/// <summary>
        /// Load all the exclusions into a HashSet, then loop through the Base Query, until we have pageSize + Skip items that aren't in the HashSet.
        /// Expensive when there are LOTS of exclusions, but cheaper when the BaseQuery is large because we don't process all of it (stop when we have enough)
        /// </summary>
        internal List <Question> BooleanQueryWithExclusionsFastAlternativeVersion(QueryType type, string tag, IList <string> excludedTags, int pageSize, int skip)
            var gcInfo = new GCCollectionInfo();
            var timer  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            TagByQueryLookup        queryInfo     = GetTagByQueryLookup(type);
            Func <Question, string> fieldSelector = GetFieldSelector(type);

            ThrowIfInvalidParameters(tag, pageSize, queryInfo);

            var exclusions = cache.Value.GetCachedHashSet();

            foreach (var excludedTag in excludedTags)
                foreach (var qu in queryInfo[excludedTag])
            var allResults = new List <int>(skip + pageSize);

            foreach (var qu in queryInfo[tag])
                // If it's not in the exclusions, we can use it
                if (exclusions.Contains(qu) == false)
                if (allResults.Count >= (skip + pageSize))
            var results = allResults.Skip(skip)
                          .Select(i => questions[i])


            Logger.Log("Base Query: {0}, there are {1:N0} Excluded Tags", tag, excludedTags.Count);
            using (Utils.SetConsoleColour(Utils.GetColorForTimespan(timer.Elapsed)))
                Logger.Log("Boolean Query {0} against tag \"{1}\", pageSize = {2}, skip = {3}, took {4} ({5:N2} ms) - FAST ALT",
                           type, tag, pageSize, skip, timer.Elapsed, timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Logger.Log("Got {0} results ({1} in allResults), {2:N0} items in exclusions", results.Count(), allResults.Count, exclusions.Count);
            //var formattedResults = results.Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            //Log("  {0}", string.Join("\n  ", formattedResults));

        /// <summary>
        /// Load up the HashSet with the values from the Base Query, then loop through all the exclusions and remove them
        /// Expensive when their are LOTS of exclusions, expensive when there is a large Base Query (we process it all regardless)
        /// </summary>
        internal List <Question> BooleanQueryWithExclusionsFastVersion(QueryType type, string tag, IList <string> excludedTags, int pageSize, int skip)
            var gcInfo = new GCCollectionInfo();
            var timer  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            TagByQueryLookup        queryInfo     = GetTagByQueryLookup(type);
            Func <Question, string> fieldSelector = GetFieldSelector(type);

            ThrowIfInvalidParameters(tag, pageSize, queryInfo);

            var baseHashSet = cache.Value.GetCachedHashSet(queryInfo[tag]);

            foreach (var excludedTag in excludedTags)
                foreach (var qu in queryInfo[excludedTag])
                    // We don't care if it was present before or not, either way it's removed
            var results = baseHashSet.Skip(skip)
                          .Select(i => questions[i])


            Logger.Log("Base Query: {0}, there are {1:N0} Excluded Tags", tag, excludedTags.Count);
            using (Utils.SetConsoleColour(Utils.GetColorForTimespan(timer.Elapsed)))
                Logger.Log("Boolean Query {0} against tag \"{1}\", pageSize = {2}, skip = {3}, took {4} ({5:N2} ms) - FAST",
                           type, tag, pageSize, skip, timer.Elapsed, timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Logger.Log("Got {0} results, {1:N0} items left in baseHashSet", results.Count(), baseHashSet.Count);
            //var formattedResults = results.Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            //Log("  {0}", string.Join("\n  ", formattedResults));

        internal List <Question> BooleanQueryWithExclusionsLINQVersion(QueryType type, string tag, IList <string> excludedTags, int pageSize, int skip)
            var gcInfo = new GCCollectionInfo();
            var timer  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            TagByQueryLookup        queryInfo     = GetTagByQueryLookup(type);
            Func <Question, string> fieldSelector = GetFieldSelector(type);

            ThrowIfInvalidParameters(tag, pageSize, queryInfo);

            IEnumerable <int> baseQuery = queryInfo[tag];

            foreach (var excludedTag in excludedTags)
                baseQuery = baseQuery.Except(queryInfo[excludedTag]);
            var results = baseQuery.Skip(skip)
                          .Select(i => questions[i])


            Logger.Log("Base Query: {0}, there are {1:N0} Excluded Tags", tag, excludedTags.Count);
            using (Utils.SetConsoleColour(Utils.GetColorForTimespan(timer.Elapsed)))
                Logger.Log("Boolean Query {0} against tag \"{1}\", pageSize = {2}, skip = {3}, took {4} ({5:N2} ms) - SLOW",
                           type, tag, pageSize, skip, timer.Elapsed, timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Logger.Log("Got {0} results", results.Count());
            //var formattedResults = results.Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            //Log("  {0}", string.Join("\n  ", formattedResults));

        /// <summary>
        /// Similar to <seealso cref="BooleanQueryWithExclusionsFastAlternativeVersion"/> using a BloomFilter instead of a HashSet
        /// Load up the BloomFilter with the exclusions, then loop through the Base Query, until we have pageSize + Skip items that aren't in the BloomFilter.
        /// Expensive when there are LOTS of exclusions, but cheaper when the BaseQuery is large because we don't process all of it (stop when we have enough)
        /// </summary>
        internal List <Question> BooleanQueryWithExclusionsBloomFilterVersion(QueryType type, string tag, IList <string> excludedTags, int pageSize, int skip)
            var gcInfo = new GCCollectionInfo();
            var timer  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            TagByQueryLookup        queryInfo     = GetTagByQueryLookup(type);
            Func <Question, string> fieldSelector = GetFieldSelector(type);

            ThrowIfInvalidParameters(tag, pageSize, queryInfo);

            //int bloomFilterSize = 40 * 1000 * 1000; // million's, 40mil produces several False +ve's
            int bloomFilterSize = 100 * 1000 * 1000; // million's

            var bloomFilterCreationTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var bloomFilter = new SimpleBloomFilter(bloomFilterSize);
            Logger.Log("Took {0} ({1:N2} ms) to create the bloom filter with {2:N0} bits ({3:N2} bytes)",
                       bloomFilterCreationTimer.Elapsed, bloomFilterCreationTimer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, bloomFilterSize, bloomFilterSize / 8);
            var bloomFilter = new SimpleBloomFilter(bloomFilterSize);

            //var tests = new[] { 1066589, 2793150, 364114, 910374 }; // These are the Question Id's NOT the array index ([]) values!!
            var tests     = new[] { 192257, 616585, 53029, 158368 }; // These ARE the array index ([]) values
            var debugging = cache.Value.GetCachedHashSet();
            foreach (var excludedTag in excludedTags)
                foreach (var qu in queryInfo[excludedTag])

                    if (tests.Contains(qu))
                        // It it's false, it's DEFINITELY false
                        // It it's true, it could really be false (false +ve)
                        var possiblyExists = bloomFilter.PossiblyExists(qu, debugInfo: true);
                        Logger.Log("Bloom Filter.PossiblyExists - {0,8} = {1} ****", qu, possiblyExists);
                        Logger.Log("  DebuggingHashSet.Contains - {0,8} = {1} ****", qu, debugging.Contains(qu));
            var baseQuery = queryInfo[tag];
            var result =
                baseQuery.Where(b =>
                var possiblyExists = bloomFilter.PossiblyExists(b);
                if (possiblyExists == false)
                    return(true);        // we can use it
                if (debugging.Contains(b) == false)
                    var qu = questions[b];
                    Logger.Log("FALSE +VE: {0,8}, PossiblyExists = {1}, debugging.Contains() = {2}, Id = {3,8}, Tags = {4}",
                               b, possiblyExists, debugging.Contains(b), qu.Id, string.Join(",", qu.Tags));
                return(false);        // we can't use it
            var result = baseQuery.Where(b => bloomFilter.PossiblyExists(b) == false)
                .Select(i => questions[i])

            Logger.Log("Base Query: {0}, there are {1:N0} Excluded Tags", tag, excludedTags.Count);
            using (Utils.SetConsoleColour(Utils.GetColorForTimespan(timer.Elapsed)))
                Logger.Log("Boolean Query {0} against tag \"{1}\", pageSize = {2}, skip = {3}, took {4} ({5:N2} ms) - BLOOM",
                           type, tag, pageSize, skip, timer.Elapsed, timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            //Log("Got {0} results, Bloom Filter contains {1:N0} items (some could be dupes), Truthiness {2:N2}",
            //    result.Count(), bloomFilter.NumberOfItems, bloomFilter.Truthiness);
            Logger.Log("Got {0} results, Bloom Filter contains {1:N0} items (some could be dupes)", result.Count(), bloomFilter.NumberOfItems);
            //var formattedResults = result.Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            //Log("  {0}", string.Join("\n  ", formattedResults));

            foreach (var item in tests)
                var possiblyExists = bloomFilter.PossiblyExists(item, debugInfo: true);
                Logger.Log("Bloom Filter.PossiblyExists - {0,8} = {1}", item, possiblyExists);
                Logger.Log("  DebuggingHashSet.Contains - {0,8} = {1}", item, debugging.Contains(item));
            // When the values in "tests" represent Question Id
            //var testResults = tests.Select(t => questions.First(qu => qu.Id == t))
            //                       .Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            // When the values in "tests" represent array indexes, i.e. questions[x]
            var testResults = tests.Select(t => questions[t])
                              .Select(r => string.Format("Id: {0,8}, {1}: {2,4}, Tags: {3}, ", r.Id, type, fieldSelector(r), string.Join(",", r.Tags)));
            Logger.Log("  {0}", string.Join("\n  ", testResults));
