public override bool OnMessage(GUIMessage message) { switch (message.Message) { case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_PLAYBACK_STOPPED: { for (int i = 0; i < m_Facade.Count; ++i) { GUIListItem item = m_Facade[i]; if (item != null && item.Selected) { item.Selected = false; break; } } UpdateButtonStates(); } break; case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_PLAYLIST_CHANGED: { // global playlist changed outside playlist window LoadDirectory(string.Empty); if (previousControlId == m_Facade.GetID && m_Facade.Count <= 0) { previousControlId = btnViewAs.GetID; GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, previousControlId); } SelectCurrentVideo(); } break; } return(base.OnMessage(message)); }
private void OnSkinChanged() { // Backup the buttons, needed later BackupButtons(); // Set the skin to the selected skin and reload GUI GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = _btnSkin.Label; SaveSettings(); GUITextureManager.Clear(); GUITextureManager.Init(); SkinSettings.Load(); GUIFontManager.LoadFonts(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\fonts.xml")); GUIFontManager.InitializeDeviceObjects(); GUIExpressionManager.ClearExpressionCache(); GUIControlFactory.ClearReferences(); GUIControlFactory.LoadReferences(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\references.xml")); GUIWindowManager.OnResize(); GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(GetID); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, _btnSkin.GetID); // Apply the selected buttons again, since they are cleared when we reload RestoreButtons(); using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { xmlreader.SetValue("general", "skinobsoletecount", 0); if (!GUIGraphicsContext.Fullscreen) { try { var border = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.form.Width - GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.form.Height - GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize.Height); if (GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width + border.Width <= GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width && GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height + border.Height <= GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height) { GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); } else { double ratio = Math.Min((double)(GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width - border.Width) / GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, (double)(GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height - border.Height) / GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size((int)(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width * ratio), (int)(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height * ratio)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("OnSkinChanged exception:{0}", ex.ToString()); Log.Error(ex); } } } if (BassMusicPlayer.Player != null && BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow != null) { BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow.Reinit(); } // Send a message that the skin has changed. var msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SKIN_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIGraphicsContext.SendMessage(msg); }
private void Update() { try { if (listExifProperties != null && !listExifProperties.IsVisible) { listExifProperties.IsVisible = true; if (!listExifProperties.IsEnabled) { GUIControl.EnableControl(GetID, listExifProperties.GetID); } GUIControl.SelectControl(GetID, listExifProperties.GetID); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, listExifProperties.GetID); GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#itemcount", Util.Utils.GetObjectCountLabel(listExifProperties.Count)); listExifProperties.SelectedListItemIndex = _currentSelectedItem; SelectItem(); } if (imgPicture != null) { imgPicture.Rotation = PictureDatabase.GetRotation(_currentPicture); imgPicture.Dispose(); imgPicture.AllocResources(); } GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#pictures.exif.picture", _currentPicture); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("GUIPictureExif Update controls Error: {1}", ex.Message); } }
private void SendSearchResultsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktEpisodeSummary> episodes) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (episodes == null || episodes.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoSearchResultsFound); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); Episodes = null; return; } int itemId = 0; var showImages = new List <TraktImage>(); // Add each show foreach (var episodeSummary in episodes) { // add images for download var images = new TraktImage { EpisodeImages = episodeSummary.Episode.Images, ShowImages = episodeSummary.Show.Images }; showImages.Add(images); var item = new GUIEpisodeListItem(episodeSummary.ToString(), (int)TraktGUIWindows.SearchEpisodes); item.Label2 = episodeSummary.Show.Year.ToString(); item.TVTag = episodeSummary; item.Images = images; item.IsPlayed = episodeSummary.Episode.Watched; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = "defaultTraktEpisode.png"; item.IconImageBig = "defaultTraktEpisodeBig.png"; item.ThumbnailImage = "defaultTraktEpisodeBig.png"; item.OnItemSelected += OnEpisodeSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (SearchTermChanged) { PreviousSelectedIndex = 0; } Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", episodes.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", episodes.Count().ToString(), episodes.Count() > 1 ? Translation.Episodes : Translation.Episode)); // Download images Async and set to facade GUIEpisodeListItem.GetImages(showImages); }
private void SendCastToFacade(List <TraktPersonShowCast> cast) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (cast == null) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(Translation.Error, Translation.ErrorGeneral); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); return; } // filter Shows var filteredCast = FilterCastShows(cast).Where(m => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Show.Title)).ToList(); // sort Shows filteredCast.Sort(new GUIListItemShowSorter(TraktSettings.SortByCreditShows.Field, TraktSettings.SortByCreditShows.Direction)); int itemId = 0; GUIShowListItem item = null; var ShowImages = new List <GUITmdbImage>(); foreach (var credit in filteredCast) { // add image for download var images = new GUITmdbImage { ShowImages = new TmdbShowImages { Id = credit.Show.Ids.Tmdb } }; ShowImages.Add(images); item = new GUIShowListItem(credit.Show.Title, (int)TraktGUIWindows.PersonCreditShows); item.Label2 = credit.Show.Year == null ? "----" : credit.Show.Year.ToString(); item.Show = credit.Show; item.TVTag = credit; item.Images = images; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnCastSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.CurrentLayout = CurrentLayout; GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", Facade.Count.ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", filteredCast.Count, filteredCast.Count > 1 ? Translation.Shows : Translation.Show)); // Download Show images Async and set to facade GUIShowListItem.GetImages(ShowImages); }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { base.OnPageLoad(); currentLayout = Layout.Playlist; facadeLayout.CurrentLayout = currentLayout; LoadDirectory(string.Empty); if (g_Player.Playing && playlistPlayer.CurrentPlaylistType == PlayListType.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) { int iSong = playlistPlayer.CurrentSong; if (iSong >= 0 && iSong <= facadeLayout.Count) { GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, facadeLayout.GetID, iSong); } } if (facadeLayout.Count <= 0) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnLayouts.GetID); IMDBMovie movie = new IMDBMovie(); movie.SetProperties(false, string.Empty); } using (Profile.Settings settings = new Profile.MPSettings()) { playlistPlayer.RepeatPlaylist = settings.GetValueAsBool("movies", "repeat", true); } if (btnRepeatPlaylist != null) { btnRepeatPlaylist.Selected = playlistPlayer.RepeatPlaylist; } }
public void OnClicked(GUIControl control) { int controlId = control.GetID; if (controlId == 302) { SelectQuality(SelectedWatch); } if (controlId == 303) { SelectSource(SelectedWatch); } if (controlId == 304) { SelectTracker(SelectedWatch); } if (controlId == 305) { ChooseType(SelectedWatch); } if (controlId == 306) { OnToggleSpecials(SelectedWatch, control.Selected); } if (controlId == 307) { ChooseFolder(SelectedWatch); } if (controlId != 307) { GUIControl.FocusControl(5678, control.GetID); } }
private void SelectCurrentPlayingSong() { if (g_Player.Playing && playlistPlayer.CurrentPlaylistType == PlayListType.PLAYLIST_MUSIC) { if (GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow == (int)Window.WINDOW_MUSIC_PLAYLIST) { // delete prev. selected item for (int i = 0; i < facadeLayout.Count; ++i) { GUIListItem item = facadeLayout[i]; if (item != null && item.Selected) { item.Selected = false; break; } } // set current item selected int iSong = playlistPlayer.CurrentSong; if (iSong >= 0 && iSong <= facadeLayout.Count) { GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, facadeLayout.GetID, iSong); GUIListItem item = facadeLayout[iSong]; if (item != null) { item.Selected = true; GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, facadeLayout.GetID); } } } } }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { base.OnPageLoad(); this.LoadSettings(); GUIControl.FocusControl(this.GetID, this.btnRed.GetID); GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#currentmodule", GUILocalizeStrings.Get(109001)); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the event, when the Sorting method changes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender object</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param> private void SortChanged(object sender, SortEventArgs e) { CurrentSortAsc = e.Order != System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder.Descending; OnSort(); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, ((GUIControl)sender).GetID); }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { base.OnPageLoad(); currentLayout = Layout.Playlist; facadeLayout.CurrentLayout = Layout.Playlist; LoadFacade(); if (m_iItemSelected >= 0) { GUIControl.SelectItemControl(GetID, facadeLayout.GetID, m_iItemSelected); } if ((m_iLastControl == facadeLayout.GetID) && facadeLayout.Count <= 0) { m_iLastControl = btnNowPlaying.GetID; GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, m_iLastControl); } if (facadeLayout.Count <= 0) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnLayouts.GetID); } if (btnRepeatPlaylist != null) { btnRepeatPlaylist.Selected = playlistPlayer.RepeatPlaylist; } SelectCurrentPlayingSong(); if (null != bw && bw.IsBusy && !bw.CancellationPending) { ShowWaitCursor(); } }
private void GetPrevEpisodeComments() { if (ShoutType != ShoutTypeEnum.episode) { return; } var episodeIndex = EpisodeInfo.EpisodeIdx; var seasonIndex = EpisodeInfo.SeasonIdx; // there is no episode 0 if (episodeIndex == 1) { return; } Comments = null; // decrement by 1 episode EpisodeInfo.EpisodeIdx = episodeIndex - 1; // flag to indicate we dont want to exit if no shouts found ExitIfNoShoutsFound = false; LoadCommentsList(); // set focus back to facade GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); }
private void ShowAccountControls(bool newUser) { // set conditions so skins can show controls for account login/creation // there were issues when trying to invoke a virtual keyboard from a dialog // ie. (dialog from with-in another dialog) hence the reason why // we are re-using existing window to show controls. GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Settings.Account.Dialog.Visible", "true"); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Settings.Account.Dialog.NewUser", newUser.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); GUIWindowManager.Process(); if (btnUsername != null) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnUsername.GetID); } if (btnOk != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, btnOk.GetID, newUser ? Translation.Create : Translation.Login); } if (lblTitle != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, lblTitle.GetID, newUser ? Translation.CreateAccount : Translation.Login); } NewAccount = newUser; }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { updateStationLogoTimer.Enabled = true; _setting = Settings.Instance; grabber.Settings.User = _setting.User; grabber.Settings.Password = _setting.Password; grabber.Settings.PartnerId = _setting.PartnerId; LoadLocalPresetStations(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GUIPropertyManager.GetProperty("#RadioTime.Presets.Folder.Name").Trim())) { GUIControl.DisableControl(GetID, folderButton.GetID); } else { GUIControl.EnableControl(GetID, folderButton.GetID); } foreach (var name in Translation.Strings.Keys) { SetProperty("#RadioTime.Translation." + name + ".Label", Translation.Strings[name]); } GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, GetFocusControlId()); base.OnPageLoad(); }
private void HideAccountControls() { Username = string.Empty; Password = string.Empty; Email = string.Empty; if (btnUsername != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, btnUsername.GetID, string.Empty); } if (btnPassword != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, btnPassword.GetID, string.Empty); } if (btnEmail != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, btnEmail.GetID, string.Empty); } if (lblTestConnect != null) { GUIControl.SetControlLabel(GetID, lblTestConnect.GetID, string.Empty); } GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Settings.Account.Dialog.Visible", "false"); GUIWindowManager.Process(); // Set Focus back to main window controls if (btnCreateNewAccount != null) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnCreateNewAccount.GetID); } }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { base.OnPageLoad(); //Load settings Log.Info("GUISkipSteps: {0}", "Load settings"); string regValue = string.Empty; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { try { regValue = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "skipsteps", DEFAULT_SETTING); if (regValue == string.Empty) // config after wizard run 1st { regValue = DEFAULT_SETTING; Log.Info("GeneralSkipSteps - creating new Skip-Settings {0}", ""); } else if (OldStyle(regValue)) { regValue = ConvertToNewStyle(regValue); } labelCurrent.Label = regValue; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Info("GeneralSkipSteps - Exception while loading Skip-Settings: {0}", ex.ToString()); } } SetCheckMarksBasedOnString(regValue); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, checkMarkButtonStep1.GetID); }
protected override void OnPageLoad() { foreach (GUIListItem item in relatated) { listControl.Add(item); } //updateStationLogoTimer.Enabled = true; //if (Youtube2MP.NowPlayingEntry != null) //{ // if (File.Exists(GetFanArtImage(Youtube2MP.NowPlayingSong.Artist))) // { // GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("", GetFanArtImage(Youtube2MP.NowPlayingSong.Artist)); // imgFanArt.Visible = true; // updateStationLogoTimer.Enabled = false; // } // else // { // imgFanArt.Visible = false; // updateStationLogoTimer.Enabled = true; // } //} GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, listControl.GetID); base.OnPageLoad(); }
protected override void OnShowSort() { GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg == null) { return; } dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetHeading(495); // Sort options dlg.AddLocalizedString(103); // name dlg.AddLocalizedString(668); // Type dlg.AddLocalizedString(669); // genre dlg.AddLocalizedString(670); // bitrate dlg.AddLocalizedString(620); // number dlg.SelectedLabel = (int)currentSortMethod; // show dialog and wait for result dlg.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg.SelectedId == -1) { return; } switch (dlg.SelectedId) { case 103: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Name; break; case 668: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Type; break; case 669: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Genre; break; case 670: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Bitrate; break; case 620: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Number; break; default: currentSortMethod = SortMethod.Name; break; } OnSort(); if (btnSortBy != null) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnSortBy.GetID); } }
private void ShowPosters() { GUIControl.ClearControl(this.GetID, m_Facade.GetID); List <PosterContainer> allPosters = new List <PosterContainer>(); string displayname = ""; AnimeSeriesVM ser = JMMServerHelper.GetSeries(MainWindow.GlobalSeriesID); if (ser != null) { displayname = ser.SeriesName; if (ser.CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBV2 != null && ser.CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBV2.Count > 0) { AnimeID = ser.CrossRef_AniDB_TvDBV2[0].AnimeID; } } BaseConfig.MyAnimeLog.Write("ShowPosters for {0} - {1}", displayname, AnimeID); foreach (PosterContainer pstr in ser.AniDB_Anime.AniDB_AnimeCrossRefs.AllPosters) { if (!File.Exists(pstr.FullImagePath)) { continue; } allPosters.Add(pstr); } GUIListItem item = null; foreach (PosterContainer poster in allPosters) { item = new GUIListItem(); item.IconImage = item.IconImageBig = poster.FullImagePath; item.TVTag = poster; item.OnItemSelected += new GUIListItem.ItemSelectedHandler(onFacadeItemSelected); m_Facade.Add(item); } if (m_Facade.Count > 0) { m_Facade.SelectedListItemIndex = 0; // Work around for Filmstrip not allowing to programmatically select item if (m_Facade.CurrentLayout == GUIFacadeControl.Layout.Filmstrip) { } PosterContainer selectedPoster = m_Facade.SelectedListItem.TVTag as PosterContainer; if (selectedPoster != null) { SetPosterProperties(selectedPoster); } GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, 50); } }
private void SendSearchResultsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktSearchResult> searchResults) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (searchResults == null || searchResults.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoSearchResultsFound); return; } // jump directly to results if (!TraktSettings.ShowSearchResultsBreakdown && SearchTypes.Count == 1) { // set the selected search type as we have not clicked on a facade item SelectedSearchType = (SearchType)GetSearchTypesID(); SendSearchResultsToWindow(SearchResults); // clear the search term so when we return (press back) we don't go in a loop. SearchTerm = null; return; } int itemId = 0; // Add each search type to the list foreach (var type in SearchTypes) { GUIListItem item = new GUIListItem(GetSearchListName(type)); item.Label2 = GetSearchResultCount(searchResults, type).ToString(); item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.TVTag = type; item.IconImage = "defaultFolder.png"; item.IconImageBig = "defaultFolderBig.png"; item.ThumbnailImage = "defaultFolderBig.png"; item.OnItemSelected += OnItemSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout("List"); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (PreviousSelectedIndex >= SearchTypes.Count) { Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex - 1); } else { Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); } // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", SearchTypes.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", SearchTypes.Count.ToString(), Translation.SearchTypes)); }
private void SortChanged(object sender, SortEventArgs e) { CurrentSortAsc = e.Order != SortOrder.Descending; OnSort(); //UpdateButtonStates(); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, ((GUIControl)sender).GetID); }
public void PresentLayout() { GUIControl.HideControl(GetID, facadeLayout.GetID); int iControl = facadeLayout.GetID; GUIControl.ShowControl(GetID, iControl); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, iControl); }
private void SendTrendingShowsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktTrendingShow> shows) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (shows.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoTrendingShows); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); return; } // filter shows shows = GUICommon.FilterTrendingShows(shows); // sort shows var showList = shows.ToList(); showList.Sort(new GUIListItemShowSorter(TraktSettings.SortByTrendingShows.Field, TraktSettings.SortByTrendingShows.Direction)); int itemId = 0; List <TraktShow.ShowImages> showImages = new List <TraktShow.ShowImages>(); foreach (var show in showList) { GUITraktTrendingShowListItem item = new GUITraktTrendingShowListItem(show.Title); item.Label2 = show.Year.ToString(); item.TVTag = show; item.Item = show.Images; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = "defaultVideo.png"; item.IconImageBig = "defaultVideoBig.png"; item.ThumbnailImage = "defaultVideoBig.png"; item.OnItemSelected += OnShowSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; // add image for download showImages.Add(show.Images); } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", shows.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", shows.Count().ToString(), shows.Count() > 1 ? Translation.SeriesPlural : Translation.Series)); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Trending.PeopleCount", shows.Sum(s => s.Watchers).ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Trending.Description", string.Format(Translation.TrendingTVShowsPeople, shows.Sum(s => s.Watchers).ToString(), shows.Count().ToString())); // Download show images Async and set to facade GetImages(showImages); }
private void SendShowSeasonsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktShowSeason> seasons) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (seasons == null || seasons.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoSeasonsForShow); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); return; } // sort ascending or descending order if (TraktSettings.SortSeasonsAscending) { seasons = seasons.OrderBy(s => s.Season); } int itemId = 0; var seasonImages = new List <TraktImage>(); foreach (var season in seasons) { // add image for download var images = new TraktImage { SeasonImages = season.Images, ShowImages = Show.Images }; seasonImages.Add(images); string itemLabel = season.Season == 0 ? Translation.Specials : string.Format("{0} {1}", Translation.Season, season.Season.ToString()); var item = new GUISeasonListItem(itemLabel, (int)TraktGUIWindows.ShowSeasons); item.Label2 = string.Format("{0} {1}", season.EpisodeCount, Translation.Episodes); item.TVTag = season; item.Images = images; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnSeasonSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", seasons.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", seasons.Count().ToString(), seasons.Count() > 1 ? Translation.Seasons : Translation.Season)); // Download show images Async and set to facade GUISeasonListItem.GetImages(seasonImages); }
private void SendSearchResultsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktMovie> movies) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (movies == null || movies.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoSearchResultsFound); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); Movies = null; return; } int itemId = 0; var movieImages = new List <TraktImage>(); // Add each movie foreach (var movie in movies) { // add image for download var images = new TraktImage { MovieImages = movie.Images }; movieImages.Add(images); GUIMovieListItem item = new GUIMovieListItem(movie.Title, (int)TraktGUIWindows.SearchMovies); item.Label2 = movie.Year == "0" ? "----" : movie.Year; item.TVTag = movie; item.Images = images; item.IsPlayed = movie.Watched; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnMovieSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (SearchTermChanged) { PreviousSelectedIndex = 0; } Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", movies.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", movies.Count().ToString(), movies.Count() > 1 ? Translation.Movies : Translation.Movie)); // Download movie images Async and set to facade GUIMovieListItem.GetImages(movieImages); }
private void SendRelatedMoviesToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktMovie> movies) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (movies.Count() == 0) { string title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedMovie.Title) ? relatedMovie.IMDbId : relatedMovie.Title; GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), string.Format(Translation.NoRelatedMovies, title)); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); return; } int itemId = 0; var movieImages = new List <TraktImage>(); // Add each movie foreach (var movie in movies.Where(m => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Title))) { var item = new GUIMovieListItem(movie.Title, (int)TraktGUIWindows.RelatedMovies); // add image for download var image = new TraktImage { MovieImages = movie.Images }; movieImages.Add(image); item.Label2 = movie.Year; item.TVTag = movie; item.Images = image; item.IsPlayed = movie.Watched; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; // movie in collection doesnt nessararily mean // that the movie is locally available on this computer // as 'keep library clean' might not be enabled //item.IsRemote = !movie.InCollection; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnMovieSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", movies.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", movies.Count().ToString(), movies.Count() > 1 ? Translation.Movies : Translation.Movie)); // Download movie images Async and set to facade GUIMovieListItem.GetImages(movieImages); }
void SortChanged(object sender, SortEventArgs e) { // save the new state mapSettings.SortAscending = e.Order != SortOrder.Descending; // update the list //UpdateList(); //UpdateButtonStates(); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, ((GUIControl)sender).GetID); }
public override bool OnMessage(GUIMessage message) { //needRefresh = true; switch (message.Message) { case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: { SetControlLabel(GetID, 1, string.Empty); base.OnMessage(message); return(true); } case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: { m_bConfirmed = false; base.OnMessage(message); if (m_DefaultYes) { GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnYes.GetID); } iYesKey = (int)btnYes.Label.ToLower()[0]; iNoKey = (int)btnNo.Label.ToLower()[0]; } return(true); case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { int iControl = message.SenderControlId; if (btnYes == null) { m_bConfirmed = true; PageDestroy(); m_DefaultYes = false; return(true); } if (iControl == btnNo.GetID) { m_bConfirmed = false; PageDestroy(); m_DefaultYes = false; return(true); } if (iControl == btnYes.GetID) { m_bConfirmed = true; PageDestroy(); m_DefaultYes = false; return(true); } } break; } return(base.OnMessage(message)); }
private void SendCrewToFacade(List<TraktPersonMovieJob> crew) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (crew == null) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(Translation.Error, Translation.ErrorGeneral); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); return; } // filter movies var filteredCrew = FilterCrewMovies(crew).Where(m => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Movie.Title)).ToList(); // sort movies filteredCrew.Sort(new GUIListItemMovieSorter(TraktSettings.SortByCreditMovies.Field, TraktSettings.SortByCreditMovies.Direction)); int itemId = 0; GUIMovieListItem item = null; var movieImages = new List<GUITmdbImage>(); foreach (var job in filteredCrew) { // add image for download var images = new GUITmdbImage { MovieImages = new TmdbMovieImages { Id = job.Movie.Ids.Tmdb } }; movieImages.Add(images); item = new GUIMovieListItem(job.Movie.Title, (int)TraktGUIWindows.PersonCreditMovies); item.Label2 = job.Movie.Year == null ? "----" : job.Movie.Year.ToString(); item.Movie = job.Movie; item.TVTag = job; item.Images = images; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnCrewSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", Facade.Count.ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", filteredCrew.Count, filteredCrew.Count > 1 ? Translation.Movies : Translation.Movie)); // Download movie images Async and set to facade GUIMovieListItem.GetImages(movieImages); }
private void SendSearchResultsToFacade(IEnumerable <TraktPersonSummary> people) { // clear facade GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (people == null || people.Count() == 0) { GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUIUtils.PluginName(), Translation.NoSearchResultsFound); GUIWindowManager.ShowPreviousWindow(); People = null; return; } int itemId = 0; var personImages = new List <TraktImage>(); // Add each movie foreach (var person in people) { // add image for download var images = new TraktImage { PoepleImages = person.Images }; personImages.Add(images); var item = new GUIPersonListItem(person.Name.Trim(), (int)TraktGUIWindows.SearchPeople); item.TVTag = person; item.Images = images; item.ItemId = Int32.MaxValue - itemId; item.IconImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(false); item.IconImageBig = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.ThumbnailImage = GUIImageHandler.GetDefaultPoster(); item.OnItemSelected += OnPersonSelected; Utils.SetDefaultIcons(item); Facade.Add(item); itemId++; } // Set Facade Layout Facade.SetCurrentLayout(Enum.GetName(typeof(Layout), CurrentLayout)); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, Facade.GetID); if (SearchTermChanged) { PreviousSelectedIndex = 0; } Facade.SelectIndex(PreviousSelectedIndex); // set facade properties GUIUtils.SetProperty("#itemcount", people.Count().ToString()); GUIUtils.SetProperty("#Trakt.Items", string.Format("{0} {1}", people.Count().ToString(), people.Count() > 1 ? Translation.People : Translation.Person)); // Download images Async and set to facade GUIPersonListItem.GetImages(personImages); }