private void NewKitFrm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (bwDelete.IsBusy) { bwDelete.CancelAsync(); } if (bwSave.IsBusy) { bwSave.CancelAsync(); } if (bwNewKitAutosomalJob.IsBusy) { bwNewKitAutosomalJob.CancelAsync(); } if (bwNewKitYDNAJob.IsBusy) { bwNewKitYDNAJob.CancelAsync(); } if (bwPopuate.IsBusy) { bwPopuate.CancelAsync(); } GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); GGKUtilLib.disable_DisableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disable_EnableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disableDeleteKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.setStatus("Done."); }
private void QuickEditKit_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); GGKUtilLib.disableDeleteKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disable_DisableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disable_EnableKitToolbarBtn(); }
private void populateForm(string kit) { string[] data = settings[kit]; tbKey.Text = kit; tbValue.Text = data[0]; tbDesc.Text = data[1]; lblLastModified.Text = "Last Modified on " + data[3]; if (data[2] == "1") { tbValue.ReadOnly = true; btnResetDefault.Enabled = false; GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); } else { tbValue.ReadOnly = false; btnResetDefault.Enabled = true; GGKUtilLib.enableSave(); } }
private void doControlActivities(bool disabled) { if (disabled) { GGKUtilLib.enable_EnableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disable_DisableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.enableDeleteKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); txtName.ReadOnly = true; dataGridViewAutosomal.ReadOnly = true; textBoxYDNA.ReadOnly = true; dgvy12.ReadOnly = true; dgvy25.ReadOnly = true; dgvy37.ReadOnly = true; dgvy67.ReadOnly = true; dgvy111.ReadOnly = true; dgvymisc.ReadOnly = true; textBoxMtDNA.ReadOnly = true; } else { GGKUtilLib.disable_EnableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.enable_DisableKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.enableDeleteKitToolbarBtn(); GGKUtilLib.enableSave(); txtName.ReadOnly = false; dataGridViewAutosomal.ReadOnly = false; textBoxYDNA.ReadOnly = false; dgvy12.ReadOnly = false; dgvy25.ReadOnly = false; dgvy37.ReadOnly = false; dgvy67.ReadOnly = false; dgvy111.ReadOnly = false; dgvymisc.ReadOnly = false; textBoxMtDNA.ReadOnly = false; } }
public void Save() { bool err = false; if (txtKit.Text.Trim() == "") { errorProvider1.SetError(txtKit, "Must provide a Kit Number. If you don't have one, just enter anything unique to this kit. e.g, KIT01"); err = true; } else { errorProvider1.SetError(txtKit, ""); } if (txtName.Text.Trim() == "") { errorProvider1.SetError(txtName, "Must provide a name."); err = true; } else { errorProvider1.SetError(txtName, ""); } if (err) { return; } Object[] args = new Object[] { txtKit.Text, txtName.Text, dataGridViewAutosomal.Rows, textBoxYDNA.Text, textBoxMtDNA.Text, new DataGridViewRowCollection[] { dgvy12.Rows, dgvy25.Rows, dgvy37.Rows, dgvy67.Rows, dgvy111.Rows, dgvymisc.Rows }, cbSex.Text, tbFASTA.Text }; GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); GGKUtilLib.setStatus("Saving ..."); this.Enabled = false; GGKUtilLib.disableMenu(); GGKUtilLib.disableToolbar(); bwSave.RunWorkerAsync(args); }
private void OneToOneCmpFrm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); }
private void SettingsFrm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { GGKUtilLib.disableSave(); }