public GUBPBranchConfig(IEnumerable<UnrealTargetPlatform> InHostPlatforms, string InBranchName, BranchInfo InBranch, GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions InBranchOptions, bool bInForceIncrementalCompile, JobInfo JobInfo) { HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InHostPlatforms); BranchName = InBranchName; Branch = InBranch; BranchOptions = InBranchOptions; bForceIncrementalCompile = bInForceIncrementalCompile; this.JobInfo = JobInfo; }
public GUBPBranchConfig(int InCL, IEnumerable<UnrealTargetPlatform> InHostPlatforms, string InBranchName, BranchInfo InBranch, GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions InBranchOptions, bool bInForceIncrementalCompile, bool bInPreflightBuild, string InPreflightMangleSuffix) { CL = InCL; HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InHostPlatforms); BranchName = InBranchName; Branch = InBranch; BranchOptions = InBranchOptions; bForceIncrementalCompile = bInForceIncrementalCompile; bPreflightBuild = bInPreflightBuild; PreflightMangleSuffix = InPreflightMangleSuffix; }
private GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions GetBranchOptions(string Branch) { if (BranchHackers == null) { BranchHackers = new List<GUBPBranchHacker>(); Assembly[] LoadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); foreach (Assembly Dll in LoadedAssemblies) { Type[] AllTypes = GetTypesFromAssembly(Dll); foreach (var PotentialConfigType in AllTypes) { if (PotentialConfigType != typeof(GUBPBranchHacker) && typeof(GUBPBranchHacker).IsAssignableFrom(PotentialConfigType)) { GUBPBranchHacker Config = Activator.CreateInstance(PotentialConfigType) as GUBPBranchHacker; if (Config != null) { BranchHackers.Add(Config); } } } } } GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions Result = new GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions(); foreach (GUBPBranchHacker Hacker in BranchHackers) { Hacker.ModifyOptions(this, ref Result, Branch); } return Result; }
public override void ExecuteBuild() { Log("************************* GUBP"); string PreflightShelveCLString = GetEnvVar("uebp_PreflightShelveCL"); if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreflightShelveCLString) && IsBuildMachine) || ParseParam("PreflightTest")) { Log("**** Preflight shelve {0}", PreflightShelveCLString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreflightShelveCLString)) { PreflightShelveCL = int.Parse(PreflightShelveCLString); if (PreflightShelveCL < 2000000) { throw new AutomationException(String.Format( "{0} does not look like a CL", PreflightShelveCL)); } } bPreflightBuild = true; } ECProject = ParseParamValue("ECProject"); if (ECProject == null) { ECProject = ""; } HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); if (!ParseParam("NoPC")) { HostPlatforms.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64); } if (P4Enabled) { BranchName = P4Env.BuildRootP4; } else { BranchName = ParseParamValue("BranchName", ""); } BranchOptions = GetBranchOptions(BranchName); bool WithMac = !BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac); if (ParseParam("NoMac")) { WithMac = false; } if (WithMac) { HostPlatforms.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac); } bool WithLinux = !BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux); bool WithoutLinux = ParseParam("NoLinux"); // @TODO: exclude temporarily unless running on a Linux machine to prevent spurious GUBP failures if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux || ParseParam("NoLinux")) { WithLinux = false; } if (WithLinux) { HostPlatforms.Add(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux); } bForceIncrementalCompile = ParseParam("ForceIncrementalCompile"); bool bNoAutomatedTesting = ParseParam("NoAutomatedTesting") || BranchOptions.bNoAutomatedTesting; StoreName = ParseParamValue("Store"); string StoreSuffix = ParseParamValue("StoreSuffix", ""); if (bPreflightBuild) { int PreflightUID = ParseParamInt("PreflightUID", 0); PreflightMangleSuffix = String.Format("-PF-{0}-{1}", PreflightShelveCL, PreflightUID); StoreSuffix = StoreSuffix + PreflightMangleSuffix; } CL = ParseParamInt("CL", 0); bool bCleanLocalTempStorage = ParseParam("CleanLocal"); bool bChanges = ParseParam("Changes") || ParseParam("AllChanges"); bool bHistory = ParseParam("History") || bChanges; bool bListOnly = ParseParam("ListOnly") || bHistory; bool bSkipTriggers = ParseParam("SkipTriggers"); bFake = ParseParam("fake"); bool bFakeEC = ParseParam("FakeEC"); TimeIndex = ParseParamInt("TimeIndex", 0); if (TimeIndex == 0) { TimeIndex = ParseParamInt("UserTimeIndex", 0); } bNoIOSOnPC = HostPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac); bool bSaveSharedTempStorage = false; if (bHistory && !P4Enabled) { throw new AutomationException("-Changes and -History require -P4."); } bool LocalOnly = true; string CLString = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(StoreName)) { if (P4Enabled) { if (CL == 0) { CL = P4Env.Changelist; } CLString = String.Format("{0}", CL); StoreName = P4Env.BuildRootEscaped + "-" + CLString; bSaveSharedTempStorage = CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine; LocalOnly = false; } else { StoreName = "TempLocal"; bSaveSharedTempStorage = false; } } StoreName = StoreName + StoreSuffix; if (bFakeEC) { LocalOnly = true; } if (bSaveSharedTempStorage) { if (!HaveSharedTempStorage(true)) { throw new AutomationException("Request to save to temp storage, but {0} is unavailable.", UE4TempStorageDirectory()); } bSignBuildProducts = true; } else if (!LocalOnly && !HaveSharedTempStorage(false)) { Log("Looks like we want to use shared temp storage, but since we don't have it, we won't use it."); LocalOnly = true; } bool CommanderSetup = ParseParam("CommanderJobSetupOnly"); string ExplicitTrigger = ""; if (CommanderSetup) { ExplicitTrigger = ParseParamValue("TriggerNode"); if (ExplicitTrigger == null) { ExplicitTrigger = ""; } } if (ParseParam("CIS") && ExplicitTrigger == "" && CommanderSetup) // explicit triggers will already have a time index assigned { if (!P4Enabled) { throw new AutomationException("Can't have -CIS without P4 support"); } var P4IndexFileP4 = CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, CommandUtils.P4Env.BuildRootP4, "Engine", "Build", "CISCounter.txt"); var P4IndexFileLocal = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Build", "CISCounter.txt"); int Retry = 0; bool bDone = false; while (++Retry < 20 && !bDone) { int NowMinutes = (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(2014, 1, 1)).TotalMinutes); if (NowMinutes < 3 * 30 * 24) { throw new AutomationException("bad date calc"); } if (!FileExists_NoExceptions(P4IndexFileLocal)) { Log("{0} doesn't exist, checking in a new one", P4IndexFileP4); WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, "-1 0"); int WorkingCL = -1; try { WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Adding new CIS Counter"); P4.Add(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4); int SubmittedCL; P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL); } catch (Exception) { Log("Add of CIS counter failed, assuming it now exists."); if (WorkingCL > 0) { P4.DeleteChange(WorkingCL); } } } P4.Sync("-f " + P4IndexFileP4 + "#head"); if (!FileExists_NoExceptions(P4IndexFileLocal)) { Log("{0} doesn't exist, checking in a new one", P4IndexFileP4); WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, "-1 0"); int WorkingCL = -1; try { WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Adding new CIS Counter"); P4.Add(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4); int SubmittedCL; P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL); } catch (Exception) { Log("Add of CIS counter failed, assuming it now exists."); if (WorkingCL > 0) { P4.DeleteChange(WorkingCL); } } } var Data = ReadAllText(P4IndexFileLocal); var Parts = Data.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); int Index = int.Parse(Parts[0]); int Minutes = int.Parse(Parts[1]); int DeltaMinutes = NowMinutes - Minutes; int TimeQuantum = 20; if(BranchOptions.QuantumOverride != 0) { TimeQuantum = BranchOptions.QuantumOverride; } int NewIndex = Index + 1; if (DeltaMinutes > TimeQuantum * 2) { if (DeltaMinutes > TimeQuantum * (1 << 8)) { // it has been forever, lets just start over NewIndex = 0; } else { int WorkingIndex = NewIndex + 1; for (int WorkingDelta = DeltaMinutes - TimeQuantum; WorkingDelta > 0; WorkingDelta -= TimeQuantum, WorkingIndex++) { if (CountZeros(NewIndex) < CountZeros(WorkingIndex)) { NewIndex = WorkingIndex; } } } } { var Line = String.Format("{0} {1}", NewIndex, NowMinutes); Log("Attempting to write {0} with {1}", P4IndexFileP4, Line); int WorkingCL = -1; try { WorkingCL = P4.CreateChange(P4Env.Client, "Updating CIS Counter"); P4.Edit(WorkingCL, P4IndexFileP4); WriteAllText(P4IndexFileLocal, Line); int SubmittedCL; P4.Submit(WorkingCL, out SubmittedCL); bDone = true; TimeIndex = NewIndex; } catch (Exception) { Log("Edit of CIS counter failed, assuming someone else checked in, retrying."); if (WorkingCL > 0) { P4.DeleteChange(WorkingCL); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); } } } if (!bDone) { throw new AutomationException("Failed to update the CIS counter after 20 tries."); } Log("Setting TimeIndex to {0}", TimeIndex); } Log("************************* CL: {0}", CL); Log("************************* P4Enabled: {0}", P4Enabled); foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms) { Log("************************* HostPlatform: {0}", HostPlatform.ToString()); } Log("************************* StoreName: {0}", StoreName.ToString()); Log("************************* bCleanLocalTempStorage: {0}", bCleanLocalTempStorage); Log("************************* bSkipTriggers: {0}", bSkipTriggers); Log("************************* bSaveSharedTempStorage: {0}", bSaveSharedTempStorage); Log("************************* bSignBuildProducts: {0}", bSignBuildProducts); Log("************************* bFake: {0}", bFake); Log("************************* bFakeEC: {0}", bFakeEC); Log("************************* bHistory: {0}", bHistory); Log("************************* TimeIndex: {0}", TimeIndex); GUBPNodes = new Dictionary<string, GUBPNode>(); Branch = new BranchInfo(HostPlatforms); if (IsBuildMachine || ParseParam("AllPlatforms")) { ActivePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject> BranchCodeProjects = new List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject>(); BranchCodeProjects.Add(Branch.BaseEngineProject); BranchCodeProjects.AddRange(Branch.CodeProjects); BranchCodeProjects.RemoveAll(Project => BranchOptions.ExcludeNodes.Contains(Project.GameName)); foreach (var GameProj in BranchCodeProjects) { foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds) { if (GameProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind)) { var Target = GameProj.Properties.Targets[Kind]; foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms) { var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms); foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms) { if (Target.Rules.SupportsPlatform(Plat) && !ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { ActivePlatforms.Add(Plat); } } } } } } } else { ActivePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(CommandUtils.KnownTargetPlatforms); } var SupportedPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); foreach(var Plat in ActivePlatforms) { if(!BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove.Contains(Plat)) { SupportedPlatforms.Add(Plat); } } ActivePlatforms = SupportedPlatforms; foreach (var Plat in ActivePlatforms) { Log("Active Platform: {0}", Plat.ToString()); } if (HostPlatforms.Count >= 2) { // make sure each project is set up with the right assumptions on monolithics that prefer a platform. foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { var OptionsMac = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac); var OptionsPC = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64); var MacMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, CodeProj, false); var PCMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, CodeProj, false); if (!OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && OptionsPC.bIsPromotable && (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS))) { throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is promotable for PC, not promotable for Mac and uses IOS monothics. Since Mac is the preferred platform for IOS, please add Mac as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName); } if (OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && !OptionsPC.bIsPromotable && (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android))) { throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is not promotable for PC, promotable for Mac and uses Android monothics. Since PC is the preferred platform for Android, please add PC as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName); } } } AddNode(new VersionFilesNode()); foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms) { AddNode(new ToolsForCompileNode(HostPlatform)); if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform)) { AddNode(new RootEditorNode(HostPlatform)); AddNode(new ToolsNode(HostPlatform)); AddNode(new InternalToolsNode(HostPlatform)); if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)) { if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)) { AddNode(new ToolsCrossCompileNode(HostPlatform)); } } foreach (var ProgramTarget in Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Programs) { bool bInternalOnly; bool SeparateNode; bool CrossCompile; if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode) { if (bInternalOnly) { AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } else { AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } } if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_IncludeNonUnityToolTest()) { AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } } foreach(var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { foreach(var ProgramTarget in CodeProj.Properties.Programs) { bool bInternalNodeOnly; bool SeparateNode; bool CrossCompile; if(ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalNodeOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode) { if(bInternalNodeOnly) { AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } else { AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } } if(ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_IncludeNonUnityToolTest()) { AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget)); } } } AddNode(new EditorAndToolsNode(this, HostPlatform)); if (bOrthogonalizeEditorPlatforms) { foreach (var Plat in ActivePlatforms) { if (Plat != HostPlatform && Plat != GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform)) { if (Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat)) { AddNode(new EditorPlatformNode(HostPlatform, Plat)); } } } } } bool DoASharedPromotable = false; int NumSharedCode = 0; foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform); if (Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { NumSharedCode++; } } var NonCodeProjectNames = new Dictionary<string, List<UnrealTargetPlatform>>(); var NonCodeFormalBuilds = new Dictionary<string, List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>>(); { var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor]; foreach (var Codeless in Target.Rules.GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform)) { var Proj = Branch.FindGame(Codeless.Key); if (Proj == null) { Log(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "{0} was listed as a codeless project by GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key); } else if (Proj.Properties.bIsCodeBasedProject) { if (!Branch.NonCodeProjects.Contains(Proj)) { Branch.NonCodeProjects.Add(Proj); NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value); } } else { NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value); } } var TempNonCodeFormalBuilds = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly(); var HostMonos = GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, true); foreach (var Codeless in TempNonCodeFormalBuilds) { if (NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(Codeless.Key)) { var PlatList = Codeless.Value; var NewPlatList = new List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>(); foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList) { if (HostMonos.Contains(PlatPair.TargetPlatform)) { NewPlatList.Add(PlatPair); } } if (NewPlatList.Count > 0) { NonCodeFormalBuilds.Add(Codeless.Key, NewPlatList); } } else { Log(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, "{0} was listed as a codeless formal build GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key); } } } DoASharedPromotable = NumSharedCode > 0 || NonCodeProjectNames.Count > 0 || NonCodeFormalBuilds.Count > 0; AddNode(new NonUnityTestNode(HostPlatform)); if (DoASharedPromotable) { var AgentSharingGroup = "Shared_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); var Options = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Options(HostPlatform); if (!Options.bIsPromotable || Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { throw new AutomationException("We assume that if we have shared promotable, the base engine is in it."); } if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64 { var EditorTests = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform); var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>(); foreach (var Test in EditorTests) { if (!bNoAutomatedTesting) { EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup))); foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects) { if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName)) { continue; } if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) continue; //temp hack till mac automated testing works EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup))); } } } if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes, 0.0f)); } } var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds) { if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind)) { var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind]; var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); if (Platforms.Contains(HostPlatform)) { // we want the host platform first since some some pseudodependencies look to see if the shared promotable exists. Platforms.Remove(HostPlatform); Platforms.Insert(0, HostPlatform); } foreach (var Plat in Platforms) { if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat)) { throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString()); } if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { continue; } if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { ServerPlatforms.Add(Plat); } if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { GamePlatforms.Add(Plat); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat))) { if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(Branch.BaseEngineProject, HostPlatform, Plat)) { AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, InPrecompiled: true)); } AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat)); } if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics() && Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true))) { AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true)); } } } } } } var CookedAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); var GameTestNodes = new List<string>(); var GameCookNodes = new List<string>(); //var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); //foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)//for now, non-code projects don't do client or server. { var Kind = TargetRules.TargetType.Game; if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind)) { var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind]; var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); foreach (var Plat in Platforms) { if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat)) { throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString()); } if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { continue; } if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, ""); if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, CookedPlatform))) { GameCookNodes.Add(AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, CookedPlatform))); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat))) { AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, false)); } var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat); var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat }; if (!bNoAutomatedTesting) { var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>(); foreach (var Test in GameTests) { var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString(); ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms))); } if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0) { GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f))); } } foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects) { if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(Plat)) { continue; } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform))) { GameCookNodes.Add(AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, CookedPlatform))); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat))) { AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, false)); if (NonCodeFormalBuilds.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName)) { var PlatList = NonCodeFormalBuilds[NonCodeProject.GameName]; foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList) { if (PlatPair.TargetPlatform == Plat) { var NodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Plat }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() {PlatPair.TargetConfig})); if(PlatPair.bBeforeTrigger) { RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(FormalBuildNode.StaticGetFullName(NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Plat }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { PlatPair.TargetConfig }), WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName()); } // we don't want this delayed // this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away RemovePseudodependencyFromNode( CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()); string BuildAgentSharingGroup = ""; if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { BuildAgentSharingGroup = NonCodeProject.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents { BuildAgentSharingGroup = ""; } GUBPNodes[CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; GUBPNodes[GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; } else { //GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup; if(Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) { GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = ""; } } if (PlatPair.bTest) { AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(this, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, Plat, PlatPair.TargetConfig)); } } } } } if (!bNoAutomatedTesting) { if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>(); foreach (var Test in GameTests) { var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString(); ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms))); } if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0) { GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f))); } } } } } } } #if false //for now, non-code projects don't do client or server. foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms) { var ServerTarget = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Server]; foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms) { var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game]; foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects) { if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(ServerPlatform) || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(GamePlatform) ) { continue; } var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform); var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform }; if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform) { RequiredPlatforms.Add(GamePlatform); } foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests) { GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString(), Test.Value, false, RequiredPlatforms, true))); } } } } #endif if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes)); } } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(SharedCookAggregateNode.StaticGetFullName())) { AddNode(new SharedCookAggregateNode(this, HostPlatforms, NonCodeProjectNames, NonCodeFormalBuilds)); } if(HostPlatform == MakeFeaturePacksNode.GetDefaultBuildPlatform(this)) { AddNode(new MakeFeaturePacksNode(HostPlatform, Branch.AllProjects.Where(x => MakeFeaturePacksNode.IsFeaturePack(x)))); } foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform); if (!Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bTestWithShared && !Options.bIsNonCode) { continue; // we skip things that aren't promotable and aren't tested - except noncode as code situations } var AgentShareName = CodeProj.GameName; if (!Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { AgentShareName = "Shared"; } if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform) && !Options.bIsNonCode) { EditorGameNode Node = (EditorGameNode)TryFindNode(EditorGameNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj)); if(Node == null) { AddNode(new EditorGameNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj)); } else { Node.AddProject(CodeProj); } } if (!bNoAutomatedTesting && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64 { if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(TargetRules.TargetType.Editor)) { var EditorTests = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform); var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>(); string AgentSharingGroup = ""; if (EditorTests.Count > 1) { AgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); } foreach (var Test in EditorTests) { EditorTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup))); if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName())) { RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()); } } if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes, 0.0f)); } } } var CookedAgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); //var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); var GameTestNodes = new List<string>(); foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds) { if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind)) { var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[Kind]; var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms); foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms) { if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat)) { throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", CodeProj.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString()); } if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) { continue; } if(Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics()) { if(!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true))) { AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true)); } } if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { ServerPlatforms.Add(Plat); } if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { GamePlatforms.Add(Plat); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat))) { if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat)) { AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, InPrecompiled: true)); } AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)); } if (!AdditionalPlatforms.Contains(Plat)) { string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, ""); if (Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform) != "") { CookedPlatform = Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform))) { AddNode(new CookNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, CookedPlatform)); } if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat))) { AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true)); } var FormalBuildConfigs = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetConfigsForFormalBuilds_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform); foreach (var Config in FormalBuildConfigs) { string FormalNodeName = null; if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client) { if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform) { FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }, InClientNotGame: true)); } } else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server) { if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform) { FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InServerTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InServerConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig })); } } else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game) { if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform) { FormalNodeName = AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig })); } } if (FormalNodeName != null) { if (Config.bBeforeTrigger) { RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(FormalBuildNode.StaticGetFullName(CodeProj, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }), WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName()); } // we don't want this delayed // this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away RemovePseudodependencyFromNode( CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()); string BuildAgentSharingGroup = ""; if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { BuildAgentSharingGroup = CodeProj.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform); if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents { BuildAgentSharingGroup = ""; } GUBPNodes[CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; GUBPNodes[GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup; } else { //GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup; if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) { GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = ""; } } if (Config.bTest) { AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(this, CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat, Config.TargetConfig)); } } } if (!bNoAutomatedTesting) { if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat); var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat }; var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>(); foreach (var Test in GameTests) { var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString(); ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms))); if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName())) { RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()); } } if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0) { GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes, 0.0f))); } } } } } } } if (!bNoAutomatedTesting) { foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms) { foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms) { if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game]; var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform); var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform }; if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform) { RequiredPlatforms.Add(GamePlatform); } foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests) { var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString(); GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms))); } } } if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(this, HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes)); } } } } int NumSharedAllHosts = 0; foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(TargetRules.TargetType.Editor)) { bool AnySeparate = false; var PromotedHosts = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(); foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms) { if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform) && !BranchOptions.RemovePlatformFromPromotable.Contains(HostPlatform)) { var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform); AnySeparate = AnySeparate || Options.bSeparateGamePromotion; if (Options.bIsPromotable) { if (!Options.bSeparateGamePromotion) { NumSharedAllHosts++; } PromotedHosts.Add(HostPlatform); } } } if (PromotedHosts.Count > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregatePromotableNode(this, PromotedHosts, CodeProj, true)); if (AnySeparate) { AddNode(new WaitForGamePromotionUserInput(this, CodeProj, false)); AddNode(new GameLabelPromotableNode(this, CodeProj, false)); AddNode(new WaitForGamePromotionUserInput(this, CodeProj, true)); AddNode(new GameLabelPromotableNode(this, CodeProj, true)); } } } } if (NumSharedAllHosts > 0) { AddNode(new GameAggregatePromotableNode(this, HostPlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, false)); AddNode(new SharedAggregatePromotableNode(this, HostPlatforms)); AddNode(new WaitForSharedPromotionUserInput(this, false)); AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableNode(this, false)); AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableSuccessNode()); AddNode(new WaitForTestShared(this)); AddNode(new WaitForSharedPromotionUserInput(this, true)); AddNode(new SharedLabelPromotableNode(this, true)); AddNode(new WaitForFormalUserInput(this)); } foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms) { AddCustomNodes(HostPlatform); } if (HasNode(ToolsForCompileNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))) { if (HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, Branch.BaseEngineProject, UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)) && HasNode(ToolsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))) { //AddNode(new IOSOnPCTestNode(this)); - Disable IOSOnPCTest until a1011 crash is fixed } AddNode(new VSExpressTestNode(this)); if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) && !BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)) { AddNode(new RootEditorCrossCompileLinuxNode(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)); } if (!bPreflightBuild) { AddNode(new CleanSharedTempStorageNode(this)); } } #if false // this doesn't work for lots of reasons...we can't figure out what the dependencies are until far later if (bPreflightBuild) { GeneralSuccessNode PreflightSuccessNode = new GeneralSuccessNode("Preflight"); foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { if (NodeToDo.Value.RunInEC()) { PreflightSuccessNode.AddPseudodependency(NodeToDo.Key); } } AddNode(PreflightSuccessNode); } #endif foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfDependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the full graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key); } if (Dep == NodeToDo.Key) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} has a self arc.", NodeToDo.Key); } } foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the full graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key); } if (Dep == NodeToDo.Key) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} has a self pseudoarc.", NodeToDo.Key); } } } if (bCleanLocalTempStorage) // shared temp storage can never be wiped { DeleteLocalTempStorageManifests(CmdEnv); } GUBPNodesControllingTrigger = new Dictionary<string, string>(); GUBPNodesControllingTriggerDotName = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var FullNodeList = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var FullNodeDirectDependencies = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var FullNodeDependedOnBy = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var FullNodeDependentPromotions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var SeparatePromotables = new List<string>(); { foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].IsSeparatePromotable()) { SeparatePromotables.Add(GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].GetFullName()); List<string> Dependencies = new List<string>(); Dependencies = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo.Key); foreach (var Dep in Dependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo); } if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].IsPromotableAggregate()) { if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].DependentPromotions.Contains(NodeToDo.Key)) { GUBPNodes[Dep].DependentPromotions.Add(NodeToDo.Key); } } } } } // Make sure that everything that's listed as a frequency barrier is completed with the given interval Dictionary<string, int> FrequencyOverrides = new Dictionary<string,int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, sbyte> Barrier in BranchOptions.FrequencyBarriers) { // All the nodes which are dependencies of the barrier node HashSet<string> IncludedNodes = new HashSet<string> { Barrier.Key }; // Find all the nodes which are indirect dependencies of this node List<string> SearchNodes = new List<string> { Barrier.Key }; for (int Idx = 0; Idx < SearchNodes.Count; Idx++) { GUBPNode Node = GUBPNodes[SearchNodes[Idx]]; foreach (string DependencyName in Node.FullNamesOfDependencies.Union(Node.FullNamesOfPseudosependencies)) { if (!IncludedNodes.Contains(DependencyName)) { IncludedNodes.Add(DependencyName); SearchNodes.Add(DependencyName); } } } // Make sure that everything included in this list is before the cap, and everything not in the list is after it foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GUBPNode> NodePair in GUBPNodes) { if (IncludedNodes.Contains(NodePair.Key)) { int Frequency; if(FrequencyOverrides.TryGetValue(NodePair.Key, out Frequency)) { Frequency = Math.Min(Frequency, Barrier.Value); } else { Frequency = Barrier.Value; } FrequencyOverrides[NodePair.Key] = Frequency; } } } // Compute all the frequencies foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { ComputeDependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift(NodeToDo.Key, FrequencyOverrides); } foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { var Deps = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].DependentPromotions; string All = ""; foreach (var Dep in Deps) { if (All != "") { All += " "; } All += Dep; } FullNodeDependentPromotions.Add(NodeToDo.Key, All); } } { Log("******* {0} GUBP Nodes", GUBPNodes.Count); var SortedNodes = TopologicalSort(new HashSet<string>(GUBPNodes.Keys), LocalOnly: true, DoNotConsiderCompletion: true); foreach (var Node in SortedNodes) { string Note = GetControllingTriggerDotName(Node); if (Note == "") { Note = CISFrequencyQuantumShiftString(Node); } if (Note == "") { Note = "always"; } if (GUBPNodes[Node].RunInEC()) { var Deps = GetECDependencies(Node); string All = ""; foreach (var Dep in Deps) { if (All != "") { All += " "; } All += Dep; } Log(" {0}: {1} {2}", Node, Note, All); FullNodeList.Add(Node, Note); FullNodeDirectDependencies.Add(Node, All); } else { Log(" {0}: {1} [Aggregate]", Node, Note); } } } Dictionary<string, int> FullNodeListSortKey = GetDisplayOrder(FullNodeList.Keys.ToList(), FullNodeDirectDependencies, GUBPNodes); bool bOnlyNode = false; bool bRelatedToNode = false; bool bGraphSubset = false; var NodesToDo = new HashSet<string>(); { string NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("Node"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("RelatedToNode"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { bRelatedToNode = true; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec) && CommanderSetup) { NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("SetupNode"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("SetupRelatedToNode"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { bRelatedToNode = true; } } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { NodeSpec = ParseParamValue("OnlyNode"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { bOnlyNode = true; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeSpec)) { bGraphSubset = true; if (NodeSpec.Equals("Noop", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Log("Request for Noop node, done."); PrintRunTime(); return; } List<string> Nodes = new List<string>(NodeSpec.Split('+')); foreach (var NodeArg in Nodes) { var NodeName = NodeArg.Trim(); bool bFoundAnything = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeName)) { foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { if (Node.Value.GetFullName().Equals(NodeArg, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || Node.Value.AgentSharingGroup.Equals(NodeArg, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ) { if (!NodesToDo.Contains(Node.Key)) { NodesToDo.Add(Node.Key); } bFoundAnything = true; } } if (!bFoundAnything) { throw new AutomationException("Could not find node named {0}", NodeName); } } } } } string GameSpec = ParseParamValue("Game"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameSpec)) { bGraphSubset = true; List<string> Games = new List<string>(GameSpec.Split('+')); foreach (var GameArg in Games) { var GameName = GameArg.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameName)) { foreach (var GameProj in Branch.CodeProjects) { if (GameProj.GameName.Equals(GameName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { NodesToDo.Add(GameAggregatePromotableNode.StaticGetFullName(GameProj)); foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { if (Node.Value.GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage() == GameProj.GameName) { NodesToDo.Add(Node.Key); } } GameName = null; } } if (GameName != null) { foreach (var GameProj in Branch.NonCodeProjects) { if (GameProj.GameName.Equals(GameName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { if (Node.Value.GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage() == GameProj.GameName) { NodesToDo.Add(Node.Key); } } GameName = null; } } } if (GameName != null) { throw new AutomationException("Could not find game named {0}", GameName); } } } } if (NodesToDo.Count == 0) { Log("No nodes specified, adding all nodes"); foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { NodesToDo.Add(Node.Key); } } else if (TimeIndex != 0) { Log("Check to make sure we didn't ask for nodes that will be culled by time index"); foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { if (TimeIndex % (1 << GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift()) != 0) { throw new AutomationException("You asked specifically for node {0}, but it is culled by the time quantum: TimeIndex = {1}, DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift = {2}.", NodeToDo, TimeIndex, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift()); } } } Log("Desired Nodes"); foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { Log(" {0}", NodeToDo); } // if we are doing related to, then find things that depend on the selected nodes if (bRelatedToNode) { bool bDoneWithDependencies = false; while (!bDoneWithDependencies) { bDoneWithDependencies = true; var Fringe = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes) { if (!NodesToDo.Contains(NodeToDo.Key)) { foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfDependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key); } if (NodesToDo.Contains(Dep)) { Fringe.Add(NodeToDo.Key); bDoneWithDependencies = false; } } foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo.Key].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo.Key); } } } } NodesToDo.UnionWith(Fringe); } } // find things that our nodes depend on if (!bOnlyNode) { bool bDoneWithDependencies = false; while (!bDoneWithDependencies) { bDoneWithDependencies = true; var Fringe = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo); } if (!NodesToDo.Contains(Dep)) { Fringe.Add(Dep); bDoneWithDependencies = false; } } foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a pseudodependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo); } } } NodesToDo.UnionWith(Fringe); } } if (TimeIndex != 0) { Log("Culling based on time index"); var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { if (TimeIndex % (1 << GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DependentCISFrequencyQuantumShift()) == 0) { Log(" Keeping {0}", NodeToDo); NewNodesToDo.Add(NodeToDo); } else { Log(" Rejecting {0}", NodeToDo); } } NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo; } //Remove Plat if specified if(WithoutLinux) { var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>(); foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { if(!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName().Contains("Linux")) { NewNodesToDo.Add(NodeToDo); } else { Log(" Rejecting {0} because -NoLinux was requested", NodeToDo); } } NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo; } //find things that depend on our nodes and setup commander dictionary if (!bOnlyNode) { foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { if (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate() && !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsTest()) { List<string> ECDependencies = new List<string>(); ECDependencies = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo); foreach (var Dep in ECDependencies) { if (!GUBPNodes.ContainsKey(Dep)) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} is not in the graph. It is a dependency of {1}.", Dep, NodeToDo); } if (!GUBPNodes[Dep].FullNamesOfDependedOn.Contains(NodeToDo)) { GUBPNodes[Dep].FullNamesOfDependedOn.Add(NodeToDo); } } } } foreach(var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { var Deps = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependedOn; string All = ""; foreach (var Dep in Deps) { if (All != "") { All += " "; } All += Dep; } FullNodeDependedOnBy.Add(NodeToDo, All); } } if (CommanderSetup) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger)) { bool bFoundIt = false; foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { if (Node.Value.GetFullName().Equals(ExplicitTrigger, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (Node.Value.TriggerNode() && Node.Value.RunInEC()) { Node.Value.SetAsExplicitTrigger(); bFoundIt = true; break; } } } if (!bFoundIt) { throw new AutomationException("Could not find trigger node named {0}", ExplicitTrigger); } } else { if (bSkipTriggers) { foreach (var Node in GUBPNodes) { if (Node.Value.TriggerNode() && Node.Value.RunInEC()) { Node.Value.SetAsExplicitTrigger(); } } } } } if (bPreflightBuild) { Log("Culling triggers and downstream for preflight builds "); var NewNodesToDo = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in NodesToDo) { var TriggerDot = GetControllingTriggerDotName(NodeToDo); if (TriggerDot == "" && !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode()) { Log(" Keeping {0}", NodeToDo); NewNodesToDo.Add(NodeToDo); } else { Log(" Rejecting {0}", NodeToDo); } } NodesToDo = NewNodesToDo; } GUBPNodesCompleted = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); GUBPNodesHistory = new Dictionary<string, NodeHistory>(); Log("******* Caching completion"); { var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (var Node in NodesToDo) { Log("** {0}", Node); NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Node, LocalOnly); // cache these now to avoid spam later GetControllingTriggerDotName(Node); } var BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds; Log("Took {0}s to cache completion for {1} nodes", BuildDuration / 1000, NodesToDo.Count); } /*if (CLString != "" && StoreName.Contains(CLString) && !ParseParam("NoHistory")) { Log("******* Updating history"); var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (var Node in NodesToDo) { if (!NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Node, LocalOnly)) { UpdateNodeHistory(Node, CLString); } } var BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds; Log("Took {0}s to get history for {1} nodes", BuildDuration / 1000, NodesToDo.Count); }*/ var OrdereredToDo = TopologicalSort(NodesToDo, ExplicitTrigger, LocalOnly); // find all unfinished triggers, excepting the one we are triggering right now var UnfinishedTriggers = new List<string>(); if (!bSkipTriggers) { foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger) || ExplicitTrigger != NodeToDo) { UnfinishedTriggers.Add(NodeToDo); } } } } Log("*********** Desired And Dependent Nodes, in order."); PrintNodes(this, OrdereredToDo, LocalOnly, UnfinishedTriggers); //check sorting { foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() && (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky() || NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly))) // these sticky triggers are ok, everything is already completed anyway { continue; } if(GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsTest()) { bHasTests = true; } int MyIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo); foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies) { int DepIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep); if (DepIndex >= MyIndex) { throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep); } } foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies) { int DepIndex = OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep); if (DepIndex >= MyIndex) { throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a pseduodependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep); } } } } string FakeFail = ParseParamValue("FakeFail"); if (CommanderSetup) { if (OrdereredToDo.Count == 0) { throw new AutomationException("No nodes to do!"); } var ECProps = new List<string>(); ECProps.Add(String.Format("TimeIndex={0}", TimeIndex)); foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeList) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("AllNodes/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value)); } foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDirectDependencies) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("DirectDependencies/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value)); } foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeListSortKey) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("SortKey/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value)); } foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDependedOnBy) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("DependedOnBy/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value)); } foreach (var NodePair in FullNodeDependentPromotions) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("DependentPromotions/{0}={1}", NodePair.Key, NodePair.Value)); } foreach (var Node in SeparatePromotables) { ECProps.Add(string.Format("PossiblePromotables/{0}={1}", Node, "")); } var ECJobProps = new List<string>(); if (ExplicitTrigger != "") { ECJobProps.Add("IsRoot=0"); } else { ECJobProps.Add("IsRoot=1"); } var FilteredOrdereredToDo = new List<string>(); // remove nodes that have unfinished triggers foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { string ControllingTrigger = GetControllingTrigger(NodeToDo); bool bNoUnfinishedTriggers = !UnfinishedTriggers.Contains(ControllingTrigger); if (bNoUnfinishedTriggers) { // if we are triggering, then remove nodes that are not controlled by the trigger or are dependencies of this trigger if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger)) { if (ExplicitTrigger != NodeToDo && !NodeDependsOn(NodeToDo, ExplicitTrigger) && !NodeDependsOn(ExplicitTrigger, NodeToDo)) { continue; // this wasn't on the chain related to the trigger we are triggering, so it is not relevant } } if (bPreflightBuild && !bSkipTriggers && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode()) { // in preflight builds, we are either skipping triggers (and running things downstream) or we just stop at triggers and don't make them available for triggering. continue; } FilteredOrdereredToDo.Add(NodeToDo); } } OrdereredToDo = FilteredOrdereredToDo; Log("*********** EC Nodes, in order."); PrintNodes(this, OrdereredToDo, LocalOnly, UnfinishedTriggers); // here we are just making sure everything before the explicit trigger is completed. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExplicitTrigger)) { foreach (var NodeToDo in FilteredOrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly) && NodeToDo != ExplicitTrigger && !NodeDependsOn(ExplicitTrigger, NodeToDo)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { throw new AutomationException("We are being asked to process node {0}, however, this is an explicit trigger {1}, so everything before it should already be handled. It seems likely that you waited too long to run the trigger. You will have to do a new build from scratch.", NodeToDo, ExplicitTrigger); } } } string LastSticky = ""; bool HitNonSticky = false; bool bHaveECNodes = false; List<string> StepList = new List<string>(); StepList.Add("use strict;"); StepList.Add("use diagnostics;"); StepList.Add("use ElectricCommander();"); StepList.Add("my $ec = new ElectricCommander;"); StepList.Add("$ec->setTimeout(600);"); StepList.Add("my $batch = $ec->newBatch(\"serial\");"); // sticky nodes are ones that we run on the main agent. We run then first and they must not be intermixed with parallel jobs foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { bHaveECNodes = true; if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky()) { LastSticky = NodeToDo; if (HitNonSticky && !bSkipTriggers) { throw new AutomationException("Sticky and non-sticky jobs did not sort right."); } } else { HitNonSticky = true; } } } string ParentPath = ParseParamValue("ParentPath"); string BaseArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath); bool bHasNoop = false; if (LastSticky == "" && bHaveECNodes) { // if we don't have any sticky nodes and we have other nodes, we run a fake noop just to release the resource string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_UAT_Node', parallel => '0', jobStepName => 'Noop', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => 'Noop'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'Sticky', value =>'1' }}], releaseMode => 'release'}});", BaseArgs); StepList.Add(Args); bHasNoop = true; } var FakeECArgs = new List<string>(); var AgentGroupChains = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { string MyAgentGroup = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AgentSharingGroup; if (MyAgentGroup != "") { if (!AgentGroupChains.ContainsKey(MyAgentGroup)) { AgentGroupChains.Add(MyAgentGroup, new List<string>{NodeToDo}); } else { AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup].Add(NodeToDo); } } } } foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { string EMails; var NodeProps = GetECPropsForNode(NodeToDo, CLString, out EMails); ECProps.AddRange(NodeProps); bool Sticky = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky(); bool DoParallel = !Sticky; if (Sticky && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECAgentString() != "") { throw new AutomationException("Node {1} is sticky but has agent requirements.", NodeToDo); } string Procedure = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure(); if(GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky() && NodeToDo == LastSticky) { Procedure = Procedure + "_Release"; } string Args = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => '{1}', parallel => '{2}', jobStepName => '{3}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value =>'{4}'}}", BaseArgs, Procedure, DoParallel ? 1 : 0, NodeToDo, NodeToDo); string ProcedureParams = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureParams(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProcedureParams)) { Args = Args + ProcedureParams; } if ((Procedure == "GUBP_UAT_Trigger" || Procedure == "GUBP_Hardcoded_Trigger") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(EMails)) { Args = Args + ", {actualParameterName => 'EmailsForTrigger', value => \'" + EMails + "\'}"; } Args = Args + "]"; string PreCondition = ""; string RunCondition = ""; var UncompletedEcDeps = new List<string>(); var UncompletedCompletedDeps = new List<string>(); string MyAgentGroup = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AgentSharingGroup; bool bDoNestedJobstep = false; bool bDoFirstNestedJobstep = false; string NodeParentPath = ParentPath; string PreconditionParentPath; if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName().Contains("MakeBuild") && GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfPseudosependencies.Contains(WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName()) && !bGraphSubset) { RemovePseudodependencyFromNode(NodeToDo, WaitForFormalUserInput.StaticGetFullName()); PreconditionParentPath = GetPropertyFromStep("/myWorkflow/ParentJob"); UncompletedEcDeps = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo); } else { PreconditionParentPath = ParentPath; var EcDeps = GetECDependencies(NodeToDo); foreach (var Dep in EcDeps) { if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo)) { throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep); } UncompletedEcDeps.Add(Dep); } } } var PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps = UncompletedEcDeps; var CompletedDeps = GetCompletedOnlyDependencies(NodeToDo); foreach (var Dep in CompletedDeps) { if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(NodeToDo)) { throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", NodeToDo, Dep); } UncompletedCompletedDeps.Add(Dep); } } if (MyAgentGroup != "") { bDoNestedJobstep = true; NodeParentPath = ParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]"; PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps = new List<string>(); var MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup]; int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo); if (MyIndex > 0) { PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Add(MyChain[MyIndex - 1]); } else { bDoFirstNestedJobstep = bDoNestedJobstep; // to avoid idle agents (and also EC doesn't actually reserve our agent!), we promote all dependencies to the first one foreach (var Chain in MyChain) { var EcDeps = GetECDependencies(Chain); foreach (var Dep in EcDeps) { if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC() && !NodeIsAlreadyComplete(Dep, LocalOnly) && OrdereredToDo.Contains(Dep)) // if something is already finished, we don't put it into EC { if (OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Dep) > OrdereredToDo.IndexOf(Chain)) { throw new AutomationException("Topological sort error, node {0} has a dependency of {1} which sorted after it.", Chain, Dep); } if (!MyChain.Contains(Dep) && !PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Contains(Dep)) { PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Add(Dep); } } } } } } if (bHasNoop && PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count == 0) { PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Add("Noop"); } if (PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count > 0) { PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; // these run "parallel", but we add preconditions to serialize them int Index = 0; foreach (var Dep in PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps) { PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/status\') == \'completed\'"; Index++; if (Index != PreConditionUncompletedEcDeps.Count) { PreCondition = PreCondition + " && "; } } PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\""; } if(UncompletedCompletedDeps.Count > 0) { PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; // these run "parallel", but we add preconditions to serialize them int Index = 0; foreach (var Dep in CompletedDeps) { if (GUBPNodes[Dep].RunInEC()) { PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/status\') == \'completed\'"; Index++; if (Index != CompletedDeps.Count) { PreCondition = PreCondition + " && "; } } } PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\""; } if (UncompletedEcDeps.Count > 0) { RunCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; int Index = 0; foreach (var Dep in UncompletedEcDeps) { RunCondition = RunCondition + "((\'\\$\" . \"[" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/outcome]\' == \'success\') || "; RunCondition = RunCondition + "(\'\\$\" . \"[" + GetJobStep(PreconditionParentPath, Dep) + "/outcome]\' == \'warning\'))"; Index++; if (Index != UncompletedEcDeps.Count) { RunCondition = RunCondition + " && "; } } RunCondition = RunCondition + ")true; else false;]\""; } if (bDoNestedJobstep) { if (bDoFirstNestedJobstep) { { string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}', jobStepName => '{1}', parallel => '1'", ParentPath, MyAgentGroup); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition)) { NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition; } NestArgs = NestArgs + "});"; StepList.Add(NestArgs); } { string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetPool', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetPool', parallel => '1', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{4}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value => '{5}'}}]", ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureInfix(), MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition)) { NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => " + PreCondition; } NestArgs = NestArgs + "});"; StepList.Add(NestArgs); } { string NestArgs = String.Format("$batch->createJobStep({{parentPath => '{0}/jobSteps[{1}]', jobStepName => '{2}_GetAgent', subprocedure => 'GUBP{3}_AgentShare_GetAgent', parallel => '1', exclusiveMode => 'call', resourceName => '{4}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', value => '{5}'}}, {{actualParameterName => 'NodeName', value=> '{6}'}}]", ParentPath, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedureInfix(), String.Format("$[/myJob/jobSteps[{0}]/ResourcePool]", MyAgentGroup), MyAgentGroup, NodeToDo); { NestArgs = NestArgs + ", precondition => "; NestArgs = NestArgs + "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; NestArgs = NestArgs + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetPool]/status') == 'completed'"; NestArgs = NestArgs + ") true;]\""; } NestArgs = NestArgs + "});"; StepList.Add(NestArgs); } { PreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; PreCondition = PreCondition + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "]/jobSteps[" + MyAgentGroup + "_GetAgent]/status') == 'completed'"; PreCondition = PreCondition + ") true;]\""; } } Args = Args.Replace(String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", ParentPath), String.Format("parentPath => '{0}'", NodeParentPath)); Args = Args.Replace("UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare", "UAT_Node_Parallel_AgentShare3"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreCondition)) { Args = Args + ", precondition => " + PreCondition; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RunCondition)) { Args = Args + ", condition => " + RunCondition; } #if false // this doesn't work because it includes precondition time if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes() > 0) { Args = Args + String.Format(" --timeLimitUnits minutes --timeLimit {0}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TimeoutInMinutes()); } #endif if (Sticky && NodeToDo == LastSticky) { Args = Args + ", releaseMode => 'release'"; } Args = Args + "});"; StepList.Add(Args); if (bFakeEC && !UnfinishedTriggers.Contains(NodeToDo) && (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure().StartsWith("GUBP_UAT_Node") || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].ECProcedure().StartsWith("GUBP_Mac_UAT_Node")) // other things we really can't test ) // unfinished triggers are never run directly by EC, rather it does another job setup { string Arg = String.Format("gubp -Node={0} -FakeEC {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", NodeToDo, bFake ? "-Fake" : "" , ParseParam("AllPlatforms") ? "-AllPlatforms" : "", ParseParam("UnfinishedTriggersFirst") ? "-UnfinishedTriggersFirst" : "", ParseParam("UnfinishedTriggersParallel") ? "-UnfinishedTriggersParallel" : "", ParseParam("WithMac") ? "-WithMac" : "" ); string Node = ParseParamValue("-Node"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Node)) { Arg = Arg + " -Node=" + Node; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FakeFail)) { Arg = Arg + " -FakeFail=" + FakeFail; } FakeECArgs.Add(Arg); } if (MyAgentGroup != "" && !bDoNestedJobstep) { var MyChain = AgentGroupChains[MyAgentGroup]; int MyIndex = MyChain.IndexOf(NodeToDo); if (MyIndex == MyChain.Count - 1) { var RelPreCondition = "\"\\$\" . \"[/javascript if("; // this runs "parallel", but we a precondition to serialize it RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + "getProperty('" + PreconditionParentPath + "/jobSteps[" + NodeToDo + "]/status') == 'completed'"; RelPreCondition = RelPreCondition + ") true;]\""; // we need to release the resource string RelArgs = String.Format("{0}, subprocedure => 'GUBP_Release_AgentShare', parallel => '1', jobStepName => 'Release_{1}', actualParameter => [{{actualParameterName => 'AgentSharingGroup', valued => '{2}'}}], releaseMode => 'release', precondition => '{3}'", BaseArgs, MyAgentGroup, MyAgentGroup, RelPreCondition); StepList.Add(RelArgs); } } } } WriteECPerl(StepList); RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/HasTests\" \"{0}\"", bHasTests)); { ECProps.Add("GUBP_LoadedProps=1"); string BranchDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, ""); CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchDefFile, ECProps.ToArray()); RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myWorkflow/BranchDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\"))); } { ECProps.Add("GUBP_LoadedJobProps=1"); string BranchJobDefFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, ""); CommandUtils.WriteAllLines(BranchJobDefFile, ECProps.ToArray()); RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myJob/BranchJobDefFile\" \"{0}\"", BranchJobDefFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\"))); } if (bFakeEC) { foreach (var Args in FakeECArgs) { RunUAT(CmdEnv, Args); } } Log("Commander setup only, done."); PrintRunTime(); return; } if (ParseParam("SaveGraph")) { SaveGraphVisualization(OrdereredToDo); } if (bListOnly) { Log("List only, done."); return; } var BuildProductToNodeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (var NodeToDo in OrdereredToDo) { if (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts != null || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencyBuildProducts != null) { throw new AutomationException("topological sort error"); } GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencyBuildProducts = new List<string>(); GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencies = new List<string>(); foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].FullNamesOfDependencies) { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AddAllDependent(Dep); if (GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencies == null) { if (!bOnlyNode) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet3? Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo); } } else { foreach (var DepDep in GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencies) { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AddAllDependent(DepDep); } } if (GUBPNodes[Dep].BuildProducts == null) { if (!bOnlyNode) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet? Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo); } } else { foreach (var Prod in GUBPNodes[Dep].BuildProducts) { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AddDependentBuildProduct(Prod); } if (GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencyBuildProducts == null) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} was not processed yet2? Processing {1}", Dep, NodeToDo); } foreach (var Prod in GUBPNodes[Dep].AllDependencyBuildProducts) { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AddDependentBuildProduct(Prod); } } } string NodeStoreName = StoreName + "-" + GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(); string GameNameIfAny = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage(); string StorageRootIfAny = GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RootIfAnyForTempStorage(); if (bFake) { StorageRootIfAny = ""; // we don't rebase fake runs since those are entirely "records of success", which are always in the logs folder } // this is kinda complicated bool SaveSuccessRecords = (IsBuildMachine || bFakeEC) && // no real reason to make these locally except for fakeEC tests (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].TriggerNode() || GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsSticky()) // trigger nodes are run twice, one to start the new workflow and once when it is actually triggered, we will save reconds for the latter && (GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].RunInEC() || !GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate()); //aggregates not in EC can be "run" multiple times, so we can't track those Log("***** Running GUBP Node {0} -> {1} : {2}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), GameNameIfAny, NodeStoreName); if (NodeIsAlreadyComplete(NodeToDo, LocalOnly)) { if (NodeToDo == VersionFilesNode.StaticGetFullName() && !IsBuildMachine) { Log("***** NOT ****** Retrieving GUBP Node {0} from {1}; it is the version files.", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), NodeStoreName); GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = new List<string>(); } else { Log("***** Retrieving GUBP Node {0} from {1}", GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].GetFullName(), NodeStoreName); bool WasLocal; try { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny); } catch { if(GameNameIfAny != "") { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts = RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, "", StorageRootIfAny); } else { throw new AutomationException("Build Products cannot be found for node {0}", NodeToDo); } } if (!WasLocal) { GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].PostLoadFromSharedTempStorage(this); } } } else { if (SaveSuccessRecords) { SaveStatus(NodeToDo, StartedTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny); } var BuildDuration = 0.0; try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FakeFail) && FakeFail.Equals(NodeToDo, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw new AutomationException("Failing node {0} by request.", NodeToDo); } if (bFake) { Log("***** FAKE!! Building GUBP Node {0} for {1}", NodeToDo, NodeStoreName); GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DoFakeBuild(this); } else { Log("***** Building GUBP Node {0} for {1}", NodeToDo, NodeStoreName); var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].DoBuild(this); BuildDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds / 1000; } if (!GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].IsAggregate()) { var StoreDuration = 0.0; var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; StoreToTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts, !bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny); StoreDuration = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Log("Took {0} seconds to store build products", StoreDuration); if (IsBuildMachine) { RunECTool(String.Format("setProperty \"/myJobStep/StoreDuration\" \"{0}\"", StoreDuration.ToString())); } if (ParseParam("StompCheck")) { foreach (var Dep in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].AllDependencies) { try { bool WasLocal; RetrieveFromTempStorage(CmdEnv, NodeStoreName, out WasLocal, GameNameIfAny, StorageRootIfAny); if (!WasLocal) { throw new AutomationException("Retrieve was not local?"); } } catch(Exception Ex) { throw new AutomationException("Node {0} stomped Node {1} Ex: {2}", NodeToDo, Dep, LogUtils.FormatException(Ex)); } } } } } catch (Exception Ex) { if (SaveSuccessRecords) { UpdateNodeHistory(NodeToDo, CLString); SaveStatus(NodeToDo, FailedTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny, ParseParamValue("MyJobStepId")); UpdateECProps(NodeToDo, CLString); if (IsBuildMachine) { GetFailureEmails(NodeToDo, CLString); } UpdateECBuildTime(NodeToDo, BuildDuration); } Log("{0}", ExceptionToString(Ex)); if (GUBPNodesHistory.ContainsKey(NodeToDo)) { var History = GUBPNodesHistory[NodeToDo]; Log("Changes since last green *********************************"); Log(""); Log(""); Log(""); PrintDetailedChanges(History); Log("End changes since last green"); } string FailInfo = ""; FailInfo += "********************************* Main log file"; FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; FailInfo += LogUtils.GetLogTail(); FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; string OtherLog = "See logfile for details: '"; if (FailInfo.Contains(OtherLog)) { string LogFile = FailInfo.Substring(FailInfo.IndexOf(OtherLog) + OtherLog.Length); if (LogFile.Contains("'")) { LogFile = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LogFolder, LogFile.Substring(0, LogFile.IndexOf("'"))); if (FileExists_NoExceptions(LogFile)) { FailInfo += "********************************* Sub log file " + LogFile; FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; FailInfo += LogUtils.GetLogTail(LogFile); FailInfo += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; } } } string Filename = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LogFolder, "LogTailsAndChanges.log"); WriteAllText(Filename, FailInfo); throw(Ex); } if (SaveSuccessRecords) { UpdateNodeHistory(NodeToDo, CLString); SaveStatus(NodeToDo, SucceededTempStorageSuffix, NodeStoreName, bSaveSharedTempStorage, GameNameIfAny); UpdateECProps(NodeToDo, CLString); if (IsBuildMachine) { GetFailureEmails(NodeToDo, CLString); } UpdateECBuildTime(NodeToDo, BuildDuration); } } foreach (var Product in GUBPNodes[NodeToDo].BuildProducts) { if (BuildProductToNodeMap.ContainsKey(Product)) { throw new AutomationException("Overlapping build product: {0} and {1} both produce {2}", BuildProductToNodeMap[Product], NodeToDo, Product); } BuildProductToNodeMap.Add(Product, NodeToDo); } } PrintRunTime(); }