예제 #1
 protected string GMap1_ServerEvent(object s, GAjaxServerEventOtherArgs e)
     string js = string.Empty;
     switch (e.eventName)
         case "Click":
             GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(
             Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[2], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)),
             Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[3], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)));
             GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlng, string.Format("Window Size (px): ({0},{1}). Close Me.", e.eventArgs[0], e.eventArgs[1]));
             GListener listener = new  GListener(window.ID, GListener.Event.infowindowclose,
                                                       var ev = new serverEvent('InfoWindowClose', {0});
                                                       ev.addArg('My Argument');
             js = window.ToString(e.who) + listener.ToString();
         case "InfoWindowClose":
             js = string.Format
             ("alert('{0}: {1} - {2} - {3}')", e.eventName, e.point, e.eventArgs[0], DateTime.Now);
     return js;
예제 #2
        private void arreglarMapa()
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("function(marker, point) {");
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng("point");
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlng, "<div style=\"height:140px;\"><blink>Loading...</blink></div>");

            GMap1.Add(new GListener(GMap1.GMap_Id, GListener.Event.click, sb.ToString()));

            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
            sb2.Append("function goTo(point){");
            GLatLng point = new GLatLng("point");
            sb2.AppendFormat("{0}.setZoom(11);", GMap1.GMap_Id);
            GMove move = new GMove(1, point);
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(point);
    protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        locator.locate find = new locator.locate();
        string q = txtblood.Text;
        string r = txtZip.Text;
        string ab = find.locate0(r, q);
        string bc = find.locate1(r, q);
        string cd = find.locate2(r, q);
        string de = find.counting(r, q);

        Label1.Text = de;
        string address = ab + "," + bc + "," + cd + "," + r;
        string latitude1 = "";
        string longitude1 = "";
        // Response.Redirect("http://where.yahooapis.com/geocode?location=" +address );

        XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader("http://where.yahooapis.com/geocode?location=" + address);
        xtr.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
            while (xtr.Read())
                if (xtr.Name.ToString() == "latitude")
                    latitude1 = xtr.ReadString().ToString();
                if (xtr.Name.ToString() == "longitude")
                    longitude1 = xtr.ReadString().ToString();


            GMap2.addGMapUI(new GMapUI());
            GMapUIOptions options = new GMapUIOptions();
            GLatLng latlong = new GLatLng(double.Parse(latitude1), double.Parse(longitude1));
            GMapType.GTypes maptype = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            GMap2.setCenter(latlong, 15, maptype);
            //GMap2.GZoom = 9;
            PinLetter pinLetter = new PinLetter("o", Color.Red, Color.Black);

            GMap2.addGMarker(new GMarker(latlong, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinLetter.ToString(), pinLetter.Shadow()))));
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlong);
            GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, maptype);

            GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(marker, address, IWoptions);

        catch (Exception)
            Response.Write("invalid adress");
예제 #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(42.12, -1.145);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 5, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng);
            GInfoWindowOptions windowOptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
            //GShowMapBlowUp mbUp = new GShowMapBlowUp(marker, false, IWoptions);
            GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(marker, "I'm an infoWindow", windowOptions);

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 1)));

            GMarkerOptions markerOptions = new GMarkerOptions();
            markerOptions.clickable = false;
            GMarker marker2 = new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-1, 2.5), markerOptions);

            GMarker markerDraggable = new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(-2, -1));
            GMarkerOptions mOpts = new GMarkerOptions();
            mOpts.draggable = true;
            markerDraggable.options = mOpts;
            // string jsStart = "function() {" + GMap1.GMap_Id + ".closeInfoWindow();}";
            // string jsEnd = "function() {" + markerDraggable.ID + ".openInfoWindowHtml('<a href=\"http://www.playsudoku.biz\" target=\"_blank\">Play Sudoku</a>');}";
            string jsStart = "function() { if (typeof variable !== myInfoWindow) {myInfoWindow.close(); } }";
            string jsEnd = "function() { myInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<a href=\"http://www.playsudoku.biz\" target=\"_blank\">Play Sudoku</a>' }); myInfoWindow.open(" + GMap1.GMap_Id + "," + markerDraggable.ID + "); }";
            GMap1.Add(new GListener(markerDraggable.ID, GListener.Event.dragstart, jsStart));
            GMap1.Add(new GListener(markerDraggable.ID, GListener.Event.dragend, jsEnd));
예제 #5
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            us = (User)Session["user"];
            string  lat      = (string)Session["lat"];
            string  lon      = (string)Session["long"];
            GLatLng mainarea = new GLatLng(33.50, 36.30);

            GMap1.setCenter(mainarea, 13);
            XPinLetter xpinletter = new XPinLetter((PinShapes.pin_star), "W", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainarea, new GIcon(xpinletter.ToString(), xpinletter.Shadow())));

            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow gin;

            foreach (var i in data.Word_searches)
                if (i.Word_search1.ToString().Trim() == TextBox1.Text)
                    p   = new PinIcon(PinIcons.computer, Color.Cyan);
                    gm  = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.latid), (Convert.ToDouble(i.@long))), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                    us  = data.Users.Where(pm => pm.ID == i.Searcher_id).Single();
                    gin = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<font color=black><b>Search info</b><br/> User:"******"<br /> Word search:" + i.Word_search1 + "<br /> date_of_search:" + i.date_s, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
            Session["lat"]  = this.Request.QueryString["lat"];
            Session["lon"]  = this.Request.QueryString["long"];
            Session["user"] = us;
예제 #6
        protected void control(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            PROJEEntities db = new PROJEEntities();

            if (e.CommandName == "cmd1")
                int count = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                var query = (from a in db.mekans
                             where a.id == count
                             select a.location).SingleOrDefault();

                var y = Convert.ToDouble(query.Latitude);
                var x = Convert.ToDouble(query.Longitude);

                GMap1.Height = 1000;
                GMap1.Width  = 1000;            //500'dü ben 1000 yaptım
                GMap1.Key    = "AIzaSyBbzayQWkhyVj3CTlFAh0UoVTt6NcZTpmo";
                var latlon = new GLatLng(x, y); //istenilen enlem boylam değerlerini merkez olarak alır
                GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 12);
                GMarker gm;
                GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);

                PinIcon p;
                p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.flag, Color.Red);                             //istenen yere bırakılacak bayrak işaretçisi
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(x), Convert.ToDouble(y)), //parantezdeki sayılar enlem boylam buraya işaretçi bırakılacak
                                 new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
                GInfoWindow win;
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);  //haritaya eklenir
예제 #7
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request.QueryString["article"] == null)
        try {
            string qr = "select * from Article, Category where Article.IDCategory =Category.IDCategory and Article.IDArticle = '" + Request.QueryString["article"] + "'";
            object tb = cnDb.xlDataDSet(qr);
            dtlDetail.DataSource = tb;
            lbSource.Text = cnDb.getOneData("select Source from Article where IDArticle = '" + Request.QueryString["article"] + "' ").ToString();
        }catch (Exception) {

            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.GOverviewMapControl));
            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            string toaDo = cnDb.getOneData("select MapAdd from Article where IDArticle = '" + Request.QueryString["article"] + "' ").ToString();
            toaDo = toaDo.Trim();
            string[]    kinhViDo = Regex.Split(toaDo, ",");
            double      kinhDo   = double.Parse(kinhViDo[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double      viDo     = double.Parse(kinhViDo[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            GMarker     marker   = new GMarker(new GLatLng(kinhDo, viDo));
            GInfoWindow window   = new GInfoWindow(marker, "<center><b>Điểm đến</b></center>", true);
        }catch (Exception) {
            // Tọa độ sai
            GMap1.Visible = false;
예제 #8
        protected string GMap1_ServerEvent(object s, GAjaxServerEventOtherArgs e)
            string js = string.Empty;

            switch (e.eventName)
            case "Click":
                GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(
                    Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[2], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)),
                    Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[3], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)));
                GInfoWindow window   = new GInfoWindow(latlng, string.Format("Window Size (px): ({0},{1}). Close Me.", e.eventArgs[0], e.eventArgs[1]));
                GListener   listener = new  GListener(window.ID, GListener.Event.infowindowclose,
                                                              var ev = new serverEvent('InfoWindowClose', {0});
                                                              ev.addArg('My Argument');
                js = window.ToString(e.who) + listener.ToString();

            case "InfoWindowClose":
                js = string.Format
                         ("alert('{0}: {1} - {2} - {3}')", e.eventName, e.point, e.eventArgs[0], DateTime.Now);
예제 #9
        private void LoadGMap(string latitude, string longitude, string companyName, string address, string imageName)
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow win;

            GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(DBConvert.ParseDouble(latitude), DBConvert.ParseDouble(longitude));

            GMapType.GTypes maptype = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15, maptype);
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            GMapUIOptions options = new GMapUIOptions();

            options.maptypes_hybrid  = true;
            options.maptypes_normal  = true;
            options.zoom_scrollwheel = true;
            GMap1.Add(new GMapUI(options));

            //GMarker marker = new GMarker(mainLocation);
            GIcon icon = new GIcon();

            icon.markerIconOptions = new MarkerIconOptions(50, 50, Color.Blue);
            p   = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
            gm  = new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));
            win = new GInfoWindow(gm, HtmlIconMap(imageName, companyName, address), false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.GOverviewMapControl));
            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
예제 #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(10.2, 22);

            GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4);

            GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(icono, "Ejemplo de <b>infoWindow</b>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);


            GPolygon polygon = new GPolygon();

            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(9, 25));
            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(3, 22));
            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(1, 26));

            GPolyline polyline = new GPolyline(polygon);

            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow();

            //window2.gPolygon = polygon;
            //window2.html = "GPolygon";
            window2.gPolyline = polyline;
            window2.html      = "polyline";

            window2.opened      = true;
            window2.sourceEvent = GListener.Event.click;
예제 #11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Here I used Degha Location as Main Location and Lat Long is : 21.622564, 87.523417
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(21.622564, 87.523417);
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <HotelMaster> hotels = new List <HotelMaster>();
                using (MyDatabaseEntities dc = new MyDatabaseEntities())
                    hotels = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Digha")).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in hotels)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLat), Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLong)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.HotelName + " <a href='" + i.ReadMoreUrl + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
예제 #12
        protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
            //string ah = GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;
            int I = e.NewSelectedIndex;
            // GridViewRow row = GridView2.SelectedRow;
            // string lo = row.ID;
            string          pid  = GridView2.Rows[I].Cells[1].Text;
            dataDataContext dd   = new dataDataContext();
            Word_search     word = new Word_search();

            var eddd = (from a in dd.Word_searches
                        where a.ID == Convert.ToInt32(pid)
                        select a).SingleOrDefault();

            GMap1.Visible = true;
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow gin;
            GLatLng     mainarea = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(eddd.latid), Convert.ToDouble(eddd.@long));

            GMap1.setCenter(mainarea, 15);
            XPinLetter xpinletter = new XPinLetter((PinShapes.pin_star), "W", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);

            GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainarea, new GIcon(xpinletter.ToString(), xpinletter.Shadow())));
            p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.computer, Color.Cyan);
            gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(eddd.latid), (Convert.ToDouble(eddd.@long))), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

            gin = new GInfoWindow(gm, "<font color=black><b>Search info</b><br/>  Word search:" + eddd.Word_search1 + "<br /> date_of_search:" + eddd.date_s, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
            Session["lat"]  = this.Request.QueryString["lat"];
            Session["lon"]  = this.Request.QueryString["long"];
            Session["user"] = us;
예제 #13
        private void arreglarMapa()
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("function(marker, point) {");
            GLatLng     latlng = new GLatLng("point");
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlng, "<div style=\"height:140px;\"><blink>Loading...</blink></div>");


            GMap1.Add(new GListener(GMap1.GMap_Id, GListener.Event.click, sb.ToString()));

            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();

            sb2.Append("function goTo(point){");
            GLatLng point = new GLatLng("point");

            sb2.AppendFormat("{0}.setZoom(11);", GMap1.GMap_Id);
            GMove move = new GMove(1, point);

            GMarker marker = new GMarker(point);

예제 #14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(34.0477964, -118.2581307);

                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 14);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List<HotelMaster> hotels = new List<HotelMaster>();
                using (HotelDatabaseEntities dc = new HotelDatabaseEntities())
                    hotels = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Los Angeles Downtown")).ToList();

                PinIcon p;
                GMarker gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach(var i in hotels)
                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLat), Convert.ToDouble(i.LocLong)), new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.HotelName + "<a href='"+i.ReadMoreUrl+"'> Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
예제 #15
        protected string GMap1_DragEnd(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMarker     marker = new GMarker(e.point);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "DragEnd - " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), false);

        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, Subgurim.Controles.GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMap gmap = new GMap(e.map);

            // GMarker and GInfoWindow
            GMarker     marker = new GMarker(e.point);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "Cool!!", true);


            // Movement
            //gmap.addMovement(1000, e.point + new GLatLng(25, 38));
            //gmap.addMovement(1000, e.point);

            // Polylines
            if (e.point != e.center)
                List <GLatLng> points = new List <GLatLng>();

                gmap.Add(new GPolyline(points, Color.Yellow));

            // Controls
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.extraBuilt.MarkCenter));
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

            // Maybe... anything? ;)
            gmap.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = false;
            gmap.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Satellite;

예제 #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latLng = new GLatLng(50, 10);

            GMap1.setCenter(latLng, 4);

            GIcon icon = new GIcon();

            icon.markerIconOptions = new MarkerIconOptions(50, 50, Color.Blue);
            GMarker     marker = new GMarker(latLng, icon);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");


            GIcon icon2 = new GIcon();

            icon2.labeledMarkerIconOptions = new LabeledMarkerIconOptions(Color.Gold, Color.White, "A", Color.Green);
            GMarker     marker2 = new GMarker(latLng + new GLatLng(3, 3), icon2);
            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(marker2, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");


            GIcon icon3 = new GIcon();

            icon3.flatIconOptions = new FlatIconOptions(25, 25, Color.Red, Color.Black, "B", Color.White, 15,
            GMarker     marker3 = new GMarker(latLng + new GLatLng(-3, -3), icon3);
            GInfoWindow window3 = new GInfoWindow(marker3, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");

예제 #18
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, Subgurim.Controles.GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMap gmap = new GMap(e.map);

            // GMarker and GInfoWindow
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(e.point);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "Cool!!", true);

            // Movement
            //gmap.addMovement(1000, e.point + new GLatLng(25, 38));
            //gmap.addMovement(1000, e.point);

            // Polylines
            if (e.point != e.center)
                List<GLatLng> points = new List<GLatLng>();

                gmap.Add(new GPolyline(points, Color.Yellow));

            // Controls
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.extraBuilt.MarkCenter));
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            gmap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

            // Maybe... anything? ;)
            gmap.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = false;
            gmap.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Satellite;

            return gmap.ToString();
        public void mapa(double lat, double lon, string _nombres, int _items_entregados, int _entregas)
            GLatLng ubicacion = new GLatLng(lat, lon);

            GMap.setCenter(ubicacion, 15);

            //Establecemos alto y ancho en px
            GMap.Height = 600;
            GMap.Width  = 940;

            //Adiciona el control de la parte izq superior (moverse, ampliar y reducir)
            GMap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

            //GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl: permite elegir un tipo de mapa y otro.
            GMap.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

            //Con esto podemos definir el icono que se mostrara en la ubicacion
            //#region Crear Icono
            GIcon iconPropio = new GIcon();

            iconPropio.image            = "../Images/marcadornestle1.png";
            iconPropio.shadow           = "../Images/marcadorsombranestle1.png";;
            iconPropio.iconSize         = new GSize(32, 32);
            iconPropio.shadowSize       = new GSize(29, 16);
            iconPropio.iconAnchor       = new GPoint(10, 18);
            iconPropio.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 9);

            //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
            GMarker marker    = new GMarker(ubicacion, iconPropio);
            string  strMarker = "<div style='width: 200px; border-radius: 35px; ; height: 150px'><b>" +
                                "<span style='color:#ff7e00'>Establecimiento: </span>" + _nombres + "</b><br>" +
                                " Items Entregados: " + _items_entregados + " <br /> Cantidad de Entregas: " + _entregas + "<br />" + "" + "<br /><br><br></div>";

            /*string strMarker = "<div style='width: 250px; height: 185px'><b>" +
             *  "<span style='color:#ff7e00'>es</span>ASP.NET</b><br>" +
             *  " C/ C/ Nombre de Calle, No X <br /> 28031 Madrid, España <br />" +
             *  "Tel: +34 902 00 00 00 <br />Fax: +34 91 000 00 00<br />" +
             *  "Web: <a href='http://www.esASP.net/' class='txtBKM' >www.esASP.net</a>" +
             *  "<br />Email: <a href='mailto:[email protected]' class='txtBKM'>" +
             *  "[email protected]</a><br><br></div>";   */
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);


            GMap.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            //Tipo de mapa a mostrar
            //GMap.mapType  = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            GMapType.GTypes maptype = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;

            GLatLng latlong = new GLatLng(-0.185631, -78.484490);

            GMap.setCenter(latlong, 12, maptype);

            //Moverse con el cursor del teclado
            GMap.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;
예제 #20
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (Request.QueryString["province"] != null && Request.QueryString["city"] != null)
                Bll.SupplierBll sb = new Bll.SupplierBll();
                DataTable       dt = sb.GetAny("select * from tab_suppliers where province like N'" + Request.QueryString["province"] + "' and city like N'" + Request.QueryString["city"] + "'");

                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.GOverviewMapControl));
                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

                GMarker     marker;
                GInfoWindow window;
                double      lat, lng, clat = 0.0, clng = 0.0;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    lat    = Convert.ToDouble(dr["lat"]);
                    lng    = Convert.ToDouble(dr["lng"]);
                    clat  += lat;
                    clng  += lng;
                    marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(lat, lng));
                    window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "<center><b>" + dr["supplier"].ToString() + "</b><br />" + dr["branch"].ToString() + "</center>", false);
                clat /= dt.Rows.Count;
                clng /= dt.Rows.Count;
                GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;
                GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(clat, clng), 12);
예제 #21
        private void FillHome()
            GLatLng gLatLng = null;

            if (Lat.HasValue)
                gLatLng = new GLatLng(Lat.Value, Lon.Value);
            else if (Address != null)
                GeoCode geoCode = GMap1.getGeoCodeRequest(Address);
                if (geoCode.valid)
                    gLatLng = geoCode.Placemark.coordinates;
            if (gLatLng != null)
                PinIcon pinIcon       = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.FromArgb(0xB4, 0x97, 0x59));
                var     markerOptions = new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(pinIcon.ToString(), pinIcon.Shadow()),
                                                           Title.Replace("'", "´"));
                GMarker marker = new GMarker(gLatLng, markerOptions);
                //GMarker marker = new GMarker(gLatLng);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, sb.ToString(), false);
                GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(gLatLng.lat, gLatLng.lng), InitialZoom);
예제 #22
        protected string GMap1_ServerEvent(object s, GAjaxServerEventOtherArgs e)
            string js = string.Empty;

            switch (e.eventName)
            case "Click":
                GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(
                    Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[2], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)),
                    Convert.ToDouble(e.eventArgs[3], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false)));

                GInfoWindowOptions options = new GInfoWindowOptions();
                options.onCloseFn = string.Format(@"
                    var ev = new serverEvent('InfoWindowClose', {0});
                    ev.addArg('My Argument');
            ", GMap1.GMap_Id);
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlng, string.Format("Window Size (px): ({0},{1}). Close Me.", e.eventArgs[0], e.eventArgs[1]), options);

                //guardar punto
                Session["lat"] = latlng.lat.ToString();
                Session["lng"] = latlng.lng.ToString();

                js = window.ToString(e.who);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(10.2, 22);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4);

            GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(icono, "Ejemplo de <b>infoWindow</b>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

            GPolygon polygon = new GPolygon();
            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(9, 25));
            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(3, 22));
            polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(1, 26));

            GPolyline polyline = new GPolyline(polygon);

            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow();
            //window2.gPolygon = polygon;
            //window2.html = "GPolygon";
            window2.gPolyline = polyline;
            window2.html = "polyline";

            window2.opened = true;
            window2.sourceEvent = GListener.Event.click;
예제 #24
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Here I used Degha Location as Main Location and Lat Long is : 21.622564, 87.523417
                GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(40.813445, 29.307283);
                GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15);

                XPinLetter xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "H", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
                GMap1.Add(new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

                List <lokasyon> lokasyonlar = new List <lokasyon>();
                using (lokasyonContext dc = new lokasyonContext())
                    lokasyonlar = dc.lokasyonlar.ToList();
                    //lokasyonlar = dc.HotelMasters.Where(a => a.HotelArea.Equals("Digha")).ToList();

                PinIcon     p;
                GMarker     gm;
                GInfoWindow win;
                foreach (var i in lokasyonlar)
                    p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.enlem), Convert.ToDouble(i.boylam)),
                                     new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.mekan_ismi + " <a href='" + i.siteye_git + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
예제 #25
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (!IsPostBack)
            navigatorView = new NavigatorView();
            var center = new GLatLng(48.51, 10.21);

            Gmap1.setCenter(center, 4);
            var xpinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "C", Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Chocolate);
            var location   = new GLatLng(center.lat, center.lng);

            //Gmap1.Add(new GMarker(location, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xpinLetter.ToString(), xpinLetter.Shadow()))));

            foreach (var marker in navigatorView.ListMarker)
                if (marker.Latitude > -90 && marker.Latitude < 90)
                    var icon = new PinIcon(PinIcons.flag, Color.Coral);

                    var gMarker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(marker.Latitude, marker.Longitude),
                                              new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(icon.ToString(), icon.Shadow())));
                    var tableText  = String.Format(Marker.infoTableHtml, marker.Name, marker.Name, marker.Name, marker.Latitude, marker.Longitude);
                    var infoWindow = new GInfoWindow(gMarker, tableText, false, GListener.Event.click);
        public void ShowMap(List <Restaurant> list, string val)
            PinIcon     p;
            GMarker     gm;
            GInfoWindow win;


            foreach (var i in list)
                p  = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(i.Latitude), Convert.ToDouble(i.Longitude)),
                                 new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                //win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Name + " </br>Specialty: " + i.Specialty + "  </br>" + " <a href='" + i.Url + "'>Read more...</a>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
                win = new GInfoWindow(gm, i.Name + " </br>Specialty: " + i.Specialty + "  </br>" + " <a href='' id='myid' runat='server' OnClick='ShowDirections(" + i.Latitude + ", " + i.Longitude + ")'>Get Directions </a> ", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);


                string items = i.Specialty.ToString();

                if (val == "")

                ddlType.Items.FindByValue(val).Attributes.Add("Selected", "Selected");
                ddlType.Items.FindByValue("").Attributes.Add("Text", "Select ALL");
예제 #27
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(10.2, 22);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlon, "Ejemplo de <b>infoWindow</b>");
예제 #28
 protected void MuestraUbicacionEnMapa(Double latitud, double longitud, string mensajeVentana, int zoom)
     MapaPrueba.setCenter(new GLatLng(latitud, longitud), zoom, TipoMapa);
     Marcador            = new GMarker(new GLatLng(latitud, longitud));
     Marcador.options    = MarketOPciones;
     Session["Marcador"] = Marcador;
     ventana             = new GInfoWindow(Marcador, mensajeVentana, true);
예제 #29
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMap1.GZoom = 1;

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(e.point, "Clicked");

            return string.Empty;
예제 #30
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            tokens.AccessToken = "140219230-Mww3rqC22jsEeGrwyWzfgGtzXNlPonroTyyFaE6F";

            tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "fNao9nGu9fgmxYtcF0UXoVMCcAGoBzkRPRfl7ujA2il1b";

            tokens.ConsumerKey = "2VqPg2xyY8A7ziLmRk5SaRaSL";

            tokens.ConsumerSecret = "ccJGxDaBDgyvrn6UGQFmQd0RNLXn3qRcTbg8rKZo01bmrK0EH5";

            TwitterResponse<TwitterSearchResultCollection> result = TwitterSearch.Search(tokens, "#ACME",  new SearchOptions());

            TwitterSearchResultCollection results = result.ResponseObject;
            List<TwitterSearchResult> resultList = results.ToList();

            foreach (var item in resultList)
                string longtu = "";
                string lattu = "";

                    longtu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Longitude.ToString();
                    lattu = item.Geo.Coordinates[0].Latitude.ToString();
                catch (Exception) { }

                if (longtu != "" && lattu != "")
                    GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu));
                    GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 5);

                    PinIcon p;
                    GMarker gm;
                    GInfoWindow win;

                    p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan);
                    gm = new GMarker(new GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(longtu), Convert.ToDouble(lattu)),
                        new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow())));

                    win = new GInfoWindow(gm, "" + "", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

                dt.Rows.Add(item.Text, item.User.Name, item.User.Location,longtu , lattu,item.User.ListedCount);

            GridView1.DataSource = dt;
예제 #31
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMap1.GZoom = 1;

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(e.point, "Clicked");


        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(10.2, 22);

            GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlon, "Ejemplo de <b>infoWindow</b>");

예제 #33
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.GOverviewMapControl));

        GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

        GMarker marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(39.5, -3.2));
        GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "<center><b>GoogleMaps.Subgurim.NET</b></center>", true);
예제 #34
        protected void cmdMapa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // GMap1.resetMarkers();
            //string fulladdress = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", ddlCalle.SelectedItem.Text, ddlMunicipio.SelectedItem.Text, "TAMAULIPAS", "MEXICO");
            ////string skey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["googlemaps.subgurim.net"];
            //GeoCode geocode;
            //geocode = GMap1.getGeoCodeRequest(fulladdress);
            //var glatlng = new Subgurim.Controles.GLatLng(geocode.Placemark.coordinates.lat, geocode.Placemark.coordinates.lng);
            //GMap1.setCenter(glatlng, 16, Subgurim.Controles.GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
            //var oMarker = new Subgurim.Controles.GMarker(glatlng);

            // SqlDataAdapter daHechos = new SqlDataAdapter("select ID_CARPETA, LATITUD, LONGITUD from PGJ_LUGAR_HECHOS where year(FECHA_HECHOS)=2014", Data.CnnCentral);
            SqlDataAdapter daHechos = new SqlDataAdapter("select p.ID_CARPETA,SUBSTRING(pc.NUC,11,10) as NUC,SUBSTRING(pc.RAC,11,10) AS RAC,cu.UNDD_DSCRPCION, p.LATITUD as LATITUD, p.LONGITUD as LONGITUD from PGJ_LUGAR_HECHOS p inner join PGJ_DELITOS pd on pd.ID_LUGAR_HECHOS=p.ID_LUGAR_HECHOS INNER JOIN PGJ_CARPETA pc on pc.ID_CARPETA=p.ID_CARPETA INNER JOIN CAT_UNIDAD cu on cu.ID_UNDD=SUBSTRING(pc.rac,7,3) or cu.ID_UNDD=SUBSTRING(pc.nuc,7,3) where year(FECHA_HECHOS)=" + txtAño.Text + "and pd.id_delito=" + short.Parse(ddlDelito.SelectedValue.ToString()), Data.CnnCentral);

            DataSet dsHechos = new DataSet();

            daHechos.Fill(dsHechos, "Hechos");
            foreach (DataRow drHechos in dsHechos.Tables["Hechos"].Rows)
                if ((drHechos["LATITUD"].ToString() != "") && (drHechos["LONGITUD"].ToString() != "") && (drHechos["ID_CARPETA"].ToString() != ""))
                    double Longitud;
                    Longitud = double.Parse(drHechos["LONGITUD"].ToString());

                    if (Longitud > 0)
                        Longitud = Longitud * -1;

                    ////var glatlng = new Subgurim.Controles.GLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(drHechos["LATITUD"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(drHechos["LONGITUD"].ToString()));
                    //var glatlng = new Subgurim.Controles.GLatLng(double.Parse(drHechos["LATITUD"].ToString()), double.Parse(drHechos["LONGITUD"].ToString()));
                    var glatlng = new Subgurim.Controles.GLatLng(double.Parse(drHechos["LATITUD"].ToString()), Longitud);
                    GMap1.setCenter(glatlng, 16, Subgurim.Controles.GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
                    var oMarker = new Subgurim.Controles.GMarker(glatlng);

                    //  GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(oMarker, drHechos["ID_CARPETA"].ToString(), false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
                    GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(oMarker, ("NUC=( " + drHechos["NUC"].ToString() + " )") + " ," + ("RAC=(" + drHechos["RAC"].ToString() + " )") + " " + (drHechos["UNDD_DSCRPCION"].ToString()), false, GListener.Event.mouseover);


                    //GInfoWindowOptions options = new GInfoWindowOptions("Max Title", "Max Content");
                    //GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(oMarker, ("NUC=( " + drHechos["NUC"].ToString() + " )") + " ," + ("RAC=(" + drHechos["RAC"].ToString() + " )") + " " + (drHechos["UNDD_DSCRPCION"].ToString()), options);
                    // GMap1.Add(window2);

            GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(23.736819471992295, -99.14335536956787), 13);
        private void CargarMapa(string region, string provincia, string comuna, string direccion, GLatLng coordenadas)
            //GLatLng ubicacion = new GLatLng(coordenadas);
            GMap1.setCenter(coordenadas, 15);
            GMap1.Height = 460;
            GMap1.Width  = 560;
            //Adiciona el control de la parte izq superior (moverse, ampliar y reducir)
            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
            //GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl: permite elegir un tipo de mapa y otro.
            GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));
            //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
            GMarker marker    = new GMarker(coordenadas);
            string  strMarker = "<div style='width: 185px; height: 100px'><b>" +
                                "SGME_MAPS</b><br> " + region + "<br />" + comuna + ", " + provincia + "<br />" +
                                "" + direccion + "</div>";
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, true);

            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;
            //Tipo de mapa a mostrar
            GMap1.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            //Moverse con el cursor del teclado
            GMap1.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;
            GMap1.ShowMapTypeControl     = true;

            //GMap1.GZoom = 9;
            //GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

            //GeoCoding geoCoding = new GeoCoding();

            //geoCoding.show = GeoCoding.ShowEnum.infowindow;
            //geoCoding.openedOnLoad = true;
            //geoCoding.errorText = "Not found";
            //geoCoding.buttonText = "Search";
            //geoCoding.infoText = "GeoCode";
            //geoCoding.baseCountryCode = "au"; // Search Newcastle, and you'll find it elsewhere...
            //// geoCoding.viewport = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(44, 14), new GLatLng(46, 16));

            //geoCoding.showErrorCode = true;

            //Con esto podemos definir el icono que se mostrara en la ubicacion
            //#region Crear Icono
            //GIcon iconPropio = new GIcon();
            //iconPropio.image = "../images/iconBuilding.png";
            //iconPropio.shadow = "../images/iconBuildingS.png";
            //iconPropio.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
            //iconPropio.shadowSize = new GSize(29, 16);
            //iconPropio.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 18);
            //iconPropio.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 9);
예제 #36
 // Methods
 protected void btnSearchByKeyword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     GeoCode code = GMap.geoCodeRequest(this.GetKeywords(), this.ctlGoogleMap.Key);
     if (code.Status.code == 200)
         GMarker gMarker = new GMarker(code.Placemark.coordinates);
         GInfoWindow infoWindow = new GInfoWindow(gMarker, "<center><b>" + code.Placemark.address + "</b></center>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
예제 #37
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(e.point);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                string.Format(@"<b>GLatLngBounds</b><br />SW = {0}<br/>NE = {1}",
            , true);

            return window.ToString(e.map);
예제 #38
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(e.point);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                                                 string.Format(@"<b>GLatLngBounds</b><br />SW = {0}<br/>NE = {1}",
                                                 , true);

예제 #39
파일: Map.aspx.cs 프로젝트: salam73/bsiraq
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //مواقع البيوت على الخريطه

            //some test

            //مدينة بغداد
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(33.303708016355245, 44.3720680475235);
            GLatLng latlng1 = new GLatLng(33.30494095074294, 44.3713653087616);
            GLatLng latlng2 = new GLatLng(33.306223184015565, 44.37358617782593);
            //مدينة كربلاء
            GLatLng latlng3 = new GLatLng(32.615039238431486, 44.03835028409958);
            GLatLng latlng4 = new GLatLng(32.61548656961024, 44.03770387172699);
            GLatLng latlng5 = new GLatLng(32.61622759816053, 44.037339091300964);

            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 7, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            //اضهار صورة مقربة للموقع

            //GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng);
            //GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(17, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);
            //GShowMapBlowUp mbUp = new GShowMapBlowUp(marker, false, IWoptions);

            GInfoWindowTabs iwTabs = new GInfoWindowTabs();

            GMarker icono1 = new GMarker(latlng);
            iwTabs.gMarker = icono1;
            iwTabs.point = latlng;

            List<GInfoWindowTab> tabs = new List<GInfoWindowTab>();

                tabs.Add(new GInfoWindowTab("معلومات عامه " , "نكتب بعض المعلومات"));
                tabs.Add(new GInfoWindowTab("صور ", "نضغ بعض الصور"));
                tabs.Add(new GInfoWindowTab("الإتصال ", "<div class='info'  >الإتصال بالمكتب العقاري</div>"));

            iwTabs.tabs = tabs;

            GMarker icono2 = new GMarker(latlng3);
            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(icono2, "عماره <b>عماره سلام ان شاء الله</b>", false, GListener.Event.click);

            GInfoWindowTabs iwTabs2 = new GInfoWindowTabs();

            GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlng5);

            iwTabs2.gMarker = icono;
            iwTabs2.tabs = tabs;
예제 #40
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            string respuesta = string.Empty;
            Punto  pun       = new Punto();

            pun.longitud = e.point.lng.ToString();
            pun.latitud  = e.point.lat.ToString();

            Session["listaPunto"] = listaPunto;

            if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Punto")
                GIcon icon = new GIcon();
                icon.image  = "https://www.google.es/maps/vt/icon/name=icons/spotlight/spotlight-poi-medium.png&scale=2?scale=1";
                icon.shadow = "http://labs.google.com/ridefinder/images/mm_20_shadow.png";
                GMarkerOptions mOpts = new GMarkerOptions();
                mOpts.clickable = true;
                mOpts.icon      = icon;
                GMarker     marker = new GMarker(e.point, mOpts);
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                                                         @"<b>Longitud y Latitud del Punto</b><br />SW = {0}<br/>NE = {1} <br /> LatLogn{2}",
                txtLatitud.Text  = e.point.lat.ToString();
                txtLongitud.Text = e.point.lng.ToString();
                txtNombre.Text   = string.Empty;

                btnInsertar.Enabled = true;
                btnLimpiar.Enabled  = true;
                respuesta           = window.ToString(e.map);
            if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Linea" && listaPunto.Count > 1)
                GMarker     marker = new GMarker(e.point);
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                                                         @"<b>Longitud y Latitud del Punto</b><br />SW = {0}<br/>NE = {1} <br /> LatLogn{2}",
                respuesta = window.ToString(e.map);
예제 #41
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GMap1.Visible = true; GMap2.Visible = false; GMap3.Visible = false;

        if (cbodistritos.SelectedValue.ToString() == "1")
            lbldireccion.Text = "Av. Oscar R. Benavides, 4706 - Bellavista";

            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(-12.053183880322681, -77.09490269422531);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 17, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng);
            GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
            GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(marker, "Av. Oscar R. Benavides, 4706 - Bellavista", IWoptions);

            GMap1.addGMarker(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 1)));
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

        else if (cbodistritos.SelectedValue.ToString() == "2")
            lbldireccion.Text = "Av. Arequipa 2210 - Lince";
            GMap2.Visible = true; GMap1.Visible = false; GMap3.Visible = false;
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(-12.086198524323004, -77.0346736907959);
            GMap2.setCenter(latlng, 17, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng);
            GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
            GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(marker, "Av. Arequipa 2210 - Lince", IWoptions);

            GMap2.addGMarker(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 1)));
            GMap2.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

        else if (cbodistritos.SelectedValue.ToString() == "3")
            lbldireccion.Text = "Av. Larco 2210 - Miraflores";
            GMap3.Visible = true; GMap2.Visible = false; GMap1.Visible = false;
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(-12.120984474783656, -77.02883720397949);
            GMap3.setCenter(latlng, 17, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng);
            GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
            GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(marker, "Av. Larco 2210 - Miraflores", IWoptions);

            GMap3.addGMarker(new GMarker(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 1)));
            GMap3.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;
예제 #42
        protected string OnGoogleMapClick(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(e.point);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                                                     @"<b>GLatLngBounds</b><br/>NE = {0}",

            this.coordinates = e.bounds.getNorthEast().ToString().Split(',');
예제 #43
        protected string OnGoogleMapClick(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(e.point);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker,
                                                     @"<b>GLatLngBounds</b><br/>NE = {0}",

            this.coordinates = e.bounds.getNorthEast().ToString().Split(',');
            return window.ToString(e.map);
예제 #44
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                GLatLng ubicacion = new GLatLng(40.381090863719436, -3.6222052574157715);
                GMap1.setCenter(ubicacion, 15);

                //Establecemos alto y ancho en px
                GMap1.Height = 560;
                GMap1.Width = 660;

                //Adiciona el control de la parte izq superior (moverse, ampliar y reducir)
                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

                //GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl: permite elegir un tipo de mapa y otro.
                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

                //Con esto podemos definir el icono que se mostrara en la ubicacion
                //#region Crear Icono
                //GIcon iconPropio = new GIcon();
                //iconPropio.image = "../images/iconBuilding.png";
                //iconPropio.shadow = "../images/iconBuildingS.png";
                //iconPropio.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
                //iconPropio.shadowSize = new GSize(29, 16);
                //iconPropio.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 18);
                //iconPropio.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 9);

                //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
                GMarker marker = new GMarker(ubicacion);
                string strMarker = "<div style='width: 250px; height: 185px'><b>" +
                    "<span style='color:#ff7e00'>es</span>ASP.NET</b><br>" +
                    " C/ C/ Nombre de Calle, No X <br /> 28031 Madrid, España <br />" +
                    "Tel: +34 902 00 00 00 <br />Fax: +34 91 000 00 00<br />" +
                    "Web: <a href='http://www.esASP.net/' class='txtBKM' >www.esASP.net</a>" +
                    "<br />Email: <a href='mailto:[email protected]' class='txtBKM'>" +
                    "[email protected]</a><br><br></div>";
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, true);

                GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

                //Tipo de mapa a mostrar
                GMap1.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;

                //Moverse con el cursor del teclado
                GMap1.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;
예제 #45
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                GLatLng ubicacion = new GLatLng(40.381090863719436, -3.6222052574157715);
                GMap1.setCenter(ubicacion, 15);

                //Establecemos alto y ancho en px
                GMap1.Height = 560;
                GMap1.Width  = 660;

                //Adiciona el control de la parte izq superior (moverse, ampliar y reducir)
                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

                //GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl: permite elegir un tipo de mapa y otro.
                GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

                //Con esto podemos definir el icono que se mostrara en la ubicacion
                //#region Crear Icono
                //GIcon iconPropio = new GIcon();
                //iconPropio.image = "../images/iconBuilding.png";
                //iconPropio.shadow = "../images/iconBuildingS.png";
                //iconPropio.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
                //iconPropio.shadowSize = new GSize(29, 16);
                //iconPropio.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 18);
                //iconPropio.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 9);

                //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
                GMarker marker    = new GMarker(ubicacion);
                string  strMarker = "<div style='width: 250px; height: 185px'><b>" +
                                    "<span style='color:#ff7e00'>es</span>ASP.NET</b><br>" +
                                    " C/ C/ Nombre de Calle, No X <br /> 28031 Madrid, España <br />" +
                                    "Tel: +34 902 00 00 00 <br />Fax: +34 91 000 00 00<br />" +
                                    "Web: <a href='http://www.esASP.net/' class='txtBKM' >www.esASP.net</a>" +
                                    "<br />Email: <a href='mailto:[email protected]' class='txtBKM'>" +
                                    "[email protected]</a><br><br></div>";
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, true);

                GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

                //Tipo de mapa a mostrar
                GMap1.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;

                //Moverse con el cursor del teclado
                GMap1.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;
예제 #46
        private void initialize()
            GLatLng ubicacion  = new GLatLng(40.381090863719436, -3.6222052574157715);
            GLatLng ubicacion2 = new GLatLng(42.381090863719436, -3.6222052574157715);

            //Establecemos alto y ancho en px
            GMap1.Height = 480;
            GMap1.Width  = 575;

            //Adiciona el control de la parte izq superior (moverse, ampliar y reducir)
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

            //GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl: permite elegir un tipo de mapa y otro.
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));

            //Con esto podemos definir el icono que se mostrara en la ubicacion
            //#region Crear Icono
            //GIcon iconPropio = new GIcon();
            //iconPropio.image = "../images/iconBuilding.png";
            //iconPropio.shadow = "../images/iconBuildingS.png";
            //iconPropio.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
            //iconPropio.shadowSize = new GSize(29, 16);
            //iconPropio.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 18);
            //iconPropio.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 9);

            //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
            GMarker marker    = new GMarker(ubicacion);
            GMarker marker2   = new GMarker(ubicacion2);
            string  strMarker = "<div style='width: 150px; height: 85'>" +
                                "<br>" + " C/ C/ Nombre de Calle, No X <br /> 28031 Madrid, España " + "<br />" +
                                "Tel: +34 902 00 00 00 <br />" +
                                "Fax: +34 91 000 00 00<br />" +
            GInfoWindow window  = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, true);
            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(marker2, strMarker + "Hola Desu", true);

            GMap1.setCenter(ubicacion2, 15);
            GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;

            //Tipo de mapa a mostrar
            GMap1.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;

            //Moverse con el cursor del teclado
            GMap1.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;
예제 #47
        public void AddOfficeToMap(int office_id)
            var office = db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == office_id);

            GLatLng     latlon  = default(GLatLng);
            GMarker     marker  = default(GMarker);
            GInfoWindow window  = default(GInfoWindow);
            string      winText = null;

            winText = "<b>" + office.office_nm + "<br />" + office.street_addrs + "<br />" + office.city_st_zip + "<br />" + office.ph_no + "</b>";

            latlon = new GLatLng((double)office.dec_lat_va, (double)office.dec_long_va);
            marker = new GMarker(latlon);
            window = new GInfoWindow(marker, winText, false, GListener.Event.click);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(44, 9);
            GLatLng relativo = new GLatLng(2, -6);
            GMarker marker1 = new GMarker(latlng + relativo);
            GMarker marker2 = new GMarker(latlng - relativo);
            GMarker marker3 = new GMarker(latlng + relativo + relativo);

            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 4, GMapType.GTypes.Hybrid);

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(latlng, "InfoWindow. Close me please.");
            GInfoWindowOptions options1 = new GInfoWindowOptions();
            options1.onCloseFn = "function(){alert('Thanks! You have closed me ;D')}";
            window.options = options1;
예제 #49
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(41, 3), 3);
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

            GMarker m1 = new GMarker(new GLatLng(41, 3));

            MarkerManager mManager = new MarkerManager();

            mManager.Add(m1, 2);

            List<GMarker> mks = new List<GMarker>();

            List<GInfoWindow> iws = new List<GInfoWindow>();

            Random r = new Random();

            double ir1, ir2;
            GMarker mkr;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ir1 = (double)r.Next(40) / 10.0 - 2.0;
                ir2 = (double)r.Next(40) / 10.0 - 2.0;

                mkr = new GMarker(m1.point + new GLatLng(ir1, ir2));

                GMap1.Add(new GListener(mkr.ID, GListener.Event.click, "function(){alert('" + i + "');}"));

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                ir1 = (double)r.Next(40) / 20.0 - 1;
                ir2 = (double)r.Next(40) / 20.0 - 1;

                mkr = new GMarker(m1.point + new GLatLng(ir1, ir2));
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(mkr, i.ToString());

            mManager.Add(mks, 6, 8);
            mManager.Add(iws, 7, 8);

            GMap1.markerManager = mManager;
예제 #50
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PopupMarker popupMarkerA = new PopupMarker(new GLatLng(39, -7), "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything");

            PopupMarkerOptions popupMarkerOptionsB = new PopupMarkerOptions(Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.DarkRed);
            PopupMarker popupMarkerB = new PopupMarker(new GLatLng(42, -5), "Maecenas a diam lectus.", popupMarkerOptionsB);

            PopupMarkerChartAPIOptions popupMarkerChartApiOptionsC = new PopupMarkerChartAPIOptions(Color.LightGreen, Color.Black, PopupMarkerChartAPIOptions.ChartStyleEnum.d_bubble_icon_text_small, PinIcons.taxi);
            PopupMarkerOptions popupMarkerOptionsC = new PopupMarkerOptions(PopupMarkerOptions.PopupMarkerOptionsStylesEnum.chart, popupMarkerChartApiOptionsC);
            popupMarkerOptionsC.draggable = true;
            PopupMarker popupMarkerC = new PopupMarker(new GLatLng(40, -4), "Hi! Drag me.", popupMarkerOptionsC);

            GInfoWindow infoWindowA = new GInfoWindow(popupMarkerA, "42 is the answer.");

예제 #51
 public void LlenarMapaConClientes(ArrayList clientes, GMap map)
     GLatLng ubicacion;
     GMarker marker;
     string strMarker;
     foreach (ZoCliente c in clientes)
         ubicacion = new GLatLng(c.Latitud, c.Longitud);
         //Pone la marca de gota de agua con el nombre de la ubicacion
         marker = new GMarker(ubicacion);
         strMarker = "<div style='width: 150px; height: 85px'><b>" +
                         "<span style='color:#ff7e00'></span></b><br>" +
                          " " + c.RazSoc + " <br /> " + c.DirSuc + " <br />" +
         GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, strMarker, false);
예제 #52
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latLng = new GLatLng(50, 10);

            GIcon icon = new GIcon();
            icon.image = "http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markers/circular/greencirclemarker.png";
            icon.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
            icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(16, 16);
            icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(25, 7);

            LabeledMarker labeledMarker = new LabeledMarker(latLng);
            labeledMarker.options.labelText = "S";
            labeledMarker.options.labelOffset = new GSize(-4, -7);
            labeledMarker.options.icon = icon;

            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(labeledMarker, "You can use the Labeled Marker as any other marker");
예제 #53
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latLng = new GLatLng(50, 10);

            GIcon icon = new GIcon();
            icon.image = "http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markers/circular/greencirclemarker.png";
            icon.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);
            icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(16, 16);
            icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(25, 7);

            StyledIconOptions iconOptions1 = new StyledIconOptions()
                                                    Text = "Hi",
                                                    Color = Color.Blue,
                                                    Fore = Color.Red,
                                                    StarColor = Color.Green

            StyledIcon icon1 = new StyledIcon(StyledIconType.Marker, iconOptions1);

            StyledMarker styledMarker1 = new StyledMarker(latLng, icon1);

            StyledIconOptions iconOptions2 = new StyledIconOptions()
                                                    Text = "Hi, I'm a bubble!",
                                                    Color = Color.Orange,
                                                    Fore = Color.PaleGreen,

            StyledIcon icon2 = new StyledIcon(StyledIconType.Bubble, iconOptions2);

            StyledMarker styledMarker2 = new StyledMarker(latLng + new GLatLng(1.0, 1.0), icon2);

            GInfoWindow window1 = new GInfoWindow(styledMarker1, "You can user StyledMarker as any other marker!");
            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(styledMarker2, "You can user StyledMarker as any other marker!");

예제 #54
        protected string GMap1_Click(object s, GAjaxServerEventArgs e)
            inverseGeocodingManager igeoManager = new inverseGeocodingManager(e.point, "es");
            inverseGeocoding iGeos = igeoManager.inverseGeoCodeRequest();
            geoName geo;
            if (iGeos.geonames.Count > 0)
                geo = iGeos.geonames[0];

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("<div align=\"left\">");
                sb.Append("<b>Nearest Place</b>");
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Place name: <i>{0}</i> ", geo.name);
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Point: <i>{0}</i>", geo.nearestPlacePoint.ToString());
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Elevation: <i>{0}</i>", geo.nearestPlaceElevation > -9000 ? geo.nearestPlaceElevation.ToString() : "No info");
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Country Name (Code): <i>{0} ({1})</i>", geo.countryName, geo.countryCode);
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Click point - Nearest Place distance (Km): <i>{0}</i>", Math.Round(geo.distance, 3));

                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.Append("<div align=\"left\">");
                sb.Append("<b>Click point</b>");
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Point: <i>{0}</i>", geo.initialPoint.ToString());
                sb.Append("<br />");
                sb.AppendFormat("Elevation: <i>{0}</i>", geo.initialPointElevation > -9000 ? geo.initialPointElevation.ToString() : "No info");
                sb.Append("<br />");

                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(e.point, sb.ToString(), true);
                return window.ToString(e.map);
            else return string.Empty;
예제 #55
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(40.6310452, -8.658024399999931);
            GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4);
            GMap1.GZoom = 13;

            GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(icono, "Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

            Label3.Text = Humidity+" %";
            Label5.Text = WindSpeed+" km/h";
            Label1.Text = Temperature;
            double cel = ((Convert.ToDouble(Temperature) - 32.0) / 1.8000);
            Label4.Text = Condition; 
            Label2.Text = Convert.ToInt32(cel).ToString();

            if (Condition == "Mostly Cloudy")
                Label6.CssClass = "pe-7w-cloud-sun pe-3x pe-va";
            else if (Condition == "Mist")
                Label6.CssClass = "pe-7w-drizzle-alt pe-3x pe-va";
            else if (Condition == "Fog")
                Label6.CssClass = "pe-7w-fog pe pe-3x pe-va";
            else if (Condition == "Cloudy")
                Label6.CssClass = "pe-7w-cloud pe pe-3x pe-va";
                Label6.CssClass = "pe-7w-sun pe-3x pe-va";


예제 #56
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLatLng latLng = new GLatLng(50, 10);
            GMap1.setCenter(latLng, 4);

            GIcon icon = new GIcon();
            icon.markerIconOptions = new MarkerIconOptions(50, 50, Color.Blue);
            GMarker marker = new GMarker(latLng, icon);
            GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(marker, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");

            GIcon icon2 = new GIcon();
            icon2.labeledMarkerIconOptions = new LabeledMarkerIconOptions(Color.Gold, Color.White, "A", Color.Green);
            GMarker marker2 = new GMarker(latLng + new GLatLng(3, 3), icon2);
            GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(marker2, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");

            GIcon icon3 = new GIcon();
            icon3.flatIconOptions = new FlatIconOptions(25, 25, Color.Red, Color.Black, "B", Color.White, 15,
            GMarker marker3 = new GMarker(latLng + new GLatLng(-3, -3), icon3);
            GInfoWindow window3 = new GInfoWindow(marker3, "You can use the Map Icon Maker as any other marker");
예제 #57
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.ctlGoogleMap.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleAPIKey"].ToString();
     this.ctlGoogleMap.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));
     if (!this.Page.IsPostBack)
         base.Keywords = "";
         base.Description = "";
         this.oLocation.CountryID = 2;
         DataSet set = this.oLocation.LoadAll();
         this.oHelp.LoadData(set.Tables[0], this.ddlCountry);
         this.oHelp.LoadData(set.Tables[1], this.ddlProvince);
         this.oHelp.SelectedByText(this.ddlCountry, NCountry.CANADA.ToString());
         GeoCode code = GMap.geoCodeRequest(this.GetQuery(), this.ctlGoogleMap.Key);
         if (code.Status.code == 200)
             GMarker gMarker = new GMarker(code.Placemark.coordinates);
             GInfoWindow infoWindow = new GInfoWindow(gMarker, "<center><b>" + code.Placemark.address + "</b></center>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
예제 #58
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GMapUIOptions options = new GMapUIOptions();
        options.zoom_scrollwheel = true;

        GMap1.addGMapUI(new GMapUI(options));
        GMap1.setCenter(new GLatLng(-7.197617, 112.73288),15,  GMapType.GTypes.Satellite);  

        //add red marker
        GLatLng redPosition = new GLatLng(-7.197681, 112.72429);
        XPinLetter xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "A", Color.White, Color.Black, Color.Red);
        GMarker redMarker = new GMarker(redPosition, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow())));

        //add info window
        GInfoWindowOptions IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
        GInfoWindow mbUp = new GInfoWindow(redMarker, "<i>I'm in</i> <a style='color:red'>RED</a> <b>Condition</b>", IWoptions);


        //add green marker
        GLatLng greenPosition = new GLatLng(-7.19651, 112.731035);
        xPinLetter = new XPinLetter(PinShapes.pin_star, "B", Color.White, Color.Black, Color.Green);
        GMarker greenMarker = new GMarker(greenPosition, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(xPinLetter.ToString(), xPinLetter.Shadow())));

        //add info window
        IWoptions = new GInfoWindowOptions(12, GMapType.GTypes.Normal);
        mbUp = new GInfoWindow(greenMarker, "<i>I'm in</i> <a style='color:green'>GREEN</a> <b>Condition</b>", IWoptions);
예제 #59
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["uname"] == null)
            string id = Request.QueryString["id"];
            double lat = 0, lon = 0;
            //          SELECT Cab.Cab_ID, CabLocations.Latitude, CabLocations.Longitude FROM Cab INNER JOIN CabLocations ON Cab.Cab_ID=CabLocations.Cab_ID WHERE Cab.Cab_RegNo = 'VY-702';
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=WALEED-PC;Initial Catalog=Cab9;Integrated Security=True");
            SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Cab.Cab_ID, CabLocations.Latitude, CabLocations.Longitude FROM Cab INNER JOIN CabLocations ON Cab.Cab_ID=CabLocations.Cab_ID WHERE Cab.Cab_RegNo = '" + id + "'", connection);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lat = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Latitude"]);
                lon = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Longitude"]);

            GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(lat, lon);
            GMapType.GTypes mType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
            GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 15, mType);
            GMap1.Add(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.LargeMapControl));

            GMarker m1 = new GMarker(new GLatLng(lat, lon));

            MarkerManager mManager = new MarkerManager();
            mManager.Add(m1, 10);

            List<GMarker> mks = new List<GMarker>();
            List<GInfoWindow> iws = new List<GInfoWindow>();

            Random r = new Random();
            GMarker mkr;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double ir1 = r.Next(40) / 10.0 - 2.0;
                double ir2 = r.Next(40) / 10.0 - 2.0;

                mkr = new GMarker(m1.point + new GLatLng(lat, lon));

                GMap1.Add(new GListener(mkr.ID, GListener.Event.click, "function(){alert('" + i + "');}"));

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double ir1 = r.Next(40) / 20.0 - 1;
                double ir2 = r.Next(40) / 20.0 - 1;

                mkr = new GMarker(m1.point + new GLatLng(lat, lon));
                GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(mkr, i.ToString());

            mManager.Add(mks, 5, 6);
            mManager.Add(iws, 7, 8);

            GMap1.markerManager = mManager;
            string cab = "";
            DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
            SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connection1"].ConnectionString.ToString());
            SqlCommand sqlCmd1 = new SqlCommand("Select Cab_ID from Cab where Cab_RegistrationNumber='" + id + "'", connection1);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlDa1 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                cab = dt.Rows[0]["Cab_ID"].ToString();
            DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();
            SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connection1"].ConnectionString.ToString());
            SqlCommand sqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand("Select SUM([Booking_Fare]) As Total from Booking where Cab_ID='" + cab + "'", connection2);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlDa2 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd2);
            string fare = "";
            if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                fare = dt2.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString();
            ASPxGaugeControl1.Value = fare;
            //SELECT DISTINCT([Booking_Source]), COUNT([Booking_Source]) FROM [Booking] GROUP BY Booking_Source
            SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT([Booking_Source]), COUNT([Booking_Source]) FROM [Booking] where Cab_ID='" + cab + "' GROUP BY Booking_Source ";
            SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT([Booking_Destination]), COUNT([Booking_Destination]) FROM [Booking] where Cab_ID='" + cab + "' GROUP BY Booking_Destination ";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GMap1.Language = "it";
        GMap1.Height = 400;
        GMap1.Width = 800;

        GMap1.mapType = GMapType.GTypes.Normal;
        //GMap1.addControl(new GControl(GControl.preBuilt.MapTypeControl));
        GMap1.enableRotation = true;
        GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true;
        GMap1.enableGKeyboardHandler = true;

        GeoCode geo = GMap.geoCodeRequest("Pradamano Via Cussignacco, 78/38", "ABQIAAAAXXGwzlc4Ai2aLclXJZRLmBSVMExDJOfktRi92ds7_1jWp3InaRTCRpYSJA6ijYv8qRenFAD7AHN3GQ");
        GMap1.setCenter(geo.Placemark.coordinates, 10);

        GMarker icono2 = new GMarker(geo.Placemark.coordinates);
        GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(icono2, "Udine Via Cussignacco <b>Home --SUPER</b>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover);

        string strWhere = @"SELECT     dbo.Assistenza.IDAss, dbo.Assistenza.IDCli, dbo.Assistenza.UserAnswer, dbo.Assistenza.UserPrefer, dbo.Assistenza.MsgBreve, 
                      dbo.Assistenza.Messaggio, dbo.Assistenza.bEnd, dbo.Assistenza.bOKRecal, dbo.Assistenza.bVisit, dbo.Assistenza.bAppFissato, 
                      dbo.Assistenza.TimeCreate, dbo.Assistenza.TimeMod, users_1.Nome, dbo.users.Nome AS Expr1, dbo.Clienti.RagioneSoc, 
                      dbo.Assistenza.GruppoBase, dbo.Assistenza.Priorita, dbo.Assistenza.IDCalendario, dbo.Calendario.Data, dbo.Clienti.IDFornitore, 
                      dbo.Fornitori.RagioneSociale, dbo.Clienti.IDZona, dbo.Zone.Descrizione, dbo.Assistenza.bRappEseguito, dbo.Assistenza.bScadEseguito, 
                      dbo.Assistenza.bVerificaP, dbo.Clienti.Indirizzo, dbo.Clienti.Localita, dbo.Clienti.Cap, dbo.Clienti.Provincia,dbo.Clienti.GeoLat,dbo.Clienti.GeoLon
FROM         dbo.Fornitori RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.Assistenza INNER JOIN
                      dbo.Clienti ON dbo.Assistenza.IDCli = dbo.Clienti.IDCliente INNER JOIN
                      dbo.Zone ON dbo.Clienti.IDZona = dbo.Zone.IDZona ON dbo.Fornitori.IDFornitori = dbo.Clienti.IDFornitore LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.Calendario ON dbo.Assistenza.IDCalendario = dbo.Calendario.IDCal LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.users ON dbo.Assistenza.UserPrefer = dbo.users.IDUser LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.users AS users_1 ON dbo.Assistenza.UserAnswer = users_1.IDUser
WHERE     (dbo.Assistenza.bEnd = 0) AND (dbo.Assistenza.GruppoBase = 1)";

        SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(strWhere, SqlDataSourceAssistenze.ConnectionString);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        int iInseriti = 0;
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            GMarker iconoDR= null;
            bool bValid = false;
            string sLocPar = dr["Localita"].ToString() + " " + dr["Indirizzo"].ToString();
            if (dr["geolat"].ToString() == "" && dr["geolon"].ToString() == "")
                geo = GMap.geoCodeRequest(sLocPar, "ABQIAAAAXXGwzlc4Ai2aLclXJZRLmBSVMExDJOfktRi92ds7_1jWp3InaRTCRpYSJA6ijYv8qRenFAD7AHN3GQ");
                if (geo.valid)
                    string UpdateCliente = "UPDATE CLienti SET GeoLat='" + geo.Placemark.coordinates.lat.ToString() + "' , GeoLon ='" + geo.Placemark.coordinates.lng.ToString() + "' WHERE IDCliente =" + dr["IDCli"].ToString();
                    SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(SqlDataSourceAssistenze.ConnectionString);
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(UpdateCliente, cnn);
                    int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                iconoDR = new GMarker(geo.Placemark.coordinates);
                GLatLng Pos = new GLatLng(double.Parse(dr["geoLat"].ToString()),double.Parse(dr["geoLon"].ToString()));
                iconoDR = new GMarker(Pos);
                bValid = true;
            if (geo.valid | bValid)
                string sAddAss = "http://serverhp/Assistenze/AssistenzaVisualizza.aspx?IDAss=" + dr["idass"].ToString() + "&IDCli=" + dr["idCli"].ToString();
                string sInfo = "<a  href='" + sAddAss + "'>" + dr["RagioneSoc"].ToString() + "</a></br>" + sLocPar + "<a></br><b>" + dr["MsgBreve"].ToString() + "</b>";

                GInfoWindow windowDR = new GInfoWindow(iconoDR, sInfo, false, GListener.Event.mouseover);
                string sAddCli = "http://serverhp/Anagrafica/Cliente.aspx?IDCli=" + dr["idCli"].ToString();
                divMessage.InnerHtml += "<b>" + "<a  href='" + sAddCli + "'>" + dr["RagioneSoc"].ToString() + "</a></b> " + sLocPar + "</br>";

        Label1.Text = "Inseriti:" + iInseriti.ToString() + " su " + dt.Rows.Count + "elementi";