static void Main() { GKeyFile key_file = new GKeyFile(); key_file.SetComment(null, null, String.Format("This file was autogenerated by sample.cs on {0}", DateTime.Now)); key_file.SetString("General", "sKey0", "that's the string value associated to the sKey0"); key_file.SetComment("General", null, "A comment for the General group"); key_file.SetComment("General", "sKey0", "A comment for the sKey0 key"); key_file.SetStringList("Lists", "sList", new string [] { "item0", "item1", "item2", "lastitem" }); key_file.SetBoolean("SingleValues", "aBool", true); key_file.SetBoolean("SingleValues", "anotherBool", false); key_file.SetString("SingleValues", "aString", "this is _not_ a string"); key_file.SetInteger("SingleValues", "anInt", 42); key_file.SetDouble("SingleValues", "aDouble", Math.PI); key_file.SetComment("SingleValues", "aDouble", "Change this at the time the square became the new circle"); key_file.Save("mysamplefile.ini"); key_file = new GKeyFile("mysamplefile.ini"); key_file.RemoveComment("SingleValues", "aDouble"); key_file.SetBooleanList("Lists", "bools", new bool [] { true, false, false, true }); key_file.SetIntegerList("Lists", "ints", new int [] { 0, 1, 2, -3, -5 }); key_file.SetDoubleList("Lists", "doubles", new double [] { Math.PI, Math.Sqrt(2) }); foreach (string group in key_file.GetGroups()) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + group); foreach (string key in key_file.GetKeys(group)) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + key); } } Console.WriteLine(key_file.HasGroup("Foo")); Console.WriteLine(key_file.HasGroup("General")); Console.WriteLine(key_file.HasKey("General", "sKey0")); Console.WriteLine(key_file.HasKey("General", "sKey1")); try { key_file.GetValue("foo", "bar"); } catch (GLib.GException e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } foreach (string val in key_file.GetStringList("Lists", "sList")) { Console.WriteLine(val); } foreach (int i in key_file.GetIntegerList("Lists", "ints")) { Console.WriteLine(i); } foreach (double d in key_file.GetDoubleList("Lists", "doubles")) { Console.WriteLine(d); } foreach (bool b in key_file.GetBooleanList("Lists", "bools")) { Console.WriteLine(b); } key_file.Save("mysamplefile2.ini"); key_file = new GKeyFile("mysamplefile.ini"); key_file.RemoveGroup("General"); key_file.Save("mysamplefile3.ini"); }