예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Point> iProbes;

            DA.GetDataTree(0, out iProbes);

            DataTree <Point3d> convertedProbesTree = new DataTree <Point3d>();

            int     x = 0;
            Point3d convertedPoint = new Point3d();

            foreach (GH_Path path in iProbes.Paths)
                foreach (var pt in iProbes.get_Branch(path))
                    GH_Convert.ToPoint3d(pt, ref convertedPoint, 0);
                    convertedProbesTree.Add(convertedPoint, new GH_Path(x));
                    convertedPoint = new Point3d();
                x += 1;

            List <TextFile> windProbesFiles = new List <TextFile>();

            foreach (var path in convertedProbesTree.Paths)
                #region shellString
                string shellString =
                    "/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\\\n" +
                    "| =========                 |                                                 |\n" +
                    "| \\\\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |\n" +
                    "|  \\\\    /   O peration     | Website:  www.OpenFOAM.org                      |\n" +
                    "|   \\\\  /    A nd           | Version: 6                                      |\n" +
                    "|    \\\\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |\n" +
                    "\\*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n" +
                    "{0}\n" +
                    "   {{\n" +

                    "       // Where to load it from\n" +
                    "       functionObjectLibs (\"libsampling.so\");\n" +

                    "       type probes;\n" +

                    "       // Name of the directory for probe data\n" +
                    "       name {1};\n" +

                    "       // Write at same frequency as fields\n" +
                    "       writeControl timeStep;\n" +
                    "       writeInterval  1;\n" +

                    "       // Fields to be probed\n" +
                    "       fields\n" +
                    "       (\n" +
                    "           p U\n" +
                    "       );\n" +

                    "       //For Spectral analysis and velo profile\n" +
                    "       probeLocations\n" +
                    "       (\n" +
                    "       {2}\n" +
                    "       );\n" +
                    "   }}";

                string ptCoord = "";
                foreach (var pt in convertedProbesTree.Branch(path))
                    ptCoord += "(" + pt.X.ToString() + "   " + pt.Y.ToString() + "   " + pt.Z.ToString() + ")\n       ";

                string name = "windProbes_" + path.ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");

                string tempWindFile = string.Format(shellString, name, name, ptCoord);

                var oWindFile = new TextFile(tempWindFile, name);


            DA.SetDataList(0, windProbesFiles);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            ///input parameters
            GH_Structure <GH_Vector> Tree = new GH_Structure <GH_Vector>();
            bool s = false;

            /// initialise parameters
            List <int>     X_i      = new List <int>();
            List <int>     Y_i      = new List <int>();
            List <int>     Z_i      = new List <int>();
            GH_Path        pth      = null;
            Vector3d       vector3D = new Vector3d();
            DataTree <int> indices  = new DataTree <int>();

            if (!DA.GetDataTree("Vectors", out Tree))
            if (!DA.GetData("Strict", ref s))

            /// 0. error catching
            /// 1. decompose datatree
            /// 2. convert GH_GOO structure to rhinocommon Vector3D
            /// 3. querry list
            /// 4. create new datatree
            /// 5. output data

            List <Point3d> P1     = new List <Point3d>();
            List <Point3d> P2     = new List <Point3d>();
            List <Point3d> result = new List <Point3d>();

            /// 1. decompose datatree
            for (int i = 0; i < Tree.PathCount; i++)
                /// 2. convert GH_GOO structure to rhinocommon Vector3D
                pth = Tree.get_Path(i);
                var             branch = Tree.Branches[i];
                List <Vector3d> V      = new List <Vector3d>();

                foreach (GH_Vector thisGHVector in branch)
                    GH_Convert.ToVector3d(thisGHVector, ref vector3D, 0);

                /// 3. querry list
                if (s == false)
                    X_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].X) >= Math.Abs(V[index].Y) && Math.Abs(V[index].X) >= Math.Abs(V[index].Z))

                    Y_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].Y) >= Math.Abs(V[index].X) && Math.Abs(V[index].Y) >= Math.Abs(V[index].Z))

                    Z_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].Z) >= Math.Abs(V[index].X) && Math.Abs(V[index].Z) >= Math.Abs(V[index].Y))
                    var a = 1 / Math.Sqrt(3);
                    X_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].X) >= a)

                    Y_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].Y) >= a)

                    Z_i = V
                          .Select((v, index) => index)
                          .Where(index => Math.Abs(V[index].Z) >= a)

                /// 4. create new datatree
                var path = pth.Indices.ToList();
                var p = new GH_Path(path.ToArray());
                indices.AddRange(X_i, p);

                path = pth.Indices.ToList();
                p = new GH_Path(path.ToArray());
                indices.AddRange(Y_i, p);

                path = pth.Indices.ToList();
                p = new GH_Path(path.ToArray());
                indices.AddRange(Z_i, p);

            /// Output
            DA.SetDataTree(0, indices);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaProp2d prop = new GsaProp2d();

            // element type (picked in dropdown)
            prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.UNDEF;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.PlaneStress)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.PL_STRESS;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.Fabric)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.FABRIC;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.FlatPlate)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.PLATE;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.Shell)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.SHELL;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.CurvedShell)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.CURVED_SHELL;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.LoadPanel)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.LOAD;

            GH_Integer gh_ID = new GH_Integer();

            DA.GetData(0, ref gh_ID);
            int idd = 0;

            GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_ID, ref idd);
            prop.ID = idd;

            GH_String gh_Name = new GH_String();

            DA.GetData(1, ref gh_Name);
            string name = "";

            GH_Convert.ToString_Primary(gh_Name, ref name);
            prop.Prop2d.Name = name;

            GH_Colour gh_Colour = new GH_Colour();

            DA.GetData(2, ref gh_Colour);
            System.Drawing.Color colour = new System.Drawing.Color();
            GH_Convert.ToColor_Primary(gh_Colour, ref colour);
            prop.Prop2d.Colour = (ValueType)colour;

            if (_mode != FoldMode.LoadPanel)
                GH_Integer gh_Axis = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(3, ref gh_Axis);
                int axis = 0;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_Axis, ref axis);
                prop.Prop2d.AxisProperty = axis;

                if (_mode != FoldMode.Fabric)
                    //Material type
                    GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ  = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                    MaterialType     matType = MaterialType.CONCRETE;
                    if (DA.GetData(4, ref gh_typ))
                        if (gh_typ.Value is MaterialType)
                            gh_typ.CastTo(ref matType);
                        if (gh_typ.Value is GH_String)
                            string typ = "CONCRETE";
                            GH_Convert.ToString_Primary(gh_typ, ref typ);
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "STEEL")
                                matType = MaterialType.STEEL;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "CONCRETE")
                                matType = MaterialType.CONCRETE;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "FRP")
                                matType = MaterialType.FRP;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "ALUMINIUM")
                                matType = MaterialType.ALUMINIUM;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "TIMBER")
                                matType = MaterialType.TIMBER;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "GLASS")
                                matType = MaterialType.GLASS;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "FABRIC")
                                matType = MaterialType.FABRIC;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "GENERIC")
                                matType = MaterialType.GENERIC;
                    prop.Prop2d.MaterialType = matType;

                    GH_Number gh_THK = new GH_Number();

                    double thickness = 0.2;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref gh_THK))
                        GH_Convert.ToDouble_Primary(gh_THK, ref thickness);
                    //prop.Prop2d.Thickness = thickness;
                    prop.Prop2d.MaterialType = MaterialType.FABRIC;

                //handle that the last two inputs are at different -1 index for fabric mode
                int fab = 0;
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Fabric)
                    fab = 1;

                GH_Integer gh_grd = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(5 - fab, ref gh_grd);
                int grade = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_grd, ref grade);
                prop.Prop2d.MaterialGradeProperty = grade;

                GH_Integer gh_anal = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(6 - fab, ref gh_anal);
                int analysis = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_anal, ref analysis);
                prop.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty = analysis;

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaProp2dGoo(prop));
예제 #4
파일: U.cs 프로젝트: sippanspojk/strWIND
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Brep> iDomain;
            Vector3d iVelocityVec = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3d iInletVec    = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

            DA.GetDataTree(0, out iDomain);
            DA.GetData(1, ref iVelocityVec);
            DA.GetData(2, ref iInletVec);

            DataTree <Brep> convertedGeomTree = new DataTree <Brep>();

            int  x             = 0;
            Brep convertedBrep = null;

            foreach (GH_Path path in iDomain.Paths)
                foreach (var geom in iDomain.get_Branch(path))
                    GH_Convert.ToBrep(geom, ref convertedBrep, 0);
                    convertedGeomTree.Add(convertedBrep, new GH_Path(x));
                    convertedBrep = null;
                x += 1;

            convertedGeomTree.Branch(0)[0].SetUserString("BC", iInletVec.ToString().Replace(",", " "));

            string geomInsert = "";

            for (int i = 6; i < convertedGeomTree.Paths.Count; i++)
                GH_Path path = convertedGeomTree.Path(i);
                geomInsert += "   " + convertedGeomTree.Branch(path)[0].GetUserString("Name") + "\n" +
                              "    {\n" +
                              "        type           fixedValue;\n" +
                              "        value          uniform (0 0 0);\n" +
                              "    }\n" +

            #region shellString
            string shellString =
                "/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\\\n" +
                "| =========                 |                                                 |\n" +
                "| \\\\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |\n" +
                "|  \\\\    /   O peration     | Website:  www.OpenFOAM.org                      |\n" +
                "|   \\\\  /    A nd           | Version: 6                                      |\n" +
                "|    \\\\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |\n" +
                "\\*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n" +
                "FoamFile\n" +
                "{{\n" +
                "     version     2.0;\n" +
                "     format      ascii;\n" +
                "     class       volVectorField;\n" +
                "     object      U;\n" +
                "}}\n" +
                "// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //\n\r" +
                "\n" +

                "dimensions     [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];\n\r" +

                "internalField  uniform (" + iVelocityVec.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + ");\n\r" +

                "boundaryField\n" +
                "{{\n\r" +

                "    INLET\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            timeVaryingMappedFixedValue;\n" +
                "           setAverage	    0;\n"+
                "           offset          (0 0 0);\n" +
                "           //type            fixedValue;\n" +
                "           //value           uniform (" + iInletVec.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + ");\n\r" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "    OUTLET\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            zeroGradient;\n" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "    LEFTSIDE\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            symmetry;\n" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "    RIGHTSIDE\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            symmetry;\n" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "    BOTTOM\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            fixedValue;\n" +
                "           value           uniform (0 0 0);\n" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "    TOP\n" +
                "    {{\n" +
                "           type            symmetry;\n" +
                "    }}\n\r" +

                "{0}\n" +

            string oVelocityString = string.Format(shellString, geomInsert);

            var oVelocityTextFile = new TextFile(oVelocityString, "U");

            DA.SetData(0, oVelocityTextFile);
예제 #5
        public override bool CastTo <Q>(out Q target)
            // This function is called when Grasshopper needs to convert this
            // instance of GsaElement into some other type Q.

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GsaElement1d)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Duplicate();

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Element)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Element;

            //Cast to Curve
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Line)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Line;
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GH_Line)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    GH_Line ghLine = new GH_Line();
                    GH_Convert.ToGHLine(Value.Line, GH_Conversion.Both, ref ghLine);
                    target = (Q)(object)ghLine;

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Curve)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Line;
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GH_Curve)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)new GH_Curve(Value.Line);


            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GH_Integer)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    GH_Integer ghint = new GH_Integer();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToGHInteger(Value.ID, GH_Conversion.Both, ref ghint))
                        target = (Q)(object)ghint;
                        target = default;

            target = default;
예제 #6
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string filePath = null;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref filePath))
            if (!filePath.EndsWith(@"\"))
                filePath = filePath + @"\";

            var heating     = new List <double>();
            var cooling     = new List <double>();
            var dhw         = new List <double>();
            var electricity = new List <double>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, heating))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, cooling))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(3, dhw))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(4, electricity))

            var solarAreas = new List <double>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList(5, solarAreas))

            GH_Structure <GH_Number> solarPotentials;

            if (!DA.GetDataTree(6, out solarPotentials))
            List <List <double> > solarPotList = new List <List <double> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < solarPotentials.Branches.Count; i++)
                solarPotList.Add(new List <double>());
                foreach (GH_Number gooNumber in solarPotentials.get_Branch(i))
                    double numb;
                    GH_Convert.ToDouble(gooNumber, out numb, GH_Conversion.Both);

            var irradiance = new double[solarPotList.Count][];

            for (int i = 0; i < solarPotList.Count; i++)
                irradiance[i] = solarPotList[i].ToArray();

            var ghi     = new List <double>();
            var dryBulb = new List <double>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList(7, ghi))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(8, dryBulb))

            bool run = false;

            DA.GetData(9, ref run);

            int epsilonCuts = 3;

            DA.GetData(10, ref epsilonCuts);

            if (run)
                    LoadTechParameters(filePath + "technologies.csv", out var technologyParameters);
                    technologyParameters.Add("NumberOfBuildingsInEHub", Convert.ToDouble(1));
                    technologyParameters.Add("Peak_Htg_" + Convert.ToString(0), heating.Max());
                    technologyParameters.Add("Peak_Clg_" + Convert.ToString(0), cooling.Max());
                    Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("_____LOADING INPUTS COMPLETE_____");
                    Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("_____CLUSTERING TYPICAL DAYS_____");

                    int numberOfSolarAreas = solarAreas.Count;
                    int numBaseLoads       = 5; // heating, cooling, electricity, ghi, tamb
                    int numLoads           =
                        numBaseLoads +
                        numberOfSolarAreas; // heating, cooling, electricity, ghi, tamb, solar. however, solar will include several profiles.
                    const int  hoursPerYear   = 8760;
                    double[][] fullProfiles   = new double[numLoads][];
                    string[]   loadTypes      = new string[numLoads];
                    bool[]     peakDays       = new bool[numLoads];
                    bool[]     correctionLoad = new bool[numLoads];
                    for (int u = 0; u < numLoads; u++)
                        fullProfiles[u] = new double[hoursPerYear];
                    loadTypes[0]      = "heating";
                    loadTypes[1]      = "cooling";
                    loadTypes[2]      = "electricity";
                    loadTypes[3]      = "ghi";
                    loadTypes[4]      = "Tamb";
                    peakDays[0]       = true;
                    peakDays[1]       = true;
                    peakDays[2]       = true;
                    peakDays[3]       = false;
                    peakDays[4]       = false;
                    correctionLoad[0] = true;
                    correctionLoad[1] = true;
                    correctionLoad[2] = true;
                    correctionLoad[3] = false;
                    correctionLoad[4] = false;

                    useForClustering =
                        new bool[fullProfiles
                                 .Length]; // specificy here, which load is used for clustering. the others are just reshaped
                    for (int t = 0; t < hoursPerYear; t++)
                        fullProfiles[0][t]  = heating[t] + dhw[t];
                        fullProfiles[1][t]  = cooling[t];
                        fullProfiles[2][t]  = electricity[t];
                        fullProfiles[3][t]  = ghi[t];
                        fullProfiles[4][t]  = dryBulb[t];
                        useForClustering[0] = true;
                        useForClustering[1] = true;
                        useForClustering[2] = true;
                        useForClustering[3] = true;
                        useForClustering[4] = false;

                    for (int u = 0; u < numberOfSolarAreas; u++)
                        useForClustering[u + numBaseLoads] = false;
                        peakDays[u + numBaseLoads]         = false;
                        correctionLoad[u + numBaseLoads]   = true;
                        loadTypes[u + numBaseLoads]        = "solar";
                        for (int t = 0; t < hoursPerYear; t++)
                            fullProfiles[u + numBaseLoads][t] = irradiance[u][t];

                    // TO DO: load in GHI time series, add it to full profiles (right after heating, cooling, elec), and use it for clustering. exclude other solar profiles from clustering, but they need to be reshaped too
                    EhubMisc.HorizonReduction.TypicalDays typicalDays = EhubMisc.HorizonReduction.GenerateTypicalDays(
                        fullProfiles, loadTypes,
                        12, peakDays, useForClustering, correctionLoad, true);

                    /// Running Energy Hub
                    Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Solving MILP optimization model...");
                    double[][] typicalSolarLoads = new double[numberOfSolarAreas][];

                    // solar profiles negative or very small numbers. rounding floating numbers thing?
                    for (int u = 0; u < numberOfSolarAreas; u++)
                        typicalSolarLoads[u] = typicalDays.DayProfiles[numBaseLoads + u];
                        for (int t = 0; t < typicalSolarLoads[u].Length; t++)
                            if (typicalSolarLoads[u][t] < 0.1)
                                typicalSolarLoads[u][t] = 0.0;

                    // same for heating, cooling, elec demand... round very small numbers
                    for (int t = 0; t < typicalDays.DayProfiles[0].Length; t++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            if (typicalDays.DayProfiles[i][t] < 0.001)
                                typicalDays.DayProfiles[i][t] = 0.0;

                    int[] clustersizePerTimestep = typicalDays.NumberOfDaysPerTimestep;
                    Ehub  ehub = new Ehub(typicalDays.DayProfiles[0], typicalDays.DayProfiles[1],
                                          typicalSolarLoads, solarAreas.ToArray(),
                                          typicalDays.DayProfiles[4], technologyParameters,
                    ehub.Solve(epsilonCuts, true);

                    Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("ENERGY HUB SOLVER COMPLETED");

                    var capex     = new List <double>();
                    var opex      = new List <double>();
                    var emissions = new List <double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < ehub.Outputs.Length; i++)
                    DA.SetDataList(0, capex);
                    DA.SetDataList(1, opex);
                    DA.SetDataList(2, emissions);

                    WriteOutput("EaCS3_HS21_Results_Ehub", filePath, numberOfSolarAreas, ehub, typicalDays, numBaseLoads);
                    Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("RESULTS WRITTEN TO" + filePath.ToString());
                catch (Exception e)

            // return results to outputs IN GH component
예제 #7
            protected override void Layout()
                Rectangle global_rec = GH_Convert.ToRectangle(Bounds);
                int       height = 19; int width = 90; int radi1 = 7; int radi2 = 4;
                int       pitchx = 8; int pitchy = 11; int textheight = 20;

                radio_rec0        = global_rec;
                radio_rec0.Y      = radio_rec0.Bottom;
                radio_rec0.Height = height;

                radio_rec_1        = radio_rec0;
                radio_rec_1.X     += 5; radio_rec_1.Y += 5;
                radio_rec_1.Height = radi1; radio_rec_1.Width = radi1;

                text_rec_1        = radio_rec_1;
                text_rec_1.X     += pitchx; text_rec_1.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_1.Height = textheight; text_rec_1.Width = width;

                title_rec1        = radio_rec0;
                title_rec1.Y      = radio_rec0.Bottom;
                title_rec1.Width  = global_rec.Width;
                title_rec1.Height = 22;

                radio_rec1        = title_rec1;
                radio_rec1.Y      = title_rec1.Bottom;
                radio_rec1.Height = height;

                radio_rec_11        = radio_rec1;
                radio_rec_11.X     += 5; radio_rec_11.Y += 5;
                radio_rec_11.Height = radi1; radio_rec_11.Width = radi1;

                text_rec_11        = radio_rec_11;
                text_rec_11.X     += pitchx; text_rec_11.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_11.Height = textheight; text_rec_11.Width = width;

                radio_rec_12 = radio_rec_11; radio_rec_12.X = text_rec_11.X + 45;

                text_rec_12        = radio_rec_12;
                text_rec_12.X     += pitchx; text_rec_12.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_12.Height = textheight; text_rec_12.Width = width;

                title_rec2        = radio_rec1;
                title_rec2.Y      = radio_rec1.Bottom;
                title_rec2.Width  = global_rec.Width;
                title_rec2.Height = 22;

                radio_rec2        = title_rec2;
                radio_rec2.Y      = title_rec2.Bottom;
                radio_rec2.Height = height * 2;

                radio_rec_21        = radio_rec2;
                radio_rec_21.X     += 5; radio_rec_21.Y += 5;
                radio_rec_21.Height = radi1; radio_rec_21.Width = radi1;

                text_rec_21        = radio_rec_21;
                text_rec_21.X     += pitchx; text_rec_21.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_21.Height = textheight; text_rec_21.Width = width;

                radio_rec_22    = radio_rec_21;
                radio_rec_22.Y += pitchy;

                text_rec_22        = radio_rec_22;
                text_rec_22.X     += pitchx; text_rec_22.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_22.Height = textheight; text_rec_22.Width = width;

                radio_rec_23    = radio_rec_22;
                radio_rec_23.Y += pitchy;

                text_rec_23        = radio_rec_23;
                text_rec_23.X     += pitchx; text_rec_23.Y -= radi2;
                text_rec_23.Height = textheight; text_rec_23.Width = width;

                global_rec.Height += radio_rec2.Bottom - radio_rec0.Y;
                Bounds             = global_rec;