예제 #1
        private static void ResetGUIInfo(GUIInfoType guiInfoType, int hwnd, ref int hWndTarget,
                                         ref string windowText, ref string className, ref string parentText,
                                         StringBuilder sWindowText, StringBuilder sClassname, StringBuilder sParentText)
            string clsStartedWith = "";

            if (className.IndexOf(".") >= 0)
                clsStartedWith = className.Replace(className.Split('.')[className.Split('.').Length - 1], "");
                clsStartedWith = className;

            if (guiInfoType == GUIInfoType.guiText)
                if (sWindowText.ToString() == windowText)
                    hWndTarget = hwnd;
                    className  = sClassname.ToString();
                    parentText = sParentText.ToString();
            else if (guiInfoType == GUIInfoType.guiTextClass)
                if (sWindowText.ToString() == windowText && sClassname.ToString().StartsWith(clsStartedWith))
                    hWndTarget = hwnd;
                    parentText = sParentText.ToString();
            else if (guiInfoType == GUIInfoType.guiTextParent)
                if (sWindowText.ToString() == windowText && sParentText.ToString() == parentText)
                    hWndTarget = hwnd;
                    className  = sClassname.ToString();
            else if (guiInfoType == GUIInfoType.guiTextClassParent)
                if (sWindowText.ToString() == windowText && sClassname.ToString().StartsWith(clsStartedWith) && sParentText.ToString() == parentText)
                    hWndTarget = hwnd;
            else if (guiInfoType == GUIInfoType.guiClassParent)
                //				if (sClassname.ToString().StartsWith("WindowsForms10.LISTBOX."))
                //				{
                //					string xxx="";
                //				}
                if (sClassname.ToString().StartsWith(clsStartedWith) && sParentText.ToString() == parentText)
                    hWndTarget = hwnd;
                    windowText = sWindowText.ToString();
예제 #2
        private static int maxLen = 10000;         //need to modify text chapter 4
        public static int FindGUILike(ref int hWndTarget, int hWndStart,
                                      ref string windowText, ref string className, ref string parentText)
            int hwnd = 0;
            int r    = 0;
            //int level = 0;
            StringBuilder sWindowText = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sClassname  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sParentText = new StringBuilder();

            if (level == 0)
                hWndTarget = 0;
                if (hWndStart == 0)
                    hWndStart = GetDesktopWindow();
            level = level + 1;

            hwnd = GetWindow(hWndStart, GW_CHILD);

            while (hwnd != 0)
                r = FindGUILike(ref hWndTarget, hwnd, ref windowText, ref className, ref parentText);

                sWindowText.Capacity = maxLen;                 //need to modify text chapter 4
                r = GetWindowText(hwnd, sWindowText, maxLen);
                sClassname.Capacity = maxLen;
                r = GetClassName(hwnd, sClassname, maxLen);
                sParentText.Capacity = maxLen;
                r = GetWindowText(GetParent(hwnd), sParentText, maxLen);

                GUIInfoType guiInfoType = GetGUIInfoType(windowText, className, parentText);

                ResetGUIInfo(guiInfoType, hwnd, ref hWndTarget, ref windowText, ref className, ref parentText, sWindowText, sClassname, sParentText);
                // Get next child window:
                hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
            //  Decrement recursion counter:
            level = level - 1;