public override void Serialize(GMDataWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); List.Serialize(writer); // Now save the audio groups if possible string dir = writer.Data.Directory; if (dir != null && AudioData != null) { foreach (var pair in AudioData) { string fname = $"audiogroup{pair.Key}.dat"; string path = Path.Combine(dir, fname); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { GMData data = AudioData[pair.Key]; using (GMDataWriter groupWriter = new GMDataWriter(data, fs, fs.Name, data.Length)) { groupWriter.Write(); groupWriter.Flush(); foreach (GMWarning w in groupWriter.Warnings) { w.File = fname; writer.Warnings.Add(w); } } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"input/", FileMode.Open)) { GMDataReader reader = new GMDataReader(fs, fs.Name); foreach (GMWarning w in reader.Warnings) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[WARN: {0}] {1}", w.Level, w.Message)); } ProjectFile pf = new ProjectFile(reader.Data, Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "project"), (ProjectFile.WarningType type, string info) => { Console.WriteLine($"Project warn: {type} {info ?? ""}"); }); bool first = !Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "project")); if (first) { pf.AddAllAssetsToJSON(pf.Paths, "paths"); pf.AddAllAssetsToJSON(pf.Sounds, "sounds"); pf.AddAllAssetsToJSON(pf.Objects, "objects"); pf.Save(); } else { pf.Load(); pf.PurgeUnmodifiedAssets(pf.Paths); pf.PurgeUnmodifiedAssets(pf.Sounds); pf.PurgeUnmodifiedAssets(pf.Objects); } Directory.CreateDirectory("output"); using (FileStream fs2 = new FileStream("output/", FileMode.Create)) { using (GMDataWriter writer = new GMDataWriter(reader.Data, fs2, fs2.Name, reader.Length)) { if (!first) { pf.ConvertToData(); } writer.Write(); writer.Flush(); foreach (GMWarning w in writer.Warnings) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[WARN: {0}] {1}", w.Level, w.Message)); } } } } s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Took {0} ms, {1} seconds.", s.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, Math.Round(s.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000, 2))); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Run(IConsole console, ProjectFile pf, ProjectConfig cfg, bool verbose) { try { pf.LoadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to load project: {e}"); return; } List <Command> commands = new List <Command>() { new Command(new[] { "exit", "quit" }, "Exits this shell.", "[exit|quit]", args => { // TODO prompt to save anything? maybe not? return(Command.CommandResult.Quit); }), new Command(new[] { "reload" }, "Reloads the project as it currently is on disk.", "reload <optional:data>", args => { if (!ReloadProject(console, ref pf, cfg, verbose, (args.Length == 2 && args[1] == "data"))) { return(Command.CommandResult.Quit); } return(Command.CommandResult.None); }), new Command(new[] { "add" }, "Adds an asset from game data to the project.", "add <asset_type> <asset_names>", args => { if (args.Length != 3) { return(Command.CommandResult.InvalidSyntax); } switch (args[1].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "path": case "paths": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Paths, pf); break; case "sprite": case "sprites": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Sprites, pf); break; case "sound": case "sounds": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Sounds, pf); break; case "object": case "objects": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Objects, pf); break; case "background": case "backgrounds": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Backgrounds, pf); break; case "font": case "fonts": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Fonts, pf); break; case "room": case "rooms": AddAsset(console, args[2], pf.Rooms, pf); break; default: return(Command.CommandResult.InvalidSyntax); } return(Command.CommandResult.None); }), new Command(new[] { "apply" }, "Applies the project to the input data file, resulting in output.", "apply", args => { try { pf.LoadAll(); using FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(cfg.OutputDirectory, pf.DataHandle.Filename), FileMode.Create); using GMDataWriter writer = new GMDataWriter(pf.DataHandle, fs, fs.Name, pf.DataHandle.Length); console.Output.WriteLine("Converting to data..."); pf.ConvertToData(); console.Output.WriteLine("Writing main data file..."); writer.Write(); writer.Flush(); foreach (GMWarning w in writer.Warnings) { console.Output.WriteLine($"[WARN: {w.Level}] {w.Message}"); // todo formatting } } catch (Exception e) { console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to apply project: {e}"); } if (!ReloadProject(console, ref pf, cfg, verbose)) { return(Command.CommandResult.Quit); } return(Command.CommandResult.None); }) }; int helpLength = commands.Max(c => c.Usage.Length) + 1; console.Error.WriteLine(); console.Error.WriteLine("DogScepter project shell"); bool running = true; while (running) { console.Output.Write("> "); string command = console.Input.ReadLine(); string[] args = command.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (args.Length >= 1) { string name = args[0].ToLowerInvariant(); if (name == "help") { if (args.Length == 2) { string helpName = args[1].ToLowerInvariant(); Command cmd = commands.Find(c => c.Names.Contains(helpName)); if (cmd != null) { console.Output.WriteLine(cmd.Description); console.Output.WriteLine(cmd.Usage); console.Output.WriteLine(); continue; } } foreach (var cmd in commands) { console.Output.WriteLine(cmd.Usage + new string(' ', helpLength - cmd.Usage.Length) + " | " + cmd.Description); } } else { Command cmd = commands.Find(c => c.Names.Contains(name)); if (cmd == null) { console.Error.WriteLine($"Unknown command \"{args[0]}\""); } else { switch (cmd.Function(args)) { case Command.CommandResult.InvalidSyntax: console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid syntax; proper usage:"); console.Error.WriteLine(" " + cmd.Usage); break; case Command.CommandResult.Quit: running = false; break; } } } } console.Output.WriteLine(); } } }