예제 #1
    public GAIndividual best_ind;     // best individual of this evolution

    public GAEvolve(int generations, int pop_size, int nvert, int xrate, int mrate)
        // xrate: cross-over rate, the initial value
        // mrate: mutation rate, the initial value
        // xrate and mrate may be adapted over generations
        // nvert: number of graph vertices

        best_fitness  = new float[generations];
        worst_fitness = new float[generations];
        avr_fitness   = new float[generations];

        GAPopulation gap = new GAPopulation(pop_size, nvert);

        best_fitness[0]  = gap.ind[gap.best_index].fitness;
        worst_fitness[0] = gap.ind[gap.worst_index].fitness;
        avr_fitness[0]   = gap.avr_fitness;

        for (int i = 1; i < generations; i++)
            gap              = GAPopulation.generate(gap, xrate, mrate);
            best_fitness[i]  = gap.ind[gap.best_index].fitness;
            worst_fitness[i] = gap.ind[gap.worst_index].fitness;
            avr_fitness[i]   = gap.avr_fitness;

        best_ind = gap.ind[gap.best_index];
예제 #2
    public static void Main()
        GAIndividual.adj_matrix = GAUtils.readMatrix(@"d:\graph.txt");
        int nvert = GAIndividual.adj_matrix.Length;         // number of vertices

        GAPopulation gap = new GAPopulation(100, nvert);

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            gap = GAPopulation.generate(gap, 60, 30);
예제 #3
    public static GAPopulation generate(GAPopulation p, int xrate, int mrate)
        // Generate a new population from p, xrate percent of the induviduals
        // of new population are generated by cross-over, mrate percent of them are
        // generated by mutation, and others by reproduction.

        if (xrate < 0 || xrate > 100 || mrate < 0 || mrate > 100 || xrate + mrate > 100)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("error: xrate and/or mrate are not properly set");

        GAIndividual[] newg       = new GAIndividual[p.pop_size];
        int            newg_index = 0;

        int xn = xrate * p.pop_size / 100;         // xn: number of offsprings to be produced by xover
        int mn = mrate * p.pop_size / 100;         // mn: number of offsprings to be produced by mutation

        // xover:
        for (int i = 0; i < xn; i++)
            // select two parents for cross-over:
            // we want two distinct parents (i.e. p1 != p2)
            int p1, p2;
                p1 = p.tr_select();
                p2 = p.tr_select();
            }while (p1 == p2);

            newg[newg_index++] = GAIndividual.xover1p(p.ind[p1], p.ind[p2]);

        // mutation:
        for (int i = 0; i < mn; i++)
            newg[newg_index++] = p.ind[p.tr_select()].mutate();

        // reproduction:
        for (int i = newg_index; i < p.pop_size; i++)
            newg[i] = p.ind[p.tr_select()];

        return(new GAPopulation(newg));
예제 #4
    void Awake()
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().center     = new Vector2(center.x, center.z);
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().DefaultY   = center.y;
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().height     = height;
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().width      = width;
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().htileCount = h_Tile;
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().wtileCount = w_Tile;
        InfluenceMap.getInstance().mPlane     = mPlane;
        Type type = Type.GetType(DemoWorldName);

        aiWorld = (AIWorld)type.Assembly.CreateInstance(DemoWorldName);