예제 #1
        public static void HandleRun(Session session, params string[] parameters)
            // usage: @run on| off | toggle | check
            // Boosts the run skill of the PSR so they can pursue the "bad folks".The enchantment will wear off after a while.This command defualts to toggle.
            // @run - Temporarily boosts your run skill.

            string param;

            if (parameters.Length > 0)
                param = parameters[0];
                param = "toggle";

            var spellID   = (uint)Network.Enum.Spell.SentinelRun;
            var spellBase = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable.Spells[spellID];
            var spell     = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellID);

            switch (param)
            case "toggle":
                if (session.Player.EnchantmentManager.HasSpell(spellID))
                    goto case "off";
                    goto case "on";

            case "check":
                session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"Run speed boost is currently {(session.Player.EnchantmentManager.HasSpell(spellID) ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE")}", ChatMessageType.Broadcast));

            case "off":
                var runBoost = session.Player.EnchantmentManager.GetSpell(spellID);
                if (runBoost != null)
                    session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("Run speed boost is currently INACTIVE", ChatMessageType.Broadcast));

            case "on":
                var runEnchantment    = new Enchantment(session.Player, spellID, (double)spell.Duration, 1, spell.StatModType, spell.StatModVal);
                var msgRunEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(session, runEnchantment);
                session.Player.CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(session.Player.Location, new GameMessageScript(session.Player.Guid, (PlayScript)spell.TargetEffect, 1f));
                session.Player.EnchantmentManager.Add(runEnchantment, null);
                session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("Run forrest, run!", ChatMessageType.Broadcast), msgRunEnchantment);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            DeathLevel  = Level; // for calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // reset vitae XP earned

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                Killer = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // killer death message = last damager
            var killerMsg           = lastDamager != null ? " to " + lastDamager.Name : "";
            var currentDeathMessage = $"died{killerMsg}.";

            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // update vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)SpellId.Vitae;
            var spell               = new Spell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, Guid, spellID, spell.Duration, 0, (EnchantmentMask)spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            // enter portal space
            dieChain.AddAction(this, CreateCorpse);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, TeleportOnDeath);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Player Death/Kill, use this to kill a session's player
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     TODO:
        ///         1. Find the best vitae formula and add vitae
        ///         2. Generate the correct death message, or have it passed in as a parameter.
        ///         3. Find the correct player death noise based on the player model and play on death.
        ///         4. Determine if we need to Send Queued Action for Lifestone Materialize, after Action Location.
        ///         5. Find the health after death formula and Set the correct health
        /// </remarks>
        private void OnKill(Session killerSession)
            ObjectGuid killerId = killerSession.Player.Guid;

            IsAlive        = false;
            Health.Current = 0;  // Set the health to zero
            NumDeaths++;         // Increase the NumDeaths counter
            DeathLevel  = Level; // For calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // Set vitae XP

            // TODO: Generate a death message based on the damage type to pass in to each death message:
            string currentDeathMessage = $"died to {killerSession.Player.Name}.";

            // Send Vicitim Notification, or "Your Death" event to the client:
            // create and send the client death event, GameEventYourDeath
            var msgYourDeath         = new GameEventYourDeath(Session, $"You have {currentDeathMessage}");
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventPurgeAllEnchantments(Session);
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);

            // handle vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)Network.Enum.Spell.Vitae;
            var spellBase           = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable.Spells[spellID];
            var spell               = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, spellID, (double)spell.Duration, 0, spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // Send first death message group
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgYourDeath, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // Broadcast the 019E: Player Killed GameMessage
            ActionBroadcastKill($"{Name} has {currentDeathMessage}", Guid, killerId);
예제 #4
 public void SetTargetPlayer(Player p)
     Enchantment.Target = p;
     SessionMessage     = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(p.Session, Enchantment);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            DeathLevel  = Level; // for calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // reset vitae XP earned

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                Killer = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.NonCombat, new MotionItem(MotionCommand.Dead));


            // killer death message = last damager
            var killerMsg           = lastDamager != null ? " to " + lastDamager.Name : "";
            var currentDeathMessage = $"died{killerMsg}.";

            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgYourDeath         = new GameEventYourDeath(Session, $"You have {currentDeathMessage}");
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventPurgeAllEnchantments(Session);

            // update vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)Network.Enum.Spell.Vitae;
            var spellBase           = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable.Spells[spellID];
            var spell               = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, Guid, spellID, (double)spell.Duration, 0, spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgYourDeath, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            // enter portal space
            dieChain.AddAction(this, CreateCorpse);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, TeleportOnDeath);

            // if the player's lifestone is in a different landblock, also broadcast their demise to that landblock
            if (Sanctuary != null && Location.Landblock != Sanctuary.Landblock)
                var killerGuid = lastDamager != null ? lastDamager.Guid : Guid;
                ActionBroadcastKill($"{Name} has {currentDeathMessage}", Guid, killerGuid);
예제 #6
 public void SetTargetPlayer(Player p)
     Enchantment.Target = p;
     SessionMessage     = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(p.Session, Enchantment);
     LandblockMessage   = new GameMessageScript(p.Guid, (PlayScript)SpellBase.TargetEffect, 1f);