예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or update new user.
        /// </summary>		
        public GXUserUpdateResponse Put(GXUserUpdateRequest request)
            List<GXEventsItem> events = new List<GXEventsItem>();
            IAuthSession s = this.GetSession(false);
            bool edit = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.CanUserEdit(s);
            bool superAdmin = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.IsSuperAdmin(s);
            long adderId = Convert.ToInt64(s.Id);
            lock (Db)
                using (var trans = Db.OpenTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
                    //Add new users            
                    foreach (GXAmiUser it in request.Users)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Name))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid name.");
                        //If new user
                        if (it.Id == 0)
                            //User can't add new users.
                            if (!edit)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            if (!superAdmin && (it.AccessRights & UserAccessRights.SuperAdmin) == UserAccessRights.SuperAdmin)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Only super admin can add new super admin.");
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Password))
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Password.");
                            it.Added = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
#if !SS4
                            it.Id = Db.GetLastInsertId();
                            it.Id = Db.LastInsertId();
                            events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.User, Actions.Add, it));
                        else //Update user data.
                            //User can only edit itself.
                            if (!edit && adderId != it.Id)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            if (!superAdmin)
                                //User can't update user data if he do not have access to the user group.
                                long[] groups1 = GXUserGroupService.GetUserGroups(Db, adderId);
                                long[] groups2 = GXUserGroupService.GetUserGroups(Db, it.Id);
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach (long it1 in groups1)
                                    foreach (long it2 in groups2)
                                        if (it1 == it2)
                                            found = true;
                                    if (found)
                                if (!found)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            //Get Added time.
#if !SS4
                            GXAmiUser orig = Db.GetById<GXAmiUser>(it.Id);
                            GXAmiUser orig = Db.SingleById<GXAmiUser>(it.Id);
                            it.Added = orig.Added;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Password))
                                it.Password = orig.Password;
                            events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.User, Actions.Edit, it));
            AppHost host = this.ResolveService<AppHost>();
            host.SetEvents(Db, this.Request, adderId, events);
            return new GXUserUpdateResponse(request.Users);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or update new user.
        /// </summary>
        public GXUserUpdateResponse Put(GXUserUpdateRequest request)
            List <GXEventsItem> events = new List <GXEventsItem>();
            IAuthSession        s      = this.GetSession(false);
            bool edit       = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.CanUserEdit(s);
            bool superAdmin = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.IsSuperAdmin(s);
            long adderId    = Convert.ToInt64(s.Id);

            lock (Db)
                using (var trans = Db.OpenTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
                    //Add new users
                    foreach (GXAmiUser it in request.Users)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Name))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid name.");
                        //If new user
                        if (it.Id == 0)
                            //User can't add new users.
                            if (!edit)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            if (!superAdmin && (it.AccessRights & UserAccessRights.SuperAdmin) == UserAccessRights.SuperAdmin)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Only super admin can add new super admin.");
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Password))
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Password.");
                            it.Added = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
#if !SS4
                            it.Id = Db.GetLastInsertId();
                            it.Id = Db.LastInsertId();
                            events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.User, Actions.Add, it));
                        else //Update user data.
                            //User can only edit itself.
                            if (!edit && adderId != it.Id)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            if (!superAdmin)
                                //User can't update user data if he do not have access to the user group.
                                long[] groups1 = GXUserGroupService.GetUserGroups(Db, adderId);
                                long[] groups2 = GXUserGroupService.GetUserGroups(Db, it.Id);
                                bool   found   = false;
                                foreach (long it1 in groups1)
                                    foreach (long it2 in groups2)
                                        if (it1 == it2)
                                            found = true;
                                    if (found)
                                if (!found)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Access denied.");
                            //Get Added time.
#if !SS4
                            GXAmiUser orig = Db.GetById <GXAmiUser>(it.Id);
                            GXAmiUser orig = Db.SingleById <GXAmiUser>(it.Id);
                            it.Added = orig.Added;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Password))
                                it.Password = orig.Password;
                            events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.User, Actions.Edit, it));
            AppHost host = this.ResolveService <AppHost>();
            host.SetEvents(Db, this.Request, adderId, events);
            return(new GXUserUpdateResponse(request.Users));