private void GBAGPUView_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { if (gba != null) { gba.SetScanlineCallback(null, null); gba = null; } }
public PPU(GBA gba, ushort[] display, IORAMSection IO) { this.gba = gba; this.IO = IO; this.Display = display; this.ResetBGScanlines(0, 1, 2, 3); this.ResetOBJScanlines(); }
public void Restart() { gba = Global.Emulator as GBA; if (gba != null) { gba.GetGPUMemoryAreas(out vram, out palram, out oam, out mmio); } else { if (Visible) { Close(); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Gba = new GBA(AudioReady); byte[] bios = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("roms/GBA.BIOS"); bios.CopyTo(Gba.Mem.Bios, 0); byte[] rom = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("roms/armwrestler-gba-fixed.gba"); rom.CopyTo(Gba.Mem.Rom, 0); using (Game game = new Game(1600, 900, "PZ GBA", Gba)) { //Run takes a double, which is how many frames per second it should strive to reach. //You can leave that out and it'll just update as fast as the hardware will allow it. game.VSync = OpenTK.VSyncMode.On; game.Run(60.0, 0.0); } SetupSDL(); }
public ARM7TDMI(GBA gba, Scheduler.Scheduler scheduler) { this.gba = gba; this.Pipeline = new cPipeline(this); this.InitARM(); this.InitTHUMB(); this.InitTimers(scheduler); // IO requires bus to be initialized this.bus = new BUS(this); this.IO = new IORAMSection(); // DMAChannels require bus AND IO to be initialized this.DMAChannels[0] = new DMAChannel(this, 0); this.DMAChannels[1] = new DMAChannel(this, 1); this.DMAChannels[2] = new DMAChannel(this, 2); this.DMAChannels[3] = new DMAChannel(this, 3); // mem requires IO AND DMAChannels to be initialized this.mem = new MEM(this); this.SystemBank = new uint[16]; this.FIQBank = new uint[16]; this.SupervisorBank = new uint[16]; // this.AbortBank = new uint[16]; this.IRQBank = new uint[16]; // this.UndefinedBank = new uint[16]; this.state = State.ARM; // need banked registers for CPSR initialization this.CPSR = 0x0000005F; this.PipelineFlush(); this.PC += 4; }
public ToonStats() { ht = new HT(); mf = new MF(); nego = new Nego(); traya = new Traya(); en = new EN(); padme = new Padme(); jkr = new JKR(); grievous = new Grievous(); bsf = new BSF(); bossk = new Bossk(); gba = new GBA(); mal = new Malevolence(); dr = new DR(); dm = new DM(); }
public Game(int width, int height, string title, GBA gba) : base(width, height, GraphicsMode.Default, title) { Gba = gba; }
public override bool IsPlatformMatch(byte[] rom) { return(GBA.VerifyLogo(rom, 0)); }