상속: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
예제 #1
    void Start()
            CheckStraightPosition script = rightTrigger.GetComponent<CheckStraightPosition>();
            script.enabled = false;

        // This process is used to start an Android app on a smartphone connected via USB.
        //The app is used to distract the drivers from the driving task, forcing a lane departure.
        //The paths need to be set in order for this code to work.
        //Also, the "process.Start()" call needs to be uncommented, at the bottom of this class.

        process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
        process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor){
            process.StartInfo.FileName = pcADBfilePath;
        else if(Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor){
            process.StartInfo.FileName = macADBfilePath;
        process.StartInfo.Arguments = androidAppName;
        guiScript = GetComponent<GUIHandler>();
예제 #2
        public GUI(RenderContext rc)
            //Basic Init

            _fontSmall = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _fontMedium = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _fontBig = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 40);

            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Start Pannel Init
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("PhysicsTest", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 330, 250);

            _info1 = new GUIText("Über die Tasten des Nummernblocks  " , _fontMedium, 30, 170, _color2);
            _info2 = new GUIText("(1-4) kann zwischen 4 verschiedenen ", _fontMedium, 30, 190, _color2);
            _info3 = new GUIText("Szenen gewechselt werden", _fontMedium, 30, 210, _color2);
            _fps = new GUIText("FPS", _fontMedium, 30, 55, _color2);
            _numberRb = new GUIText("Rigidbodies: ", _fontMedium, 30, 85, _color2);
            _shapeType = new GUIText("Collision Shapes: ", _fontMedium, 30, 115, _color2);
            _shapes = new GUIText("", _fontMedium, 50, 135, _color2);


예제 #3
        private static void GameLoop()
            var Window = WindowHandler.Initialize();
            var GUI    = GUIHandler.Initialize();
            var Clock  = new Clock();

            new BasicScene();

            while (Window.IsOpen)



                var DeltaClock = Clock.Restart();
                deltaTime = DeltaClock.AsSeconds();
예제 #4
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 1);

            // IMPORTANT: You are supposed to use either one SetWindowSize() or VideoWall(). You can't use both.
            // It's possible to resize a window to fit on a video wall or display.
            // Here are some different variants how to use this functionality. Uncomment to test.
            //SetWindowSize(800, 600);
            SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9 * 2, true, 0, 0);
            //SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/9 * 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, true, 0, 0);
            //SetWindowSize(640, 480, false, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 640/2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/2 - 480/2);
            // IMPORTANT: For video Walls or projector matrices it's possible to let the system do the magic by
            // giving it the number of monitors/projectors per axis and specify some border information.
            // This only works in pseudo-fullscreen mode a.k.a borderless fullscreen-window.
            //VideoWall(0, 0, true, false);

            // This is the old method. More than this could not be done directly in a project code(?)
            //Width = 640;
            //Height = 480;

            // Initialize an ui.
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // Create a new element.
            GUIElement element = new GUIImage("Assets/image.png", 0, 0, -10, 320, 130);

            // Add the element to the gui.

            // Add something to render.
            _cube = new Cube();
            _spcolor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _spcolor.GetShaderParam("color");
예제 #5
        public GUI(RenderContext rc)
            //Basic Init

            _fontSmall  = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _fontMedium = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _fontBig    = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 40);

            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Start Pannel Init
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("PhysicsTest", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 330, 250);

            _info1     = new GUIText("Use NumPad keys 1..4", _fontMedium, 30, 170, _color2);
            _info2     = new GUIText("to switch between 4 ", _fontMedium, 30, 190, _color2);
            _info3     = new GUIText("different test scenes.", _fontMedium, 30, 210, _color2);
            _fps       = new GUIText("FPS", _fontMedium, 30, 55, _color2);
            _numberRb  = new GUIText("Rigidbodies: ", _fontMedium, 30, 85, _color2);
            _shapeType = new GUIText("Collision Shapes: ", _fontMedium, 30, 115, _color2);
            _shapes    = new GUIText("", _fontMedium, 50, 135, _color2);


예제 #6
 void Awake()
     Instance         = this;
     PropertyLists    = new List <GameObject> ();
     m_iconList       = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();
     m_actionTextList = new List <UIActionText> ();
예제 #7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     _controller = this.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     cam         = transform.Find("Camera").GetComponent <Camera>();
     uiHandler   = ui.GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
     state       = PlayerState.Normal;
예제 #8
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            #if GUI_SIMPLE
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            _guiFuseeLink                   = new GUIButton(6, 6, 157, 87);
            _guiFuseeLink.ButtonColor       = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderColor       = new float4(0, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderWidth       = 0;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonDown  += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonDown;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonEnter += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonLeave += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonLeave;
            _guiFuseeLogo = new GUIImage(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("FuseeLogo150.png"), 10, 10, -5, 150, 80);
            var fontLato = AssetStorage.Get <Font>("Lato-Black.ttf");
            fontLato.UseKerning   = true;
            _guiLatoBlack         = new FontMap(fontLato, 18);
            _guiSubText           = new GUIText("Simple FUSEE Example", _guiLatoBlack, 100, 100);
            _guiSubText.TextColor = new float4(0.05f, 0.25f, 0.15f, 0.8f);
            _subtextWidth  = GUIText.GetTextWidth(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);
            _subtextHeight = GUIText.GetTextHeight(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intentsity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("RocketModel.fus");

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer(_rocketScene);
예제 #9
 public PrintAction(string printMe, int duration)
     interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
     guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
     timeToStop         = duration;
     toPrint            = printMe;
예제 #10
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 1);

            // IMPORTANT: You are supposed to use either one SetWindowSize() or VideoWall(). You can't use both.
            // It's possible to resize a window to fit on a video wall or display.
            // Here are some different variants how to use this functionality. Uncomment to test.
            //SetWindowSize(800, 600);
            //SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/5 * 2, true, 0, 0);
            //SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/9 * 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, true, 0, 0);
            //SetWindowSize(640, 480, false, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 640/2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/2 - 480/2);
            // IMPORTANT: For video Walls or projector matrices it's possible to let the system do the magic by
            // giving it the number of monitors/projectors per axis and specify some border information.
            // This only works in pseudo-fullscreen mode a.k.a borderless fullscreen-window.
            VideoWall(0, 0, true, true);

            // This is the old method. More than this could not be done directly in a project code(?)
            //Width = 640;
            //Height = 480;

            // Initialize an ui.
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // Create a new element.
            GUIElement element = new GUIImage("Assets/image.png", 0, 0, -10, 320, 130);

            // Add the element to the gui.

            // Add something to render.
            _cube       = new Cube();
            _spcolor    = Shaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _spcolor.GetShaderParam("color");
예제 #11
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()

            // GUI initialization
            _zVal = 500;
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            _guiFuseeLink = new GUIButton(6, 6, 157, 87);
            _guiFuseeLink.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderWidth = 0;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonDown += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonDown;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonEnter += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonLeave += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonLeave;

            _guiFuseeLogo = new GUIImage("Assets/FuseeLogo150.png", 10, 10, -5, 150, 80);

            _guiLatoBlack = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Lato-Black.ttf", 14);
            _guiSubText = new GUIText("FUSEE 3D Scene Viewer", _guiLatoBlack, 100, 100);
            _guiSubText.TextColor = new float4(0.05f, 0.25f, 0.15f, 0.8f);

            // Scene loading
            SceneContainer scene;
            var ser = new Serializer();
            using (var file = File.OpenRead(@"Assets/Model.fus"))
                scene = ser.Deserialize(file, null, typeof(SceneContainer)) as SceneContainer;
            _sr = new SceneRenderer(scene, "Assets");
            _guiSubText.Text = "FUSEE 3D Scene";
            if (scene.Header.CreatedBy != null || scene.Header.CreationDate != null)
                _guiSubText.Text += " created";
                if (scene.Header.CreatedBy != null)
                    _guiSubText.Text += " by " + scene.Header.CreatedBy;
                if (scene.Header.CreationDate != null)
                    _guiSubText.Text += " on " + scene.Header.CreationDate;

            _subtextWidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);
            _subtextHeight = GUIText.GetTextHeight(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);

            _sColor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _sColor.GetShaderParam("color");
            RC.SetShaderParam(_colorParam, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
예제 #12
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var l = new GUIHandler();

        l.Add(new GUIElement());
        l.Add(new GUIElement());
 void Awake()
     agent              = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     animator           = GetComponent <Animator>();
     currentDestination = 0;
     currentState       = EnemyState.Patrouille;
     uiHandler          = ui.GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Start()
 /// Used for initialization
 /// </summary>
 void Start()
     shipMovement    = ship.GetComponent <ShipMovement>();
     shipShooting    = ship.GetComponent <ShipShooting>();
     shipInfo        = ship.GetComponent <ShipInfo>();
     guiHandler      = GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
     asteroidSpawner = GetComponent <AsteroidSpawner>();
예제 #15
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     eventHandler       = GameObject.Find("EventHandler").GetComponent <EventHandler>();
     currPlayerPosition = new Vector3();
     currPlayerRotation = new Quaternion();
     interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
     guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
 /// <summary>
 /// Start()
 /// Used for initialization
 /// </summary>
 void Start()
     playerData   = GetComponent <PlayerData>();
     shipInfo     = ship.GetComponent <ShipInfo>();
     spawner      = GetComponent <AsteroidSpawner>();
     guiHandler   = GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
     inputHandler = GetComponent <InputHandler>();
예제 #17
        public void TestHandler()
            var handler = new GUIHandler();

            handler.AddAthlete(new Athlete(3));

            Assert.AreEqual(handler.subjects[0].BibNumber, 3);
예제 #18
 public OpenAction(GameObject who, GameObject closed, GameObject open)
     this.closed        = closed;
     this.open          = open;
     this.who           = who;
     interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
     guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
예제 #19
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            #if GUI_SIMPLE
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            _guiFuseeLink                   = new GUIButton(6, 6, 157, 87);
            _guiFuseeLink.ButtonColor       = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderColor       = new float4(0, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1);
            _guiFuseeLink.BorderWidth       = 0;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonDown  += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonDown;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonEnter += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonLeave += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonLeave;
            _guiFuseeLogo = new GUIImage(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("FuseeLogo150.png"), 10, 10, -5, 150, 80);
            var fontLato = AssetStorage.Get <Font>("Lato-Black.ttf");
            fontLato.UseKerning   = true;
            _guiLatoBlack         = new FontMap(fontLato, 18);
            _guiSubText           = new GUIText("FUSEE Example", _guiLatoBlack, 100, 100);
            _guiSubText.TextColor = new float4(0.05f, 0.25f, 0.15f, 0.8f);
            _subtextWidth  = GUIText.GetTextWidth(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);
            _subtextHeight = GUIText.GetTextHeight(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intentsity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("RocketModel.fus");

            //Create StereoCam for S3D rendering
            _stereoCam = new StereoCameraRig(Stereo3DMode.Anaglyph, Width, Height, 6.5f);

            //Create ScreenS3DTextures object holding the 4 textures to be used with the ScreenS3D object
            ScreenS3DTextures screenTex = new ScreenS3DTextures();
            screenTex.Left       = RC.CreateTexture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("left.png"));
            screenTex.LeftDepth  = RC.CreateTexture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("depthLeft.png"));
            screenTex.Right      = RC.CreateTexture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("right.png"));
            screenTex.RightDepth = RC.CreateTexture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("depthRight.png"));
            //Create ScreenS3D Object using the ScreenS3Dtextures object from above
            _screen = new ScreenS3D(RC, screenTex);
            //Set the config fort the Screen objet. This can also be doene using a whole ScreenConfig object and assiging direktly to the ScreenS3D object
            _screen.Config.ScaleSize  = 1000;
            _screen.Config.ScaleDepth = 5;
            _screen.Config.Transform  = float4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 200, 0);
            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer(_rocketScene);

            // vl = AssetStorage.Get<VideoStream>("left.mkv");
            capL  = new Capture("Assets/left.mkv");
            capLD = new Capture("Assets/depthLeft.mkv");
            capR  = new Capture("Assets/right.mkv");
            capRD = new Capture("Assets/depthRight.mkv");
예제 #20
 public ChoiceAction(GameObject Player, string mode, EnterScript[] triggers, string indicator, int numChoices, bool second, string message)
     manager        = GameObject.Find("MissionManager").GetComponent <MissionManager>();
     currentMission = manager.getCurrentMission();
     //Debug.Log ("Manager found");
     this.Player        = Player;
     this.mode          = mode;
     this.indicator     = indicator;
     this.choices       = numChoices;
     this.secondChoice  = second;
     this.text          = message;
     interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
     guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
     if (mode.Equals("Trigger"))
         this.triggers = triggers;
         for (int i = 0; i < triggers.Length; i++)
             //Debug.Log(triggers[i] + " set.");
     if (mode.Equals("Button"))
         buttons = new KeyCode[numChoices];
         if (numChoices == 2)
             this.buttons [0] = KeyCode.Alpha0;
             this.buttons [1] = KeyCode.Alpha1;
         else if (numChoices == 3)
             this.buttons[0] = KeyCode.Alpha0;
             this.buttons[1] = KeyCode.Alpha1;
             this.buttons[2] = KeyCode.Alpha2;
         if (indicator.Equals("TavernAfter"))
             this.buttonScript = this.manager.tavernRainButton;
         else if (indicator.Equals("TavernSupply"))
             this.buttonScript = this.manager.tavernSupplyButton;
         else if (indicator.Equals("Water"))
             this.buttonScript = this.manager.injuredPersonButton;
         else if (indicator.Equals("Water2"))
             this.buttonScript = this.manager.water2Button;
         else if (indicator.Equals("Boat"))
             this.buttonScript = this.manager.boatButton;
예제 #21
        private void OnSceneLoad_Test()
            //ResourceManager.LoadResource<string, TextLoadingParameters>("res_str_test_0", new TextLoadingParameters(new[] { "res_str_test_0.txt" }, Encoding.UTF8), 1, false);
            //if (!ResourceManager.TryGetResource("res_str_test_0", out string str, true))
            //    Log.WriteLine("Could not get resource 'res_str_test_0'", LogType.Message);

            ResourceManager.LoadResource <ITexture, TextureLoadingParameters>("res_tex_test_0", new TextureLoadingParameters(new[] { "res_tex_test_0.png" }, TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge, TextureFilterMode.Nearest), 2, false);
            ResourceManager.LoadResource <ITexture, TextureLoadingParameters>("res_tex_test_1", new TextureLoadingParameters(new[] { "res_tex_test_1.png" }, TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge, TextureFilterMode.Nearest), 2, false);
            ResourceManager.LoadResource <ITexture, TextureLoadingParameters>("res_tex_test_2", new TextureLoadingParameters(new[] { "res_tex_micha.png" }, TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge, TextureFilterMode.Nearest), 2, false);
            ResourceManager.LoadResource <ITextureAtlas, FontLoadingParameters>($"font_Consolas_16", new FontLoadingParameters(new FontFamily("Consolas"), 16), 0, true);

            if (!ResourceManager.TryGetResource("res_tex_test_0", out ITexture tex0, true))
                Log.WriteLine("Could not get resource 'res_tex_test_0'", LogType.Message);

            if (!ResourceManager.TryGetResource("res_tex_test_1", out ITexture tex1, true))
                Log.WriteLine("Could not get resource 'res_tex_test_1'", LogType.Message);

            if (!ResourceManager.TryGetResource("res_tex_test_2", out ITexture tex2, true))
                Log.WriteLine("Could not get resource 'res_tex_test_2'", LogType.Message);

            IGameObject go_viewport = Scene.CreateGameObject("go_viewport");
            Viewport    viewport    = go_viewport.AddComponent <Viewport>();

            //viewport.Transform.Position = new Vector2(1, 0);
            Scene.MainViewport = viewport;
            viewport.Zoom      = 1;
            //viewport.Width *= 10f;
            //viewport.Height *= 10f;
            //viewport.Transform.Position.x += 1;
            GUIHandler guiHandler = go_viewport.AddComponent <GUIHandler>();

            ResourceManager.TryGetResource("internal_circleShader", out IShader shader, true);

            //IGameObject go_sprite = Scene.CreateGameObject("go_sprite");
            //go_sprite.Transform.Z = 0.65f;
            //Sprite sprite = go_sprite.AddComponent<Sprite>();
            //sprite.Transform.Scale = new Vector2(0.95f, 0.95f);
            //sprite.Color = new Color(255, 0, 255, 63);

            IGameObject go_cSprite = Scene.CreateGameObject("go_cSprite");

            go_cSprite.Transform.Z = 0.65f;

            // uniforms
            Color cSpriteColor = Color.WHITE;
            float innerRadius  = 0.1f;
            float startAngle   = 0.0f;
            float sweepAngle   = 1f;

            // vertex attributes
            (VertexAttribute va, float[][] data)[] vertexAttributes =
예제 #22
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
     if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Player")
         // Notify GUI that Player won
         GameObject canvas           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas");
         GUIHandler guiHandlerScript = canvas.GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
예제 #23
 private void InitReferences()
     if (player == null)
         guiHandler  = GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
         player      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
         playerState = player.GetComponent <PlayerState>();
         playerLook  = player.transform.Find("PlayerCamera").gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerLook>();
예제 #24
    public void shipSelected(LoadedShip ship)
        Debug.Log("Custom event triggered!");

        GUIHandler guiHandler = new GUIHandler();


예제 #25
        public void Init()
            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server && player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                guiHandler = new GUIHandler();
            inventory = new InventoryHandler(this);

            initialized = true;
예제 #26
 public DropAction(GameObject who, GrabMe.kind what)
     this.who = who;
     if (who.GetComponent <CharacterOurs> () != null)
         whoIs = who.GetComponent <CharacterOurs> ();
     this.what          = what;
     interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
     guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
예제 #27
 void ExitMenu()
     GUIHandler.UpdateAbility(m_propMenus[0].propertyList, new List <Ability>(), m_propMenus[1].propertyList);
     if (m_currentGhost != null)
     exiting            = true;
     m_selectedButton   = null;
     PauseGame.CanPause = true;
예제 #28
    //toEnter must have an EnterScript on it!
    public EnterAction(GameObject willEnter, GameObject toEnter, string text)
        this.willEnter       = willEnter;
        this.toEnter         = toEnter;
        this.collisionScript = toEnter.GetComponent <EnterScript> ();
        this.character = willEnter.GetComponent <CharacterOurs> ();

        interactionManager = GameObject.Find("InteractionManager");
        guiHandler         = interactionManager.GetComponent <GUIHandler> ();
        this.text          = text;
예제 #29
 void Awake()
     if (Instance == null)
         Instance = this;
     else if (Instance != this)
     PropertyLists = new List <GameObject> ();
     m_iconList    = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();
예제 #30
    private void Awake()
        player = this.gameObject;
        GameObject gh = GameObject.Find("GameHandler");

        cam              = transform.Find("PlayerCamera").gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>();
        gameHandler      = gh.GetComponent <GameHandler>();
        guiHandler       = gh.GetComponent <GUIHandler>();
        dialogHandler    = gh.GetComponent <DialogHandler>();
        crosshair        = GameObject.Find("Crosshair").GetComponent <Image>();
        crosshair.sprite = crosshairImage[0];
        inventory        = GetComponent <Inventory>();
예제 #31
        public void RunTests()
            GUIHandler handler = new GUIHandler();

            handler.AddAthlete(new Athlete(4));

            var finished = new FinishedUpdate();

            Athlete temp = (Athlete)handler.subjects[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(temp.observers.Count, 1);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            handler = new GUIHandler();
            //Thread t = new Thread(handler.ShowControlForm);
            SimulatorController controller = new SimulatorController(handler);
            Thread t = new Thread(() => controller.Run("Data/Short Race Simulation-01.csv"));

            //controller.Run("Data/Short Race Simulation-01.csv");

예제 #33
    private int[] scoreBoard;                   // holds the scores for the AI.

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gHandler = FindObjectOfType <GUIHandler> ();

        if (gHandler == null)
            Debug.Log("ERROR: Could not find GUIHandler script!");

        scoreBoard = new int[BOARDDIMENSIONS];

예제 #34
파일: K2Player.cs 프로젝트: Kalciphoz/KRPG2
        public void Init()
            Initialized = true;

            Character = new RPGCharacter(player);

            Inventory = new InventoryHandler(this);

            if (!Main.dedServ && player.IsLocalPlayer())
                _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();
예제 #35
파일: GUI.cs 프로젝트: xKiwii/CubyTower
        // public GUI()
        public void Init()
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            var fontLato = AssetStorage.Get<Font>("Montserrat-Regular.ttf");
            fontLato.UseKerning = true;
            _guiLatoBlack = new FontMap(fontLato, 18);

            //_guiBackground = new GUIImage(AssetStorage.Get<ImageData>("himmel.jpg"), -30, -300, -5, 1500, 1000);

            _guiPoints = new GUIText("SCORE" + " "+ Instances.Main.score, _guiLatoBlack, Instances.Main.Width - 150, 57);
예제 #36
        // Konstruktor
        public GUIRender(RenderContext rc, BeeTheGame thisGame)
            RC = rc;
            _game = thisGame;
            //GUIHandler an den Kontext anhaengen
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Bilder einbinden
            _guiImageDummy = new GUIImage("Assets/dummy.png", 0, 0, 0, 5, 5);
            _guiImageBarText = new GUIImage("Assets/nectarCollected.png", 10, 10, -1, 153, 23);

            _guiImageStartBack = new GUIImage("Assets/background.png", 0, 0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2);
            _guiImageGameHelp = new GUIImage("Assets/gameHelp.png", 0, 0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2);
            _guiImageStartBee = new GUIImage("Assets/beePlaceholder.png", 200, 30, 1, 130, 118);
            _guiImageStartPlay = new GUIImage("Assets/play.png", (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 300/2), 0, 2, 300, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2);

            _guiImageHelpButton = new GUIImage("Assets/helpButton.png", 10, 10, 2, 41, 50);
            _guiImageHelpOne = new GUIImage("Assets/helpOne.png", 100, 10, 1, 300, 129);
            _guiImageHelpTwo = new GUIImage("Assets/helpTwo.png", 950, 20, 1, 300, 130);

            _guiFontArial24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/arial.ttf", 16);
            _guiArial24 = new GUIText("Score: ", _guiFontArial24, 1200, 25);
            _guiArial24.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            _guiButtonPlay = new GUIButton((System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 300/2), 0, 3, 300, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2);

            _guiButtonPlay.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
            _guiButtonPlay.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            _guiButtonPlay.BorderWidth = 0;

            _guiButtonHelp = new GUIButton(10, 10, 1, 50, 50);
            //Buttonfarbe setzen
            _guiButtonHelp.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
            _guiButtonHelp.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            _guiButtonHelp.BorderWidth = 0;

            //an den Handler anhaengen

            _guiImagePause = new GUIImage("Assets/gamePaused.png", 350, 40, 0, 500, 100);
예제 #37
        public GUI(RenderContext rc, GameWorld gw)
            //Basic Init
            _gw = gw;

            _fontSmall = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _fontMedium = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _fontBig = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 40);

            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Start Pannel Init
            _startPanel1 = new GUIPanel("RocketGame", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 150, 110);
            _startPanelButtonStart = new GUIButton("Start", _fontSmall, 10, 30, 130, 30);
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonDown += OnGUIButtonDown;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonUp += OnGUIButtonUp;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnGUIButtonLeave;
            _startPanelButtonStuff = new GUIButton("Stuff", _fontSmall, 10, 70, 130, 30);
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonDown += OnGUIButtonDown;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonUp += OnGUIButtonUp;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnGUIButtonLeave;

            _startPanel2 = new GUIPanel("Find and activate all the red cubes!", _fontMedium, 170, 20, 300, 30);

            _playPanel = new GUIPanel("Goals found:", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 150, 60);
            _playScore = new GUIText("", _fontMedium, 48, 45, new float4(1, 0, 0, 1));

            _overText = new GUIText("Game Over, you Win!", _fontBig, 200, 100, new float4(0, 1, 0, 1));

예제 #38
    Init functions
    public void Init()
        this.partyHandler = new PartyHandler();

            if(this.levelHandler == null)
                GameObject tmp = new GameObject("LevelHandler");
                    this.levelHandler = (LevelHandler)tmp.AddComponent("LevelHandler");
                    this.levelHandler = (LevelHandlerGUI)tmp.AddComponent("LevelHandlerGUI");
            if(this.musicHandler == null)
                GameObject tmp = new GameObject("MusicHandler");
                this.musicHandler = (MusicHandler)tmp.AddComponent("MusicHandler");
            if(this.dropHandler == null)
                GameObject tmp = new GameObject("DropHandler");
                this.dropHandler = (DropHandler)tmp.AddComponent("DropHandler");
            if(this.dragHandler == null)
                GameObject tmp = new GameObject("DragHandler");
                this.dragHandler = (DragHandler)tmp.AddComponent("DragHandler");
            if(this.windowHandler == null)
                this.windowHandler = new WindowHandler();
            if(this.guiHandler == null)
                GameObject tmp = new GameObject("GUIHandler");
                this.guiHandler = (GUIHandler)tmp.AddComponent("GUIHandler");
예제 #39
 internal void MainMenuGui()
     var height = _rCanvas.Height;
     var width = _rCanvas.Width;
     _guiHandler = _mainmenuHandler;
     _mainmenuHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.Startbild]);
     _mainmenuHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniStart]);
     _mainmenuHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniMouse]); //Mouse-Anleitung wird angezeigt
     _mainmenuHandler.Add(_guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnStart]);
     _guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnStart].OnGUIButtonDown += OnbtnPlay;
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);

            _smokeTexture           = RC.CreateShader(_smokeEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _smokeEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _fireRedTexture         = RC.CreateShader(_fireRedEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _fireRedEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _fireYellowTexture      = RC.CreateShader(_fireYellowEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _fireYellowEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _starTexture            = RC.CreateShader(_starEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _starEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);

            _smokeParam             = _smokeTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _fireRedParam           = _fireRedTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _fireYellowParam        = _fireYellowTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _starParam              = _starTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");

            // load texture
            var imgSmokeData        = RC.LoadImage("Assets/smoke_particle.png");
            var imgFireRedData      = RC.LoadImage("Assets/fireRed.png");
            var imgFireYellowData   = RC.LoadImage("Assets/fireYellowTexture.png");
            var imgStarData         = RC.LoadImage("Assets/star.png");

            _iSmoke                 = RC.CreateTexture(imgSmokeData);
            _iFireRed               = RC.CreateTexture(imgFireRedData);
            _iFireYellow            = RC.CreateTexture(imgFireYellowData);
            _iStar                  = RC.CreateTexture(imgStarData);

            RC.SetRenderState(new RenderStateSet
                ZEnable = false,
                AlphaBlendEnable = true,
                BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add,
                SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha,
                DestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("Fusee3D Particle System ", _guiFontCabin24, 510, 35);
            _guiText.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);


            // panel
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("Menu", _guiFontCabin18, 10, 10, 150, 150);

            // Example 1 button
            _guiExampleOneButton = new GUIButton("Fog", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // Example 2 button
            _guiExampleTwoButton = new GUIButton("Fire", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // Example 2 button
            _guiExampleThreeButton = new GUIButton("Stars", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

예제 #41
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start () {
     txt = GetComponent<Text>();
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find("GUIManager");
     guih = transform.root.GetComponent<GUIHandler>();
     pod = guih.pod;
예제 #42
        public override void Init()
            // Set ToonShaderEffect

            // Setup GUI

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("FUSEE Shader Demo", _guiFontCabin24, 30, Height - 30)
                TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1)


            // image
            _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/repbg.jpg", 0, 0, -5, Width, Height);
            _borderImage = new GUIImage("Assets/redbg.png", 0, 0, -4, 230, 32);

            //* Menu1: Select Shader
            _panelSelectShader = new GUIPanel("Select Shader", _guiFontCabin24, 10, 10, 230, 230);

            //** Possible Shader Buttons
            _btnDiffuseColorShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Color", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnTextureShader = new GUIButton("Texture Only", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Bump Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 130, 180, 25);
            _btnSpecularTexture = new GUIButton("Specular Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 160, 180, 25);
            _btnToon = new GUIButton("Toon", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 190, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //**** Add Buttons to Panel

            //* Menu3: Select Mesh
            _panelSelectMesh = new GUIPanel("Select Mesh", _guiFontCabin24, 270, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Meshes
            _btnCube = new GUIButton("Cube", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnSphere = new GUIButton("Sphere", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnTeapot = new GUIButton("Teapot", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //** Add handlers
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //* Menu2: Light Settings
            _panelLightSettings = new GUIPanel("Light Settings", _guiFontCabin24, 530, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Light Settings
            _btnDirectionalLight = new GUIButton("Directional Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnPointLight = new GUIButton("Point Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnSpotLight = new GUIButton("Spot Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            // Setup 3D Scene
            // Load Images and Assign iTextures
            var imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateTexture.jpg");
            var imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateNormal.jpg");
            _texCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthTexture.jpg");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthNormal.jpg");
            _texSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/porcelainTexture.png");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/normalRust.jpg");
            _texTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            _currentTexture = _texCube;
            _currentBumpTexture = _texBumpCube;

            // Load Meshes
            _meshCube = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            _meshSphere = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model");
            _meshTeapot = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");

            // Set current Mesh and Update GUI
            _currentMesh = _meshCube;
            _btnCube.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;

            // Setup Shaderprograms and Update GUI
            _shaderDiffuseColor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseTexture = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC);
            _shaderTexture = MoreShaders.GetSkyboxShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseBumpTexture = MoreShaders.GetBumpDiffuseShader(RC);
            _shaderSpecularTexture = MoreShaders.GetSpecularShader(RC);
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
            _currentShader = _shaderDiffuseColor;

            // Setup ShaderParams
            _paramColor = _shaderDiffuseColor.GetShaderParam("color");

            // Setup Light and Update GUI
            RC.SetLightActive(0, 1);
            RC.SetLightPosition(0, new float3(5.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f));
            RC.SetLightAmbient(0, new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpecular(0, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDiffuse(0, new float4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDirection(0, new float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpotAngle(0, 10);

            _btnDirectionalLight.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
예제 #43
	void OnApplicationQuit() {
		inst = null;
예제 #44
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
        txt = GetComponent<Text>();
        guih = transform.root.GetComponent<GUIHandler>();
        pod = guih.pod;
예제 #45
        internal void HighScoreGui()
            var height = _rCanvas.Height;
            var width = _rCanvas.Width;
            _highscore = true;
            _guiHandler = _highScoreHandler;

            // Erst if-Abfrage, ob ich grad aus der Pause komme, weil ich dann nichts überschreiben will
            if (_gameHandler.GameState.LastState != GameState.State.HiddenPause &&
                _gameHandler.GameState.CurrentState == GameState.State.Highscore)
                _guiHandler.Clear(); // Alte Infos aus dem GameHandler entfernen (z.B. Stand der Tomaten)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //Restliche Tomaten aus dem Spiel noch entfernen

                // Bilder&Texte&Buttons hinzufügen
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.Endbild]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniCreditsA]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniNochmal]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniHighscore]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnCredits]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnNochmal]);
                _highScoreHandler.Add(_guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnHighscore]);
                _guiDiffs[(int)_buttons.btnNochmal].OnGUIButtonDown += OnbtnPlay;
                _guiDiffs[(int)_buttons.btnHighscore].OnGUIButtonDown += OnbtnHighscore;
                _guiDiffs[(int)_buttons.btnCredits].OnGUIButtonDown += Credits;

                // Punkte
                if (_highScoreHandler.Contains(_guiText4))
                float textwidth;
                textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("You reached --- Points!", _guiFontWESTERN30);
                _guiText4 = new GUIText("You reached " + _points + " Points!", _guiFontWESTERN30, width / 2 - (int)(textwidth / 2), (height / 3), new float4(1, 0, 0, 1));
예제 #46
        //da initialisieren wir alles für den GuiHandler
        public Gui(RenderContext RC, RenderCanvas rCanvas, GameHandler gameHandler)
            #region Variablen
            _rCanvas = rCanvas;
            var height = _rCanvas.Height;
            var width = _rCanvas.Width;

            _gameHandler = gameHandler;
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(RC);
            _mainmenuHandler = new GUIHandler(RC);
            _inGameHandler = new GUIHandler(RC);
            _highScoreHandler = new GUIHandler(RC);

            _guiDiffs = new GUIButton[4];
            _guiImageTomato = new GUIImage[10];
            _guiImages = new GUIImage[9];
            _highscoreBretter = new GUIImage[5];

            float textwidth;
            float texthight;
            _highscore = false;
            _neustart = true;
            _pause = true;
            _level = 1;


            #region Bilder
            //Hintergrund Startscreen
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.Startbild] = new GUIImage("Assets/startbild.png", 0, 0,-3, width, height);

            //Hintergrund Endscreen
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.Endbild] = new GUIImage("Assets/endbild.png", 0, 0, -3, width, height);

            //Maus-Nutzerinfo in Mainmenü einblenden
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniMouse] = new GUIImage("Assets/Mouse.png", width / 4, 0, -1, (int)(height / 1.322), height);

            //Fadenkreuz flexibel (Falls es zwecks Schwierigkeitsstufe kleiner werden soll)
            _aimimage = 80;
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniFadenkreuz] = new GUIImage("Assets/Fadenkreuz.png", width / 2 - _aimimage / 2, height / 2 - _aimimage / 2, -2, _aimimage, _aimimage);

            // Credits Klohaus
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniCreditsA] = new GUIImage("Assets/kloClosed.png", width - height, 0, -1, height, height);
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniCreditsB] = new GUIImage("Assets/kloOpen.png", width - height, 0, -1, height, height);


            #region Beschriftungen
            _guiFontCabin12 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _guiFontCabin14 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 14);
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin100 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 100);
            _guiFontWESTERN30 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/WESTERN.ttf", 30);

            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("So hoch.", _guiFontCabin18);
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Sooooooooo laaaaaang", _guiFontCabin14);
            _guiTextCredits1 = new GUIText("Ramazan Gündogdu", _guiFontCabin14, (width) - (int)(textwidth), (height / 3)+ (int)(texthight/2), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            _guiTextCredits2 = new GUIText("Kathleen Hübel", _guiFontCabin14, (width) - (int)(textwidth), (int)(_guiTextCredits1.PosY + texthight), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            _guiTextCredits3 = new GUIText("Linda Schey", _guiFontCabin14, (width) - (int)(textwidth), (int)(_guiTextCredits2.PosY + texthight), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            _guiTextCredits4 = new GUIText("Susanne Schmidt", _guiFontCabin14, (width) - (int)(textwidth), (int)(_guiTextCredits3.PosY + texthight), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            _guiTextCredits5 = new GUIText("Tobias Winterhalder ", _guiFontCabin14, (width) - (int)(textwidth), (int)(_guiTextCredits4.PosY + texthight), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));

            //Eingabetext Name für Highscore
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("Lorem ipsum", _guiFontCabin18);
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Write name: ", _guiFontCabin18);
            _name = new GUIText("Write name: ", _guiFontCabin18, (width / 2) - (int)(textwidth), (height / 2), new float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
            nameInput = new GUIText("", _guiFontCabin18, (width / 2), (height / 2), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));

            //Text Mainmenü: Scha(r)fschießen
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Scha(r)fschießen", _guiFontWESTERN30);
            _guiTextTitel = new GUIText("Scha(r)fschießen", _guiFontWESTERN30, (width/2) - (int) (textwidth/2), (height/3));
            _guiTextTitel.TextColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

            // Text InGame
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Time: ", _guiFontCabin18);
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("Time: ", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiText1 = new GUIText("Time: " + _countdown, _guiFontCabin18, (int)textwidth, (int)(texthight*2));
            _guiText1.TextColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Time: ", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiText2 = new GUIText("Points: " + _points, _guiFontCabin18, width - (int)(textwidth * 3), (int)(texthight*2));
            _guiText2.TextColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

            //Text LevelUp
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Level Up!", _guiFontCabin100);
            _guiText7 = new GUIText("Level Up!", _guiFontCabin100, (width / 2) - (int)(textwidth/2), (height / 2));
            _guiText7.TextColor = new float4(1, 0, 0, 0.5f);


            #region Buttons
            // Button MainMenü: Starten
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Start", _guiFontWESTERN30);
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("Start", _guiFontWESTERN30);
            _guiText3 = new GUIText("Start", _guiFontWESTERN30, width / 2 - (int)(textwidth / 2), (int)(height / 1.5));
            _guiText3.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            _guiDiffs[(int)_buttons.btnStart] = new GUIButton(_guiText3.PosX - (int)(texthight / 2), _guiText3.PosY - (int)texthight, -2,
                (int)(textwidth * 1.5), (int)(texthight * 1.5));
            _guiImages[(int)_btnimages.btniStart] = new GUIImage("Assets/holz.png", _guiText3.PosX - (int)textwidth / 2,
                _guiText3.PosY - (int)(texthight * 1.5), -1, (int)textwidth * 2, (int)texthight * 2);

            // Button HighscoreMenü: Nochmal spielen
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Play again", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiText5 = new GUIText("Play again", _guiFontCabin18, (width / 2) - (int)(textwidth * 1.5),
                (height / 2 + height / 3));
            _guiText5.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("Play again", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnNochmal] = new GUIButton(_guiText5.PosX, _guiText5.PosY - (int) texthight, -2,
                (int) textwidth, (int) texthight);
            _guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniNochmal] = new GUIImage("Assets/holz.png",
                _guiText5.PosX - (int) textwidth/2, _guiText5.PosY - (int) (texthight*1.5), -1, (int) textwidth*2,
                (int) texthight*2);

            // Button HighscoreMenü: Highscore
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Enter in Highscore", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiText6 = new GUIText("Enter in Highscore", _guiFontCabin18, (width / 2) + (int)(textwidth / 5), (height / 2 + height / 3));
            _guiText6.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextHeight("Enter in Highscore", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiDiffs[(int) _buttons.btnHighscore] = new GUIButton(_guiText6.PosX, _guiText6.PosY - (int) texthight, -2, (int) textwidth, (int) texthight);
            _guiImages[(int) _btnimages.btniHighscore] = new GUIImage("Assets/holz.png",_guiText6.PosX - (int)textwidth / 8, _guiText6.PosY - (int)(texthight * 1.5), -1, (int)(textwidth * 1.2), (int) texthight*2);

            //Button Credits
            textwidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Credits", _guiFontCabin18);
            texthight = GUIText.GetTextWidth("Credits", _guiFontCabin18);
            _guiCredits = new GUIText("Credits", _guiFontCabin18, width - (int)(textwidth*1.5), (height / 2), new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
            _guiDiffs[(int)_buttons.btnCredits] = new GUIButton(_guiCredits.PosX, _guiCredits.PosY - (int)texthight, -2,
               (int)textwidth, (int)texthight);
예제 #47
        internal void InGameGui()
            //set guiHander für während das Spiel läuft (während der Pause?)
            _countdown = _gameHandler.Game.Countdown;

            // Erst if-Abfrage, ob ich grad aus der Pause komme, weil ich dann nichts überschreiben will
            if (_gameHandler.GameState.LastState == GameState.State.HiddenPause && _gameHandler.GameState.CurrentState == GameState.State.Playing)
                 _neustart = false; // Komme also aus der Pause und will nichts verändern
            else // Starte neues Spiel
                _neustart = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //alle Tomaten noch weg
            #region Neustart
            if (_neustart)
            _guiHandler = _inGameHandler;
            _munition = _gameHandler.Game.Weapon.Magazin;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            _pause = true;
예제 #48
        public override void Init()
            // is called on startup
            Width = 616;
            Height = 688;

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("Spot all seven differences!", _guiFontCabin24, 310, 35);
            _guiText.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);


            // image
            _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/spot_the_diff.png", 0, 0, -5, 600, 650);

            // buttons / rectangles
            _guiUDiffs = new GUIButton[7];
            _guiBDiffs = new GUIButton[7];

            _guiUDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 3, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 328, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 270, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 595, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 255, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 580, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 170, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 495, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 110, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 435, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 215, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 540, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 280, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 605, 40, 40);

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                _guiUDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
                _guiBDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

                _guiUDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
                _guiBDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

                _guiUDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0;
                _guiBDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0;

                _guiUDiffs[i].Tag = _guiBDiffs[i];
                _guiBDiffs[i].Tag = _guiUDiffs[i];

                _guiBDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown;
                _guiUDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown;


            // panel
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("Menu", _guiFontCabin18, 10, 10, 150, 110);

            // reset button
            _guiResetButton = new GUIButton("Reset", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 100, 25);

            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // solve button
            _guiSolveButton = new GUIButton("Solve", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 100, 25);

            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;
