public static void ScrapeBasicGamesList(ProgressDialogController controller) { List <GDBPlatformGame> gs = new List <GDBPlatformGame>(); int count = 0; int sysCount = GSystem.GetSystems().Count - 3; if (controller != null) { controller.Minimum = 0; controller.Maximum = sysCount; } foreach (GSystem sys in GSystem.GetSystems()) { if (controller.IsCanceled) { controller.CloseAsync(); return; } // skip systems that are not needed if (sys.systemId == 16 || sys.systemId == 17 || sys.systemId == 18) { continue; } count++; List <GDBNETGameSearchResult> merged = new List <GDBNETGameSearchResult>(); if (controller != null) { controller.SetProgress(Convert.ToDouble(count)); controller.SetMessage("Retrieving Game List for Platform: " + sys.systemName); //controller.SetIndeterminate(); } // perform lookups foreach (int gid in sys.theGamesDBPlatformId) { if (controller.IsCanceled) { controller.CloseAsync(); return; } List <GDBNETGameSearchResult> result = GDBNETGamesDB.GetPlatformGames(gid).ToList(); if (result.Count == 0) { // nothing returned if (controller != null) { controller.SetMessage("No results returned.\n Maybe an issue connecting to"); Task.Delay(2000); } } foreach (var r in result) { if (controller.IsCanceled) { controller.CloseAsync(); return; } GDBPlatformGame gsingle = new GDBPlatformGame(); = r.ID; gsingle.SystemId = sys.systemId; gsingle.GameTitle = r.Title; gsingle.GDBPlatformName = GSystem.ReturnGamesDBPlatformName(gid); gsingle.ReleaseDate = r.ReleaseDate; gs.Add(gsingle); } } // remove duplicates gs.Distinct(); // now we have a complete list of games for our platforms from - update the local json file if (controller != null) { controller.SetMessage("Saving to file..."); } if (controller.IsCanceled) { return; } string filePath = @"..\..\Data\System\TheGamesDB.json"; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gs, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(filePath, json); } }