public void ImportCodes(string AFileName, bool AQuiet = false) { if (File.Exists(AFileName)) { XmlDocument lXml = new XmlDocument(); XmlNodeList lCodes = null; XmlNode lCodeNode = null; XmlAttribute lAttribute = null; lXml.Load(AFileName); lCodes = lXml.SelectNodes("//genie/.."); FModified = true; XmlNode lDeleteNode = GameNode.FirstChild; while (lDeleteNode != null) { GameNode.RemoveChild(GameNode.FirstChild); lDeleteNode = GameNode.FirstChild; } GameCodes.Clear(); string lGameFileName = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "games"), FGame.Code), FGame.Code + ".nes"); foreach (XmlNode lCurCode in lCodes) { NesFile lGame = new NesFile(lGameFileName); try { lGame.PRG = GameGenie.Patch(lGame.PRG, lCurCode["genie"].InnerText); lCodeNode = FXml.CreateElement("gamegenie"); GameNode.AppendChild(lCodeNode); lAttribute = FXml.CreateAttribute("code"); lAttribute.Value = lCurCode["genie"].InnerText.ToUpper().Trim(); lCodeNode.Attributes.Append(lAttribute); lAttribute = FXml.CreateAttribute("description"); lAttribute.Value = lCurCode["description"].InnerText; lCodeNode.Attributes.Append(lAttribute); GameCodes.Add(new GameGenieCode(lCurCode["genie"].InnerText.ToUpper().Trim(), lCurCode["description"].InnerText)); } catch (GameGenieFormatException) { if (!AQuiet) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.GameGenieFormatError, lCurCode["genie"].InnerText, FGame.Name), Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (GameGenieNotFoundException) { if (!AQuiet) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.GameGenieNotFound, lCurCode["genie"].InnerText, FGame.Name), Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } }
public static void ActiveGameGenie() { if (!NesEmu.EmulationON) { Program.VIDEO.WriteNotification("Game Genie can't be enabled while emulation is OFF.", 200, System.Drawing.Color.Red); return; } string filePath = Path.Combine(Settings.Folder_GameGenieCodes, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Program.CurrentGameFile) + ".ggc"); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); // Clear all if (lines.Length > 0) { GameGenie gameGenie = new GameGenie(); List <GameGenieCode> codes = new List <GameGenieCode>(); // Add code by code for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { GameGenieCode newcode = new GameGenieCode(); newcode.Enabled = true; newcode.Name = lines[i]; if (lines[i].Length == 6) { newcode.Address = gameGenie.GetGGAddress(gameGenie.GetCodeAsHEX(lines[i]), 6) | 0x8000; newcode.Value = gameGenie.GetGGValue(gameGenie.GetCodeAsHEX(lines[i]), 6); newcode.IsCompare = false; } else { newcode.Address = gameGenie.GetGGAddress(gameGenie.GetCodeAsHEX(lines[i]), 8) | 0x8000; newcode.Value = gameGenie.GetGGValue(gameGenie.GetCodeAsHEX(lines[i]), 8); newcode.Compare = gameGenie.GetGGCompareValue(gameGenie.GetCodeAsHEX(lines[i])); newcode.IsCompare = true; } codes.Add(newcode); } if (codes.Count > 0) { NesEmu.SetupGameGenie(true, codes.ToArray()); Program.VIDEO.WriteNotification("Game Genie File Loaded; Game Genie enabled.", 200, System.Drawing.Color.Lime); } else { Program.VIDEO.WriteNotification("There is no Game Genie code to load.", 200, System.Drawing.Color.Red); } } else { Program.VIDEO.WriteNotification("Game Genie file is empty.", 200, System.Drawing.Color.Red); } } else { Program.VIDEO.WriteNotification("Game Genie file is not found.", 200, System.Drawing.Color.Red); } }
public FormGameGenie(Emulator emulator) { this.emulator = emulator; this.emulationState = this.emulator.emulationState; InitializeComponent(); if (!emulationState.EmulationON) { MessageBox.Show(Program.ResourceManager.GetString("Message_NesIsOff")); Close(); return; } gameGenie = new GameGenie(); textBox2.SelectAll(); //load list if found if (this.emulator.GameGenieCodes != null) { foreach (GameGenieCode code in this.emulator.GameGenieCodes) { listView1.Items.Add(code.Name); listView1.Items[listView1.Items.Count - 1].Checked = code.Enabled; listView1.Items[listView1.Items.Count - 1].SubItems.Add(code.Descreption); } } checkBox1.Checked = this.emulator.IsGameGenieActive; }
public Room_GameGenie() : base() { gameGenie = new GameGenie(); Items.Add(new MenuItem_EnableGameGenie()); Items[Items.Count - 1].SpaceAfter = true; Items.Add(new MenuItem_AddCode(this)); Items.Add(new MenuItem_RemoveCode(this)); Items[Items.Count - 1].SpaceAfter = true; Items.Add(new MenuItem_CurrentCodeIndex()); Items.Add(new MenuItem_TheCode(this)); Items.Add(new MenuItem_Address()); Items.Add(new MenuItem_Value()); Items.Add(new MenuItem_Compare()); Items[Items.Count - 1].SpaceAfter = true; Items.Add(new MenuItem_SaveFile(this)); Items.Add(new MenuItem_LoadFile(this)); Items[Items.Count - 1].SpaceAfter = true; Items.Add(new MenuItem_ApplySettings(this)); Items.Add(new MenuItem_DiscardSettings()); }
public bool ApplyGameGenie(out byte[] gameFileData) { gameFileData = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GameGenie)) { var codes = GameGenie.Split(new char[] { ',', '\t', ' ', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string gameFilePath = GameFilePath; if (gameFilePath != null) { byte[] data = GameFileData; if (data != null) { var nesFile = new NesFile(data); foreach (var code in codes) { nesFile.PRG = GameGeniePatcherNes.Patch(nesFile.PRG, code.Trim()); } gameFileData = nesFile.GetRaw(); return(true); } } } return(false); }
private void AddMenu(NesMenuCollection menuCollection, List <NesMenuCollection> allMenus = null) { if (allMenus == null) { allMenus = new List <NesMenuCollection>(); } if (!allMenus.Contains(menuCollection)) { allMenus.Add(menuCollection); } int menuIndex = allMenus.IndexOf(menuCollection); string targetDirectory; if (menuIndex == 0) { targetDirectory = gamesDirectory; } else { targetDirectory = Path.Combine(gamesDirectory, string.Format("sub{0:D3}", menuIndex)); } if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectory)) { return; } foreach (var element in menuCollection) { if (element is NesGame) { var game = element as NesGame; var gameDir = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, game.Code); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing {0}/{1}", game.Code, game.Name)); DirectoryCopy(game.GamePath, gameDir, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.GameGenie)) { var codes = game.GameGenie.Split(new char[] { ',', '\t', ' ', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var newNesFilePath = Path.Combine(gameDir, game.Code + ".nes"); try { var nesFile = new NesFile(newNesFilePath); foreach (var code in codes) { try { nesFile.PRG = GameGenie.Patch(nesFile.PRG, code.Trim()); } catch (GameGenieFormatException) { ShowError(new GameGenieFormatException(string.Format(Resources.GameGenieFormatError, code, game)), dontStop: true); } catch (GameGenieNotFoundException) { ShowError(new GameGenieNotFoundException(string.Format(Resources.GameGenieNotFound, code, game.Name)), dontStop: true); } } nesFile.Save(newNesFilePath); var ggFilePath = Path.Combine(gameDir, NesGame.GameGenieFileName); if (File.Exists(ggFilePath)) { File.Delete(ggFilePath); } } catch // in case of FDS game... just ignore { } } } if (element is NesMenuFolder) { var folder = element as NesMenuFolder; if (!allMenus.Contains(folder.Child)) { allMenus.Add(folder.Child); } int childIndex = allMenus.IndexOf(folder.Child); var folderDir = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, folder.Code); folder.Save(folderDir, childIndex); AddMenu(folder.Child, allMenus); } if (element is NesDefaultGame) { var game = element as NesDefaultGame; var gfilePath = Path.Combine(gamesDirectory, string.Format("gpath-{0}-{1}", game.Code, menuIndex)); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(gfilePath)); File.WriteAllText(gfilePath, menuIndex == 0 ? "." : string.Format("sub{0:D3}", menuIndex)); } } }
public Dialog_AddGameGenieCode() { this.Build(); gameGenie = new GameGenie(); }
public MenuItem_LoadFile(Room_GameGenie page) : base() { = page; gameGenie = new GameGenie(); }
public MenuItem_ApplySettings(Room_GameGenie page) : base() { = page; gameGenie = new GameGenie(); }