protected override void OnViewShow() { base.OnViewShow(); m_Email = null; m_EmailButton.TextFieldText = string.Empty; m_EmailButton.SetNewText(107030); UpdateMigrateButton(); m_MigrateButton.RegisterReleaseDelegate2(Delegate_Migrate); m_CancelButton.RegisterReleaseDelegate2(Delegate_Cancel); m_EmailButton.RegisterReleaseDelegate2(Delegate_Email); }
public void Update(FtueAction.Base action, int actionsFinished, int actionsTotal) { if (m_Root.Visible == true) { string hint = Ftue.NextActionHint; string label = action.IsIdle == true?string.Format(TextDatabase.instance[9900003], action.Label) : action.Label; m_Caption.SetNewText(hint != null ? label : string.Format("{0}: {1}", TextDatabase.instance[9900000], label )); m_Text.Widget.ShowImmediate(true, true); m_Text.SetNewText(hint ?? action.Description); m_Text.textScale = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hint) ? new Vector2(m_DefaultTextScale.x * action.DescriptionScale.x, m_DefaultTextScale.y * action.DescriptionScale.y) : m_DefaultTextScale; bool isNext = action is FtueAction.Welcome || action is FtueAction.Hud || action is FtueAction.FinalText ? true : false; bool highlight = Alpha < 1.0f ? false : action.IsActive; m_SkipThis.animate = true; m_SkipThis.isHighlighted = isNext ? highlight : false; m_SkipThis.SetNewText(isNext ? 9900004 : 9900001); } m_Close.IsDisabled = Alpha < 0.8f ? true : false; m_SkipThis.IsDisabled = Alpha < 0.8f ? true : action.IsIdle; m_SkipAll.IsDisabled = Alpha < 0.8f ? true : false; }
// ================================================================================================================= // === Delegates ================================================================================================= void OnMinimize(GUIBase_Widget inWidget) { m_Minimized = !m_Minimized; m_Minimize_Button.SetNewText(m_Minimized ? 0502031 : 0502030); UpdateControlsVisibility(); }
void Password2KeyboardClose(GUIBase_Button input, string text, bool cancelled) { if (cancelled == false) { m_Password2Hash = CloudServices.CalcPasswordHash(text); m_Password2Btn.SetNewText(new string('*', text.Length)); RefreshPage(); } }
protected override void SetText(string text) { if (m_Button != null) { m_Button.SetNewText(text); } else { base.SetText(text); } }
protected override void OnViewShow() { base.OnViewShow(); string username = ""; bool rememberMe = true; bool autoLogin = true; CloudUser.instance.GetLoginData(ref m_Nickname, ref username, ref m_Password1Hash, ref m_PasswordLength, ref rememberMe, ref autoLogin); m_ReceiveNews = CloudUser.instance.receiveNews; m_Region = CloudUser.instance.region; PrepareLabel(USERNAME_LABEL).SetNewText(CloudUser.instance.userName_TODO.MFNormalize()); // display unmodified username here! PrepareButton(CLOSE_BUTTON, null, OnClosePressed); PrepareButton(CONFIRM_BUTTON, null, OnConfirmPressed); m_NicknameBtn = PrepareButton(NICKNAME_BUTTON, null, OnNicknamePressed); m_Password1Btn = PrepareButton(PASSWORD1_BUTTON, null, OnPassword1Pressed); m_Password2Btn = PrepareButton(PASSWORD2_BUTTON, null, OnPassword2Pressed); if (CloudUser.instance.userAccountKind == E_UserAcctKind.Guest) { GUIBase_Button button = PrepareButton(MIGRATE_BUTTON, null, OnMigrateGuestPressed); button.Widget.m_VisibleOnLayoutShow = true; if (button.Widget.Visible == false) { button.Widget.ShowImmediate(true, true); } } else { GUIBase_Button button = PrepareButton(Layout, MIGRATE_BUTTON, null, null); button.Widget.m_VisibleOnLayoutShow = false; if (button.Widget.Visible == true) { button.Widget.ShowImmediate(false, true); } } GuiBaseUtils.RegisterSwitchDelegate(Layout, NEWS_SWITCH, OnNewsChanged); RegisterRollerDelegate(REGION_ROLLER, OnRegionChanged); m_NicknameBtn.TextFieldText = m_Nickname; m_Password1Btn.SetNewText(""); m_Password1Btn.TextFieldText = ""; m_Password2Btn.SetNewText(""); m_Password2Btn.TextFieldText = ""; RefreshPage(); }
protected override void OnShow() { base.OnShow(); if (m_SendButton != null) { m_SendButton.RegisterTouchDelegate(() => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_MessageToSend)) { SendMessage( CloudUser.instance.primaryKey, CloudUser.instance.nickName, PPIManager.Instance.GetLocalPPI().Rank, m_MessageToSend); } m_MessageToSend = ""; m_MessageButton.SetNewText(""); m_MessageButton.TextFieldText = ""; }); } if (m_ClearButton != null) { m_ClearButton.RegisterTouchDelegate(() => { Clear(); }); } if (m_MessageButton != null) { m_MessageButton.RegisterTouchDelegate(() => { WriteMessage(); }); } if (m_ScrollingTable != null) { m_ScrollingTable.OnUpdateRow += OnUpdateTableRow; m_ScrollingTable.OnProcessInput += OnProcessInput; } RefreshRows(); }
void OnReadyPressed() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Master) == false) { m_IsReady = !m_IsReady; m_ReadyButton.SetNewText(m_IsReady ? 109048 : 109071); //READY! : READY? var data = new { master = m_Master, primaryKey = m_PrimaryKey, status = m_IsReady }; LobbyClient.SendMessageToPlayer(m_Master, LobbyGangMessage.READY, JsonMapper.ToJson(data)); SetDirty(); } }
void SetButtonValue(GUIBase_Button button, int oldValue, int newValue, bool animate) { if (oldValue == newValue) { return; } if (animate == false) { button.SetNewText(newValue.ToString()); } else { var animation = MFGuiManager.AnimateWidget(button, oldValue, newValue); if (animation != null) { animation.AudioClip = m_CountDownSound; } } }
protected override void OnViewUpdate() { base.OnViewUpdate(); m_NextUpdateTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_NextUpdateTime > 0.0f) { return; } m_NextUpdateTime = 0.5f; for (int idx = 0; idx < m_Buttons.Length; ++idx) { IGuiPageChat page = GetPage(idx) as IGuiPageChat; if (page != null) { GUIBase_Button button = m_Buttons[idx]; button.SetNewText(page.CaptionText); button.isHighlighted = idx != CurrentPageIndex ? page.NotifyUser : false; } } }
// ================================================================================================================= // === internal ================================================================================================== // update state of 'follow player' and 'free' spectator buttons void UpdateButtonsState() { bool canFollowPlayer = SpectatorCamera.Spectator_CanFollowPlayer(); m_FollowPlayer_Button.SetNewText(FollowingPlayer ? 0502019 : 0502018); m_FollowPlayer_Button.SetDisabled(!canFollowPlayer); Client client = Client.Instance; if (client != null) { bool disable = client.GameState.State == Client.ClientGameState.Running || WaitingForSpawn; bool canSpawn = true; switch (client.GameState.GameType) { case E_MPGameType.DeathMatch: canSpawn = Client.TimeToRespawn <= client.GameState.DMInfo.RestTimeSeconds ? true : false; break; case E_MPGameType.ZoneControl: PlayerPersistantInfo localPPI = PPIManager.Instance.GetLocalPPI(); canSpawn = localPPI.Team != E_Team.None && localPPI.ZoneIndex >= 0 ? true : false; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown Game Type "); break; } m_Cancel_Button.SetDisabled(disable); m_Spawn_Button.SetDisabled(disable || !client.IsReadyForSpawn() || GameCloudManager.isBusy || !canSpawn); if (canSpawn == false) { UpdateControlsVisibility(); } } }
void UpdateMoney(PlayerPersistantInfo ppi, bool reset) { if (GuiFrontendMain.IsVisible == false) { return; } if (m_MoneyButton == null) { return; } int money = ppi != null ? ppi.Money : 0; if (reset == false) { SetButtonValue(m_MoneyButton, m_Money, money, AnimateMoney); m_Money = money; } else { m_MoneyButton.SetNewText(money.ToString()); } }
void UpdateGold(PlayerPersistantInfo ppi, bool reset) { if (GuiFrontendMain.IsVisible == false) { return; } if (m_GoldButton == null) { return; } int gold = ppi != null ? ppi.Gold : 0; if (reset == false) { SetButtonValue(m_GoldButton, m_Gold, gold, AnimateGold); m_Gold = gold; } else { m_GoldButton.SetNewText(gold.ToString()); } }
void UpdatePremiumButton() { bool hasPremium = CloudUser.instance.isPremiumAccountActive; string text = ""; if (hasPremium == true) { System.TimeSpan time = CloudUser.instance.GetPremiumAccountEndDateTime() - CloudDateTime.UtcNow; //System.TimeSpan time = (CloudDateTime.UtcNow + new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 119, 0, 0)) - CloudDateTime.UtcNow; int seconds = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)time.TotalSeconds); int minutes = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)time.TotalMinutes); int hours = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)time.TotalHours); int days = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)time.TotalDays); //int weeks = Mathf.RoundToInt(days / 7.0f); //int months = Mathf.RoundToInt(weeks / 4.0f); text = TextDatabase.instance[0105008]; int value, unit; if (seconds <= 60) { value = seconds; unit = 0105019; } else if (minutes < 60) { value = minutes; unit = 0105009; } else if (hours < 48) { value = hours; unit = value > 1 ? 0105012 : 0105011; } else /*if (days < 14)*/ { value = days; unit = value > 1 ? 0105014 : 0105013; } /*else * if (weeks < 4) { value = weeks; unit = value > 1 ? 0105016 : 0105015; } * else { value = months; unit = value > 1 ? 0105018 : 0105017; }*/ text = string.Format(text, value, TextDatabase.instance[unit]); /*if (minutes < 30) * { * if (m_CurrentHint != E_Hint.PremiumRenew && m_PreviousHint != E_Hint.PremiumRenew) * { * ForceShowHint(E_Hint.PremiumRenew); * } * }*/ if (minutes < 5) { GUIBase_Button premium = GuiBaseUtils.GetButton(Layout, "Premium"); premium.ForceHighlight(time.TotalSeconds > 5 ? !premium.isHighlighted : false); } } else if (GuiFrontendMain.IsVisible == true) { text = TextDatabase.instance[0105007]; } else { text = TextDatabase.instance[0105020]; } GUIBase_Button button = hasPremium == true && m_PremiumActiveButton != null ? m_PremiumActiveButton : m_PremiumButton; button.SetNewText(text); }
void UpdatePlayerName(PlayerPersistantInfo ppi, bool reset) { string playerName = ppi != null ? ppi.Name : ""; m_PlayerButton.SetNewText(GuiBaseUtils.FixNameForGui(playerName)); }
public void SetButtonText(string text) { m_Button.SetNewText(text); }