public void Read(AssetsFileReader reader)
            bufferedPath = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
            guid         = new GUID128();
            type              = reader.ReadInt32();
            assetPath         = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
            originalAssetPath = assetPath;

            //because lowercase "resources" is read by unity fine on linux, it either uses
            //hardcoded replaces like below or it has case insensitive pathing somehow
            //this isn't consistent with the original assetstools but it only supported
            //windows anyway, so this will only create issues if more than these three
            //pop up in the future. also, the reason I don't just replace all "library"
            //with "Resources" is so that when saving, I can change it back to the original
            //(like how unity_builtin_extra goes back to "resources", not "library")
            if (assetPath == "resources/unity_builtin_extra")
                assetPath = "Resources/unity_builtin_extra";
            else if (assetPath == "library/unity default resources" || assetPath == "Library/unity default resources")
                assetPath = "Resources/unity default resources";
            else if (assetPath == "library/unity editor resources" || assetPath == "Library/unity editor resources")
                assetPath = "Resources/unity editor resources";
예제 #2
 public ulong Read(ulong absFilePos, AssetsFileReader reader, bool bigEndian)
     guid = new GUID128();
     guid.Read(reader.Position, reader);
     bufferedPath = new byte[] { reader.ReadByte() }; //todo: why
     type         = reader.ReadInt32();
     assetPath    = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
     if (assetPath.StartsWith("library/"))
         assetPath = "Resources\\" + assetPath.Substring(8);
예제 #3
 public string  assetPath; //path to the .assets file
 public void Read(AssetsFileReader reader)
     bufferedPath = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
     guid         = new GUID128();
     type      = reader.ReadInt32();
     assetPath = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
     //todo: the switchero was here for testing purposes, should be handled by application for full control
     if (assetPath.StartsWith("library/"))
         assetPath = "Resources/" + assetPath.Substring(8);
 public byte[]  bufferedPath; //for buffered (type=1)
 public ulong Read(ulong absFilePos, AssetsFileReader reader, bool bigEndian)
     bufferedPath = new byte[] { reader.ReadByte() }; //-Dunno why it's here but it is
     guid         = new GUID128();
     guid.Read(reader.Position, reader);
     type      = reader.ReadInt32();
     assetPath = reader.ReadNullTerminated();
     //todo: the switchero was here for testing purposes, should be handled by application for full control
     if (assetPath.StartsWith("library/"))
         assetPath = "Resources\\" + assetPath.Substring(8);