msg += Common.NewLine + "mGrowthState: " + plant.mGrowthState; msg += Common.NewLine + "mDormant: " + plant.mDormant; msg += Common.NewLine + "mLeaflessState: " + plant.mLeaflessState; msg += Common.NewLine + "mLifetimeHarvestablesYielded: " + plant.mLifetimeHarvestablesYielded; msg += Common.NewLine + "NumLifetimeHarvestables: " + plant.PlantDef.NumLifetimeHarvestables; msg += Common.NewLine + "Yield: " + plant.GetYield(); } } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, msg, e); } finally { Common.DebugWriteLog(msg); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }
protected override OptionResult Run(GameHitParameters <GameObject> parameters) { Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder(); try { Sim actor = parameters.mActor as Sim; Sim target = parameters.mTarget as Sim; if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show("You are about to run 'TestSim', proceed?")) { return(OptionResult.Failure); } SimOutfit outfit = new SimOutfit(target.SimDescription.DefaultOutfitKey); CASPart part3 = new CASPart(); foreach (CASPart part4 in outfit.Parts) { if (part4.BodyType == BodyTypes.LowerBody) { part3 = part4; } } msg += Common.NewLine + part3.Key; string vFXName = RobotDataManager.GetVFXName(part3.Key.InstanceId, RobotDataManager.RobotParts.InGameHoverVFX); msg += Common.NewLine + "A: " + vFXName; vFXName = RobotDataManager.GetVFXName(part3.Key.InstanceId, RobotDataManager.RobotParts.CABHoverVFX); msg += Common.NewLine + "B: " + vFXName; outfit = target.SimDescription.GetOutfit(OutfitCategories.Everyday, 0); part3 = new CASPart(); foreach (CASPart part4 in outfit.Parts) { if (part4.BodyType == BodyTypes.LowerBody) { part3 = part4; } } msg += Common.NewLine + part3.Key; vFXName = RobotDataManager.GetVFXName(part3.Key.InstanceId, RobotDataManager.RobotParts.InGameHoverVFX); msg += Common.NewLine + "A: " + vFXName; vFXName = RobotDataManager.GetVFXName(part3.Key.InstanceId, RobotDataManager.RobotParts.CABHoverVFX); msg += Common.NewLine + "B: " + vFXName; msg += Common.NewLine + target.CurrentWalkStyle; } catch (Exception e) { GameHitParameters <GameObject> .Exception(parameters, msg, e); } finally { Common.DebugWriteLog(msg); } return(OptionResult.SuccessClose); }