// Check si modification ou nouvel utilisateur public void CreateUser() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstname.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastname.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(email.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(password.text)) { User currentUser; // Prof if (String.Equals(status.captionText.text, "Prof.")) { int id = DBCommands.InsertTeacher(lastname.text, firstname.text, email.text, password.text); currentUser = GUser.CreateTeacher(id, firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text); GApp.SetPrefUser(firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, "Prof.", "", "", "", "2019-02-11"); } // Student else { Promo p = GPromo.GetPromo(1, promo.captionText.text); int id = DBCommands.InsertStudent(firstname.text, lastname.text, p.Id, email.text, password.text); currentUser = GUser.CreateStudent(id, firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, p); GApp.SetPrefUser(firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, "Elève", p.Specialty, td.captionText.text, tp.captionText.text, "2019-02-11"); } GApp.ChangeScene(nextScene); } }
public void AlreadyLoggedIn() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerPrefs.GetString("email")) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerPrefs.GetString("password"))) { GUser.GetUserByConnexion(PlayerPrefs.GetString("email"), PlayerPrefs.GetString("password")); User user = GUser.user; if (user != null) { Debug.Log("not null"); if (user.IsStudent()) { string spe = ((Student)user).Promo.Specialty; GApp.SetPrefUser(user.Firstname, user.Lastname, user.Email, user.Password, "Elève", spe, "TD1", "TP1", "2019-02-14"); // as IARISS didn't give us the schedule data for the current month, but for a more "full" month } else { GApp.SetPrefUser(user.Firstname, user.Lastname, user.Email, user.Password, "Prof.", "", "", "", "2019-02-14"); // as IARISS didn't give us the schedule data for the current month, but for a more "full" month } GApp.ChangeScene("DetectSalle"); } else { Debug.Log("user Null"); PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); } } else { GApp.ChangeScene("ConnexionScene"); } }
public void Login() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAddressIT.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordIT.text)) { GUser.GetUserByConnexion(mailAddressIT.text, passwordIT.text); User user = GUser.user; if (user != null) { Debug.Log("not null"); if (user.IsStudent()) { GApp.SetPrefUser(user.Firstname, user.Lastname, mailAddressIT.text, passwordIT.text, "Elève", ((Student)user).Promo.Specialty, "TD1", "TP1", "2019-02-14"); // as IARISS didn't give us the schedule data for the current month, but for a more "full" month } else { GApp.SetPrefUser(user.Firstname, user.Lastname, mailAddressIT.text, passwordIT.text, "Prof.", "", "", "", "2019-02-14"); // as IARISS didn't give us the schedule data for the current month, but for a more "full" month } GApp.ChangeScene("DetectSalle"); } else { Debug.Log("user Null"); } } }
public void SignOut() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerPrefs.GetString("email")) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerPrefs.GetString("password"))) { PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); } GApp.ChangeScene("ConnexionScene"); }
public void UpdateUser() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstname.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastname.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(email.text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(password.text)) { User currentUser = GUser.GetUserByConnexion(email.text, password.text); // Prof if (String.Equals(status.captionText.text, "Prof.")) { GUser.UpdateTeacher((Teacher)currentUser, firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text); GApp.SetPrefUser(firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, "Prof.", "", "", "", "2019-02-11"); } // Student else { GUser.UpdateStudent((Student)currentUser, firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, ((Student)currentUser).Promo); GApp.SetPrefUser(firstname.text, lastname.text, email.text, password.text, "Elève", promo.captionText.text, td.captionText.text, tp.captionText.text, "2019-02-11"); } GApp.ChangeScene(nextScene); } }