예제 #1
        //Draws a polygon given a list of Vector3 that is a closed shape
        public GameObject dropPolygon(List <Vector3> shape, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle)
            GameObject polygon = new GameObject("Polygon");

            MeshFilter   filter   = polygon.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer renderer = polygon.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            Poly2Mesh.Polygon poly = new Poly2Mesh.Polygon();
            poly.outside = shape;

            GOMesh goMesh = Poly2Mesh.CreateMeshInBackground(poly);

            goMesh.uvMappingStyle = uvMappingStyle;

            if (height > 0)
                goMesh = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(goMesh, height, 4f, 4f, 10f);

            Mesh mesh = goMesh.ToSubmeshes();

            filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
            renderer.material = material;

            polygon.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();

        public static GOMesh PreloadLine(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            GOMesh preMesh = new GOMesh();

            GOLineMesh lineMesh = new GOLineMesh(feature.convertedGeometry);

            lineMesh.width = feature.renderingOptions.lineWidth;
            preMesh        = lineMesh.CreatePremesh();

            if (feature.height > 0)
                float h = feature.height;

                if (GOMap.GOLink)
                    h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

                preMesh = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(preMesh, h + Noise(), 4f, 4f, 10f);

            if (feature.renderingOptions.outlineWidth > 0)
                lineMesh.width        = feature.renderingOptions.lineWidth + feature.layer.defaultRendering.outlineWidth;
                preMesh.secondaryMesh = lineMesh.CreatePremesh();

예제 #3
        private GOMesh MergeTempPolys(float distance)
            foreach (GOTempPolyNew temp in polys)
                AddPolygon(temp, temp.normal);

            if (distance != 0f)

            if (bufIndices.Count == 0)
            GOMesh mesh = new GOMesh();

            mesh.vertices  = bufVertices.ToArray();
            mesh.normals   = bufNormals.ToArray();
            mesh.uv        = bufUVs.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = bufIndices.ToArray();

예제 #4
    public static GOMesh SliceExtrudePremesh(GOMesh mesh, float height, float topSectionH, float bottomSectionH, float sliceHeight)
        if (height < sliceHeight)
            return(ExtrudePremesh(mesh, height));

        int numberOfSlices = (int)Mathf.Ceil((height) / sliceHeight);

        sliceHeight = height / numberOfSlices;

        List <Matrix4x4> extrusion = new List <Matrix4x4> ();

        for (int i = numberOfSlices; i > -1; i--)
            Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
            pos.y = (i - 1) * sliceHeight;
            Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos + new Vector3(0, sliceHeight, 0), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

        mesh.sliceHeight = sliceHeight;

        GOMeshExtrusion.ExtrudeMesh(mesh, mesh, extrusion.ToArray(), false);

//		FixPremeshUV (mesh,height);

예제 #5
        //Draws a line given a list of vector 3
        public GameObject dropLine(List <Vector3> polyline, float witdh, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle, bool curved = false)
            GameObject line = new GameObject("Polyline");

            MeshFilter   filter   = line.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer renderer = line.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            GOLineMesh lineMesh = new GOLineMesh(polyline, curved);

            lineMesh.width = witdh;

            GOMesh goMesh = lineMesh.CreatePremesh();

            goMesh.uvMappingStyle = uvMappingStyle;

            if (height > 0)
                goMesh = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(goMesh, height, 4f, 4f, 10f);

            filter.sharedMesh = goMesh.ToMesh();
            renderer.material = material;

            line.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();

    /// <summary>
    /// [ALAN GRANT] Create data for a Mesh in background containing just the FIRST triangle in the given Polygon.
    /// (This is a much easier task since we can skip triangulation.)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The freshly minted mesh.</returns>
    /// <param name="polygon">Polygon you want to make a triangle of.</param>
    public static GOMesh CreateTriangleInBackground(Polygon polygon)
        //		long profileID = Profiler.Enter("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle");
        if (fullDebug)
            Debug.Log("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle 1");

        // Create the vertex array
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[3];
        vertices[0] = polygon.outside[0];
        vertices[1] = polygon.outside[1];
        vertices[2] = polygon.outside[2];

        // Create the indices array
        int[] indices = new int[3] {
            0, 1, 2

        if (fullDebug)
            Debug.Log("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle 2");

        // Create the UV list, by looking up the closest point for each in our poly
        Vector2[] uv = null;
        if (polygon.outsideUVs != null)
            uv = new Vector2[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                uv[i] = polygon.ClosestUV(vertices[i]);

        if (fullDebug)
            Debug.Log("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle 3");

        // Create the mesh
        if (fullDebug)
            Debug.Log("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle 4");
        GOMesh preMesh = new GOMesh();

        preMesh.vertices  = vertices;
        preMesh.triangles = indices;
        preMesh.uv        = uv;

        if (fullDebug)
            Debug.Log("Poly2Mesh.CreateTriangle 5");

        //		Profiler.Exit(profileID);
예제 #7
        public GameObject CreateRoofFromPreloaded(GOFeature feature, GOMesh premesh, GameObject parent)
            GameObject roof   = GameObject.Instantiate(feature.goTile.featurePrototype, parent.transform);
            MeshFilter filter = roof.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            filter.mesh = premesh.ToMesh();
예제 #8
        public GOMesh addEdge(GOMesh mesh, Vector3 center, bool flip)
            List <Vector3> vertices      = mesh.vertices.ToList();
            List <int>     roadTriangles = mesh.triangles.ToList();
            List <Vector2> uvs           = mesh.uv.ToList();

//			Vector3 center = lastSegment.center;

            Vector3 normal = Vector3.down;            //lastSegment.getNormal();

            center = goFeature.goTile.altitudeToPoint(center);

            int edgeResolution = 10;             // odd number only
            int vertsCount     = mesh.vertices.Count();


            int indexOfCenter = vertices.IndexOf(center);

            Vector3 tangent;

            if (!flip)
                tangent = (geometry[1] - geometry[0]).normalized;
                tangent = (geometry [geometry.Count - 1] - geometry [geometry.Count - 2]).normalized;

            List <Vector3> points = FindPoints(center, tangent, normal, width, edgeResolution, flip);


            for (int i = 1; i <= points.Count; i++)
                roadTriangles.Add(i + vertsCount);
                roadTriangles.Add(i + vertsCount - 1);

            uvs.Add(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
            for (int i = 0; i < edgeResolution; i++)
                float n = i == edgeResolution - 1?  i / (float)edgeResolution : i - 1 / (float)edgeResolution;

                float u = Mathf.Sin(180 * n * Mathf.Deg2Rad) / edgeResolution;
                float v = Mathf.Cos(180 * n * Mathf.Deg2Rad) / 2;

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u, v));

            mesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = roadTriangles.ToArray();
            mesh.uv        = uvs.ToArray();

        public GameObject CreateRoofFromPreloaded(GOMesh premesh)
            GameObject roof   = new GameObject();
            MeshFilter filter = roof.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

            filter.mesh = premesh.ToMesh();
    public GOMesh CreatePremesh()

        GOMesh premesh = new GOMesh();

        premesh.vertices  = vertices;
        premesh.triangles = triangles;
        premesh.uv        = uvs;

예제 #11
        public Mesh groundMesh()
            GOMesh goMesh = flatTerrainMesh();

            if (goMesh == null)

예제 #12
        public static GOMesh PreloadLine(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            GOMesh preMesh = new GOMesh();

            GOLineMesh lineMesh = new GOLineMesh(feature, true);

            lineMesh.width = feature.renderingOptions.lineWidth * feature.goTile.worldScale;
            preMesh        = lineMesh.CreatePremesh();
            feature.isLoop = lineMesh.isLoop;
//			GORoad road = new GORoad (feature, 25, 1, 0);
//			road.computeRoad ();
//			preMesh = road.goMesh;

            if (feature.goTile.useElevation && feature.height == 0)
                feature.height += GOFeature.RoadsHeightForElevation;

            if (feature.height > 0)
                float h = feature.height * feature.goTile.worldScale;
                if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                    h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;
                preMesh = SimpleExtruder.ExtrudePremesh(preMesh, h + Noise(), false);

            if (feature.renderingOptions.outlineWidth > 0 && !feature.goTile.useElevation)
                lineMesh.width        = (feature.renderingOptions.lineWidth + feature.layer.defaultRendering.outlineWidth) * feature.goTile.worldScale;
                preMesh.secondaryMesh = lineMesh.CreatePremesh();

                if (feature.height > 0)
                    float h = feature.height * feature.goTile.worldScale;
                    if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                        h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;
                    preMesh.secondaryMesh = SimpleExtruder.ExtrudePremesh(preMesh.secondaryMesh, h + Noise(), false);

예제 #13
    public static GOMesh ExtrudePremesh(GOMesh mesh, float height)
        Matrix4x4 [] extrusionPath = new Matrix4x4 [2];
        Matrix4x4    a             = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
        Matrix4x4    b             = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero + new Vector3(0, height, 0), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

        extrusionPath [0] = b;
        extrusionPath [1] = a;

        GOMeshExtrusion.ExtrudeMesh(mesh, mesh, extrusionPath, false);

        mesh.sliceHeight = height;

//		FixPremeshUV (mesh,height);

예제 #14
        public GOMesh flatTerrainMesh()
            GOMesh mesh = new GOMesh();

            mesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = new int[] {
                0, 1, 2,
                0, 2, 3
            mesh.uv = new Vector2[] {
                new Vector2(0, 0),
                new Vector2(0, 1),
                new Vector2(1, 1),
                new Vector2(1, 0)

예제 #15
        //Outlined polygons are flat by nature and surrounded by an Outline just like roads
        public static GOMesh PreloadOutlinedPolygon(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry == null)

            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            GOMesh fillMesh    = PreloadPolygon(feature);
            GOMesh outlineMesh = PreloadLine(feature);

            fillMesh.secondaryMesh = outlineMesh;

예제 #16
        public GOMesh CreatePremesh()

            GOMesh premesh = new GOMesh();

            premesh.vertices  = vertices;
            premesh.triangles = triangles;
            premesh.uv        = uvs;

            if (!isLoop && goFeature != null)
                premesh = addEdge(premesh, geometry [geometry.Count - 1], true);
                premesh = addEdge(premesh, geometry [0], false);

예제 #17
        public GOMesh ProjectFeature(GOFeature feature, GOMesh terrainMesh, float distance)
            Vector3[] vertices  = terrainMesh.vertices;
            int[]     triangles = terrainMesh.triangles;

            GOTempPolyNew poly;


            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
                int i1 = triangles[i];
                int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
                int i3 = triangles[i + 2];

                Vector3 v1 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i1];
                Vector3 v2 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i2];
                Vector3 v3 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i3];

                Vector3 side1  = v2 - v1;
                Vector3 side2  = v3 - v1;
                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(side1, side2).normalized;

                poly        = new GOTempPolyNew(v1, v2, v3);
                poly.normal = normal;
                poly.indices.AddRange(new int[] { i1, i2, i3 });
                poly.xRange = xRange;
                poly.zRange = zRange;

//				Profiler.BeginSample ("Wrap Polygon");
                poly = poly.WrapPolygon(feature.convertedGeometry.ToArray(), terrainMesh);
//				Profiler.EndSample ();

                if (poly == null)


예제 #18
        public static GOMesh PreloadMesh()
            if (bufIndices.Count == 0)
            GOMesh mesh = new GOMesh();

            mesh.vertices  = bufVertices.ToArray();
            mesh.normals   = bufNormals.ToArray();
            mesh.uv        = bufTexCoords.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = bufIndices.ToArray();


예제 #19
    private static void FixPremeshUV(GOMesh mesh, float sliceH)
        var newUvs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];

//		Debug.Log (sliceH);

        Vector3 clippedPart = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
        Vector3   vertex;
        Vector3   normal;

        for (var v = 0; v < vertices.Length; v++)
            vertex = vertices[v];
//			normal = new Vector3 (0.1f,0,0.1f);

            float textureSlice   = 0.25f;           //a quarter of image
            float sliceHOriginal = 10f;
            clippedPart.x = textureSlice * (sliceHOriginal / sliceH);

            // This gives a vector pointing up the roof:
            //Vector3 vAxis = Vector3.Scale(normal, new Vector3(-1, 0, -1)).normalized;
            Vector3 vAxisProto = Vector3.Scale(vertex, new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

            // This will make the u axis perpendicular to the v axis (ie. parallel to the roof edge)
            Vector3 uAxis = new Vector3(vAxisProto.z, 0, -vAxisProto.x);

            // I originally used vAxis here, but changed to position.y so you get more predticable alignment at edges.
            // Set eaveHeight to the y coordinate of the bottom edge of the roof.
            //			var uv = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(vertex, uAxis), vertex.y) ;
            Vector2 uv = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(vertex, vAxisProto) * clippedPart.x + clippedPart.z, vertex.y * clippedPart.x + clippedPart.y);
            //var uv = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(vertex, uAxis), vertex.y * clippedPart.x + clippedPart.y) ;

            newUvs[v] = uv;

        mesh.uv = newUvs;
예제 #20
    private static void FixPremeshUV(GOMesh mesh, float height)
        var newUvs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];

        Vector3 clippedPart = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
        Vector3   vertex;

        Vector3 neg = new Vector3(-1, 0, -1);

        Vector3 uAxis = Vector3.zero;
        Vector2 uv    = Vector3.zero;

        float textureSlice = 0.25f;         //a quarter of image
        float formula      = textureSlice * (mesh.heightOriginal / mesh.sliceHeight) / 10;

        for (var v = 0; v < vertices.Length; v++)
            vertex = vertices[v];

//			if (vertex.y == height) {
//				newUvs[v] = new Vector2(vertex.x, vertex.z)*0.1f;
//				continue;
//			}

            clippedPart.x = formula;
            Vector3 vAxis = neg.normalized;

            // This will make the u axis perpendicular to the v axis (ie. parallel to the roof edge)
            uAxis.x = vAxis.z;
            uAxis.z = -vAxis.x;

            uv.x = Vector3.Dot(vertex, uAxis) * clippedPart.x + clippedPart.z;
            uv.y = vertex.y * clippedPart.x + clippedPart.y;

            newUvs[v] = uv;

        mesh.uv = newUvs;
예제 #21
        public GOTempPolyNew WrapPolygon(Vector3[] convertedGeometry, GOMesh terrainMesh)
            bool[] positive      = new bool[vertices.Count];
            int    positiveCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                positive [i] = ContainsPoint2D(convertedGeometry, vertices[i]);
                if (positive [i])

            if (positiveCount == 0)
                return(null);                // Fully outside the shape

            return(this);            // Return all polygon that are partially inside the shape
예제 #22
		public static GOMesh CreateGrid (float size, int resolution) {


			GOMesh goMesh = new GOMesh ();
			float factor = (size / (resolution - 1));

			List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3> ();
			List<int> triangles = new List<int> ();
			List<Vector2> uv = new List<Vector2> ();

			for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < resolution; j++) {

					Vector3 vert = new Vector3 (factor * j, 0, factor * i) + new Vector3 (-size/2, 0 , -size/2);
					vertices.Add (vert);

					uv.Add (new Vector2 (vert.x,vert.z)/ (size/4)) ;

					if (i == 0 || j == 0) {

					List<int> tris = new List<int> {

						resolution * (i-1) + (j-1), resolution*i + (j-1), resolution * i + j, 
						resolution*(i-1) +j, resolution * (i-1) + (j-1), resolution * i + j, 
					triangles.AddRange (tris);

			goMesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray ();
			goMesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray ();
			goMesh.uv = uv.ToArray ();

			return goMesh;
예제 #23
        public static void ProjectFeature(GOFeature feature, GOMesh terrainMesh, float maxAngle)
            Profiler.BeginSample("Project feature");

            Vector3[] vertices  = terrainMesh.vertices;
            int[]     triangles = terrainMesh.triangles;

            GOTempPoly poly;

            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
                int i1 = triangles[i];
                int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
                int i3 = triangles[i + 2];

                Vector3 v1 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i1];
                Vector3 v2 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i2];
                Vector3 v3 = feature.goTile.position + vertices [i3];

                Vector3 side1  = v2 - v1;
                Vector3 side2  = v3 - v1;
                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(side1, side2).normalized;
//				if( Vector3.Angle(-Vector3.forward, normal) >= maxAngle )
//					continue;
                poly = new GOTempPoly(v1, v2, v3);

                poly = GOTempPoly.WrapPolygon(poly, feature.convertedGeometry.ToArray(), terrainMesh);
                if (poly == null)
                AddPolygon(poly, normal);

    public static GOMesh SliceExtrudePremesh(GOMesh mesh, float height, float topSectionH, float bottomSectionH, float sliceHeight)
        if (height < sliceHeight)
            return(ExtrudePremesh(mesh, height));

        int numberOfSlices = (int)Mathf.Ceil((height) / sliceHeight);

        sliceHeight = height / numberOfSlices;

        mesh.sliceHeight    = sliceHeight;
        mesh.heightOriginal = sliceHeight;

        List <Matrix4x4> extrusion = new List <Matrix4x4> ();

        for (int i = numberOfSlices; i > -1; i--)
            float h = sliceHeight;

            Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
            pos.y = (i - 1) * h;
            Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos + new Vector3(0, h, 0), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

            if (numberOfSlices % 2 == 0 && i == 1 && mesh.uvMappingStyle == GOUVMappingStyle.TopFitSidesSliced)

        GOMeshExtrusion.ExtrudeMesh(mesh, mesh, extrusion.ToArray(), false);

        //FixPremeshUV (mesh, height);

예제 #25
        public static GOMesh Preload3DPolygon(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry == null)

            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            List <Vector3> clean = feature.convertedGeometry.Distinct().ToList();

            if (clean == null || clean.Count <= 2)

            GOFeature3DMeshBuilderNew b = new GOFeature3DMeshBuilderNew();
            GOMesh preMesh = b.ProjectFeature(feature, feature.goTile.goMesh, 0);

예제 #26
        public static GOMesh PreloadPolygon(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry == null)

            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            List <Vector3> clean = feature.convertedGeometry.Distinct().ToList();

            if (clean == null || clean.Count <= 2)

            Poly2Mesh.Polygon poly = new Poly2Mesh.Polygon();
            poly.outside = feature.convertedGeometry;
            if (feature.clips != null)
                foreach (List <Vector3> clipVerts in feature.clips)

            GOMesh goMesh = null;

            goMesh = Poly2Mesh.CreateMeshInBackground(poly);

            if (goMesh != null)
                goMesh.uvMappingStyle = feature.layer.uvMappingStyle;
                goMesh.Y = feature.y;

                if (feature.goTile.useElevation)

                if (feature.height > 0)
                    feature.height      *= feature.goTile.worldScale;
                    goMesh.secondaryMesh = new GOMesh(goMesh);

                    float h = feature.height;

                    if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                        h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

                    h += Noise();
                    goMesh.separateTop = feature.renderingOptions.hasRoof;

                    if (feature.layer.slicedExtrusion)
                        goMesh = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(goMesh, h, 4f, 4f, 10f * feature.goTile.worldScale);
                        goMesh = SimpleExtruder.ExtrudePremesh(goMesh, h);

                if (feature.height < feature.layer.colliderHeight)
                    float h = feature.layer.colliderHeight;
                    h *= feature.goTile.worldScale;
                    if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                        h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

                    goMesh.secondaryMesh = new GOMesh(goMesh);
                    goMesh.secondaryMesh = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(goMesh.secondaryMesh, h, 4f, 4f, 10f * feature.goTile.worldScale);

예제 #27
        public static GOMesh PreloadPolygon(GOFeature feature)
            if (feature.convertedGeometry == null)

            if (feature.convertedGeometry.Count == 2 && feature.convertedGeometry[0].Equals(feature.convertedGeometry[1]))

            List <Vector3> clean = feature.convertedGeometry.Distinct().ToList();

            if (clean == null || clean.Count <= 2)

            Poly2Mesh.Polygon poly = new Poly2Mesh.Polygon();
            poly.outside = feature.convertedGeometry;
            if (feature.clips != null)
                foreach (List <Vector3> clipVerts in feature.clips)

            GOMesh preMesh = null;

            preMesh = Poly2Mesh.CreateMeshInBackground(poly);

            if (preMesh != null)
//				if (feature.layer.layerType != GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings) {
                Vector2[] uvs      = new Vector2[preMesh.vertices.Length];
                Vector3[] vertices = preMesh.vertices;
                for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Length; i++)
                    uvs [i] = new Vector2(vertices [i].x, vertices [i].z) * 0.01f;
                preMesh.uv = uvs;
//				}

                if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
//					feature.height += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

                if (feature.height > 0)
                    feature.height *= feature.goTile.worldScale;

                    preMesh.secondaryMesh = new GOMesh(preMesh);

                    float h = feature.height;

                    if (feature.goTile.useElevation)
                        h += GOFeature.BuildingElevationOffset;

                    h += Noise();
                    preMesh.separateTop = feature.renderingOptions.hasRoof;
                    preMesh             = SimpleExtruder.SliceExtrudePremesh(preMesh, h, 4f, 4f, 10f * feature.goTile.worldScale);

예제 #28
파일: GOFeature.cs 프로젝트: blizdliz/WGB
		public virtual IEnumerator CreatePolygon (GOTile tile, bool delayedLoad)

			Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon ALLOC");
			GOFeatureMeshBuilder builder = new GOFeatureMeshBuilder(this);
			Profiler.EndSample ();

			Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon Material");
			Material material = tile.GetMaterial(renderingOptions,builder.center);
			Material roofMat = renderingOptions.roofMaterial;

			if (sort != 0) {
				if (material)
					material.renderQueue = -(int)sort;
				if (roofMat)
					roofMat.renderQueue = -(int)sort;
			Profiler.EndSample ();

			Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon Center");
			//Group buildings by center coordinates
			if (layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings && defaultRendering) {
				GameObject centerContainer = tile.findNearestCenter(builder.center,parent,material);
				parent = centerContainer;
				material = centerContainer.GetComponent<GOMatHolder> ().material;

			if (!layer.useRealHeight) {
				height = renderingOptions.polygonHeight;

			int offset = 0;
			float trueHeight = height;
			#if GOLINK
			if (GOMap.GOLink) {
				trueHeight += BuildingElevationOffset;
				//[GOLINK] GOTerrain link (This requires GOTerrain! https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/84198) 
				if (tile.map.goTerrain != null) {
					offset = BuildingElevationOffset;
					if (y < offset)
						y = tile.map.goTerrain.FindAltitudeForVector(builder.center)-offset;

			Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon MESH");
			GameObject polygon = null;
			if (preloadedMeshData != null)
				polygon = builder.BuildPolygonFromPreloaded(this);
			else if (tile.map.mapType == GOMap.GOMapType.MapzenJson) //ONLY FOR JSON 
				polygon = builder.BuildPolygon(layer,trueHeight+offset);
			Profiler.EndSample ();

			if (polygon == null)
				yield break;

			polygon.name = name;
			polygon.transform.parent = parent.transform;

			//Layer mask
			if (layer.useLayerMask == true) {
				tile.AddObjectToLayerMask (layer, polygon);	

			if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0) {
				polygon.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

			if (layer.useRealHeight && roofMat != null) {

				Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon ROOF");

				GameObject roof;
				if (preloadedMeshData != null && preloadedMeshData.secondaryMesh != null)
					roof = builder.CreateRoofFromPreloaded (preloadedMeshData.secondaryMesh);
				else  roof = builder.CreateRoof();

				roof.name = "roof";
				roof.transform.parent = polygon.transform;
				roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material = roofMat;
				roof.transform.position = new Vector3 (roof.transform.position.x,trueHeight+0.11f,roof.transform.position.z);
				roof.tag = polygon.tag;
				roof.layer = polygon.layer;

				Profiler.EndSample ();

			Profiler.BeginSample ("[GOFeature] TRANSFORM");
			Vector3 pos = polygon.transform.position;
			pos.y = y;
			if (layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings)
				y += GOFeatureMeshBuilder.Noise ();

			polygon.transform.position = pos;
			polygon.transform.localPosition = pos;

			GOFeatureBehaviour fb = polygon.AddComponent<GOFeatureBehaviour> ();
			fb.goFeature = this;

			builder.meshRenderer.material = material;

			if (layer.OnFeatureLoad != null) {
				layer.OnFeatureLoad.Invoke(builder.mesh,layer,kind, builder.center);
			Profiler.EndSample ();

			preloadedMeshData = null;

			if (delayedLoad)
				yield return null;

예제 #29
        public GOMesh elevatedTerrainMesh()
            GODEMTexture2D terrainTex = getTerrainData();
            GODEMTexture2D normalTex  = getNormalsData();

            GOMesh terrainMesh = new GOMesh();

            terrainMesh.name = "Elevated terrain - " + name;

            Vector3[] vertices;
            Vector3[] normals;
            Color[]   colors;

            Vector2 offset = Vector2.zero;

            vertices = new Vector3[(((int)resolution.x + 1) * ((int)resolution.y + 1))];

            colors  = new Color[vertices.Length];
            normals = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
            Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertices.Length];

            float stepSizeWidth  = tileSize.x / resolution.x;
            float stepSizeHeight = tileSize.y / resolution.y;

            for (int v = 0, z = 0; z < (int)resolution.y + 1; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < (int)resolution.x + 1; x++)
                    Color32 c32 = terrainTex.calculateColor(new Vector2(x, z), offset, resolution);

                    float height = terrainTex.ConvertColorToAltitude(c32);
                    height = height * elevationMultiplier;

                    vertices[v]   = new Vector3(x * stepSizeWidth + offset.x, height, z * stepSizeHeight + offset.y);
                    vertices [v] -= new Vector3(tileSize.x / 2, 0, tileSize.y / 2);

                    colors [v] = c32;

                    if (normalTex != null)
                        Color32 c32Normal = normalTex.calculateColor(new Vector2(x, z), offset, resolution);

                        normals [v] = new Vector3(c32Normal.r, c32Normal.g, c32Normal.b);
                        normals [v] = Vector3.up;

                    uv[v] = new Vector2(x / resolution.x, z / resolution.y);


            for (int v = 0, z = 0; z < (int)resolution.y + 1; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < (int)resolution.x + 1; x++)
                    if (topTile != null && topTile.goMesh != null && z == (int)resolution.y)
                        int pos = x;
                        vertices [v] = TrasformVectorReferences(this, topTile, topTile.goMesh.vertices[pos]);
                    if (leftTile != null && leftTile.goMesh != null && x == 0)
                        int pos = (z + 1) * (int)resolution.x + z;
                        vertices [v] = TrasformVectorReferences(this, leftTile, leftTile.goMesh.vertices[pos]);
                    if (rightTile != null && rightTile.goMesh != null && x == (int)resolution.x)
                        int pos = z * ((int)resolution.x + 1);
                        vertices [v] = TrasformVectorReferences(this, rightTile, rightTile.goMesh.vertices[pos]);
                    if (bottomTile != null && bottomTile.goMesh != null && z == 0)
                        int pos = bottomTile.goMesh.vertices.Count() - ((int)resolution.x + 1) + x;
                        vertices [v] = TrasformVectorReferences(this, bottomTile, bottomTile.goMesh.vertices[pos]);


            int[]   triangles   = new int[((int)resolution.x) * ((int)resolution.y) * 2 * 3];
            float[] heightCheck = new float [6];
            for (int v = 0, t = 0, z = 0; z < (int)resolution.y; z++, t++)
                for (int x = 0; x < (int)resolution.x; x++, v += 6, t++)
                    triangles [v]     = t;
                    triangles [v + 1] = t + (int)resolution.x + 1;
                    triangles [v + 2] = t + 1;
                    triangles [v + 3] = t + 1;
                    triangles [v + 4] = t + (int)resolution.x + 1;
                    triangles [v + 5] = t + (int)resolution.x + 2;

                    //Checks spike map errors
                    heightCheck[0] = vertices [triangles [v]].y;
                    heightCheck[1] = vertices [triangles [v + 1]].y;
                    heightCheck[2] = vertices [triangles [v + 2]].y;
                    heightCheck[3] = vertices [triangles [v + 3]].y;
                    heightCheck[4] = vertices [triangles [v + 4]].y;
                    heightCheck[5] = vertices [triangles [v + 5]].y;

                    float mean              = 0.0f;
                    float meanAbs           = 0.0f;
                    float standardDeviation = 0.0f;

                    foreach (float height in heightCheck)
                        mean              += height / 6.0f;
                        meanAbs           += Mathf.Abs(height) / 6.0f;
                        standardDeviation += (height * height);
                    standardDeviation = standardDeviation / 6.0f;

                    float variance = standardDeviation;
                    standardDeviation = Mathf.Sqrt(variance);

                    float newMean   = 0.0f;
                    int   meanCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < heightCheck.Count(); i++)
                        if (variance > 100 && Mathf.Abs(heightCheck [i]) > standardDeviation + meanAbs)
                            //	CreateDebugSphere ( vertices[triangles[v+i]] + Vector3.up,"spikes STD" + standardDeviation + "  " + variance,10,null);
                            newMean += heightCheck [i];

                    newMean = newMean / meanCount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < heightCheck.Count(); i++)
                        if (variance > 200 && Mathf.Abs(heightCheck [i]) > standardDeviation + meanAbs)
                            vertices [triangles [v + i]] = new Vector3(vertices [triangles [v + i]].x, newMean, vertices [triangles [v + i]].z);

            terrainMesh.vertices  = vertices;
            terrainMesh.normals   = normals;
            terrainMesh.uv        = uv;
            terrainMesh.triangles = triangles;

            goMesh = terrainMesh;

예제 #30
        public virtual IEnumerator CreatePolygon(GOTile tile, bool delayedLoad)
//			if (layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings && name != "Whitehall Building Annex")
//				yield break;

            Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon ALLOC");
            GOFeatureMeshBuilder builder = new GOFeatureMeshBuilder(this);

            this.featureCenter = new Vector3(2, builder.center.y, 8);             //new Vector3 (builder.center.x, builder.center.y, builder.center.z);

            Material material = null;
            Material roofMat  = null;

            if (layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings && defaultRendering && renderingOptions.materials.Length != 0)
                Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon Center");
                GOCenterContainer centerContainer = tile.findNearestCenter(builder.center, parent);
                if (centerContainer.material == null)
                    Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon Material");
                    centerContainer.material          = tile.GetMaterial(renderingOptions, builder.center);
                    centerContainer.secondaryMaterial = renderingOptions.roofMaterial;
                material = centerContainer.material;
                roofMat  = centerContainer.secondaryMaterial;
                Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon Material");
                material = tile.GetMaterial(renderingOptions, builder.center);
                roofMat  = renderingOptions.roofMaterial;

            if (sort != 0)
                if (material)
                    material.renderQueue = -(int)sort;
                if (roofMat)
                    roofMat.renderQueue = -(int)sort;

            if (!layer.useRealHeight)
                height = renderingOptions.polygonHeight;

            float offset     = 0;
            float trueHeight = height;

            if (goTile.useElevation && layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings)
                trueHeight += BuildingElevationOffset;
                offset      = BuildingElevationOffset;
                if (y < offset)
                    y = highestAltitudeVertex - offset + 0.5f;
//					y = goTile.altitudeForPoint(builder.center)-offset+0.5f;

            Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] CreatePolygon MESH");
            GameObject polygon = null;

            if (preloadedMeshData != null)
                polygon = builder.BuildPolygonFromPreloaded(this, parent);


            if (polygon == null)
                yield break;

            polygon.name = name;

            //Layer mask
            if (layer.useLayerMask == true)
                tile.AddObjectToLayerMask(layer, polygon);

            if (renderingOptions.tag.Length > 0)
                polygon.tag = renderingOptions.tag;

            if (renderingOptions.hasRoof)
                Material[] mats = new Material[2];
                mats [0] = material;
                mats [1] = roofMat;
                MeshRenderer mr = polygon.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                mr.shadowCastingMode = layer.castShadows;
                mr.materials         = mats;
                builder.meshRenderer.material          = material;
                builder.meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = layer.castShadows;

            Profiler.BeginSample("[GOFeature] TRANSFORM");
            Vector3 pos = polygon.transform.position;

            pos.y = y;
            if (layer.layerType == GOLayer.GOLayerType.Buildings)
                y += GOFeatureMeshBuilder.Noise();

            polygon.transform.position      = pos;
            polygon.transform.localPosition = pos;

            if (goTile.addGoFeatureComponents)
                GOFeatureBehaviour fb = polygon.AddComponent <GOFeatureBehaviour> ();
                fb.goFeature = this;

            if (layer.OnFeatureLoad != null)
                layer.OnFeatureLoad.Invoke(this, polygon);

            preloadedMeshData = null;

            if (delayedLoad)
                yield return(null);