예제 #1
        public void Load()
            DataSet remoteDBUserSettings = new DataSet();

            // Get the user settings from the remote DB for the current user's CNO...
            remoteDBUserSettings = _webServices.GetData("get_user_settings", ":cooperatorid=" + _cno, 0, 0);
            if (remoteDBUserSettings.Tables.Contains("get_user_settings"))
                _userSettings = remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["get_user_settings"].Copy();
            else if (remoteDBUserSettings.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                     remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
//System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There were errors retrieving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n" + remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
                SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There were errors retrieving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Load User Settings Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "UserSettings_LoadMessage1";
                if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected)
                    sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            // Clean up...
예제 #2
        public void Save()
            DataSet modifiedData = new DataSet();
            DataSet saveErrors;
            //bool dataReloadNeeded = false;

            // Make a copy of the current user settings...
            DataTable currentUserSettings = _userSettings.Copy();

            // Reload the user settings from the remote database...
            // Syncronize the current user settings with the settings retrieved from the remote DB...
            foreach (DataRow dr in currentUserSettings.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
                    Delete(dr["resource_name", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString(), dr["resource_key", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString());
                    this[dr["resource_name"].ToString(), dr["resource_key"].ToString()] = dr["resource_value"].ToString();

            // Get just the rows that have changed and put them in to a new dataset...
            if (_userSettings.GetChanges() != null)
            // Call the web method to update the syncronized user settings data...
            saveErrors = _webServices.SaveData(modifiedData);

            if (saveErrors != null &&
                saveErrors.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There were errors saving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n" + saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
                SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There were errors saving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Save User Settings Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "UserSettings_SaveMessage1";
                if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected)
                    sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
예제 #3
        private void ux_buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Change cursor to the wait cursor...
            Cursor origCursor = Cursor.Current;
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                string newOwner = ux_comboboxNewOwner.SelectedValue.ToString();

                // Pass the web service method 1000 records at a time (to keep the call smaller than 10MB)...
                string errorMessage = "";
                DataSet pagedOwnedDataset = new DataSet();
                int pageSize = 1000;
                int pageStart = 0;
                int pageStop = Math.Min(pageSize, _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count);
                while (pageStart < _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                    // Clear the table page from the dataset...
                    // Build a new table page row by row...
                    for (int i = pageStart; i < pageStop; i++)
                        // Make a copy of the datarow in the paged datatable...
                    // Change the ownership of the rows in the paged table...
                    DataSet changeOwnershipResults = _sharedUtils.ChangeOwnership(pagedOwnedDataset, newOwner, ux_radiobuttonSelectedRowsAndChildren.Checked);
                    if (changeOwnershipResults != null &&
                    changeOwnershipResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                    changeOwnershipResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                        errorMessage += "\n" + changeOwnershipResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();

                    // Update the paging indexes...
                    pageStart = pageStop;
                    pageStop = Math.Min((pageStart + pageSize), _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing ownership of your records.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Save Ownership Changes Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangeOwnership_ux_buttonOKMessage1";
                    _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, errorMessage);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = errorMessage;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing ownership of your records.", "Save Ownership Changes Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangeOwnership_ux_buttonOKMessage2";
                _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);

            // Restore cursor to default cursor...
            Cursor.Current = origCursor;
예제 #4
        private void ux_buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _webServices = new WebServices(_webServiceURL, ux_textboxUsername.Text, SharedUtils.SHA1EncryptionBase64(ux_textboxCurrentPassword.Text), ux_textboxCurrentPassword.Text, _site);
                DataSet userData = _webServices.ValidateLogin();
                if (userData != null &&
                    ((userData.Tables.Contains("validate_login") && userData.Tables["validate_login"].Rows.Count > 0) ||
                     (userData.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") && userData.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString().ToLower().Trim() == "password expired.")))

            //DataSet newPasswordResults = _webServices.ChangePassword(SharedUtils.SHA1EncryptionBase64(ux_textboxNewPassword.Text));
            DataSet newPasswordResults = _webServices.ChangePassword(ux_textboxNewPassword.Text);
                    if (newPasswordResults != null &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count == 0)
                        _password = ux_textboxNewPassword.Text;
                        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    else if (newPasswordResults != null &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
            //MessageBox.Show("There was an unexpected error changing your password.\n\nFull error message:\n" + newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing your password.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Change Password Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage1";
            if (_sharedUtils != null) _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            //MessageBox.Show("There was an unexpected error changing your password.");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing your password.", "Change Password Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage2";
            if (_sharedUtils != null) _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //MessageBox.Show("Error: The Username/Password are not valid for server:\n\n" + _webServiceURL + "\n\nPlease correct and try again.");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error: The Username/Password are not valid for server:\n\n{0}\n\nPlease correct and try again.", "Invalid Username or Password", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage3";
            if (_sharedUtils != null) _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, _webServiceURL);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = _webServiceURL;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            //MessageBox.Show("Error connecting to server: " + _webServiceURL);
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error connecting to server: {0}", "Server Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage4";
            if (_sharedUtils != null) _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, _webServiceURL);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = _webServiceURL;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
예제 #5
        public bool ProcessDGVEditShortcutKeys(DataGridView dgv, KeyEventArgs e, string cno, LookupTables lookupTables, AppSettings appSettings)
            bool keyProcessed = false;

            // Change cursor to the wait cursor...
            Cursor origCursor = Cursor.Current;
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D && e.Control)
                Dictionary<int, int> selectedColumnMinRow = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in dgv.SelectedCells)
                    // If the min selected row has not been found for this column - find it now...
                    if (!selectedColumnMinRow.ContainsKey(cell.ColumnIndex))
                        int minRow = dgv.Rows.Count; ;
                        // Find the minimum row index in this column's selected cells...
                        minRow = cell.RowIndex;
                        for (int i = minRow; i > -1; i--)
                            if (dgv.SelectedCells.Contains(dgv[cell.ColumnIndex, i])) minRow = i;
                        // If the user is trying to perform a copy down (CTRL+D) using the row for adding a new row as the source row - bail out now...
                        if (dgv.Rows[minRow].IsNewRow) return false;

                        //Save the min row for this column in the dictionary
                        selectedColumnMinRow.Add(cell.ColumnIndex, minRow);

                    object newValue = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[selectedColumnMinRow[cell.ColumnIndex]].DataBoundItem)[cell.ColumnIndex];
                    DataRowView dr = (DataRowView)cell.OwningRow.DataBoundItem;
                    if (dr == null) //if (dgv.Rows[row].IsNewRow)
                        // Couldn't find a bound row so this must be the 'new row' row in the datagrid...
                        dgv[cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex].Value = newValue;
                        dgv.UpdateCellValue(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex);
                        if (!dr[cell.ColumnIndex].Equals(newValue))
                            // Edit the DataRow (not the DataRowView) so that row state is changed...
                            dr.Row[cell.ColumnIndex] = newValue;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && e.Control)
                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                DataRow dr = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentCell.OwningRow.DataBoundItem).Row;
                string columnName = dgv.CurrentCell.OwningColumn.Name;
                if (dr.Table.Columns[columnName].ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("gui_hint") &&
                    dr.Table.Columns[columnName].ExtendedProperties["gui_hint"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TEXT_CONTROL")
                    string currentCellValue = dr[columnName].ToString();
                    RichTextEditor rte = new RichTextEditor(currentCellValue, false);
                    if (rte.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        dr[columnName] = rte.RichTextMessage;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.N && e.Control)
                if (dgv.CurrentRow != null &&
                    dgv.CurrentRow.Selected &&
                    DataTable dt = (DataTable)((BindingSource)dgv.DataSource).DataSource;
                    DataRow sourceRow = null;
                    DataRow destRow = null;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    if (dt != null)
                        sourceRow = dt.DefaultView[dgv.CurrentRow.Index].Row;
                        destRow = dt.NewRow();
                    if (sourceRow != null)
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                            if (!dt.PrimaryKey.Contains(dc) &&
                                switch (dc.ColumnName)
                                    case "created_by":
                                    case "owned_by":
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cno))
                                            destRow[dc] = sourceRow[dc];
                                            destRow[dc] = cno;
                                    case "created_date":
                                    case "owned_date":
                                        destRow[dc] = DateTime.Now;
                                    case "modified_by":
                                    case "modified_date":
                                        // Column is not a required field (or is a boolean field that only allows Y or N)
                                        destRow[dc] = sourceRow[dc];
                        dt.Rows.InsertAt(destRow, dgv.CurrentRow.Index + 1);
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgv.Rows[dgv.CurrentRow.Index + 1], ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemQuotes && e.Control)
                if (dgv.CurrentRow != null &&
                    dgv.CurrentRow.Index > 0)
                    int sourceRowIndex;
                    DataRow sourceRow;
                    DataRow destinationRow;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    if (dgv.CurrentRow.IsNewRow)
                        sourceRowIndex = dgv.CurrentRow.Index - 1;
                        sourceRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[sourceRowIndex].DataBoundItem).Row;
                        destinationRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem).Row;
                        sourceRowIndex = dgv.CurrentRow.Index - 1;
                        sourceRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.Rows[sourceRowIndex].DataBoundItem).Row;
                        destinationRow = ((DataRowView)dgv.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem).Row;

                    if (sourceRow != null && destinationRow != null)
                        if (!destinationRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Equals(sourceRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex]))
                            if (!dgv.Columns[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].ReadOnly)
                                destinationRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex] = sourceRow[dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex];
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgv.CurrentCell.OwningRow, ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.V && e.Control)
                IDataObject dataObj = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
                string pasteText = "";
                //string[] junk = dataObj.GetFormats();
                if (dataObj.GetDataPresent(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.UnicodeText))
                    char[] rowDelimiters = new char[] { '\r', '\n' };
                    char[] columnDelimiters = new char[] { '\t' };
                    int badRows = 0;
                    int missingRows = 0;
                    bool importSuccess = false;

                    // Processing keystroke...
                    keyProcessed = true;

                    pasteText = dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText).ToString();
                    DataTable dt = (DataTable)((BindingSource)dgv.DataSource).DataSource;
                    importSuccess = ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys(pasteText, dt, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters, out badRows, out missingRows, lookupTables, appSettings);
                    if (!importSuccess)
                        // Paste the text into the DGV in 'block style'
                        importSuccess = ImportTextToDataTableUsingBlockStyle(pasteText, dgv, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters, out badRows, out missingRows, lookupTables, appSettings);

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C && e.Control)
                string copyString = "";
                // First we need to get the min/max rows and columns for the selected cells...
                int minCol = dgv.Columns.Count;
                int maxCol = -1;
                int minRow = dgv.Rows.Count;
                int maxRow = -1;

                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgv.SelectedCells)
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex < minCol) minCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex > maxCol) maxCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex < minRow) minRow = dgvc.RowIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex > maxRow) maxRow = dgvc.RowIndex;

                // First, gather the column headers (but only if the entire row was selected)...
                if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = minCol; i <= maxCol; i++)
                        copyString += dgv.Columns[i].HeaderText + '\t';
                        //copyString += dgv.Columns[i].Name + '\t';

                    // Strip the last tab and insert a newline...
                    copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\t');
                    copyString += "\r\n";
                // Now build the string to pass to the clipboard...
                for (int i = minRow; i <= maxRow; i++)
                    for (int j = minCol; j <= maxCol; j++)
                        switch (dgv[j, i].FormattedValueType.Name)
                            case "Boolean":
                                copyString += dgv[j, i].Value.ToString() + '\t';
                                if (dgv[j, i].FormattedValue == null || dgv[j, i].FormattedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "[null]")
                                    copyString += "" + '\t';
                                    copyString += dgv[j, i].FormattedValue.ToString() + '\t';
                    copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\t');
                    copyString += "\r\n";
                copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\n');
                copyString = copyString.TrimEnd('\r');

                // Pass the new string to the clipboard...
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(copyString, false, 1, 1000);


            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete)
                // Processing keystroke...
                keyProcessed = true;

                if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                    // The user is deleting values from individual selected cells (not entire rows)...
                    foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgv.SelectedCells)
                        DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)dgvc.OwningRow.DataBoundItem;
                        if (drv == null) //if (dgv.Rows[row].IsNewRow)
                            dgvc.Value = "";
                            dgv.UpdateCellValue(dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex);
                            //dgv[dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            if (!drv[dgvc.OwningColumn.Index].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                if (!dgvc.ReadOnly)
                                    // Edit the DataRow (not the DataRowView) so that row state is changed...
                                    drv.Row[dgvc.OwningColumn.Index] = DBNull.Value;
                                    // For unbound text cells we have to manually clear the cell's text...
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvc.OwningColumn.DataPropertyName)) dgvc.Value = "";
                                    dgv.UpdateCellValue(dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex);
                                    //dgv[dgvc.ColumnIndex, dgvc.RowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            //RefreshDGVRowFormatting(dgvc.OwningRow, ux_checkboxHighlightChanges.Checked);
                    // The user is attempting to delete entire rows from the datagridview...
            //SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(lookupTables.WebServiceURL, lookupTables.Username, lookupTables.Password_ClearText, true);
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("WARNING!!!  You are about to permanently delete {0} records from the central database!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?", "Record Delete Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "UserInterfaceUtils_ProcessDGVEditShortcutKeysMessage1";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            //if (DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("WARNING!!!  You are about to permanently delete " + dgv.SelectedRows.Count.ToString() + " records from the central database!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?", "Record delete confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))
            if (DialogResult.OK == ggMessageBox.ShowDialog())
                        foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgv.SelectedRows)
            e.Handled = true;

            // Restore cursor to default cursor...
            Cursor.Current = origCursor;

            return keyProcessed;
예제 #6
        public bool ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys(string rawImportText, DataTable destinationTable, char[] rowDelimiters, char[] columnDelimiters, out int badRows, out int missingRows, LookupTables lookupTables, AppSettings appSettings)
            string replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines = "<br>";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSettings.GetAppSettingValue("GrinGlobalClient_replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines")))
            replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines = appSettings.GetAppSettingValue("GrinGlobalClient_replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines");
            string scrubbedRawImportText = "";
            // Attempting to remove new lines with no matching carriage return (ex. \n with no leading \r) and vice versa (ex. \r with no trailing \n)...
            // First protect the well-formed carriage return line feed (\r\n) by temp. removing it and substituting a placeholder (to aid in weeding out lone \n and \r)...
            scrubbedRawImportText = rawImportText.Replace("\r\n", "***well-formed carriage return line feed***").Replace("\n\r", "***well-formed carriage return line feed***");
            // Now remove any remaining lone \n or \r that cannot be processed properly...
            scrubbedRawImportText = scrubbedRawImportText.Replace("\r", replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines).Replace("\n", replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines);
            // Next return the well-formed carriage return line feeds back where they belong...
            scrubbedRawImportText = scrubbedRawImportText.Replace("***well-formed carriage return line feed***", "\r\n");
            //string[] rawImportRows = rawImportText.Split(rowDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] rawImportRows = scrubbedRawImportText.Split(rowDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] uniqueKeyColumnNames = null;
            bool primaryKeyFound = false;
            System.Collections.Generic.List<DataColumn> uniqueKeys = new System.Collections.Generic.List<DataColumn>();
            bool processedImportSuccessfully = false;
            badRows = 0;
            missingRows = 0;
            // Make sure there is text to process - if not bail out now...
            if (rawImportRows == null || rawImportRows.Length <= 0) return false;
            // Begin looking for a row of raw text that contains the column headers for the destination datatable...
            // This is a 2 phase approach that first looks for a row that contains all of the primary key column names
            // But if that is not found - try again to find a row of raw text that contains all of the column names for the unique compound key
            int columnHeaderRowIndex = -1;
            // PHASE 1:
            // Look for a raw text line that contains the full text name of the primary key columns (they must all be on the same line of raw text)...
            if (destinationTable.PrimaryKey.Length > 0)
                // Look through all of the rows of raw text for a single row that contains all of the primary key column names
                for (int i = 0; i < rawImportRows.Length && columnHeaderRowIndex == -1; i++)
                    columnHeaderRowIndex = i; // Start out ASSUMING this is the 'right' row...
                    foreach (DataColumn pKeyColumn in destinationTable.PrimaryKey)
                        if (!FindText(GetFriendlyFieldName(pKeyColumn, pKeyColumn.ColumnName), rawImportRows[i], false, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                            // If the column header was not matched using case sensitive - try matching again (case insensitive)...
                            if (!FindText(GetFriendlyFieldName(pKeyColumn, pKeyColumn.ColumnName), rawImportRows[i], true, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                                // If the column header was still not matched - try the raw table field name...
                                if (!FindText(pKeyColumn.ColumnName, rawImportRows[i], true, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                                    // The ASSUMPTION was wrong because the header text for one of the required primary key columns is missing in this raw text row...
                                    columnHeaderRowIndex = -1;
                if (columnHeaderRowIndex != -1) primaryKeyFound = true;
                // Check to see if we need to move on to PHASE 2...
                if (!primaryKeyFound)
                    // PHASE 2:
                    // Didn't find the primary key column in any text row in the import data - so try again, but this time looking for the alternate unique key...
                    if (destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ExtendedProperties.Contains("alternate_key_fields") &&
                        destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ExtendedProperties["alternate_key_fields"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        uniqueKeyColumnNames = destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ExtendedProperties["alternate_key_fields"].ToString().Split(',');
                        // Make sure the destination datatable has all of the columns specified in the alternate_key_fields ext. prop...
                        foreach (string uniqueColumnName in uniqueKeyColumnNames)
                            if (destinationTable.Columns.Contains(uniqueColumnName.Trim().ToLower()))
                        // The destination datatable does not have all of the columns specified in the compound unique key so bail out now...
                        if (uniqueKeys.Count != uniqueKeyColumnNames.Length) return false;
                        // Look through all of the rows of raw text for a single row that contains all of the unique key column names
                        for (int i = 0; i < rawImportRows.Length && columnHeaderRowIndex == -1; i++)
                            columnHeaderRowIndex = i; // Start out assuming the row has all of the unique key column headers...
                            foreach (DataColumn uKeyColumn in uniqueKeys)
                                if (!FindText(GetFriendlyFieldName(uKeyColumn, uKeyColumn.ColumnName), rawImportRows[i], false, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                                    // If the column header was not matched using case sensitive - try matching again (case insensitive)...
                                    if (!FindText(GetFriendlyFieldName(uKeyColumn, uKeyColumn.ColumnName), rawImportRows[i], true, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                                        // If the column header was still not matched - try the raw table field name...
                                        if (!FindText(uKeyColumn.ColumnName, rawImportRows[i], true, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters))
                                            // The ASSUMPTION was wrong because the header text for one of the required unique key columns is missing in this raw text row...
                                            columnHeaderRowIndex = -1;
                // Check to see if a column header was found for the psuedo-primary key of the destinationTable...
                if (columnHeaderRowIndex == -1)
                    // Still cannot find an import row with column text that contains a collection of unique key columns - ask the user if they want to bail out now...
            string uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames = "";
            foreach (DataColumn dc in uniqueKeys)
            uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames += GetFriendlyFieldName(dc, dc.ColumnName) + ", ";
            uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames = uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames.Trim().TrimEnd(',');
            //SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(lookupTables.WebServiceURL, lookupTables.Username, lookupTables.Password_ClearText, true);
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("WARNING!!!  You are pasting data in to this dataview without column headers that include: \n   1) The primary key column ({0}) OR \n   2) A combination of all of the columns ({1}) that will uniquely identify a single record in this dataview.\n\nWould you like to paste the data directly to the dataview starting at the selected cell?", "Missing Columns", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "UserInterfaceUtils_ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeysMessage1";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}") &&
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, GetFriendlyFieldName(destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0], destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName), uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames);
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, GetFriendlyFieldName(destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0], destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName));
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = GetFriendlyFieldName(destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0], destinationTable.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName);
            argsArray[1] = uniqueKeyColumnFriendlyNames;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            // Ask the user if they wish to perform a 'block paste' of the data...
            if (DialogResult.Yes == ggMessageBox.ShowDialog())
            return false;
            return true;

                // Since we made it here, it looks like we found a row in the import text that contains the column names for the destination tables primary/unique key...
                string[] importColumnNames = rawImportRows[columnHeaderRowIndex].Split(columnDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.None);
                System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, int> columnNameMap = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, int>();
                // So now we need to build a map of datatable columns in import text columns (because they may not be in the same order)...
                for (int i = 0; i < importColumnNames.Length; i++)
                    // Map the friendly field name from the incoming text to the matching column in the datatable (case sensitive)...
                    foreach (DataColumn dc in destinationTable.Columns)
                        if (GetFriendlyFieldName(dc, dc.ColumnName) == importColumnNames[i])
                            columnNameMap.Add(dc.ColumnName, i);
                    // If the column header was not matched - try matching again (case insensitive)...
                    if (!columnNameMap.ContainsValue(i))
                        // Map the friendly field name from the incoming text to the matching column in the datatable (case insensitive)...
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in destinationTable.Columns)
                            if (GetFriendlyFieldName(dc, dc.ColumnName).ToLower() == importColumnNames[i].ToLower())
                                columnNameMap.Add(dc.ColumnName, i);
                    // If the column header was still not matched - try the raw table field name...
                    if (!columnNameMap.ContainsValue(i))
                        // Map the friendly field name from the incoming text to the matching column in the datatable (case insensitive)...
                        foreach (DataColumn dc in destinationTable.Columns)
                            if (dc.ColumnName.ToLower() == importColumnNames[i].ToLower())
                                columnNameMap.Add(dc.ColumnName, i);

                // Now that we have the column map, start processing the rows (starting with the one right after the column header row)...
                for (int i = columnHeaderRowIndex + 1; i < rawImportRows.Length; i++)
                    DataRow dr = null;
                    string[] rawFieldData = rawImportRows[i].Split(columnDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (primaryKeyFound)
                        System.Collections.Generic.List<object> rowKeys = new System.Collections.Generic.List<object>();
                        // Build the primary key to get the row to edit...
                        foreach (DataColumn pKeyColumn in destinationTable.PrimaryKey)
                            object keyValue;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawFieldData[columnNameMap[pKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString()))
                                keyValue = DBNull.Value;
                                keyValue = rawFieldData[columnNameMap[pKeyColumn.ColumnName]];
                        // Get the row to update (or create a new one for insert if an existing one is not found)...
                        // First - attempt to find a row in the DataTable that matches the primary key(s)...
                            dr = destinationTable.Rows.Find(rowKeys.ToArray());
                            // There was an error in the row key data - so bail out and do nothing...
                        if (dr == null)
                            // No row exists in this DataTable for the given primary key(s), so create a new blank row to fill...
                            dr = destinationTable.NewRow();
                            // and add it to the DataTable...
                    else // Find the row using the unique keys...
                        DataRow[] matchingRows = null;
                        string rowFilter = "";
                        foreach (DataColumn uKeyColumn in uniqueKeys)
                            if (columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName] >= 0 &&
                                columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName] <= (rawFieldData.Length - 1) &&
                                string newValue = "";
                                // Perform a reverse lookup to get the key if this is a ForeignKey field...
                                if (lookupTables.IsValidFKField(uKeyColumn))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString().Trim()))
                                        newValue = lookupTables.GetPKeyValueMember(dr, uKeyColumn.ExtendedProperties["foreign_key_dataview_name"].ToString(),
                                        // If the lookup attempt returned the default value - indicate to the user that the lookup failed...
                                        if (newValue.Equals("-1"))
                                            dr.SetColumnError(uKeyColumn.ColumnName, "\tCould not find lookup value: " + rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString());
                                // Perform a reverse lookup to get the value if this is a Code_Value field...
                                else if (lookupTables.IsValidCodeValueField(uKeyColumn))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString().Trim()))
                                        newValue = lookupTables.GetCodeValueValueMember(rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString(),
                                                                                        "!Error! - GetValueMember method failed to find display member");
                                        // If the lookup attempt returned the default value - indicate to the user that the lookup failed...
                                        if (newValue.Equals("!Error! - GetValueMember method failed to find display member"))
                                            dr.SetColumnError(uKeyColumn.ColumnName, "\tCould not find lookup value: " + rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]].ToString());
                                // Doesn't require a lookup...
                                    newValue = rawFieldData[columnNameMap[uKeyColumn.ColumnName]];

                                if (uKeyColumn.DataType == typeof(string))
                                    rowFilter += uKeyColumn.ColumnName + "='" + newValue + "' AND ";
                                    rowFilter += uKeyColumn.ColumnName + "=" + newValue + " AND ";
                                rowFilter += uKeyColumn.ColumnName + " IS NULL AND ";
                        rowFilter = rowFilter.Substring(0, rowFilter.LastIndexOf(" AND "));
                            matchingRows = destinationTable.Select(rowFilter);
                            matchingRows = new DataRow[] { };

                        if (matchingRows.Length > 0)
                            dr = matchingRows[0];
                            // Could not find a matching row, so set the dr to null (this will effectively ignore this import record)
                            //dr = null;
                            // No row exists in this DataTable for the given primary key(s), so create a new blank row to fill...
                            dr = destinationTable.NewRow();
                            // and add it to the DataTable...
                    if (dr != null)
                        populateRowWithImportData(dr, rawFieldData, columnNameMap, lookupTables);
            processedImportSuccessfully = true;

            return processedImportSuccessfully;
예제 #7
        public bool ImportTextToDataTableUsingBlockStyle(string rawImportText, DataGridView dgv, char[] rowDelimiters, char[] columnDelimiters, out int badRows, out int missingRows, LookupTables lookupTables, AppSettings appSettings)
            bool processedImportSuccessfully = true;
            DataTable destinationTable = (DataTable)((BindingSource)dgv.DataSource).DataSource;
            string replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines = "<br>";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSettings.GetAppSettingValue("GrinGlobalClient_replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines")))
            replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines = appSettings.GetAppSettingValue("GrinGlobalClient_replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines");
            string scrubbedRawImportText = "";
            // Attempting to remove new lines with no matching carriage return (ex. \n with no leading \r) and vice versa (ex. \r with no trailing \n)...
            // First protect the well-formed carriage return line feed (\r\n) by temp. removing it and substituting a placeholder (to aid in weeding out lone \n and \r)...
            scrubbedRawImportText = rawImportText.Replace("\r\n", "***well-formed carriage return line feed***").Replace("\n\r", "***well-formed carriage return line feed***");
            // Now remove any remaining lone \n or \r that cannot be processed properly...
            scrubbedRawImportText = scrubbedRawImportText.Replace("\r", replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines).Replace("\n", replacementTextForEmbeddedNewLines);
            // Next return the well-formed carriage return line feeds back where they belong...
            scrubbedRawImportText = scrubbedRawImportText.Replace("***well-formed carriage return line feed***", "\r\n");
            // Finally strip off leading and trailing double quotes - typically added by Excel when it embeds a new line character using the ALT-Enter keystroke...
            if (scrubbedRawImportText.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && scrubbedRawImportText.Trim().EndsWith("\""))
            scrubbedRawImportText = scrubbedRawImportText.Trim().TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"');
            //string[] rawImportRows = rawImportText.Split(rowDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            //string[] rawImportRows = scrubbedRawImportText.Split(rowDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] rawImportRows = scrubbedRawImportText.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string[] tempColumns = null;
            string newImportText = "";
            string newImportRowText = "";
            badRows = 0;
            missingRows = 0;

            // If the DGV does not have a currently active cell bail out now...
            if (dgv.CurrentCell == null) return false;
            // If the import string is empty bail out now...
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawImportText) || rawImportRows.Length < 1) return false;

            // Okay we need to build a new importText string that has column headers that include the friendly names for the primary key columns
            // and the friendly names for the dgv columns starting at the currenly active cell in the dgv...  Why are we doing this?  Because
            // we are going to pass this new importText string off to the 'ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys' method, and since that method
            // requires a primary key or alternate pkey we are going to get them from the dgv starting at the current row of the current cell...

            // Step 1 - Determine the number of rows and columns in the incoming rawImportText (to use later for building the new ImportText string)...
            int rawImportRowCount = 0;
            int rawImportColCount = 0;
            // Estimate the number of rows and columns in the import text (assumes a rectangular shape)
            if (rawImportRows != null && rawImportRows.Length > 0)
                rawImportRowCount = rawImportRows.Length;
                tempColumns = rawImportRows[0].Split(columnDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (tempColumns != null && tempColumns.Length > 0)
                    rawImportColCount = tempColumns.Length;

            int minSelectedCol = dgv.Columns.Count;
            int maxSelectedCol = -1;
            int minSelectedRow = dgv.Rows.Count;
            int maxSelectedRow = -1;
            // Check to see if the datagridview's selected cells contains the CurrentCell
            // and if so use the selected cells as the destination cells...

            // If no cells were selected for pasting the data bail out now...
            if (dgv.SelectedCells.Count == 0)
            //SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(lookupTables.WebServiceURL, lookupTables.Username, lookupTables.Password_ClearText, true);
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("WARNING!!!  You must select the destination cell(s) in this dataview before pasting data without column headers", "No Destination Cells Selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "UserInterfaceUtils_ImportTextToDataTableUsingBlockStyleMessage1";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            return false;
            // Find the bounding rectangle for the selected cells...
            if (dgv.SelectedCells.Count == 1)
                minSelectedCol = dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex;
                maxSelectedCol = dgv.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + rawImportColCount - 1;
                minSelectedRow = dgv.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
                maxSelectedRow = dgv.CurrentCell.RowIndex + rawImportRowCount - 1;
                foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgv.SelectedCells)
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex < minSelectedCol) minSelectedCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.ColumnIndex > maxSelectedCol) maxSelectedCol = dgvc.ColumnIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex < minSelectedRow) minSelectedRow = dgvc.RowIndex;
                    if (dgvc.RowIndex > maxSelectedRow) maxSelectedRow = dgvc.RowIndex;
                if ((maxSelectedCol - minSelectedCol) < (rawImportColCount - 1)) maxSelectedCol = minSelectedCol + rawImportColCount - 1;
                if ((maxSelectedRow - minSelectedRow) < (rawImportRowCount - 1)) maxSelectedRow = minSelectedRow + rawImportRowCount - 1;

            string modifiedImportText = "";
            // Now fill (or clip) the import data to fit the selected cells...
            for (int iSelectedRow = 0; iSelectedRow <= (maxSelectedRow - minSelectedRow); iSelectedRow++)
                tempColumns = rawImportRows[iSelectedRow % rawImportRowCount].Split(columnDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.None);
                for (int iSelectedCol = 0; iSelectedCol <= (maxSelectedCol - minSelectedCol); iSelectedCol++)
                    modifiedImportText += tempColumns[iSelectedCol % rawImportColCount] + "\t";
                // Strip the last tab character and add a CR LF...
                modifiedImportText = modifiedImportText.Substring(0, modifiedImportText.Length - 1) + "\r\n";

            // Step 2 - Get the primary key column names for the new column header row text...
            if (destinationTable.PrimaryKey.Length > 0)
                foreach (DataColumn pKeyColumn in destinationTable.PrimaryKey)
                    newImportText += GetFriendlyFieldName(pKeyColumn, pKeyColumn.ColumnName) + "\t";

            // Step 3 - Continue adding friendly column names to the import text (starting with the column name of the current cell's column HeaderText)...
            //DataGridViewColumn currColumn = dgv.CurrentCell.OwningColumn;
            DataGridViewColumn currColumn = dgv.Columns[minSelectedCol];
            // Step 4 - Now repeat this process for each additional column in the rawImportText...
            //foreach(string tempCol in tempColumns)
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(rawImportColCount, maxSelectedCol - minSelectedCol + 1); i++)
                if (currColumn != null)
                    newImportText += currColumn.HeaderText + "\t";
                    newImportText += "\t";
                // Try to find the next visible column...
                currColumn = dgv.Columns.GetNextColumn(currColumn, DataGridViewElementStates.Visible, DataGridViewElementStates.Frozen);
            // Strip the last tab character and add a CR LF...
            newImportText = newImportText.Substring(0, newImportText.Length - 1) + "\r\n";

            // Step 5 - Get the primary key for each row receiving pasted text and prepend it to the orginal import raw text...
            //string[] modifiedImportRows = modifiedImportText.Split(rowDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] modifiedImportRows = modifiedImportText.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            ////DataGridViewRow currRow = dgv.CurrentCell.OwningRow;
            DataGridViewRow currRow = dgv.Rows[minSelectedRow];
            int nextRowIndex = currRow.Index;
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedImportRows.Length; i++)
                newImportRowText = "";
                if (currRow != null)
                    if (destinationTable.PrimaryKey.Length > 0)
                        foreach (DataColumn pKeyColumn in destinationTable.PrimaryKey)
                            newImportRowText += ((DataRowView)currRow.DataBoundItem).Row[pKeyColumn].ToString() + "\t";
                    // Now add the original import row text to the new import row text...
                    //newImportRowText += rawImportRows[i] + "\r\n";
                    newImportRowText += modifiedImportRows[i] + "\r\n";
                    // And now add it to the new import text string...
                    newImportText += newImportRowText;

                // Finally, try to find the next visible row...
                nextRowIndex = dgv.Rows.GetNextRow(currRow.Index, DataGridViewElementStates.Visible);
                if (nextRowIndex != -1 &&
                    !dgv.Rows[nextRowIndex].IsNewRow &&
                    nextRowIndex >= minSelectedRow &&
                    nextRowIndex <= maxSelectedRow)
                    currRow = dgv.Rows[nextRowIndex];
                    // Looks like we hit the end of the rows in the DGV - bailout now...
                    //currRow = null;

            // Step 6 - Now that we have built a new ImportText string that contains pkeys, we can pass it off to the 'ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys'
            processedImportSuccessfully = ImportTextToDataTableUsingKeys(newImportText, destinationTable, rowDelimiters, columnDelimiters, out badRows, out missingRows, lookupTables, appSettings);

            return processedImportSuccessfully;
예제 #8
파일: SharedUtils.cs 프로젝트: egacheru/G2
        public FormsData[] GetDataviewFormsData()
            FormsData[] localAssembliesFormsData = new FormsData[0];

                // Load the static forms from the same directory (and all subdirectories) where the Curator Tool was launched...
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                System.IO.FileInfo[] dllFiles = null;
                if(System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Forms")) dllFiles = di.GetFiles("Forms\\*.dll", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (dllFiles != null && dllFiles.Length > 0)
                    localAssembliesFormsData = new FormsData[dllFiles.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dllFiles.Length; i++)
                        System.Reflection.Assembly newAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(dllFiles[i].FullName);
                        foreach (System.Type t in newAssembly.GetTypes())
                            if (t.GetInterface("IGRINGlobalDataForm", true) != null)
                                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo constInfo = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(BindingSource), typeof(bool), typeof(SharedUtils), typeof(bool) });
                                if (constInfo != null)
                                    // Instantiate an object of this type to inspect...
                                    Form f = (Form)constInfo.Invoke(new object[] { new BindingSource(), false, this, false });
                                    // Get the Form Name and save it to the array...
                                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("FormName", typeof(string));
                                    string formName = (string)propInfo.GetValue(f, null);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName)) formName = t.Name;
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].FormName = formName;
                                    // Get the preferred dataview name and save it to the array...
                                    propInfo = t.GetProperty("PreferredDataview", typeof(string));
                                    string preferredDataview = (string)propInfo.GetValue(f, null);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(preferredDataview)) preferredDataview = "";
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].PreferredDataviewName = preferredDataview;
                                    // Save the constructor info object to the array...
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].ConstInfo = constInfo;
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].StrongFormName = constInfo.Module.FullyQualifiedName + " : " + formName + " : " + preferredDataview;
            catch (Exception err)
                //MessageBox.Show("Error binding to dataview Form.\nError Message: " + err.Message);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error binding to dataview Form.\nError Message: {0}", "Form Binding Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "GrinGlobalClient_LoadMessage1";
                this.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, err.Message);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = err.Message;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);

            return localAssembliesFormsData;
예제 #9
        private void ux_buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Change cursor to the wait cursor...
            Cursor origCursor = Cursor.Current;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                string newOwner = ux_comboboxNewOwner.SelectedValue.ToString();

                // Pass the web service method 1000 records at a time (to keep the call smaller than 10MB)...
                string  errorMessage      = "";
                DataSet pagedOwnedDataset = new DataSet();
                int pageSize  = 1000;
                int pageStart = 0;
                int pageStop  = Math.Min(pageSize, _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count);
                while (pageStart < _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                    // Clear the table page from the dataset...
                    // Build a new table page row by row...
                    for (int i = pageStart; i < pageStop; i++)
                        // Make a copy of the datarow in the paged datatable...
                    // Change the ownership of the rows in the paged table...
                    DataSet changeOwnershipResults = _sharedUtils.ChangeOwnership(pagedOwnedDataset, newOwner, ux_radiobuttonSelectedRowsAndChildren.Checked);
                    if (changeOwnershipResults != null &&
                        changeOwnershipResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                        changeOwnershipResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                        errorMessage += "\n" + changeOwnershipResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();

                    // Update the paging indexes...
                    pageStart = pageStop;
                    pageStop  = Math.Min((pageStart + pageSize), _ownedDataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing ownership of your records.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Save Ownership Changes Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangeOwnership_ux_buttonOKMessage1";
                    _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                    if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                        ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, errorMessage);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing ownership of your records.", "Save Ownership Changes Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangeOwnership_ux_buttonOKMessage2";
                _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);

            // Restore cursor to default cursor...
            Cursor.Current = origCursor;
예제 #10
파일: UserSettings.cs 프로젝트: egacheru/G2
        public void Save()
            DataSet modifiedData = new DataSet();
            DataSet saveErrors;
            //bool dataReloadNeeded = false;

            // Make a copy of the current user settings...
            DataTable currentUserSettings = _userSettings.Copy();
            // Reload the user settings from the remote database...
            // Syncronize the current user settings with the settings retrieved from the remote DB...
            foreach (DataRow dr in currentUserSettings.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
                    Delete(dr["form_name", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString(), dr["resource_name", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString(), dr["resource_key", DataRowVersion.Original].ToString());
                    this[dr["form_name"].ToString(), dr["resource_name"].ToString(), dr["resource_key"].ToString()] = dr["resource_value"].ToString();

            // Get just the rows that have changed and put them in to a new dataset...
            if (_userSettings.GetChanges() != null)
            // Call the web method to update the syncronized user settings data...
            saveErrors = _webServices.SaveData(modifiedData);

            if (saveErrors != null &&
                saveErrors.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There were errors saving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n" + saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
                SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There were errors saving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Save User Settings Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "UserSettings_SaveMessage1";
                if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = saveErrors.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
예제 #11
파일: UserSettings.cs 프로젝트: egacheru/G2
 public void Load()
     DataSet remoteDBUserSettings = new DataSet();
     // Get the user settings from the remote DB for the current user's CNO...
     remoteDBUserSettings = _webServices.GetData("get_user_settings", ":cooperatorid=" + _cno, 0, 0);
     if (remoteDBUserSettings.Tables.Contains("get_user_settings"))
         remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["get_user_settings"].DefaultView.RowFilter = "app_name='" + _app.Replace("'", "''") + "'";
         _userSettings = remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["get_user_settings"].DefaultView.ToTable();
     else if (remoteDBUserSettings.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
             remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
     //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There were errors retrieving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n" + remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
     SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
     GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There were errors retrieving user settings.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Load User Settings Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
     ggMessageBox.Name = "UserSettings_LoadMessage1";
     if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
     //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
     string[] argsArray = new string[100];
     argsArray[0] = remoteDBUserSettings.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
     ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
     // Clean up...
예제 #12
        private void ux_buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _webServices = new WebServices(_webServiceURL, ux_textboxUsername.Text, SharedUtils.SHA1EncryptionBase64(ux_textboxCurrentPassword.Text), ux_textboxCurrentPassword.Text, _site);
                DataSet userData = _webServices.ValidateLogin();
                if (userData != null &&
                    userData.Tables.Contains("validate_login") &&
                    userData.Tables["validate_login"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataSet newPasswordResults = _webServices.ChangePassword(SharedUtils.SHA1EncryptionBase64(ux_textboxNewPassword.Text));
                    if (newPasswordResults != null &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                        newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count == 0)
                        _password         = ux_textboxNewPassword.Text;
                        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    else if (newPasswordResults != null &&
                             newPasswordResults.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                             newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
//MessageBox.Show("There was an unexpected error changing your password.\n\nFull error message:\n" + newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
                        GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing your password.\n\nFull error message:\n{0}", "Change Password Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                        ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage1";
                        if (_sharedUtils != null)
                            _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                        if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, newPasswordResults.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
//MessageBox.Show("There was an unexpected error changing your password.");
                        GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("There was an unexpected error changing your password.", "Change Password Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                        ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage2";
                        if (_sharedUtils != null)
                            _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
//MessageBox.Show("Error: The Username/Password are not valid for server:\n\n" + _webServiceURL + "\n\nPlease correct and try again.");
                    GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error: The Username/Password are not valid for server:\n\n{0}\n\nPlease correct and try again.", "Invalid Username or Password", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage3";
                    if (_sharedUtils != null)
                        _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                    if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                        ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, _webServiceURL);
//MessageBox.Show("Error connecting to server: " + _webServiceURL);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error connecting to server: {0}", "Server Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "ChangePassword_ux_buttonOKMessage4";
                if (_sharedUtils != null)
                    _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, _webServiceURL);
예제 #13
        public LookupTablePicker(SharedUtils sharedUtils, string columnNameToLookup, DataRow parentRow, string currentValue)
            // Initialize new objects to access the local lookup tables...
            _sharedUtils = sharedUtils;
            // Save the key for the cell that is being edited...
            _currentKey = parentRow[columnNameToLookup].ToString();
            _newKey = _currentKey;
            // Create new filter dictionary...
            _filters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            // Get the table for the datarow being edited...
            DataTable dt = parentRow.Table;
            // Get the column for the cell being edited...
            DataColumn dc = parentRow.Table.Columns[columnNameToLookup];
            // Make sure this is an FK column and if so inspect the fields available
            // in the lookup table that might match fields in the parentRow's table
            // If there are matches - wire them up as filters to restrict the number
            // of rows returned to the dialog box that the user chooses from...
            if (_sharedUtils.LookupTablesIsValidFKField(dc))
                //_lookupTableName = dc.ExtendedProperties["foreign_key_resultset_name"].ToString().Trim();
                _lookupTableName = dc.ExtendedProperties["foreign_key_dataview_name"].ToString().Trim();
                if (_sharedUtils.LocalDatabaseTableExists(_lookupTableName))
                    // This is a query to 1) get data for the current FK and also 2) get the schema for the lookup table...
                    _boundTable = _sharedUtils.GetLocalData("SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM " + _lookupTableName + " WHERE value_member = @valuemember" + " ORDER BY display_member ASC", "@valuemember=" + _currentKey);
            //MessageBox.Show("Warning!!!\n\nYour computer does not have a local copy of this lookup table.  Until this lookup table is downloaded, the Curator Tool will connect to the central database to retrieve lookup values.\n\nTIP:  To maximize performance of the Curator Tool please download all lookup tables to your local computer.", "Missing Lookup Table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Warning!!!\n\nYour computer does not have a local copy of this lookup table.  Until this lookup table is downloaded, the Curator Tool will connect to the central database to retrieve lookup values.\n\nTIP:  To maximize performance of the Curator Tool please download all lookup tables to your local computer.", "Missing Lookup Table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "LookupTablePicker_LookupTablePickerMessage1";
            if (_sharedUtils != null) _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //_boundTable = _lookupTables.GetFilteredLookupTableRows(_lookupTableName, ux_textboxFind.Text, 1000);
            _boundTable = _sharedUtils.LookupTablesGetMatchingRows(_lookupTableName, currentValue, 1000);
                    ux_buttonRefresh.Enabled = false;

                if (_boundTable != null)
                    foreach (DataColumn luColumn in _boundTable.Columns)
                        if (luColumn.ColumnName != "value_member" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "display_member" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "created_date" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "modified_date")
                            if (dt.Columns.Contains(luColumn.ColumnName) &&
            //parentRow[luColumn.ColumnName] != null &&
            parentRow[luColumn.ColumnName] != DBNull.Value &&
                                !luColumn.ColumnName.StartsWith("is_")) _filters.Add(luColumn.ColumnName, parentRow[luColumn.ColumnName].ToString().Trim());
                            if (luColumn.ColumnName.StartsWith("is_") &&
                                !_filters.ContainsKey(luColumn.ColumnName)) _filters.Add(luColumn.ColumnName, "Y");
            textChangeDelayTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timerDelay_Tick);
            ux_textboxFind.Text = currentValue;
            ux_textboxFind.SelectionStart = ux_textboxFind.Text.Length;
            sharedUtils.UpdateControls(this.Controls, this.Name);
예제 #14
파일: LookupTables.cs 프로젝트: egacheru/G2
        public void LoadTableFromDatabase(object objDataviewName)
            string dataviewName = (string)objDataviewName;
            int pageSize = _pageSize;
            int pageOffset = 0;
            DataSet dataPage = new DataSet();
            DataTable dataviewTable = null;
            //string unusedParameters = ":createddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1) + "; :modifieddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1) + "; :valuemember=; :displaymember;";
            //string unusedParameters = ":createddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString("u") + "; :modifieddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString("u") + "; :valuemember=; :displaymember;";
            string unusedParameters = ":createddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString("s") + "; :modifieddate=" + DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString("s") + "; :valuemember=; :displaymember;";
            string startAndStopPKeys = "";
            // Add this to the loadingQueue list (so that no more threads get started to build this table)...
            if (!_loadingQueue.Contains(dataviewName))
                // There is already a thread to load this table running so bail out now...

            DataTable localLookupTableStats = new DataTable("lookup_table_status");
            // If the lookup_table_status table has been built get the row for the table to be loaded (otherwise call sync to build the table)...
            if (!_localData.TableExists("lookup_table_status"))
            localLookupTableStats = _localData.GetData("SELECT * FROM lookup_table_status WHERE dataview_name=@dataviewname", new string[1] { "@dataviewname=" + dataviewName });

            // Get the statistics row for this table...
            DataRow localLookupTableStatsRow = localLookupTableStats.Rows.Find(dataviewName);
            if (localLookupTableStatsRow != null)
                // Change the status of the lookup table statistics to 'Loading'...
                localLookupTableStatsRow["status"] = "Loading";
                // Begin loading the lookup table page by page...
                pageOffset = (int)localLookupTableStatsRow["current_pk"];
                for (int i = pageOffset; i <= (int)localLookupTableStatsRow["max_pk"]; i += pageSize)
                    startAndStopPKeys = " :startpkey=" + i.ToString() + "; :stoppkey=" + (i + pageSize - 1).ToString();
            //MessageBox.Show("Getting data for: " + localLookupTableStatsRow["dataview_name"].ToString() + " with Params: " + unusedParameters + startAndStopPKeys);
                        dataPage = _webServices.GetData(localLookupTableStatsRow["dataview_name"].ToString(), unusedParameters + startAndStopPKeys, 0, 0);
                        if (!dataPage.Tables.Contains(localLookupTableStatsRow["dataview_name"].ToString()))
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error retrieving data for lookup table: '" + dataviewName.ToUpper() + "' --- Retrying from PKEY=" + i.ToString(), "Lookup Table Load Error");
            //GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Exception Message: " + dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString(), "Lookup Table Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                            i -= pageSize;
                        if (dataviewTable == null)
                            // Create an empty copy of the lookup table...
                            dataviewTable = dataPage.Tables[localLookupTableStatsRow["dataview_name"].ToString()].Clone();
            //// Apply any column constraints (indicated in the column extended properties) to the table...
                        dataviewTable.Load(dataPage.Tables[localLookupTableStatsRow["dataview_name"].ToString()].CreateDataReader(), LoadOption.Upsert);
                        localLookupTableStatsRow["current_pk"] = Math.Min((int)localLookupTableStatsRow["max_pk"], i + pageSize - 1);
                        localLookupTableStatsRow["status"] = "Loading";
                    catch (Exception err)
                        if (dataPage.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                            dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error retrieving data for lookup table: '" + dataviewName.ToUpper() + "' --- Aborting this background task.\n\nFull Server Error Message:\n\n" + dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString(), "Lookup Table Load Error");
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error retrieving data for lookup table: '{0}' --- Aborting this background task.\n\nFull Server Error Message:\n\n{1}", "Lookup Table Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "LookupTables_LoadTableFromDatabaseMessage1";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}") &&
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataviewName.ToUpper(), dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataviewName.ToUpper());
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = dataviewName.ToUpper();
            argsArray[1] = dataPage.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error retrieving data for lookup table: '" + dataviewName.ToUpper() + "' --- Aborting this background task.\n\nFull Internal Error Message:\n\n" + err.Message, "Lookup Table Load Error");
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error retrieving data for lookup table: '{0}' --- Aborting this background task.\n\nFull Internal Error Message:\n\n{1}", "Lookup Table Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "LookupTables_LoadTableFromDatabaseMessage2";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}") &&
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataviewName.ToUpper(), err.Message);
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataviewName.ToUpper());
            //else if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{1}"))
            //    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, err.Message);
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = dataviewName.ToUpper();
            argsArray[1] = err.Message;
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
                        // Update the status of the LU table load on the local DB lookup_table_status table...
                        localLookupTableStatsRow["status"] = "Failed";
                // Looks like we were successful in loading this LU table so if this table is cached - clear it from cache...
                if (_pkeyLUTCacheCollection.ContainsKey(dataviewName))
                    UpdatePKeyLUTDictionary(dataviewName, _pkeyLUTCacheCollection[dataviewName]);
                else if (dataviewName.ToLower().Trim() == "code_value_lookup")
                    UpdateCodeValueLUTDictionary("code_value_lookup", _codevalueLUTCache);
                // Update the status of the LU table load on the local DB lookup_table_status table...
                localLookupTableStatsRow["status"] = "Completed";
            localLookupTableStatsRow["sync_date"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // Finished adding the lookup table - remove the name from the loadingQueue list...
            // Clear the lookup table status cache (so that it can be refreshed for each lookup table on demand)...
예제 #15
        public LookupTablePicker(SharedUtils sharedUtils, string columnNameToLookup, DataRow parentRow, string currentValue)
            // Initialize new objects to access the local lookup tables...
            _sharedUtils = sharedUtils;
            // Save the key for the cell that is being edited...
            _currentKey = parentRow[columnNameToLookup].ToString();
            _newKey     = _currentKey;
            // Create new filter dictionary...
            _filters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // Get the table for the datarow being edited...
            DataTable dt = parentRow.Table;
            // Get the column for the cell being edited...
            DataColumn dc = parentRow.Table.Columns[columnNameToLookup];

            // Make sure this is an FK column and if so inspect the fields available
            // in the lookup table that might match fields in the parentRow's table
            // If there are matches - wire them up as filters to restrict the number
            // of rows returned to the dialog box that the user chooses from...
            if (_sharedUtils.LookupTablesIsValidFKField(dc))
                //_lookupTableName = dc.ExtendedProperties["foreign_key_resultset_name"].ToString().Trim();
                _lookupTableName = dc.ExtendedProperties["foreign_key_dataview_name"].ToString().Trim();
                if (_sharedUtils.LocalDatabaseTableExists(_lookupTableName))
                    // This is a query to 1) get data for the current FK and also 2) get the schema for the lookup table...
                    _boundTable = _sharedUtils.GetLocalData("SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM " + _lookupTableName + " WHERE value_member = @valuemember" + " ORDER BY display_member ASC", "@valuemember=" + _currentKey);
//MessageBox.Show("Warning!!!\n\nYour computer does not have a local copy of this lookup table.  Until this lookup table is downloaded, the Curator Tool will connect to the central database to retrieve lookup values.\n\nTIP:  To maximize performance of the Curator Tool please download all lookup tables to your local computer.", "Missing Lookup Table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Warning!!!\n\nYour computer does not have a local copy of this lookup table.  Until this lookup table is downloaded, the Curator Tool will connect to the central database to retrieve lookup values.\n\nTIP:  To maximize performance of the Curator Tool please download all lookup tables to your local computer.", "Missing Lookup Table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    ggMessageBox.Name = "LookupTablePicker_LookupTablePickerMessage1";
                    if (_sharedUtils != null)
                        _sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
//_boundTable = _lookupTables.GetFilteredLookupTableRows(_lookupTableName, ux_textboxFind.Text, 1000);
                    _boundTable = _sharedUtils.LookupTablesGetMatchingRows(_lookupTableName, ux_textboxFind.Text, 1000);
                    ux_buttonRefresh.Enabled = false;

                if (_boundTable != null)
                    foreach (DataColumn luColumn in _boundTable.Columns)
                        if (luColumn.ColumnName != "value_member" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "display_member" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "created_date" &&
                            luColumn.ColumnName != "modified_date")
                            if (dt.Columns.Contains(luColumn.ColumnName) &&
                                parentRow[luColumn.ColumnName] != null)
                                _filters.Add(luColumn.ColumnName, parentRow[luColumn.ColumnName].ToString().Trim());
                            if (luColumn.ColumnName.StartsWith("is_"))
                                _filters.Add(luColumn.ColumnName, "Y");
            textChangeDelayTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timerDelay_Tick);
            ux_textboxFind.Text        = currentValue;
            ux_textboxFind.SelectionStart = ux_textboxFind.Text.Length;
            sharedUtils.UpdateControls(this.Controls, this.Name);
예제 #16
파일: LookupTables.cs 프로젝트: egacheru/G2
        public void UpdateTable(object objDataviewName)
            string dataviewName = (string)objDataviewName;
            bool updateStatus = false;
            DataTable lookupTableStatus = new DataTable("lookup_table_status");
            DataRow lookupTableStatusRow = null;
            if (_localData.TableExists("lookup_table_status"))
                lookupTableStatus = _localData.GetData("SELECT * FROM lookup_table_status WHERE dataview_name=@dataviewname", new string[1] { "@dataviewname=" + dataviewName });

            if (lookupTableStatus != null &&
                lookupTableStatus.Rows.Count > 0)
                lookupTableStatusRow = lookupTableStatus.Rows[0];

            if (lookupTableStatusRow != null &&
                (lookupTableStatusRow["status"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "COMPLETED" ||
                lookupTableStatusRow["status"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "UPDATED"))
                // Use the last sync date for the remote database query...
                DateTime lastSyncDate = new DateTime();
                lastSyncDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lookupTableStatus.Rows[0]["sync_date"].ToString());

                if (lastSyncDate.AddSeconds(5) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    int pageSize = 100000;
            //string selectParams = ":createddate=" + lastSyncDate.ToString("u") + "; :modifieddate=" + lastSyncDate.ToString("u") + "; :valuemember=; :startpkey=; :stoppkey=; :displaymember;";
            string selectParams = ":createddate=" + lastSyncDate.ToString("s") + "; :modifieddate=" + lastSyncDate.ToString("s") + "; :valuemember=; :startpkey=; :stoppkey=; :displaymember;";

                    // Go get the records from the remote database that are newer than the lastSyncDate...
                    DataSet tempSync = _webServices.GetData(dataviewName, selectParams, 0, pageSize);
                    if (tempSync.Tables.Contains(dataviewName))
                        DataTable syncTable = tempSync.Tables[dataviewName].Clone();
                        //// Apply any column constraints (indicated in the column extended properties) to the table...
                        syncTable.Load(tempSync.Tables[dataviewName].CreateDataReader(), LoadOption.Upsert);
                        if (syncTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                            lookupTableStatusRow["current_pk"] = lookupTableStatusRow["max_pk"];
                            lookupTableStatusRow["status"] = "Updated";
                            lookupTableStatusRow["sync_date"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            updateStatus = true;
                        else if (syncTable.Rows.Count > 0 &&
                            syncTable.Rows.Count < pageSize)
                            // Check to make sure the user wants to update this table...
                            if (lookupTableStatusRow["auto_update"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "Y")
                                // Save the new lookup table rows to the local database...
                                // Update the dictionary if one is being used...
                                if (_pkeyLUTCacheCollection.ContainsKey(dataviewName))
                                    UpdatePKeyLUTDictionary(dataviewName, _pkeyLUTCacheCollection[dataviewName]);
                                else if (dataviewName.ToLower().Trim() == "code_value_lookup")
                                    UpdateCodeValueLUTDictionary("code_value_lookup", _codevalueLUTCache);

                                // Update the stats for this lookup table in the lookup_table_status table on the local database...
                                lookupTableStatusRow["current_pk"] = lookupTableStatusRow["max_pk"];
                                lookupTableStatusRow["status"] = "Updated";
                                lookupTableStatusRow["sync_date"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                updateStatus = true;
                                // If the user does not want to update this table but there are less than 1000 new records that need to be downloaded
                                // mark its status as 'PARTIAL' so that the LUT maint. dialog displays warnings properly
                                Int64 max = pageSize + 1;
                                Int64 current = 0;
                                if (Int64.TryParse(lookupTableStatusRow["max_pk"].ToString(), out max) &&
                                    Int64.TryParse(lookupTableStatusRow["current_pk"].ToString(), out current) &&
                                    (max - current) > pageSize)
                                    lookupTableStatusRow["status"] = "Partial";
                                updateStatus = false;
                            lookupTableStatusRow["status"] = "Failed";
                            lookupTableStatusRow["sync_date"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            updateStatus = true;
                        // No dataview named 'XXX' exists in the sys_dataview table.
                        // Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
                        if (tempSync.Tables.Contains("ExceptionTable") &&
                            tempSync.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows.Count > 0 &&
                            !tempSync.Tables["ExceptionTable"].Rows[0]["Message"].ToString().Contains("Timeout expired"))
                            // There appears to be a problem getting data for this lookup table (most likely the LU dataview is missing/broken)...
            //if (_localData.TableExists(dataviewName)) _localData.Remove(dataviewName);
                            updateStatus = true;
                    // This table was successfully updated in the last 10 seconds so
                    // skip the update and return successful status...
                    updateStatus = true;
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("WARNING!\nThe system can not perform Update for '" + dataviewName + "' until the table has been successfully downloaded", "Partially Loaded Lookup Table", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            SharedUtils sharedUtils = new SharedUtils(_webServices.Url, _webServices.Username, _webServices.Password_ClearText, true, "");
            GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("WARNING!\nThe system can not perform Update for '{0}' until the table has been successfully downloaded.\n\nWould you like to do this now?", "Partially Loaded Lookup Table", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            ggMessageBox.Name = "LookupTables_LoadTableFromDatabaseMessage3";
            if (sharedUtils != null && sharedUtils.IsConnected) sharedUtils.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
            //if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}")) ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, dataviewName.ToUpper());
            string[] argsArray = new string[100];
            argsArray[0] = dataviewName.ToUpper();
            ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, argsArray);
            if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes == ggMessageBox.ShowDialog())
            // Start the LUT maintenance dialog...
            //LookupTableLoader ltl = new LookupTableLoader(localDBInstance, _sharedUtils);
            LookupTableLoader ltl = new LookupTableLoader(_localData.ConnectionString, sharedUtils);
            ltl.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
            updateStatus = false;


            // Clear the lookup table status cache (so that it can be refreshed for each lookup table on demand)...
            //return updateStatus;
예제 #17
        public FormsData[] GetDataviewFormsData()
            FormsData[] localAssembliesFormsData = new FormsData[0];

                // Load the static forms from the same directory (and all subdirectories) where the Curator Tool was launched...
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di       = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                System.IO.FileInfo[]    dllFiles = null;
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Forms"))
                    dllFiles = di.GetFiles("Forms\\*.dll", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (dllFiles != null && dllFiles.Length > 0)
                    localAssembliesFormsData = new FormsData[dllFiles.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dllFiles.Length; i++)
                        System.Reflection.Assembly newAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(dllFiles[i].FullName);
                        foreach (System.Type t in newAssembly.GetTypes())
                            if (t.GetInterface("IGRINGlobalDataForm", true) != null)
                                System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo constInfo = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(BindingSource), typeof(bool), typeof(SharedUtils), typeof(bool) });
                                if (constInfo != null)
                                    // Instantiate an object of this type to inspect...
                                    Form f = (Form)constInfo.Invoke(new object[] { new BindingSource(), false, this, false });
                                    // Get the Form Name and save it to the array...
                                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("FormName", typeof(string));
                                    string formName = (string)propInfo.GetValue(f, null);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName))
                                        formName = t.Name;
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].FormName = formName;
                                    // Get the preferred dataview name and save it to the array...
                                    propInfo = t.GetProperty("PreferredDataview", typeof(string));
                                    string preferredDataview = (string)propInfo.GetValue(f, null);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(preferredDataview))
                                        preferredDataview = "";
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].PreferredDataviewName = preferredDataview;
                                    // Save the constructor info object to the array...
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].ConstInfo      = constInfo;
                                    localAssembliesFormsData[i].StrongFormName = constInfo.Module.FullyQualifiedName + " : " + formName + " : " + preferredDataview;
            catch (Exception err)
                //MessageBox.Show("Error binding to dataview Form.\nError Message: " + err.Message);
                GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox ggMessageBox = new GRINGlobal.Client.Common.GGMessageBox("Error binding to dataview Form.\nError Message: {0}", "Form Binding Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                ggMessageBox.Name = "GrinGlobalClient_LoadMessage1";
                this.UpdateControls(ggMessageBox.Controls, ggMessageBox.Name);
                if (ggMessageBox.MessageText.Contains("{0}"))
                    ggMessageBox.MessageText = string.Format(ggMessageBox.MessageText, err.Message);
