예제 #1
    public static string DrawText(string text, float realHeight, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
        textContent.text = text;
        Rect  bounds    = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(options);
        float guiHeight = bounds.height;

        /// BUG: GetControlRect (when EventType is Layout) is returning value incorrectly....
        /// This issue have BIG impact on scrolling system
        if (bounds.size == Vector2.one)
            bounds = lastWorkingRect;
            lastWorkingRect = bounds;
        var ev = Event.current;

        if (realHeight > guiHeight)
            bounds.width -= GUI.skin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth;

        text = GUI.TextArea(bounds, text, EditorStyles.textArea);
        var        id     = GUIUtility.keyboardControl;
        TextEditor editor = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(TextEditor), id);

#if UNITY_5_2
        if (editor.content == null || editor.content.text != text)
        if (editor.text == null || editor.text != text)
            /*			if (message2focus >= 0) {
             *              GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id - 1;
             *              editor = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject (typeof(TextEditor), id - 1);
             *              editor.cursorIndex = message2focus;
             *              message2focus = -1;
             *          } else*/
            return(text); //Maybe we catch the wrong one?

        if (realHeight > guiHeight)
            HandleScrolling(bounds, editor, ev, GUI.skin.textArea);

        //GUI can't handle cut/copy operations. so DIY.
        var typ = ev.GetTypeForControl(id);
        if (typ == EventType.ExecuteCommand)
            var scroll = editor.scrollOffset;
            if (HandleExecuteCommands(editor, ev))
                editor.scrollOffset = scroll;
#if UNITY_5_2
                text = editor.content.text;
                text = editor.text;
                GUI.changed = true;
        else if (typ == EventType.ValidateCommand)
            HandleValidateCommands(editor, ev);
        else if (typ == EventType.KeyDown)
            if (ev.character == '\t')
                GUI.changed = true;
 #if UNITY_5_2
                text = editor.content.text;
                text = editor.text;

        //Handle tab (autosuggestions) (not yet ready)

        /*if (typ == EventType.KeyDown && (ev.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab || ev.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) && ev.modifiers == EventModifiers.None) {
         *              var l = text.Length;
         *              if (HandleAutoComplete (editor, ref text)) {
         *                      editor.cursorIndex += text.Length - l;
         *                      message2focus = editor.cursorIndex;
         *                      ev.Use ();
         *              }
         *      }*/

        int pos = editor.cursorIndex;

        //Find & Highlight Left Group
        int  first        = FindBeforeGroup(text, pos);
        bool redrawCursor = false;
        if (first >= 0)
            DrawHighlight(style, editor, text, first, first + 1, Color.yellow);
            redrawCursor = true;

        //Find & Highlight Right Group
        int last = FindAfterGroup(text, pos);
        if (last < text.Length)
            DrawHighlight(style, editor, text, last, last + 1, Color.yellow);
            redrawCursor = true;

        //Do we need to redraw cursor?
        if (editor.cursorIndex != editor.selectIndex)
            redrawCursor = false;
            //Find & Highlight Escapes
            int res = FindPossibleEscape(text, pos, out first, out last);
            if (res > 0)
                Color scheme;
                switch (res)
                case 1:
                    scheme = Color.green;

                case 2:
                    scheme = Color.cyan;

                case 3:
                    scheme = new Color(0.8f, 1f, 0);

                    scheme = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
                DrawHighlight(style, editor, text, first, last + 1, scheme);
                redrawCursor = true;
        if (redrawCursor)
            bounds.position -= editor.scrollOffset;
            style.DrawCursor(bounds, textContent, id, editor.cursorIndex);
예제 #2
    private void OnGUI()
        if (!m_showConsole)

        float y = 0;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(0, y, Screen.width, VIEW_HEIGHT), "");

        Rect viewport = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 30, LINE_SIZE * BUFFER_SIZE);

        m_scroll = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0, y + VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, Screen.width, LINE_SIZE * VIEW_LENGTH - VIEW_BORDER_SIZE), m_scroll, viewport);
        int i = 0;

        foreach (ConsoleText line in m_buffer)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.text))
            Rect labelRect = new Rect(VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, LINE_SIZE * i, viewport.width - 100, LINE_SIZE);
            GUI.Label(labelRect, line.text, LogTypeToStyle(line.type));


        y += VIEW_HEIGHT;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(0, y, Screen.width, LINE_SIZE * 2), "");

        GUI.Label(new Rect(VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, y + 9, Screen.width - LINE_SIZE, LINE_SIZE + 8), m_input, m_textStyle);
        m_textStyle.DrawCursor(new Rect(VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, y + 8, Screen.width - LINE_SIZE, LINE_SIZE), new GUIContent(m_input), 0, Mathf.Min(m_input.Length, m_cursorIndex));
        //m_input = GUI.TextField(r, m_input, m_textStyle);

        y += LINE_SIZE + LINE_SIZE / 2;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_input))
            m_hintScroll = GUI.BeginScrollView(
                new Rect(0, y + VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, Screen.width, LINE_SIZE * 8 - VIEW_BORDER_SIZE),
                new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 30, LINE_SIZE * 8));

            m_hints = MatchStringToCommand(m_input);
            for (int j = 0; j < m_hints.Count; j++)
                if (m_hints[j] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_hints[j]))
                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, (LINE_SIZE + 10) * j, Screen.width - 30, LINE_SIZE + 10), "");
                Rect labelRect = new Rect(VIEW_BORDER_SIZE, (LINE_SIZE + 10) * j + 5, viewport.width - 100, LINE_SIZE);
                if (j == m_index - 1)
                    GUI.Label(labelRect, m_hints[j], m_hintSelectStyle);
                    GUI.Label(labelRect, m_hints[j], m_hintStyle);
        GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);