예제 #1
        public GUBPBranchConfig(IEnumerable<UnrealTargetPlatform> InHostPlatforms, string InBranchName, BranchInfo InBranch, GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions InBranchOptions, bool bInForceIncrementalCompile, JobInfo JobInfo)
			HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InHostPlatforms);
			BranchName = InBranchName;
			Branch = InBranch;
			BranchOptions = InBranchOptions;
			bForceIncrementalCompile = bInForceIncrementalCompile;
			this.JobInfo = JobInfo;
		public GUBPBranchConfig(int InCL, IEnumerable<UnrealTargetPlatform> InHostPlatforms, string InBranchName, BranchInfo InBranch, GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions InBranchOptions, bool bInForceIncrementalCompile, bool bInPreflightBuild, string InPreflightMangleSuffix)
			CL = InCL;
			HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InHostPlatforms);
			BranchName = InBranchName;
			Branch = InBranch;
			BranchOptions = InBranchOptions;
			bForceIncrementalCompile = bInForceIncrementalCompile;
			bPreflightBuild = bInPreflightBuild;
			PreflightMangleSuffix = InPreflightMangleSuffix;
예제 #3
    private GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions GetBranchOptions(string Branch)
        if (BranchHackers == null)
            BranchHackers = new List<GUBPBranchHacker>();
            Assembly[] LoadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
            foreach (Assembly Dll in LoadedAssemblies)
				Type[] AllTypes = GetTypesFromAssembly(Dll);
                foreach (var PotentialConfigType in AllTypes)
                    if (PotentialConfigType != typeof(GUBPBranchHacker) && typeof(GUBPBranchHacker).IsAssignableFrom(PotentialConfigType))
                        GUBPBranchHacker Config = Activator.CreateInstance(PotentialConfigType) as GUBPBranchHacker;
                        if (Config != null)
        GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions Result = new GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions();
        foreach (GUBPBranchHacker Hacker in BranchHackers)
            Hacker.ModifyOptions(this, ref Result, Branch);
        return Result;
예제 #4
    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        Log("************************* GUBP");
        string PreflightShelveCLString = GetEnvVar("uebp_PreflightShelveCL");
        if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreflightShelveCLString) && IsBuildMachine) || ParseParam("PreflightTest"))
            Log("**** Preflight shelve {0}", PreflightShelveCLString);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreflightShelveCLString))
                PreflightShelveCL = int.Parse(PreflightShelveCLString);
                if (PreflightShelveCL < 2000000)
                    throw new AutomationException(String.Format( "{0} does not look like a CL", PreflightShelveCL));
            bPreflightBuild = true;

        ECProject = ParseParamValue("ECProject");
        if (ECProject == null)
            ECProject = "";
        HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
        if (!ParseParam("NoPC"))
        if (P4Enabled)
            BranchName = P4Env.BuildRootP4;
            BranchName = ParseParamValue("BranchName", "");
        BranchOptions = GetBranchOptions(BranchName);
        bool WithMac = !BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac);
        if (ParseParam("NoMac"))
            WithMac = false;
        if (WithMac)

        bool WithLinux = !BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux);
        bool WithoutLinux = ParseParam("NoLinux");
        // @TODO: exclude temporarily unless running on a Linux machine to prevent spurious GUBP failures
        if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux || ParseParam("NoLinux"))
            WithLinux = false;
        if (WithLinux)

        bForceIncrementalCompile = ParseParam("ForceIncrementalCompile");
        bool bNoAutomatedTesting = ParseParam("NoAutomatedTesting") || BranchOptions.bNoAutomatedTesting;
        StoreName = ParseParamValue("Store");
        string StoreSuffix = ParseParamValue("StoreSuffix", "");

        if (bPreflightBuild)
            int PreflightUID = ParseParamInt("PreflightUID", 0);
            PreflightMangleSuffix = String.Format("-PF-{0}-{1}", PreflightShelveCL, PreflightUID);
            StoreSuffix = StoreSuffix + PreflightMangleSuffix;
        CL = ParseParamInt("CL", 0);
        bool bCleanLocalTempStorage = ParseParam("CleanLocal");
        bool bChanges = ParseParam("Changes") || ParseParam("AllChanges");
        bool bHistory = ParseParam("History") || bChanges;
        bool bListOnly = ParseParam("ListOnly") || bHistory;
        bool bSkipTriggers = ParseParam("SkipTriggers");
        bFake = ParseParam("fake");
        bool bFakeEC = ParseParam("FakeEC");
        TimeIndex = ParseParamInt("TimeIndex", 0);
        if (TimeIndex == 0)
            TimeIndex = ParseParamInt("UserTimeIndex", 0);

        bNoIOSOnPC = HostPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac);

        bool bSaveSharedTempStorage = false;

        if (bHistory && !P4Enabled)
            throw new AutomationException("-Changes and -History require -P4.");
        bool LocalOnly = true;
        string CLString = "";
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(StoreName))
            if (P4Enabled)
                if (CL == 0)
                    CL = P4Env.Changelist;
                CLString = String.Format("{0}", CL);
                StoreName = P4Env.BuildRootEscaped + "-" + CLString;
                bSaveSharedTempStorage = CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine;
                LocalOnly = false;
                StoreName = "TempLocal";
                bSaveSharedTempStorage = false;
        StoreName = StoreName + StoreSuffix;
        if (bFakeEC)
            LocalOnly = true;
        if (bSaveSharedTempStorage)
            if (!HaveSharedTempStorage(true))
                throw new AutomationException("Request to save to temp storage, but {0} is unavailable.", UE4TempStorageDirectory());
            bSignBuildProducts = true;
        else if (!LocalOnly && !HaveSharedTempStorage(false))
            Log("Looks like we want to use shared temp storage, but since we don't have it, we won't use it.");
            LocalOnly = true;

        bool CommanderSetup = ParseParam("CommanderJobSetupOnly");
        string ExplicitTrigger = "";
        if (CommanderSetup)
            ExplicitTrigger = ParseParamValue("TriggerNode");
            if (ExplicitTrigger == null)
                ExplicitTrigger = "";

        if (ParseParam("CIS") && ExplicitTrigger == "" && CommanderSetup) // explicit triggers will already have a time index assigned
            if (!P4Enabled)
                throw new AutomationException("Can't have -CIS without P4 support");
            var P4IndexFileP4 = CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, CommandUtils.P4Env.BuildRootP4, "Engine", "Build", "CISCounter.txt");
            var P4IndexFileLocal = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Build", "CISCounter.txt");
            int Retry = 0;
            bool bDone = false;
            while (++Retry < 20 && !bDone)
                int NowMinutes = (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(2014, 1, 1)).TotalMinutes);
                if (NowMinutes < 3 * 30 * 24)
                    throw new AutomationException("bad date calc");
                if (!FileExists_NoExceptions(P4IndexFileLocal))
                    Log("{0} doesn't exist, checking in a new one", P4IndexFileP4);
                    WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, "-1 0");
                    int WorkingCL = -1;
                        WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Adding new CIS Counter");
                        P4.Add(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4);
                        int SubmittedCL;
                        P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Add of CIS counter failed, assuming it now exists.");
                        if (WorkingCL > 0)
                P4.Sync("-f " + P4IndexFileP4 + "#head");
                if (!FileExists_NoExceptions(P4IndexFileLocal))
                    Log("{0} doesn't exist, checking in a new one", P4IndexFileP4);
                    WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, "-1 0");
                    int WorkingCL = -1;
                        WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Adding new CIS Counter");
                        P4.Add(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4);
                        int SubmittedCL;
                        P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Add of CIS counter failed, assuming it now exists.");
                        if (WorkingCL > 0)
                var Data = ReadAllText(P4IndexFileLocal);
                var Parts = Data.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                int Index = int.Parse(Parts[0]);
                int Minutes = int.Parse(Parts[1]);

                int DeltaMinutes = NowMinutes - Minutes;

                int TimeQuantum = 20;
                if(BranchOptions.QuantumOverride != 0)
                    TimeQuantum = BranchOptions.QuantumOverride;
                int NewIndex = Index + 1;

                if (DeltaMinutes > TimeQuantum * 2)
                    if (DeltaMinutes > TimeQuantum * (1 << 8))
                        // it has been forever, lets just start over
                        NewIndex = 0;
                        int WorkingIndex = NewIndex + 1;
                        for (int WorkingDelta = DeltaMinutes - TimeQuantum; WorkingDelta > 0; WorkingDelta -= TimeQuantum, WorkingIndex++)
                            if (CountZeros(NewIndex) < CountZeros(WorkingIndex))
                                NewIndex = WorkingIndex;
                    var Line = String.Format("{0} {1}", NewIndex, NowMinutes);
                    Log("Attempting to write {0} with {1}", P4IndexFileP4, Line);
                    int WorkingCL = -1;
                        WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Updating CIS Counter");
                        P4.Edit(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4);
                        WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, Line);
                        int SubmittedCL;
                        P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL);
                        bDone = true;
                        TimeIndex = NewIndex;
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Edit of CIS counter failed, assuming someone else checked in, retrying.");
                        if (WorkingCL > 0)
            if (!bDone)
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to update the CIS counter after 20 tries.");
            Log("Setting TimeIndex to {0}", TimeIndex);

        Log("************************* CL:			                    {0}", CL);
        Log("************************* P4Enabled:			            {0}", P4Enabled);
        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
            Log("*************************   HostPlatform:		            {0}", HostPlatform.ToString());
        Log("************************* StoreName:		                {0}", StoreName.ToString());
        Log("************************* bCleanLocalTempStorage:		    {0}", bCleanLocalTempStorage);
        Log("************************* bSkipTriggers:		            {0}", bSkipTriggers);
        Log("************************* bSaveSharedTempStorage:		    {0}", bSaveSharedTempStorage);
        Log("************************* bSignBuildProducts:		        {0}", bSignBuildProducts);
        Log("************************* bFake:           		        {0}", bFake);
        Log("************************* bFakeEC:           		        {0}", bFakeEC);
        Log("************************* bHistory:           		        {0}", bHistory);
        Log("************************* TimeIndex:           		    {0}", TimeIndex);

        GUBPNodes = new Dictionary<string, GUBPNode>();
        Branch = new BranchInfo(HostPlatforms);
        if (IsBuildMachine || ParseParam("AllPlatforms"))
            ActivePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();

            List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject> BranchCodeProjects = new List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject>();
            BranchCodeProjects.RemoveAll(Project => BranchOptions.ExcludeNodes.Contains(Project.GameName));

            foreach (var GameProj in BranchCodeProjects)
                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (GameProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = GameProj.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
                            var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                            var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                            var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms);
                            foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms)
                                if (Target.Rules.SupportsPlatform(Plat) && !ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
            ActivePlatforms     = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(CommandUtils.KnownTargetPlatforms);
        var SupportedPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
        foreach(var Plat in ActivePlatforms)
        ActivePlatforms = SupportedPlatforms;
        foreach (var Plat in ActivePlatforms)
            Log("Active Platform: {0}", Plat.ToString());

        if (HostPlatforms.Count >= 2)
            // make sure each project is set up with the right assumptions on monolithics that prefer a platform.
            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var OptionsMac = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac);
                var OptionsPC = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64);

                var MacMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, CodeProj, false);
                var PCMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, CodeProj, false);

                if (!OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && OptionsPC.bIsPromotable &&
                    (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)))
                    throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is promotable for PC, not promotable for Mac and uses IOS monothics. Since Mac is the preferred platform for IOS, please add Mac as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName);
                if (OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && !OptionsPC.bIsPromotable &&
                    (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)))
                    throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is not promotable for PC, promotable for Mac and uses Android monothics. Since PC is the preferred platform for Android, please add PC as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName);

        AddNode(new VersionFilesNode());

        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
            AddNode(new ToolsForCompileNode(HostPlatform));

            if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform))
                AddNode(new RootEditorNode(HostPlatform));
                AddNode(new ToolsNode(HostPlatform));
                AddNode(new InternalToolsNode(HostPlatform));
            if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
                    if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
                        AddNode(new ToolsCrossCompileNode(HostPlatform));
                foreach (var ProgramTarget in Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Programs)
                    bool bInternalOnly;
                    bool SeparateNode;
                    bool CrossCompile;

                    if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode)
                        if (bInternalOnly)
                            AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                            AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                    if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_IncludeNonUnityToolTest())
                        AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                foreach(var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                    foreach(var ProgramTarget in CodeProj.Properties.Programs)
                        bool bInternalNodeOnly;
                        bool SeparateNode;
                        bool CrossCompile;

                        if(ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalNodeOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode)
                                AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                                AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                            AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));

                AddNode(new EditorAndToolsNode(this, HostPlatform));

                if (bOrthogonalizeEditorPlatforms)
                    foreach (var Plat in ActivePlatforms)
                        if (Plat != HostPlatform && Plat != GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform))
                            if (Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                AddNode(new EditorPlatformNode(HostPlatform, Plat));

            bool DoASharedPromotable = false;

            int NumSharedCode = 0;
            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)

            var NonCodeProjectNames = new Dictionary<string, List<UnrealTargetPlatform>>();
            var NonCodeFormalBuilds = new Dictionary<string, List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>>();
                var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor];

                foreach (var Codeless in Target.Rules.GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform))
                    var Proj = Branch.FindGame(Codeless.Key);
                    if (Proj == null)
                        Log(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "{0} was listed as a codeless project by GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key);
                    else if (Proj.Properties.bIsCodeBasedProject)
                        if (!Branch.NonCodeProjects.Contains(Proj))
                            NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value);
                        NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value);

                var TempNonCodeFormalBuilds = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly();
                var HostMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, true);

                foreach (var Codeless in TempNonCodeFormalBuilds)
                    if (NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(Codeless.Key))
                        var PlatList = Codeless.Value;
                        var NewPlatList = new List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>();
                        foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList)
                            if (HostMonos.Contains(PlatPair.TargetPlatform))
                        if (NewPlatList.Count > 0)
                            NonCodeFormalBuilds.Add(Codeless.Key, NewPlatList);
                        Log(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "{0} was listed as a codeless formal build GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key);

            DoASharedPromotable = NumSharedCode > 0 || NonCodeProjectNames.Count > 0 || NonCodeFormalBuilds.Count > 0;

            AddNode(new NonUnityTestNode(HostPlatform));

            if (DoASharedPromotable)
                var AgentSharingGroup = "Shared_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                var Options = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (!Options.bIsPromotable || Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                    throw new AutomationException("We assume that if we have shared promotable, the base engine is in it.");

                if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64

                    var EditorTests = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform);
                    var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var Test in EditorTests)
                        if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                            EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));

                            foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                                if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName))
                                if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) continue; //temp hack till mac automated testing works
                                EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));
                    if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0)
                        AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes, 0.0f));

                var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();

                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        if (Platforms.Contains(HostPlatform))
                            // we want the host platform first since some some pseudodependencies look to see if the shared promotable exists.
                            Platforms.Insert(0, HostPlatform);
                        foreach (var Plat in Platforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)

                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat)))
                                    if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(Branch.BaseEngineProject, HostPlatform, Plat))
                                        AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, InPrecompiled: true));
                                    AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat));
                                if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics() && Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game)
                                    if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true)))
                                        AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true));

                var CookedAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                var GameTestNodes = new List<string>();
                var GameCookNodes = new List<string>();
                //var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                //foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)//for now, non-code projects don't do client or server.
                    var Kind = TargetRules.TargetType.Game;
                    if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        foreach (var Plat in Platforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)

                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, "");
                                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, CookedPlatform)))
                                    GameCookNodes.Add(AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, CookedPlatform)));
                                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat)))
                                    AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, false));
                                var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat);
                                var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat };
                                if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                                    var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();

                                    foreach (var Test in GameTests)
                                        var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
                                        ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
                                    if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                                        GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f)));

                                foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                                    if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(Plat))
                                    if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform)))
                                        GameCookNodes.Add(AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, CookedPlatform)));
                                    if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat)))
                                        AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, false));
                                        if (NonCodeFormalBuilds.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName))
                                            var PlatList = NonCodeFormalBuilds[NonCodeProject.GameName];
                                            foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList)
                                                if (PlatPair.TargetPlatform == Plat)
                                                    var NodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Plat }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() {PlatPair.TargetConfig}));
                                                        RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(FormalBuildNode.StaticGetFullName(NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Plat }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { PlatPair.TargetConfig }), WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName());
                                                    // we don't want this delayed
                                                    // this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away
                                                        CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform),
                                                    string BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
                                                    if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                                                        BuildAgentSharingGroup = NonCodeProject.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                                                        if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents
                                                            BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
                                                        GUBPNodes[CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                        GUBPNodes[GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                        GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                        //GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup;
                                                        if(Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne)
                                                            GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = "";
                                                    if (PlatPair.bTest)
                                                        AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(this, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, Plat, PlatPair.TargetConfig));
                                    if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                                        if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
                                        var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();
                                        foreach (var Test in GameTests)
                                            var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
                                            ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
                                        if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                                            GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f)));
        #if false
                //for now, non-code projects don't do client or server.
                foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms)
                    var ServerTarget = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Server];
                    foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms)
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game];

                        foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                            if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) ||
                                    !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(ServerPlatform)  || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(GamePlatform) )

                            var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform);
                            var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform };
                            if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform)
                            foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests)
                                GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString(), Test.Value, false, RequiredPlatforms, true)));
                if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                    AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes));
            if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(SharedCookAggregateNode.StaticGetFullName()))
                AddNode(new SharedCookAggregateNode(this, HostPlatforms, NonCodeProjectNames, NonCodeFormalBuilds));

            if(HostPlatform == MakeFeaturePacksNode.GetDefaultBuildPlatform(this))
                AddNode(new MakeFeaturePacksNode(HostPlatform, Branch.AllProjects.Where(x => MakeFeaturePacksNode.IsFeaturePack(x))));

            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (!Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bTestWithShared && !Options.bIsNonCode)
                    continue; // we skip things that aren't promotable and aren't tested - except noncode as code situations
                var AgentShareName = CodeProj.GameName;
                if (!Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                    AgentShareName = "Shared";

                if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform) && !Options.bIsNonCode)
                    EditorGameNode Node = (EditorGameNode)TryFindNode(EditorGameNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj));
                    if(Node == null)
                        AddNode(new EditorGameNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj));

                if (!bNoAutomatedTesting && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64
                    if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(TargetRules.TargetType.Editor))
                        var EditorTests = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform);
                        var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>();
                        string AgentSharingGroup = "";
                        if (EditorTests.Count > 1)
                            AgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                        foreach (var Test in EditorTests)
                            EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));
                            if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()))
                                RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName());
                        if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0)
                            AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes, 0.0f));

                var CookedAgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                //var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GameTestNodes = new List<string>();
                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms);
                        foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", CodeProj.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                            if(Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics())
                                if(!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true)))
                                    AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true));
                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)))
                                    if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat))
                                        AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, InPrecompiled: true));
                                    AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat));
                                if (!AdditionalPlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                    string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, "");
                                    if (Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform) != "")
                                        CookedPlatform = Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform);
                                    if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform)))
                                        AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, CookedPlatform));
                                    if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)))
                                        AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true));
                                    var FormalBuildConfigs = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetConfigsForFormalBuilds_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);

                                    foreach (var Config in FormalBuildConfigs)
                                        string FormalNodeName = null;
                                        if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client)
                                            if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
                                                FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }, InClientNotGame: true));
                                        else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server)
                                            if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
                                                FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InServerTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InServerConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }));
                                        else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game)
                                            if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
                                                FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }));
                                        if (FormalNodeName != null)
                                            if (Config.bBeforeTrigger)
                                                RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(FormalBuildNode.StaticGetFullName(CodeProj, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }), WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName());
                                            // we don't want this delayed
                                            // this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away
                                                CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform),
                                            string BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";

                                            if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                                                BuildAgentSharingGroup = CodeProj.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                                                if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents
                                                    BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
                                                GUBPNodes[CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                GUBPNodes[GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
                                                //GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup;
                                                if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne)
                                                    GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = "";
                                            if (Config.bTest)
                                                AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat, Config.TargetConfig));
                                    if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                                        if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
                                        var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat);
                                        var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat };
                                        var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();

                                        foreach (var Test in GameTests)
                                            var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
                                            ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
                                            if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()))
                                                RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName());
                                        if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                                            GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f)));
                if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                    foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms)
                        foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms)
                            if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
                            var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game];
                            var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform);
                            var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform };
                            if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform)
                            foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests)
                                var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString();
                                GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
                    if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                        AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes));

        int NumSharedAllHosts = 0;
        foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
            if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(TargetRules.TargetType.Editor))
                bool AnySeparate = false;
                var PromotedHosts = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();

                foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
                    if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform) && !BranchOptions.RemovePlatformFromPromotable.Contains(HostPlatform))
                        var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform);
                        AnySeparate = AnySeparate || Options.bSeparateGamePromotion;
                        if (Options.bIsPromotable)
                            if (!Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                if (PromotedHosts.Count > 0)
                    AddNode(new GameAggregatePromotableNode(this, PromotedHosts, CodeProj, true));
                    if (AnySeparate)
                        AddNode(new WaitForGamePromotionUserInput(this, CodeProj, false));
                        AddNode(new GameLabelPromotableNode(this, CodeProj, false));
                        AddNode(new WaitForGamePromotionUserInput(this, CodeProj, true));
                        AddNode(new GameLabelPromotableNode(this, CodeProj, true));
        if (NumSharedAllHosts > 0)
            AddNode(new GameAggregatePromotableNode(this, HostPlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, false));

            AddNode(new SharedAggregatePromotableNode(this, HostPlatforms));
            AddNode(new WaitForSharedPromotionUserInput(this, false));
            AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableNode(this, false));
            AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableSuccessNode());
            AddNode(new WaitForTestShared(this));
            AddNode(new WaitForSharedPromotionUserInput(this, true));
            AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableNode(this, true));
            AddNode(new WaitForFormalUserInput(this));
        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)

        if (HasNode(ToolsForCompileNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)))
            if (HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, Branch.BaseEngineProject, UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)) && HasNode(ToolsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)))
                //AddNode(new IOSOnPCTestNode(this)); - Disable IOSOnPCTest until a1011 crash is fixed
            AddNode(new VSExpressTestNode(this));
            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) && !BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
                AddNode(new RootEditorCrossCompileLinuxNode(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64));
            if (!bPreflightBuild)
                AddNode(new CleanSharedTempStorageNode(this));
        #if false
        // this doesn't work for lots of reasons...we can't figure out what the dependencies are until far later
        if (bPreflightBuild)
            GeneralSuccessNode PreflightSuccessNode = new GeneralSuccessNode("Preflight");
            foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                if (NodeToDo.Value.RunInEC())
        foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
            foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfDependencies)
                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                    throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the full graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key);
                if (Dep == NodeToDo.Key)
                    throw new AutomationException("Node {0} has a self arc.", NodeToDo.Key);
            foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies)
                if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                    throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the full graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key);
                if (Dep == NodeToDo.Key)
                    throw new AutomationException("Node {0} has a self pseudoarc.", NodeToDo.Key);

        if (bCleanLocalTempStorage)  // shared temp storage can never be wiped

        GUBPNodesControllingTrigger = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        GUBPNodesControllingTriggerDotName = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        var FullNodeList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var FullNodeDirectDependencies = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var FullNodeDependedOnBy = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var FullNodeDependentPromotions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        var SeparatePromotables = new List<string>();
            foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].IsSeparatePromotable())
                    List<string> Dependencies = new List<string>();
                    Dependencies = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo.Key);
                    foreach (var Dep in Dependencies)
                        if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                            throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph.  It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo);
                        if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].IsPromotableAggregate())
                            if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].DependentPromotions.Contains(NodeToDo.Key))

            // Make sure that everything that's listed as a frequency barrier is completed with the given interval
            Dictionary<string, int> FrequencyOverrides = new Dictionary<string,int>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, sbyte> Barrier in BranchOptions.FrequencyBarriers)
                // All the nodes which are dependencies of the barrier node
                HashSet<string> IncludedNodes = new HashSet<string> { Barrier.Key };

                // Find all the nodes which are indirect dependencies of this node
                List<string> SearchNodes = new List<string> { Barrier.Key };
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < SearchNodes.Count; Idx++)
                    GUBPNode Node = GUBPNodes[SearchNodes[Idx]];
                    foreach (string DependencyName in Node.FullNamesOfDependencies.Union(Node.FullNamesOfPseudosependencies))
                        if (!IncludedNodes.Contains(DependencyName))

                // Make sure that everything included in this list is before the cap, and everything not in the list is after it
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GUBPNode> NodePair in GUBPNodes)
                    if (IncludedNodes.Contains(NodePair.Key))
                        int Frequency;
                        if(FrequencyOverrides.TryGetValue(NodePair.Key, out Frequency))
                            Frequency = Math.Min(Frequency, Barrier.Value);
                            Frequency = Barrier.Value;
                        FrequencyOverrides[NodePair.Key] = Frequency;

            // Compute all the frequencies
            foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                ComputeDependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift(NodeToDo.Key, FrequencyOverrides);

            foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                var Deps = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].DependentPromotions;
                string All = "";
                foreach (var Dep in Deps)
                    if (All != "")
                        All += " ";
                    All += Dep;
                FullNodeDependentPromotions.Add(NodeToDo.Key, All);
            Log("******* {0} GUBP Nodes", GUBPNodes.Count);
            var SortedNodes = TopologicalSort(new HashSet<string>(GUBPNodes.Keys), LocalOnly: true, DoNotConsiderCompletion: true);
            foreach (var Node in SortedNodes)
                string Note = GetControllingTriggerDotName(Node);
                if (Note == "")
                    Note = CISFrequencyQuantumShiftString(Node);
                if (Note == "")
                    Note = "always";
                if (GUBPNodes[Node].RunInEC())
                    var Deps = GetECDependencies(Node);
                    string All = "";
                    foreach (var Dep in Deps)
                        if (All != "")
                            All += " ";
                        All += Dep;
                    Log("  {0}: {1}      {2}", Node, Note, All);
                    FullNodeList.Add(Node, Note);
                    FullNodeDirectDependencies.Add(Node, All);
                    Log("  {0}: {1} [Aggregate]", Node, Note);
        Dictionary<string, int> FullNodeListSortKey = GetDisplayOrder(FullNodeList.Keys.ToList(), FullNodeDirectDependencies, GUBPNodes);

        bool bOnlyNode = false;
        bool bRelatedToNode = false;
        bool bGraphSubset = false;
        var NodesToDo = new HashSet<string>();

            string NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("Node");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("RelatedToNode");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                    bRelatedToNode = true;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec) && CommanderSetup)
                NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("SetupNode");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                    NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("SetupRelatedToNode");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                        bRelatedToNode = true;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("OnlyNode");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                    bOnlyNode = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec))
                bGraphSubset = true;
                if (NodeSpec.Equals("Noop", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Log("Request for Noop node, done.");
                List<string> Nodes = new List<string>(NodeSpec.Split('+'));
                foreach (var NodeArg in Nodes)
                    var NodeName = NodeArg.Trim();
                    bool bFoundAnything = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeName))
                        foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
                            if (Node.Value.GetFullName().Equals(NodeArg, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                                Node.Value.AgentSharingGroup.Equals(NodeArg, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                if (!NodesToDo.Contains(Node.Key))
                                bFoundAnything = true;
                        if (!bFoundAnything)
                            throw new AutomationException("Could not find node named {0}", NodeName);
        string GameSpec = ParseParamValue("Game");
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameSpec))
            bGraphSubset = true;
            List<string> Games = new List<string>(GameSpec.Split('+'));
            foreach (var GameArg in Games)
                var GameName = GameArg.Trim();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameName))
                    foreach (var GameProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                        if (GameProj.GameName.Equals(GameName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                            foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
                                if (Node.Value.GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage() == GameProj.GameName)

                            GameName = null;
                    if (GameName != null)
                        foreach (var GameProj in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                            if (GameProj.GameName.Equals(GameName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
                                    if (Node.Value.GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage() == GameProj.GameName)
                                GameName = null;
                    if (GameName != null)
                        throw new AutomationException("Could not find game named {0}", GameName);
        if (NodesToDo.Count == 0)
            Log("No nodes specified, adding all nodes");
            foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
        else if (TimeIndex != 0)
            Log("Check to make sure we didn't ask for nodes that will be culled by time index");
            foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                if (TimeIndex % (1 << GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift()) != 0)
                    throw new AutomationException("You asked specifically for node {0}, but it is culled by the time quantum: TimeIndex = {1}, DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift = {2}.", NodeToDo, TimeIndex, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift());

        Log("Desired Nodes");
        foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
            Log("  {0}", NodeToDo);
        // if we are doing related to, then find things that depend on the selected nodes
        if (bRelatedToNode)
            bool bDoneWithDependencies = false;

            while (!bDoneWithDependencies)
                bDoneWithDependencies = true;
                var Fringe = new HashSet<string>();
                foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                    if (!NodesToDo.Contains(NodeToDo.Key))
                        foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfDependencies)
                            if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                                throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key);
                            if (NodesToDo.Contains(Dep))
                                bDoneWithDependencies = false;
                        foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies)
                            if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                                throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key);

        // find things that our nodes depend on
        if (!bOnlyNode)
            bool bDoneWithDependencies = false;

            while (!bDoneWithDependencies)
                bDoneWithDependencies = true;
                var Fringe = new HashSet<string>();
                foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                    foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies)
                        if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                            throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo);
                        if (!NodesToDo.Contains(Dep))
                            bDoneWithDependencies = false;
                    foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies)
                        if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                            throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo);
        if (TimeIndex != 0)
            Log("Culling based on time index");
            var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                if (TimeIndex % (1 << GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift()) == 0)
                    Log("  Keeping {0}", NodeToDo);
                    Log("  Rejecting {0}", NodeToDo);
            NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo;
        //Remove Plat if specified
            var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                    Log(" Rejecting {0} because -NoLinux was requested", NodeToDo);
            NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo;
        //find things that depend on our nodes and setup commander dictionary
        if (!bOnlyNode)
            foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                if (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate() && !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsTest())
                    List<string> ECDependencies = new List<string>();
                    ECDependencies = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo);
                    foreach (var Dep in ECDependencies)
                        if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep))
                            throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo);
                        if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].FullNamesOfDependedOn.Contains(NodeToDo))
            foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                var Deps = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependedOn;
                string All = "";
                foreach (var Dep in Deps)
                    if (All != "")
                        All += " ";
                    All += Dep;
                FullNodeDependedOnBy.Add(NodeToDo, All);

        if (CommanderSetup)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger))
                bool bFoundIt = false;
                foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
                    if (Node.Value.GetFullName().Equals(ExplicitTrigger, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (Node.Value.TriggerNode() && Node.Value.RunInEC())
                            bFoundIt = true;
                if (!bFoundIt)
                    throw new AutomationException("Could not find trigger node named {0}", ExplicitTrigger);
                if (bSkipTriggers)
                    foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes)
                        if (Node.Value.TriggerNode() && Node.Value.RunInEC())
        if (bPreflightBuild)
            Log("Culling triggers and downstream for preflight builds ");
            var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo)
                var TriggerDot = GetControllingTriggerDotName(NodeToDo);
                if (TriggerDot == "" && !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode())
                    Log("  Keeping {0}", NodeToDo);
                    Log("  Rejecting {0}", NodeToDo);
            NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo;

        GUBPNodesCompleted = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
        GUBPNodesHistory = new Dictionary<string, NodeHistory>();

        Log("******* Caching completion");
            var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            foreach (var Node in NodesToDo)
                Log("** {0}", Node);
                NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Node, LocalOnly); // cache these now to avoid spam later
            var BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds;
            Log("Took {0}s to cache completion for {1} nodes", BuildDuration / 1000, NodesToDo.Count);
        /*if (CLString != "" && StoreName.Contains(CLString) && !ParseParam("NoHistory"))
            Log("******* Updating history");
            var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            foreach (var Node in NodesToDo)
                if (!NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Node, LocalOnly))
                    UpdateNodeHistory(Node, CLString);
            var BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds;
            Log("Took {0}s to get history for {1} nodes", BuildDuration / 1000, NodesToDo.Count);

        var OrdereredToDo = TopologicalSort(NodesToDo, ExplicitTrigger, LocalOnly);

        // find all unfinished triggers, excepting the one we are triggering right now
        var UnfinishedTriggers = new List<string>();
        if (!bSkipTriggers)
            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly))
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger) || ExplicitTrigger != NodeToDo)

        Log("*********** Desired And Dependent Nodes, in order.");
        PrintNodes(this, OrdereredToDo, LocalOnly, UnfinishedTriggers);
        //check sorting
            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() && (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky() || NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly))) // these sticky triggers are ok, everything is already completed anyway
                    bHasTests = true;
                int MyIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo);
                foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies)
                    int DepIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep);
                    if (DepIndex >= MyIndex)
                        throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep);
                foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies)
                    int DepIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep);
                    if (DepIndex >= MyIndex)
                        throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a pseduodependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep);

        string FakeFail = ParseParamValue("FakeFail");
        if (CommanderSetup)

            if (OrdereredToDo.Count == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No nodes to do!");
            var ECProps = new List<string>();
            ECProps.Add(String.Format("TimeIndex={0}", TimeIndex));
            foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeList)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("AllNodes/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDirectDependencies)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("DirectDependencies/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeListSortKey)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("SortKey/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDependedOnBy)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("DependedOnBy/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDependentPromotions)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("DependentPromotions/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value));
            foreach (var Node in SeparatePromotables)
                ECProps.Add(string.Format("PossiblePromotables/{0}={1}", Node, ""));
            var ECJobProps = new List<string>();
            if (ExplicitTrigger != "")

            var FilteredOrdereredToDo = new List<string>();
            // remove nodes that have unfinished triggers
            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                string ControllingTrigger = GetControllingTrigger(NodeToDo);
                bool bNoUnfinishedTriggers = !UnfinishedTriggers.Contains(ControllingTrigger);

                if (bNoUnfinishedTriggers)
                    // if we are triggering, then remove nodes that are not controlled by the trigger or are dependencies of this trigger
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger))
                        if (ExplicitTrigger != NodeToDo && !NodeDependsOn(NodeToDo, ExplicitTrigger) && !NodeDependsOn(ExplicitTrigger, NodeToDo))
                            continue; // this wasn't on the chain related to the trigger we are triggering, so it is not relevant
                    if (bPreflightBuild && !bSkipTriggers && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode())
                        // in preflight builds, we are either skipping triggers (and running things downstream) or we just stop at triggers and don't make them available for triggering.
            OrdereredToDo = FilteredOrdereredToDo;
            Log("*********** EC Nodes, in order.");
            PrintNodes(this, OrdereredToDo, LocalOnly, UnfinishedTriggers);

            // here we are just making sure everything before the explicit trigger is completed.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger))
                foreach (var NodeToDo in FilteredOrdereredToDo)
                    if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly) && NodeToDo != ExplicitTrigger && !NodeDependsOn(ExplicitTrigger, NodeToDo)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                        throw new AutomationException("We are being asked to process node {0}, however, this is an explicit trigger {1}, so everything before it should already be handled. It seems likely that you waited too long to run the trigger. You will have to do a new build from scratch.", NodeToDo, ExplicitTrigger);

            string LastSticky = "";
            bool HitNonSticky = false;
            bool bHaveECNodes = false;
            List<string> StepList = new List<string>();
            StepList.Add("use strict;");
            StepList.Add("use diagnostics;");
            StepList.Add("use ElectricCommander();");
            StepList.Add("my $ec = new ElectricCommander;");
            StepList.Add("my $batch = $ec->newBatch(\"serial\");");
            // sticky nodes are ones that we run on the main agent. We run then first and they must not be intermixed with parallel jobs
            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                    bHaveECNodes = true;
                    if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky())
                        LastSticky = NodeToDo;
                        if (HitNonSticky && !bSkipTriggers)
                            throw new AutomationException("Sticky and non-sticky jobs did not sort right.");
                        HitNonSticky = true;

            string ParentPath = ParseParamValue("ParentPath");
            string BaseArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath);

            bool bHasNoop = false;
            if (LastSticky == "" && bHaveECNodes)
                // if we don't have any sticky nodes and we have other nodes, we run a fake noop just to release the resource
                string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_UAT_Node', parallel => '0', jobStepName => 'Noop', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => 'Noop'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'Sticky', value =>'1' }}], releaseMode => 'release'}});", BaseArgs);
                bHasNoop = true;

            var FakeECArgs = new List<string>();
            var AgentGroupChains = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                    string MyAgentGroup = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AgentSharingGroup;
                    if (MyAgentGroup != "")
                        if (!AgentGroupChains.ContainsKey(MyAgentGroup))
                            AgentGroupChains.Add(MyAgentGroup, new List<string>{NodeToDo});

            foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
                if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                    string EMails;
                    var NodeProps = GetECPropsForNode(NodeToDo, CLString, out EMails);

                    bool Sticky = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky();
                    bool DoParallel = !Sticky;
                    if (Sticky && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECAgentString() != "")
                        throw new AutomationException("Node {1} is sticky but has agent requirements.", NodeToDo);
                    string Procedure = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure();
                    if(GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky() && NodeToDo == LastSticky)
                        Procedure = Procedure + "_Release";
                    string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => '{1}', parallel => '{2}', jobStepName => '{3}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value =>'{4}'}}",
                        BaseArgs, Procedure, DoParallel ? 1 : 0, NodeToDo, NodeToDo);
                    string ProcedureParams = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureParams();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProcedureParams))
                        Args = Args + ProcedureParams;

                    if ((Procedure == "GUBP_UAT_Trigger" || Procedure == "GUBP_Hardcoded_Trigger") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(EMails))
                        Args = Args + ", {actualParameterName => 'EmailsForTrigger', value => \'" + EMails + "\'}";
                    Args = Args + "]";
                    string PreCondition = "";
                    string RunCondition = "";
                    var UncompletedEcDeps = new List<string>();
                    var UncompletedCompletedDeps = new List<string>();

                    string MyAgentGroup = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AgentSharingGroup;
                    bool bDoNestedJobstep = false;
                    bool bDoFirstNestedJobstep = false;

                    string NodeParentPath = ParentPath;
                    string PreconditionParentPath;
                    if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName().Contains("MakeBuild") && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies.Contains(WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName()) && !bGraphSubset)
                        RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(NodeToDo, WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName());
                        PreconditionParentPath = GetPropertyFromStep("/myWorkflow/ParentJob");
                        UncompletedEcDeps = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo);
                        PreconditionParentPath = ParentPath;
                        var EcDeps = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo);
                        foreach (var Dep in EcDeps)
                            if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                                if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo))
                                    throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep);
                    var PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps = UncompletedEcDeps;
                    var CompletedDeps = GetCompletedOnlyDependencies(NodeToDo);
                    foreach (var Dep in CompletedDeps)
                        if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                            if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo))
                                throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep);
                    if (MyAgentGroup != "")
                        bDoNestedJobstep = true;
                        NodeParentPath = ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]";

                        PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps = new List<string>();

                        var MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup];
                        int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo);
                        if (MyIndex  > 0)
                            PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Add(MyChain[MyIndex - 1]);
                            bDoFirstNestedJobstep = bDoNestedJobstep;
                            // to avoid idle agents (and also EC doesn't actually reserve our agent!), we promote all dependencies to the first one
                            foreach (var Chain in MyChain)
                                var EcDeps = GetECDependencies(Chain);
                                foreach (var Dep in EcDeps)
                                    if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC
                                        if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Chain))
                                            throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", Chain, Dep);
                                        if (!MyChain.Contains(Dep) && !PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Contains(Dep))
                    if (bHasNoop && PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count == 0)
                    if (PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count > 0)
                        PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                        // these run "parallel", but we add preconditions to serialize them
                        int Index = 0;
                        foreach (var Dep in PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps)
                            PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/status\') == \'completed\'";
                            if (Index != PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count)
                                PreCondition = PreCondition + " && ";
                        PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\"";
                    if(UncompletedCompletedDeps.Count > 0)
                        PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                        // these run "parallel", but we add preconditions to serialize them
                        int Index = 0;
                        foreach (var Dep in CompletedDeps)
                            if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC())
                                PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/status\') == \'completed\'";
                                if (Index != CompletedDeps.Count)
                                    PreCondition = PreCondition + " && ";
                        PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\"";

                    if (UncompletedEcDeps.Count > 0)
                        RunCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                        int Index = 0;
                        foreach (var Dep in UncompletedEcDeps)
                            RunCondition = RunCondition + "((\'\\$\" . \"[" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/outcome]\' == \'success\') || ";
                            RunCondition = RunCondition + "(\'\\$\" . \"[" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/outcome]\' == \'warning\'))";

                            if (Index != UncompletedEcDeps.Count)
                                RunCondition = RunCondition + " && ";
                        RunCondition = RunCondition + ")true; else false;]\"";

                    if (bDoNestedJobstep)
                        if (bDoFirstNestedJobstep)
                                string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}', jobStepName => '{1}', parallel => '1'",
                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                                NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetPool', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetPool', parallel => '1', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{4}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => '{5}'}}]",
                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureInfix(), MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                                NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetAgent', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetAgent', parallel => '1', exclusiveMode => 'call', resourceName => '{4}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{5}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value=> '{6}'}}]",
                                    ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureInfix(),
                                    String.Format("$[/myJob/jobSteps[{0}]/ResourcePool]", MyAgentGroup),
                                    MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo);
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition  => ";
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetPool]/status') == 'completed'";
                                    NestArgs = NestArgs + ") true;]\"";
                                NestArgs = NestArgs + "});";
                                PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                                PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetAgent]/status') == 'completed'";
                                PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\"";
                        Args = Args.Replace(String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath), String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", NodeParentPath));
                        Args = Args.Replace("UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare", "UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare3");

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition))
                        Args = Args + ", precondition => " + PreCondition;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RunCondition))
                        Args = Args + ", condition => " + RunCondition;
        #if false
                    // this doesn't work because it includes precondition time
                    if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes() > 0)
                        Args = Args + String.Format(" --timeLimitUnits minutes --timeLimit {0}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes());
                    if (Sticky && NodeToDo == LastSticky)
                        Args = Args + ", releaseMode => 'release'";
                    Args = Args + "});";
                    if (bFakeEC &&
                        !UnfinishedTriggers.Contains(NodeToDo) &&
                        (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure().StartsWith("GUBP_UAT_Node") || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure().StartsWith("GUBP_Mac_UAT_Node")) // other things we really can't test
                        ) // unfinished triggers are never run directly by EC, rather it does another job setup
                        string Arg = String.Format("gubp -Node={0} -FakeEC {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}",
                            bFake ? "-Fake" : "" ,
                            ParseParam("AllPlatforms") ? "-AllPlatforms" : "",
                            ParseParam("UnfinishedTriggersFirst") ? "-UnfinishedTriggersFirst" : "",
                            ParseParam("UnfinishedTriggersParallel") ? "-UnfinishedTriggersParallel" : "",
                            ParseParam("WithMac") ? "-WithMac" : ""

                        string Node = ParseParamValue("-Node");
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Node))
                            Arg = Arg + " -Node=" + Node;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FakeFail))
                            Arg = Arg + " -FakeFail=" + FakeFail;

                    if (MyAgentGroup != "" && !bDoNestedJobstep)
                        var MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup];
                        int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo);
                        if (MyIndex == MyChain.Count - 1)
                            var RelPreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if(";
                            // this runs "parallel", but we a precondition to serialize it
                            RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + NodeToDo + "]/status') == 'completed'";
                            RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + ") true;]\"";
                            // we need to release the resource
                            string RelArgs = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_Release_AgentShare', parallel => '1', jobStepName => 'Release_{1}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', valued => '{2}'}}], releaseMode => 'release', precondition => '{3}'",
                                BaseArgs, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, RelPreCondition);
            RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/HasTests\" \"{0}\"", bHasTests));
                string BranchDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, "BranchDef.properties");
                CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchDefFile, ECProps.ToArray());
                RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/BranchDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\")));
                string BranchJobDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, "BranchJobDef.properties");
                CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchJobDefFile, ECProps.ToArray());
                RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myJob/BranchJobDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchJobDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\")));
            if (bFakeEC)
                foreach (var Args in FakeECArgs)
                    RunUAT(CmdEnv, Args);
            Log("Commander setup only, done.");

        if (ParseParam("SaveGraph"))
        if (bListOnly)
            Log("List only, done.");
        var BuildProductToNodeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo)
            if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts != null || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencyBuildProducts != null)
                throw new AutomationException("topological sort error");

            GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencyBuildProducts = new List<string>();
            GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencies = new List<string>();
            foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies)
                if (GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencies == null)
                    if (!bOnlyNode)
                        throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet3?  Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo);
                    foreach (var DepDep in GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencies)

                if (GUBPNodes[Dep].BuildProducts == null)
                    if (!bOnlyNode)
                        throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet? Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo);
                    foreach (var Prod in GUBPNodes[Dep].BuildProducts)
                    if (GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencyBuildProducts == null)
                        throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet2?  Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo);
                    foreach (var Prod in GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencyBuildProducts)

            string NodeStoreName = StoreName + "-" + GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName();

            string GameNameIfAny = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage();
            string StorageRootIfAny = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RootIfAnyForTempStorage();

            if (bFake)
                StorageRootIfAny = ""; // we don't rebase fake runs since those are entirely "records of success", which are always in the logs folder

            // this is kinda complicated
            bool SaveSuccessRecords = (IsBuildMachine || bFakeEC) && // no real reason to make these locally except for fakeEC tests
                (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky()) // trigger nodes are run twice, one to start the new workflow and once when it is actually triggered, we will save reconds for the latter
                && (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() || !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate()); //aggregates not in EC can be "run" multiple times, so we can't track those

            Log("***** Running GUBP Node {0} -> {1} : {2}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), GameNameIfAny, NodeStoreName);
            if (NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly))
                if (NodeToDo == VersionFilesNode.StaticGetFullName() && !IsBuildMachine)
                    Log("***** NOT ****** Retrieving GUBP Node {0} from {1}; it is the version files.", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), NodeStoreName);
                    GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = new List<string>();

                    Log("***** Retrieving GUBP Node {0} from {1}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), NodeStoreName);
                    bool WasLocal;
                        GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny);
                        if(GameNameIfAny != "")
                            GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, "", StorageRootIfAny);
                            throw new AutomationException("Build Products cannot be found for node {0}", NodeToDo);
                    if (!WasLocal)
                if (SaveSuccessRecords)
                    SaveStatus(NodeToDo, StartedTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny);
                var BuildDuration = 0.0;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FakeFail) && FakeFail.Equals(NodeToDo, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        throw new AutomationException("Failing node {0} by request.", NodeToDo);
                    if (bFake)
                        Log("***** FAKE!! Building GUBP Node {0} for {1}", NodeToDo, NodeStoreName);
                        Log("***** Building GUBP Node {0} for {1}", NodeToDo, NodeStoreName);
                        var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds / 1000;

                    if (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate())
                        var StoreDuration = 0.0;
                        var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        StoreToTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts, !bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny);
                        StoreDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds / 1000;
                        Log("Took {0} seconds to store build products", StoreDuration);
                        if (IsBuildMachine)
                            RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myJobStep/StoreDuration\" \"{0}\"", StoreDuration.ToString()));
                        if (ParseParam("StompCheck"))
                            foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencies)
                                    bool WasLocal;
                                    RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny);
                                    if (!WasLocal)
                                        throw new AutomationException("Retrieve was not local?");

                                catch(Exception Ex)
                                    throw new AutomationException("Node {0} stomped Node {1}   Ex: {2}", NodeToDo, Dep, LogUtils.FormatException(Ex));

                catch (Exception Ex)
                    if (SaveSuccessRecords)
                        UpdateNodeHistory(NodeToDo, CLString);
                        SaveStatus(NodeToDo, FailedTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny, ParseParamValue("MyJobStepId"));
                        UpdateECProps(NodeToDo, CLString);
                        if (IsBuildMachine)
                            GetFailureEmails(NodeToDo, CLString);
                        UpdateECBuildTime(NodeToDo, BuildDuration);

                    Log("{0}", ExceptionToString(Ex));

                    if (GUBPNodesHistory.ContainsKey(NodeToDo))
                        var History = GUBPNodesHistory[NodeToDo];
                        Log("Changes since last green *********************************");
                        Log("End changes since last green");

                    string FailInfo = "";
                    FailInfo += "********************************* Main log file";
                    FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                    FailInfo += LogUtils.GetLogTail();
                    FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                    string OtherLog = "See logfile for details: '";
                    if (FailInfo.Contains(OtherLog))
                        string LogFile = FailInfo.Substring(FailInfo.IndexOf(OtherLog) + OtherLog.Length);
                        if (LogFile.Contains("'"))
                            LogFile = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LogFolder, LogFile.Substring(0, LogFile.IndexOf("'")));
                            if (FileExists_NoExceptions(LogFile))
                                FailInfo += "********************************* Sub log file " + LogFile;
                                FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                                FailInfo += LogUtils.GetLogTail(LogFile);
                                FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                    string Filename = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LogFolder, "LogTailsAndChanges.log");
                    WriteAllText(Filename, FailInfo);

                if (SaveSuccessRecords)
                    UpdateNodeHistory(NodeToDo, CLString);
                    SaveStatus(NodeToDo, SucceededTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny);
                    UpdateECProps(NodeToDo, CLString);
                    if (IsBuildMachine)
                        GetFailureEmails(NodeToDo, CLString);
                    UpdateECBuildTime(NodeToDo, BuildDuration);
            foreach (var Product in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts)
                if (BuildProductToNodeMap.ContainsKey(Product))
                    throw new AutomationException("Overlapping build product: {0} and {1} both produce {2}", BuildProductToNodeMap[Product], NodeToDo, Product);
                BuildProductToNodeMap.Add(Product, NodeToDo);
