private bool getGMEConsole() { if (GMEConsole == null || GMEConsole.gme == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(this.project); } return(GMEConsole != null && GMEConsole.gme != null); }
/// <summary> /// Called when an FCO or folder changes /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">the object the event(s) happened to</param> /// <param name="eventMask">objectevent_enum values ORed together</param> /// <param name="param">extra information provided for cetertain event types</param> public void ObjectEvent(MgaObject subject, uint eventMask, object param) { // TODO: Handle object events (OR eventMask with the members of objectevent_enum) // Warning: Only those events are received that you have subscribed for by setting ComponentConfig.eventMask if (GMEConsole == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); } TriggerQudtRefreshIfNeeded(); }
public void CallCyPhy2CADWithTransaction(MgaProject project, MgaFCO toplevelAssembly, int param) { if (GMEConsole == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); } Dictionary <MgaFCO, MgaFCO> objectMap = new Dictionary <MgaFCO, MgaFCO>(); try { project.BeginTransactionInNewTerr(transactiontype_enum.TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); handleEvents = false; GenerateCADAssemblyXml(project, toplevelAssembly, param); try { HighlightInTree(toplevelAssembly, 1); } catch (Exception e) { GMEConsole.Error.Write("Error during processing the model: " + e.Message); // Don't do anything, there won't be highlight } } finally { project.AbortTransaction(); handleEvents = true; } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); MgaGateway.BeginTransaction(transactiontype_enum.TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); try { Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); } finally { MgaGateway.AbortTransaction(); } } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public void MainInTransaction(InterpreterMainParameters parameters) { this.mainParameters = (InterpreterMainParameters)parameters; if (GMEConsole == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(mainParameters.Project); } var currentObject = mainParameters.CurrentFCO; var currentOutputDirectory = mainParameters.OutputDirectory; string artifactName = string.Empty; string metaBaseName = currentObject.MetaBase.Name; if (metaBaseName == typeof(CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer).Name) { artifactName = ExportToFile(CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer.Cast(currentObject), currentOutputDirectory); } else if (metaBaseName == typeof(CyPhyClasses.ComponentAssembly).Name) { artifactName = ExportToFile(CyPhyClasses.ComponentAssembly.Cast(currentObject), currentOutputDirectory); } else if (IsTestBenchType(metaBaseName)) { artifactName = ExportToFile(CyPhyClasses.TestBenchType.Cast(currentObject), currentOutputDirectory); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artifactName)) { var manifest = AVM.DDP.MetaTBManifest.OpenForUpdate(currentOutputDirectory); manifest.AddArtifact(Path.GetFileName(artifactName), "Design Model"); manifest.Serialize(currentOutputDirectory); } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); project.CreateTerritoryWithoutSink(out MgaGateway.territory); MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); }); } finally { if (MgaGateway.territory != null) { MgaGateway.territory.Destroy(); } MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public void Main(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, ComponentStartMode startMode) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine("Running the AddConnector interpreter..."); Boolean ownLogger = false; if (Logger == null) { ownLogger = true; Logger = new CyPhyGUIs.GMELogger(project, "AddConnector"); } GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine("\n======================================================================================================================================\n"); using (Logger) // Ensure Logger is disposed if there is an unexpected exception. MOT-84 { Logger.WriteInfo("Starting AddConnector."); AddConnector(currentobj, selectedobjs); Logger.WriteInfo("The AddConnector interpreter has finished."); } if (ownLogger) { Logger.Dispose(); Logger = null; } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); }, abort: false); } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; this.currentobj = null; this.sut = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
/// <summary> /// This function is called for each interpreter invocation before Main. /// Don't perform MGA operations here unless you open a tansaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The handle of the project opened in GME, for which the interpreter was called.</param> public void Initialize(MgaProject project) { // TODO: Add your initialization code here... Contract.Requires(project != null); GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); }
private void ConnectionClosed(Exception e) { SyncControl.BeginInvoke((System.Action) delegate { if (addon != null) { GMEConsole console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(addon.Project); console.Error.WriteLine("Connection to MetaLink lost."); //componentEditMessages.Clear(); interests.Clear(); AssemblyID = null; CloseMetaLinkBridge(); if (console.gme != null) { // Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(console.gme); is this needed? } Enable(false); if (syncedComponents.Count > 0) { bool inTx = ((addon.Project.ProjectStatus & 8) != 0); if (inTx == false) { addon.Project.BeginTransactionInNewTerr(); } try { foreach (string id in syncedComponents.Keys) { ISIS.GME.Common.Interfaces.Base model = CyphyMetaLinkUtils.GetComponentAssemblyByGuid(addon.Project, id); if (model == null) { model = CyphyMetaLinkUtils.GetComponentByAvmId(addon.Project, id); } if (model != null) { HighlightInTree(model, 0); } } } finally { if (inTx == false) { addon.Project.AbortTransaction(); } } syncedComponents.Clear(); designIdToCadAssemblyXml.Clear(); } } }); }
void DragNDropHandler(string filename) { Tuple <Type, MethodInfo> method; if (dictofCATDnDMethods.TryGetValue(Path.GetExtension(filename), out method)) { CATModule newinst = CreateCATModuleLogged(method.Item1); method.Item2.Invoke(newinst, new object[] { filename }); GMEConsole console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(this.StashProject); console.Info.WriteLine("Processed " + filename); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(console.gme); } }
public static string ExportToFile(CyPhy.Component c, String s_outFilePath) { try { avm.Component avmComponent = CyPhy2ComponentModel.Convert.CyPhyML2AVMComponent(c); SerializeAvmComponent(avmComponent, s_outFilePath); return(s_outFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(c.Impl.Project); console.Error.WriteLine("Exception Parsing {0}: {1}", Safeify(c.Name), ex.Message); return(null); } }
public static String ExportToFile(CyPhy.Component c, String s_outFolder) { try { avm.Component avmComponent = CyPhy2ComponentModel.Convert.CyPhyML2AVMComponent(c); String s_outFilePath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}.component.acm", s_outFolder, System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()); SerializeAvmComponent(avmComponent, s_outFilePath); return(s_outFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(c.Impl.Project); console.Error.WriteLine("Exception Parsing {0}: {1}", Safeify(c.Name), ex.Message); return(null); } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); if (currentobj == null) { // TODO: Add Ballistic TB here once supported. this.GMEConsole.Error.Write("CyPhyMultiJobRun must be called from either a BlastTestBench, CFDTestBench, or BallisticTestBench."); return; } MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); string kindName = null; MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { kindName = currentobj.MetaBase.Name; }); if (kindName == "CFDTestBench" || kindName == "BlastTestBench" || kindName == "BallisticTestBench") { } else { this.GMEConsole.Error.Write("CyPhyMultiJobRun must be called from either a BlastTestBench or CFDTestBench, not '{0}'", kindName); return; } Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public FlexConsole(ConsoleType consoleType, MgaProject mgaProject = null) { switch (consoleType) { case ConsoleType.NONE: _info = _warning = _error = _out = new NullTextWriter(); break; case ConsoleType.CONSOLE: _info = _warning = _error = Console.Error; _out = Console.Out; break; case ConsoleType.GMECONSOLE: _gmeConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(mgaProject); _info = _gmeConsole.Info; _warning = _gmeConsole.Warning; _error = _gmeConsole.Error; _out = _gmeConsole.Out; break; } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); project.CreateTerritoryWithoutSink(out MgaGateway.territory); MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); }, transactiontype_enum.TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); } finally { if (MgaGateway.territory != null) { MgaGateway.territory.Destroy(); } //ISIS.GME.Common.Utils.ObjectCache.Clear(); MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { this.project = project; GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); project.CreateAddOn(this, out addon); // addOn->put_EventMask(OBJEVENT_ATTR | OBJEVENT_CONNECTED)); MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { component = Main(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, Convert(param)); }); if (GMEConsole.gme != null && component != null) { GMEConsole.gme.ShowFCO(component, false); } } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; // GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public GMELogger(MgaProject project, string interpreterName = null) { this.m_project = project; this.GMEConsoleLoggingLevel = MessageType_enum.Success; var gme_console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); this.AddWriter(gme_console.Out); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interpreterName) == false) { var logFilePath = Path.Combine(MgaExtensions.MgaExtensions.GetProjectDirectoryPath(project), "log"); Directory.CreateDirectory(logFilePath); string logFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}.log", interpreterName, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); this.AddWriter(Path.Combine(logFilePath, logFileName)); // TODO: would be nice to log as html file too. } }
/// <summary> /// Called when an FCO or folder changes /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">the object the event(s) happened to</param> /// <param name="eventMask">objectevent_enum values ORed together</param> /// <param name="param">extra information provided for cetertain event types</param> public void ObjectEvent(MgaObject subject, uint eventMask, object param) { if (!componentEnabled || !handleEvents) { return; } if (GMEConsole == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(subject.Project); } // TODO: Handle object events (OR eventMask with the members of objectevent_enum) // Warning: Only those events are received that you have subscribed for by setting ComponentConfig.eventMask // If the event is OBJEVENT_DESTROYED, most operations on subject will fail // Safe operations: getting Project, ObjType, ID, MetaRole, Meta, MetaBase, Name, AbsPath // Operations that will fail: all others, including attribute access and graph navigation // Try handling OBJEVENT_PRE_DESTROYED if these operations are necessary // Be careful not to modify Library objects (check subject.IsLibObject) // MessageBox.Show(eventMask.ToString()); // GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine(subject.Name); }
public Checker(MgaFCO model, MgaProject project, IMgaTraceability traceability = null, CyPhyGUIs.GMELogger logger = null) { Model = model; Project = project; if (logger != null) { this.Logger = logger; } else { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); } registeredRules = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <RuleDescriptor> >(); if (traceability == null) { this.Traceability = new META.MgaTraceability(); } else { this.Traceability = traceability; } }
// 8/16/13 private void TraverseComponentAssemblyForComponentExport(ComponentIndex compindex, CyPhy.ComponentAssembly componentasm, string OutputDirectory, string ProjectDirectory) { foreach (CyPhy.ComponentRef cref in componentasm.Children.ComponentRefCollection) { throw new Exception("Model not fully elaborated, contains ComponentRef [" + cref.Path + "]"); } foreach (CyPhy.ComponentAssembly cainst in componentasm.Children.ComponentAssemblyCollection) { TraverseComponentAssemblyForComponentExport(compindex, cainst, OutputDirectory, ProjectDirectory); } foreach (CyPhy.Component cint in componentasm.Children.ComponentCollection) { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(cint.Impl.Project); string comp_inst_loc = cint.Attributes.InstanceGUID; //Component Instance char[] charsToTrim = { '{', '}' }; string ACMDir = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "ComponentACMs"); //create folder for component acm's if (!Directory.Exists(ACMDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ACMDir); } string avmid = cint.Attributes.AVMID; string newACMComponentFileLocation; char[] charsToTrim1 = { '{', '}' }; string RandACMFileName = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".component.acm"; newACMComponentFileLocation = Path.Combine(ACMDir, RandACMFileName); String classification = ""; try { // First, try to copy the original ACM file, if found. // If not, then export a new one. CAD model must be present. string originalACMFilePath = ""; if (META.ComponentLibraryManager.TryGetOriginalACMFilePath(cint, out originalACMFilePath, META.ComponentLibraryManager.PathConvention.ABSOLUTE, ProjectDirectory: ProjectDirectory)) { File.Copy(originalACMFilePath, newACMComponentFileLocation); classification = cint.Attributes.Classifications.Split('\n').FirstOrDefault(); } else { const string cadFormat = "Creo"; CyPhy.CADModel cadmodel = cint.Children.CADModelCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attributes.FileFormat.ToString() == cadFormat); if (cadmodel == null || cadmodel.Attributes.FileFormat.ToString() != cadFormat) { console.Warning.WriteLine("Skipping component export for {0}. No original ACM file found and no CAD model present in component.", Safeify(cint.Name)); continue; } else { var avmComponentModel = CyPhyML2AVM.AVMComponentBuilder.CyPhyML2AVM(cint); SerializeAvmComponent(avmComponentModel, newACMComponentFileLocation); classification = avmComponentModel.Classifications.FirstOrDefault(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(cint.Impl.Project); console.Warning.WriteLine("Unable to find original ACM file or export a new one for {0}. Reason: {1} Moving to next component.", Safeify(cint.Name), Safeify(ex.Message)); continue; } System.Uri acm = new Uri(newACMComponentFileLocation); System.Uri acm_folder = new Uri(ACMDir); string relative_path = Uri.UnescapeDataString(acm_folder.MakeRelativeUri(acm).ToString()); compindex.AddMember(cint.Name, cint.Attributes.AVMID, cint.Attributes.InstanceGUID, relative_path, classification); //add component to index compindex.Serialize(); compindex.SerializeToFile(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "component_index.json")); } }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); this.Logger = new CyPhyGUIs.GMELogger(project, this.ComponentName); if (currentobj == null) { this.Logger.WriteError("Invalid context. This interpreter can only be run if open in the correct context (E.g., test bench)."); return; } GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " running CyPhyPrepIFab Interpreter"); //InitLogger(); // [1] CyPhy2CAD // [2] Export DDP, Manufacture XML, Manufacture Manifest // [3] Generate - script to append artifacts to testbench_manifest.json files // [4] Generate - script to generate .bom.json from ddp file // [5] Generate main run bat file //CallCAD(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, param); // CyPhy2CAD MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { string kindName = string.Empty; if (currentobj != null) { kindName = currentobj.MetaBase.Name; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kindName) == false && kindName != typeof(CyPhyClasses.TestBench).Name) { Logger.WriteFailed("CyPhyPrepIFAB must be called from a TestBench."); return; } ElaborateModel(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, param); // elaborate model CallCAD(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, param); // CyPhy2CAD ManufacturingGeneration(currentobj); // DDP, Manufacture XML, Manufacture Manifest }, transactiontype_enum.TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); GenerateAppendArtifactScript(); // GenerateBOMGenScript(); // GenerateRunBatFile(); // main run bat file GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine("CyPhyPrepIFab Interpreter Finished!"); } catch (Exception) { Logger.WriteError("{0} has finished with critical errors. Please see above.", this.ComponentName); } finally { //Trace.Close(); MgaGateway = null; if (Logger != null) { Logger.Dispose(); } project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when an FCO or folder changes /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">the object the event(s) happened to</param> /// <param name="eventMask">objectevent_enum values ORed together</param> /// <param name="param">extra information provided for cetertain event types</param> public void ObjectEvent(MgaObject subject, uint eventMask, object param) { if (!componentEnabled) { return; } if (subject.HasReadOnlyAccess()) { return; } if (GMEConsole == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(subject.Project); } // TODO: Handle object events (OR eventMask with the members of objectevent_enum) // Warning: Only those events are received that you have subscribed for by setting ComponentConfig.eventMask uint uOBJEVENT_ATTR = 0; uint uOBJEVENT_CREATED = 0; uint uOBJEVENT_NEWCHILD = 0; uint uOBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD = 0; uint uOBJEVENT_OPENMODEL = 0; unchecked { uOBJEVENT_ATTR = (uint)objectevent_enum.OBJEVENT_ATTR; } unchecked { uOBJEVENT_CREATED = (uint)objectevent_enum.OBJEVENT_CREATED; } unchecked { uOBJEVENT_NEWCHILD = (uint)objectevent_enum.OBJEVENT_NEWCHILD; } unchecked { uOBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD = (uint)objectevent_enum.OBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD; } unchecked { uOBJEVENT_OPENMODEL = (uint)objectevent_enum.OBJEVENT_OPENMODEL; } if ((eventMask & uOBJEVENT_CREATED) != 0) { if (subject.IsLibObject || subject.IsWritable == false) { return; } if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "TestBenchRef") { if (subject as MgaReference != null) { UpdateColor((subject as MgaReference).Referred); } } else if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "Optimizer") { (subject as MgaFCO).RegistryValue["portLabelLength"] = "0"; } else if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "VariableSweep") { (subject as MgaFCO).RegistryValue["dstStyle"] = "arrow"; (subject as MgaFCO).RegistryValue["color"] = "0xff80c0"; } else if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "ObjectiveMapping") { (subject as MgaFCO).RegistryValue["dstStyle"] = "arrow"; (subject as MgaFCO).RegistryValue["color"] = "0x7cadde"; } } else if ((eventMask & uOBJEVENT_ATTR) != 0) { this.DisplayPCCIterations(subject, true); if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "ValueFlow") { // set the src custom formula's name to the specified name // in the ValueFlow attribute field MgaSimpleConnection ValueFlow = subject as MgaSimpleConnection; var src = ValueFlow.Src; if (src.Meta.Name == "CustomFormula") { foreach (MgaAttribute attr in ValueFlow.Attributes) { if (attr.Meta.Name == "FormulaVariableName") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.StringValue) == false) { src.Name = attr.StringValue; break; } } } } } else if (subject.MetaBase.Name == "TestBench") { // Excel import helper MgaModel testBench = subject as MgaModel; // call color helper UpdateColor(testBench as MgaFCO); } } else if ((eventMask & uOBJEVENT_NEWCHILD) != 0 || (eventMask & uOBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD) != 0) { this.DisplayPCCIterations(subject, false); } else if ((eventMask & uOBJEVENT_OPENMODEL) != 0) { } //MessageBox.Show(eventMask.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Given a component, ensures that the component has a backend folder /// for storing resources. Ensures that the Component has an AVMID unique /// to the project. Creates a folder if necessary. /// </summary> /// <param name="component"></param> /// <param name="ProjectDirectory">Directory in which the /components/ folder resides. Defaults to project directory of <paramref name="component"/></param> /// <returns>The path of the Component folder, relative to the project root</returns> public static String EnsureComponentFolder(CyPhy.Component component, string ProjectDirectory = null) { Boolean bIsArchetype = (component.ParentContainer.Kind == "Components"); String path = ""; EnsureAVMID(component); var mp_MgaProject = component.Impl.Project; String p_ProjectRoot = ProjectDirectory ?? mp_MgaProject.GetRootDirectoryPath(); // META-2640 use full path instead of relative project path if (p_ProjectRoot == "") { p_ProjectRoot = "."; } p_ProjectRoot = Path.GetFullPath(p_ProjectRoot); var lastChar = p_ProjectRoot.Last(); if (lastChar != '\\' && lastChar != '/') { p_ProjectRoot += '\\'; } // Try to get a path from the CyPhy model. // If that fails, check the manifest. Boolean bHasFolderSpecified = false; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(component.Attributes.Path)) { bHasFolderSpecified = true; path = component.Attributes.Path; // Strip filename if necessary if (path.EndsWith(".acm")) { path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } else if (path.EndsWith("ComponentData.xml")) { path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } } else { // If a project file already exists, this will load it. MetaAvmProject proj = MetaAvmProject.Create(p_ProjectRoot, component.Impl.Project, null, GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(mp_MgaProject)); // Check to see if this component has a folder already. var c_CompEntryInProjectFile = proj.Project.Components.Find(x => x.avmid == component.Attributes.AVMID); if (c_CompEntryInProjectFile != null) { bHasFolderSpecified = true; path = Path.GetDirectoryName(c_CompEntryInProjectFile.modelpath); } } bHasFolderSpecified = bHasFolderSpecified && !PathContainsIllegalChar(path); if (bHasFolderSpecified && !Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } // Only create new folders for archetypes else if (!bHasFolderSpecified && bIsArchetype) { var absPath = CreateComponentFolder(mp_MgaProject); path = MakeRelativePath(p_ProjectRoot, absPath); path = path.Replace('\\', '/') + '/'; } // Strip any leading path character if (path.Length >= 2 && (path.Substring(0, 2) == "./" || path.Substring(0, 2) == ".\\")) { path = path.Remove(0, 2); } // Store the path in the component's attribute for faster retrieval next time. component.Attributes.Path = path; return(path); }
public void InvokeEx(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param) { if (!enabled) { return; } if (currentobj == null) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine("Please run in the context of a TestBench"); return; } // Make sure running within the context of a testbench bool inTBContext = false; MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { if (currentobj.Meta.Name == "TestBench") { inTBContext = true; } }); if (!inTBContext) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine("Please run in the context of a TestBench"); return; } // Need to get an output path from the user. using (META.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new META.FolderBrowserDialog()) { fbd.Description = "Choose a path for the generated files."; //fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true; DialogResult dr = fbd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { OutputDirectory = fbd.SelectedPath; } else { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine("CyPhyComplexity: Operation cancelled"); return; } } try { CallElaboratorAndMain(project, currentobj, selectedobjs, param); } finally { MgaGateway = null; project = null; currentobj = null; selectedobjs = null; GMEConsole = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
/// <summary> /// This function is called for each interpreter invocation before Main. /// Don't perform MGA operations here unless you open a transaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The handle of the project opened in GME, for which the interpreter was called.</param> public void Initialize(MgaProject project) { GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); }
public void DesignPackageImport() { // Clean the test directory var pathTest = Path.Combine(META.VersionInfo.MetaPath, "test", "InterchangeTest", "DesignInterchangeTest", "ImportTestUnits", "Package"); foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(pathTest)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pathTest, "*.*")) { if (!path.Contains("NestedFolders.adp")) { File.Delete(path); } } // Create a test project var proj = new MgaProject(); proj.Create("MGA=" + Path.Combine(pathTest, "testmodel.mga"), "CyPhyML"); try { String pathCA = null; proj.PerformInTransaction(() => { // Instantiate the importer and import the package var importer = new AVMDesignImporter(GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(proj), proj); var mdlCA = importer.ImportFile(Path.Combine(pathTest, "NestedFolders.adp"), AVMDesignImporter.DesignImportMode.CREATE_CAS); var ca = CyPhyClasses.ComponentAssembly.Cast(mdlCA.Impl); pathCA = ca.GetDirectoryPath(ComponentLibraryManager.PathConvention.ABSOLUTE); }); // Check the design's backend folder for all files except for the ADM. var filesExpected = new List <String> { "testObject.txt", "dir1/testObject.txt", "dir1/dir1a/testObject.txt", "dir2/testObject.txt" }; var filesInDir = Directory.GetFiles(pathCA, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); Assert.Equal(filesExpected.Count(), filesInDir.Count()); foreach (var file in filesExpected) { String fullPath = Path.Combine(pathCA, file); Assert.True(File.Exists(fullPath)); } } finally { proj.Save(); proj.Close(); } }
private void RenameComponentDirectory(CyPhy.Component component, string oldPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldPath) || Path.GetFullPath(oldPath) == Path.GetFullPath(component.Attributes.Path)) { return; } // CPMDecorator may hold handle to icon. Try to free it. (Doesn't work if still open in the model editor) CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); // Check to see if this "changed" path is the same one we saw last time we were in this function, post-normalization. // If so, then don't consider this a rename, and return. var componentGuid = component.Guid.ToString(); String lastPath; if (lastObservedPaths.TryGetValue(componentGuid, out lastPath) && lastPath.Equals(component.Attributes.Path)) { return; } var project = component.Impl.Project; var projectRoot = Path.GetFullPath(project.GetRootDirectoryPath()); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(projectRoot, component.Attributes.Path))) { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); if (console.gme != null) { console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("Cannot move component directory to {0}: this directory already exists.", component.Attributes.Path)); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(console.gme); } Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(-2023391233); // E_MGA_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 0x87657fff } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(projectRoot, oldPath))) { // Normalize path syntax if (component.Attributes.Path.Contains("\\")) { component.Attributes.Path = component.Attributes.Path.Replace("\\", "/"); } if (component.Attributes.Path.EndsWith("/") == false) { component.Attributes.Path = component.Attributes.Path + "/"; } var pathWithoutTrailingSlash = Path.GetDirectoryName(component.Attributes.Path); // Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(projectRoot, Path.GetDirectoryName(pathWithoutTrailingSlash))); try { Directory.Move(Path.Combine(projectRoot, oldPath), Path.Combine(projectRoot, pathWithoutTrailingSlash)); } catch (IOException e) { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); if (console.gme != null) { string msg = String.Format("Cannot move component directory {0}.", oldPath); const int E_SHARING_VIOLATION = unchecked ((int)0x80070020); const int E_ACCESS_DENIED = unchecked ((int)0x80070005); if (Marshal.GetHRForException(e) == E_SHARING_VIOLATION || Marshal.GetHRForException(e) == E_ACCESS_DENIED) { msg = msg + " Check that the folder and files it contains are not open in another program."; } console.Info.WriteLine(msg); //Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(console.gme); } throw; } var iconPath = (component.Impl as GME.MGA.IMgaFCO).get_RegistryValue("icon"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iconPath) == false) { iconPath = iconPath.Replace(oldPath, component.Attributes.Path); (component.Impl as GME.MGA.IMgaFCO).set_RegistryValue("icon", iconPath); } { var console = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); if (console.gme != null) { console.Info.WriteLine(String.Format("Moved component directory from {0} to {1}", oldPath, component.Attributes.Path)); //Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(console.gme); } } } lastObservedPaths[componentGuid] = component.Attributes.Path; }
public static string previousExportPath = null; // MOT-387 /// <summary> /// This function is called for each interpreter invocation before Main. /// Don't perform MGA operations here unless you open a tansaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">The handle of the project opened in GME, for which the interpreter was called.</param> public void Initialize(MgaProject project) { // TODO: Add your initialization code here... GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); }