internal void CalculatePopulation() { // traženje najboljih hromosoma fitnessMax = 0; fitnessSum = 0; if (bestChromosome == null) { bestChromosome = chromosomes[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < gpParameters.popSize; i++) { float fitness = (chromosomes[i]).fitness; // sum calc fitnessSum += fitness; // cal the best chromosome if (fitness > fitnessMax) { fitnessMax = fitness; bestChromosome = chromosomes[i]; } } fitnessAvg = fitnessSum / gpParameters.popSize; }
private void FUSSSelection(int size) { // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); //Maximum fitness double fitnessMax = chromosomes.Max(x =>; double rnd; double dif; int selIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { rnd = Globals.radn.NextDouble(0, fitnessMax); dif = Math.Abs(chromosomes[0].fitness - rnd); selIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i < chromosomes.Count; i++) { double curDif = Math.Abs(chromosomes[i].fitness - rnd); if (dif > curDif) { dif = curDif; selIndex = i; } } newPopulation.Add(chromosomes[selIndex].Clone()); } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
private void TournamentSelection(int size) { // velicinaPopulacije of current chromosomes int currentSize = chromosomes.Count; List <GPChromosome> tourn = new List <GPChromosome>((int)gpParameters.SelParam1); // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { currentSize = chromosomes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < gpParameters.SelParam1 && i < currentSize; i++) { int ind = Globals.radn.Next(currentSize); tourn.Add(chromosomes[ind]); } tourn.Sort(); newPopulation.Add(tourn[0].Clone()); chromosomes.Remove(tourn[0]); tourn.Clear(); } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
/// <summary> /// HalfAndHalf method of initialization,all chromosomes is grouped in equal number of chromosome /// and generates with the same levels. /// </summary> /// <param name="size"></param> private void HalfHalfInitialization(int size) { //The max init depth of tree int n = GetMaxInitializeLevel(); //Make equal group for each level int br = (size / n); //Create equal number of choromosomes for each level for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { if (i == n)//at the end take the rest { br = (size - ((i - 2) * br)); } //Chromosome generation with exact level for (int j = 0; j < br; j++) { // create new chromosome GPChromosome c = GenerateChromosome(i); // add to chromosomes chromosomes.Add(c); } } }
/// <summary> /// Randomly generate chromosome with exact number of levels /// </summary> /// <param name="levels">Tree leveles</param> /// <returns></returns> public GPChromosome GenerateChromosome(int levels) { GPChromosome ch = GPChromosome.NewChromosome(); ch.expressionTree = GenerateTreeStructure(levels); return(ch); }
public static HashSet <IGPChromosome> GenerateAllCombinations(SocialGPChromosome socialChromosome) { var allSubCombinations = new GPChromosome[socialChromosome.NumAgents][]; for (var i = 0; i < socialChromosome.NumAgents; i++) { //adds sub-element and all its combinations to list var gpChromosome = (GPChromosome)socialChromosome[i]; var allChromCombs = Learning.IMRL.EC.Util.GenerateAllCombinations(gpChromosome).ToList(); allChromCombs.Add(gpChromosome); var allChromCombsArray = new GPChromosome[allChromCombs.Count]; for (var j = 0; j < allChromCombs.Count; j++) { allChromCombsArray[j] = (GPChromosome)allChromCombs[j]; } allSubCombinations[i] = allChromCombsArray; } //makes combinations with all chromosomes var chromCombs = allSubCombinations.AllCombinations(); var allCombinations = new HashSet <IGPChromosome>(); foreach (var chromComb in chromCombs) { allCombinations.Add(new SocialGPChromosome(chromComb)); } return(allCombinations); }
private void SkrgicSelection(int size) { // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); // double k = 0.2; //additionalParameter; double fitnessMax = chromosomes.Max(x => * (1.0 + gpParameters.SelParam1); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //Slucajni index iz populacije int randomIndex = Globals.radn.Next(0, chromosomes.Count); //Slucajni broj izmedju 0-maxFitnes ukljucujuci i maxFitness koje je prethodno vec izracunat kod evaluacije hromosoma double randomFitness = Globals.radn.NextDouble(0, fitnessMax /*, true include MaxValue*/); while (true) { //Akoje slucajno generirani broj manji ili jednak fitnesu slucajnog hromosoma selektuj hromosom if (randomFitness <= chromosomes[randomIndex].fitness * (1.0 + gpParameters.SelParam1 / fitnessMax)) { newPopulation.Add(chromosomes[randomIndex].Clone()); break; } randomIndex = Globals.radn.Next(0, chromosomes.Count); randomFitness = Globals.radn.NextDouble(0, fitnessMax /*, true include MaxValue*/); } } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
/// <summary> /// Randomly generate chromosome with exact number of levels /// </summary> /// <param name="levels">Tree leveles</param> /// <returns></returns> public GPChromosome GenerateGPChromosome(int levels) { GPChromosome ch = GPChromosome.NewChromosome(); ch.Generate(levels); return(ch); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates model/prediction using best chromosome. Also it denormalized valuse if they were normalized /// </summary> /// <param name="ch"> bestchromosomes</param> /// <param name="testData"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual double[][] CalculateModel(GPChromosome ch, bool btrainingData = true) { if (ch != null) { var pts = GPdotNET.Core.Globals.CalculateGPModel(ch.expressionTree, btrainingData); if (pts == null) { return(null); } //calculate output var model = new double[1][]; var outv = new double[1][]; if (m_Experiment != null) { outv[0] = new double[1]; model[0] = new double[pts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { outv[0][0] = pts[i]; var outv1 = m_Experiment.GetDenormalizedOutputRow(outv[0]); model[0][i] = outv1[0]; } } else { model[0] = pts;//old version } return(model); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Before we start GP prepare all neccessery information /// </summary> /// <param name="termSet"></param> /// <param name="funSet"></param> /// <param name="gpParams"></param> public void PrepareAlgorithm(GPTerminalSet termSet, GPFunctionSet funSet, GPParameters gpParams = null) { m_IterationCounter = 0; if (Population == null) { Population = new CHPopulation(); } Population.InitPopulation(termSet, funSet, gpParams); Population.CalculatePopulation(); IsAlgorthmPrepared = true; StopIteration = false; //calculate model and prediction GPChromosome ch = Population.bestChromosome as GPChromosome; double[][] model = CalculateModel(ch); double[][] prediction = CalculateModel(ch, false); //Report the evolution has been started if (ReportEvolution != null) { ReportEvolution(this, new ProgressIndicatorEventArgs() { ReportType = ProgramState.Started, AverageFitness = Population.fitnessAvg, BestChromosome = Population.bestChromosome, CurrentIteration = 0, LearnOutput = model, PredicOutput = prediction }); } }
private void UniversalStohasticSelection(int size) { // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); //chromosomes.Sort(); int currentSize = chromosomes.Count(); float fitnessSum = chromosomes.Sum(c =>; // get random distance value float randDist = (float)Globals.radn.NextDouble(0, 1.0 / (double)size); float partFitnes = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { partFitnes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Count; i++) { partFitnes += chromosomes[i].fitness / fitnessSum; if (randDist <= partFitnes) { newPopulation.Add(chromosomes[i].Clone()); break; } } randDist += 1.0F / (float)size; } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
/// <summary> /// Fitness šproportionate selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="size"></param> private void FitnessProportionateSelection(int size) { // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); int currentSize = chromosomes.Count; double sumOfFitness = 0; //calculate sum of fitness for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) { sumOfFitness += chromosomes[i].fitness; } // create wheel ranges double[] rangeMax = new double[currentSize]; double s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) { // cumulative normalized fitness s += (chromosomes[i].fitness / sumOfFitness); rangeMax[i] = s; } // select chromosomes from old chromosomes to the new chromosomes for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { // get wheel value double wheelValue = Globals.radn.NextDouble(); // find the chromosome for the wheel value for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) { //double wheelValue = rand.NextDouble(); if (wheelValue <= rangeMax[i] && chromosomes[i].fitness != -1) { // add the chromosome to the new population var ch = chromosomes[i].Clone(); newPopulation.Add(ch); chromosomes[i].fitness = -1; break; } } } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
public override void Train(IForecastingDataSets datasets) { OnStartRunning(new ComponentRunEventArgs(datasets)); NumberOfVariables = datasets.InputVectorLength; NumberOfSamples = datasets.Length; EnvolutionStep = 0; if (functionSet == null) { functionSet = new GPFunctionSet(); } Initialize(); GenerateFunction(); double [] gpConstraints = GenerateConstants(mGPModelParameter.ConstantsIntervalFrom, mGPModelParameter.ConstantsIntervalTo, mGPModelParameter.ConstantsNumber); GenerateTerminals(datasets, gpConstraints); if (population == null) { EnvolutionStep = 1; population = new GPPopulation(mGPModelParameter.PopulationSize, terminalSet, functionSet, parameters, mGPModelParameter.MultipleCore); } GPBestHromosome = population.bestChromosome; while (ProveEnvolution(EnvolutionStep, mGPModelParameter.EnvolveConditionValue, mGPModelParameter.EnvolveIndicator)) { population.StartEvolution(); OnRunningEpoch(new ComponentRunEpochEventArgs(EnvolutionStep)); EnvolutionStep++; } int indexOutput = terminalSet.NumConstants + terminalSet.NumVariables - 1; List <int> lst = new List <int>(); FunctionTree.ToListExpression(lst, GPBestHromosome.Root); double y = 0; datasets.ForecastedData = new double[datasets.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < terminalSet.RowCount; i++) { // evalue the function y = functionSet.Evaluate(lst, terminalSet, i); // check for correct numeric value if (double.IsNaN(y) || double.IsInfinity(y)) { y = 0; } datasets.ForecastedData[i] = new double[1]; datasets.ForecastedData[i][0] = y; } OnFinishRunning(new ComponentRunEventArgs(datasets) { State = functionSet.DecodeExpression(lst, terminalSet) }); }
public SocialGPChromosome(uint numAgents, GPChromosome baseChromosome) { this.NumAgents = numAgents; this._chromosomes = new GPChromosome[numAgents]; for (var i = 0; i < numAgents; i++) { this._chromosomes[i] = (GPChromosome)baseChromosome.Clone(); } this.Population = baseChromosome.Population; this.Init(); }
public override IECChromosome CreateBaseChromosome() { var gpChromosome = new GPChromosome( new FlexibleGPGene(this.AllowedFunctions.ToList(), (int)(this.Constants.Length + this.NumBaseVariables))); return(this.SameAgentParameters ? (IECChromosome) new SocialCommonGPChromosome(this.NumAgents, gpChromosome) : new SocialGPChromosome(this.NumAgents, gpChromosome) { SymmetryFactor = this.SymmetryFactor }); }
/// <summary> /// Full initialization method, all choromosomes have the same level. /// </summary> /// <param name="size"></param> private void FullInitialization(int size) { //Chromosome generation with exact level for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // generate new chromosome GPChromosome c = GenerateChromosome(GetMaxInitializeLevel()); //add to poppulation chromosomes.Add(c); } }
/// <summary> /// Main function for running GP /// </summary> /// <param name="terValue">termination value</param> /// <param name="termType">type of termination</param> public void StartEvolution(float terValue, int termType) { if (!IsAlgorthmPrepared) { throw new Exception("Algorithm is not prepared!"); } if (Population == null) { throw new Exception("Population is null!"); } //before we start set variable to initial value StopIteration = false; while (CanContinue(terValue, termType)) { //increase evolution m_IterationCounter++; Population.Crossover(); Population.Mutate(); Population.EvaluatePopulation(); Population.Selection(); Population.CalculatePopulation(); //calculate model and prediction GPChromosome ch = Population.bestChromosome as GPChromosome; double[][] model = CalculateModel(ch); double[][] prediction = CalculateModel(ch, false); if (ReportEvolution != null) { ReportEvolution(this, new ProgressIndicatorEventArgs() { ReportType = CanContinue(terValue, termType) ? ProgramState.Running : ProgramState.Finished, AverageFitness = Population.fitnessAvg, BestChromosome = Population.bestChromosome, CurrentIteration = m_IterationCounter, LearnOutput = model, PredicOutput = prediction }); } } }
public static uint GetDepth(GPChromosome chromosome) { var nodeStack = GetNodeStack(chromosome.ToString()); if ((nodeStack == null) || (nodeStack.Count == 0)) { return(0); } var rootNode = nodeStack.Pop(); GenerateNodeStructure(rootNode, nodeStack); return(GetDepth(rootNode, 0)); }
private void ApplyCrossover(GPChromosome ch1, GPChromosome ch2) { //Get random numbers between 0 and maximum index int index1 = GetRandomNode(ch1.expressionTree.NodeCount()); int index2 = GetRandomNode(ch2.expressionTree.NodeCount()); //Exchange the geene material Crossover(ch1.expressionTree, ch2.expressionTree, index1, index2); //if some tree exceed the levels trim it ch1.Trim(GetMaxOperationLevel()); ch2.Trim(GetMaxOperationLevel()); }
public static HashSet <IGPChromosome> GenerateAllCombinations(GPChromosome chromosome) { var nodeStack = GetNodeStack(chromosome.ToString()); if ((nodeStack == null) || (nodeStack.Count == 0)) { return(new HashSet <IGPChromosome>()); } var rootNode = nodeStack.Pop(); GenerateNodeStructure(rootNode, nodeStack); return(GenerateAllCombinations(rootNode)); }
private void RankSelection(int size) { // new chromosomes, initially empty List <GPChromosome> newPopulation = new List <GPChromosome>(); // velicinaPopulacije of current chromosomes int currentSize = chromosomes.Count; // sort current chromosomes //chromosomes.Sort(); // calculate amount of ranges in the wheel double ranges = currentSize * (currentSize + 1) / 2; // create wheel ranges double[] rangeMax = new double[currentSize]; double s = 0; for (int i = 0, n = currentSize; i < currentSize; i++, n--) { s += ((double)n / ranges); rangeMax[i] = s; } // select chromosomes from old chromosomes to the new chromosomes for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { // get wheel value double wheelValue = Globals.radn.NextDouble(); // find the chromosome for the wheel value for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++) { // get wheel value if (wheelValue <= rangeMax[i]) { // add the chromosome to the new chromosomes newPopulation.Add(chromosomes[i].Clone()); break; } //Debug.Assert(false); } } // survived chromosomes chromosomes.AddRange(newPopulation); // old population is goint to die GPChromosome.DestroyChromosomes(ref chromosomes); }
/// <summary> /// Every chromosome have randomly generated levels between 2 and maximumValue. /// </summary> /// <param name="size"></param> private void GrowInitialization(int size) { int levels = 2; //Chromosome generation with exact level for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //Randomly choose which level chromose will have levels = Globals.radn.Next(2, GetMaxInitializeLevel() + 1); // generate new chromosome GPChromosome c = GenerateChromosome(levels); // pridruzivanje populaciji chromosomes.Add(c); } }
/// <summary> /// Reports about current evolution. See other reposrt methods /// </summary> /// <param name="currentEvolution"></param> /// <param name="averageFitness"></param> /// <param name="ch"></param> /// <param name="repType"></param> public void ReportProgress(int currentEvolution, float averageFitness, IChromosome ch, int repType) { if (ch == null) { return; } if (prevFitness < ch.Fitness) { prevFitness = ch.Fitness; if (ch is GPChromosome) { _gpModel = (GPdotNET.Engine.GPChromosome)ch; if (Globals.functions != null) { enooptMatematickiModel.Text = Globals.functions.DecodeExpression(_gpModel.expressionTree); } treeCtrlDrawer1.DrawTreeExpression(_gpModel.expressionTree, Globals.GetGPNodeStringRep); } } }
public IChromosome CreateNew() { var newChromosomes = new GPChromosome[this.NumAgents]; //gets symmetry prob var symmetricProb = Rand.NextDouble(); //creates first (base) individual chromosome newChromosomes[0] = (GPChromosome)this._chromosomes[0].CreateNew(); //creates new chromosomes or copies base one based on symmetry prob. for (var i = 1; i < this.NumAgents; i++) { newChromosomes[i] = (GPChromosome)(symmetricProb <= this.SymmetryFactor ? newChromosomes[0].Clone() : this._chromosomes[i].CreateNew()); } return(new SocialGPChromosome(newChromosomes) { Population = this.Population, SymmetryFactor = this.SymmetryFactor }); }
public double[][] CalculateTestModel(GPChromosome ch) { return(CalculateModel(ch, false)); }
public double[][] CalculateTrainModel(GPChromosome ch) { return(CalculateModel(ch, true)); }
public SocialCommonGPChromosome(uint numAgents, GPChromosome commomTestParameters) : base(commomTestParameters.BaseChromosome ?? commomTestParameters, commomTestParameters.Population) { this.NumAgents = numAgents; }
/// <summary> /// Resets previous solution /// </summary> public void ResetSolution() { prevFitness = -1; _gpModel = null; }
public void EvaluateChromosome(GPChromosome c) { = fitnessFunction.Evaluate(c.expressionTree, functionSet); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="lines"></param> /// <param name="factory"></param> /// <param name="curLine"></param> /// <param name="typeChromosome"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int MainPopulationFromString(string[] lines, GPFactory factory, int curLine) { curLine++; //Line 8: populationSize; maxFitness; BestChromosome if (lines.Length <= curLine) { //MessageBox.Show("Fie is corrupt!"); return(-1); } var str = lines[curLine].Split(';'); if (lines[curLine] == "-" || lines[curLine] == "-\r") { return(curLine += 2); } if (_GPModel == GPModelType.TSP) { PrepareTSP(false); } else if (_GPModel == GPModelType.AP) { PrepareALOC(false); } else if (_GPModel == GPModelType.TP) { PrepareTrans(false); } else { PrepareGP(false); } int popSize = 0; if (!int.TryParse(str[0], out popSize)) { popSize = 0; } List <IChromosome> chromosomes = new List <IChromosome>(); for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) { IChromosome ch = null; if (_GPModel == GPModelType.TSP || _GPModel == GPModelType.AP) { ch = GAVChromosome.CreateFromString(lines[i + curLine + 1]); } else if (_GPModel == GPModelType.TP) { ch = GAMChromosome.CreateFromString(lines[i + curLine + 1]); } else { ch = GPChromosome.CreateFromString(lines[i + curLine + 1]); } chromosomes.Add(ch); } factory.SetChromosomes(chromosomes); factory.CalculatePopulation(); return(popSize + 7); }