예제 #1
        public Result RunSimulations(int numRuns, int numCuts, double probabilityEvent, String modelDatabase = "", bool extendedOutput = false)
            SimulationId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");

            Result res = new Result();

            res.SimulationId   = SimulationId;
            res.ChromosomeName = Source.Name;
            res.Runs           = numRuns;
            res.Cuts           = numCuts;
            res.Probability    = probabilityEvent;
            res.Hmm            = modelDatabase;

            ExtendedOutput = extendedOutput;

            App.Log("<div id='chromoDiv" + SimulationId + "'><b>Chromothripsis Simulation ID " + SimulationId + " on Chromosome " + Source.Name + " - " + numRuns.ToString() + " runs " +
                    "- Simulating " + numCuts.ToString() + " cuts, " + probabilityEvent.ToString() + " probability</b></div>");

            DateTime tStart = DateTime.Now;

            NumGenes        = 0;
            NumOrf          = 0;
            FusionSequences = new List <FusionSequence>();

            Hmmer       = new Hmmer();
            Hmmer.Debug = false;

            if (modelDatabase != "")

            if (ExtendedOutput)

            for (int i = 0; i < numRuns; i++)
                Simulate(numCuts, probabilityEvent);
                if ((i % 10) == 0)
                    int percent = (int)(((double)i / (double)numRuns) * 100);
                    App.Status("Simulation Progress: " + percent.ToString() + "%");

            if (ExtendedOutput)

            if (ExtendedOutput)
            App.Log("Found a total of " + NumGenes.ToString() + " fusion genes<");

            if (ExtendedOutput)
                App.Log("<b>Performing Hmmer Scan...</b>");

            double totalScore = Hmmer.DoScan();

            App.Log("Total Hmmer Score: " + totalScore.ToString("#0.00") + "");
            // App.ShowLog();

            List <Hmmer.Result> results = Hmmer.GetResults();

            int NumHitOrfs = 0;

            String resultTable = "";

            if (ExtendedOutput)
                resultTable = "<br/><div id='chromoResults" + SimulationId + "'><table>" +
                              "<tr><th>Simulation Id</th><th>Sequence ID</th><th>Score</th><th>Target Name</th><th>Accession</th><th>Exon 1</th>" +
                              "<th>Start 1</th><th>Length 1</th><th>Exon 2</th><th>Start 2</th><th>Length 2</th><th>ORF</th><th>Sequence</th></tr>";

            foreach (Hmmer.Result result in results)
                int            seqId = Convert.ToInt32(result.SequenceName);
                FusionSequence fs    = FusionSequences[seqId];
                if (!fs.IsHit)
                    fs.IsHit = true;
                    FusionSequences[seqId] = fs;

                if (ExtendedOutput)
                    resultTable += "<tr><td>" + SimulationId + "</td><td>" + fs.SequenceId + "</td><td>" + result.Score.ToString("#0.00") + "</td><td>" + result.Name + "</td><td>" + result.Accession
                                   + "</td><td>" + fs.Exon1.Name + "</td><td>" + fs.Range1.Start + "</td><td>" + fs.Range1.Length
                                   + "</td><td>" + fs.Exon2.Name + "</td><td>" + fs.Range2.Start + "</td><td>" + fs.Range2.Length
                                   + "</td><td>" + fs.OrfName + "</td><td>" + fs.Sequence +

            if (ExtendedOutput)
                resultTable += "</table></div>";

            App.Log("Number of fusion sequences that produced hits: " + NumHitOrfs + "");

            if (ExtendedOutput)

            if (ExtendedOutput)

            DateTime tEnd  = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan tDiff = tEnd - tStart;

            double perSecond = ((double)numRuns / (tDiff.TotalMilliseconds / (double)1000));

            res.NumHits       = results.Count;
            res.NumGenes      = NumGenes;
            res.NumHitOrfs    = NumHitOrfs;
            res.NumOrfs       = NumOrf;
            res.TotalScore    = totalScore;
            res.RunsPerSecond = perSecond;

            App.Log("Finished. " + perSecond.ToString("#0") + " runs per second, time elapsed: " + tDiff.ToString(@"mm\:ss"));


예제 #2
        protected void OnFusionEvent(Range fragment1, Range fragment2)
            Exon ex1 = Source.WithinExon(fragment1.End);
            Exon ex2 = Source.WithinExon(fragment2.Start);

            //  10371808
            // 103718617
            if ((ex1 != null) && (ex2 != null))
                // Both sides of the cut are within exons
                if (ex1.Strand == ex2.Strand)
                    // Both exons are on same strand

                    int bpExon1      = (int)(fragment1.End - ex1.Start);
                    int bpExon2      = (int)(ex2.End - fragment2.Start);
                    int percentExon1 = (int)(((double)bpExon1 / ex1.Length) * 100);
                    int percentExon2 = (int)(((double)bpExon2 / ex2.Length) * 100);

                    if ((bpExon1 > 100) && (bpExon2 > 100))
                        String seqFusion, seq1, seq2;

                        Range rangeLeft  = new Range(ex1.Start, fragment1.End);
                        Range rangeRight = new Range(fragment2.Start, ex2.End);

                        seq1      = Source.Read(rangeLeft.Start, (int)rangeLeft.Length);
                        seq2      = Source.Read(rangeRight.Start, (int)rangeRight.Length);
                        seqFusion = seq1 + seq2;

                        Dictionary <String, String> orfs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        orfs.Add("Forward 0", Sequencer.GetORF(seqFusion, 0));
                        orfs.Add("Forward 1", Sequencer.GetORF(seqFusion, 1));
                        orfs.Add("Forward 2", Sequencer.GetORF(seqFusion, 2));

                        String seqInv = Sequencer.Invert(Sequencer.Complement(seqFusion));
                        orfs.Add("Reverse 0", Sequencer.GetORF(seqInv, 0));
                        orfs.Add("Reverse 1", Sequencer.GetORF(seqInv, 1));
                        orfs.Add("Reverse 2", Sequencer.GetORF(seqInv, 2));

                        Dictionary <String, String> peptides = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                        bool bSignificantPeptides = false;

                        foreach (String key in orfs.Keys)
                            if (orfs[key].Length >= 120)
                                String pep = Sequencer.Translate(orfs[key]);

                                peptides.Add(key, pep);
                                bSignificantPeptides = true;

                        if (bSignificantPeptides)

                            String htmlEx1 = "<a href='http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Search/Details?species=Homo_sapiens;idx=Transcript;end=1;q=" + ex1.Name +
                                             "' target='_blank'>" + ex1.Name + "</a> " + bpExon1.ToString() + "bp (" + percentExon1.ToString() + "%)";

                            String htmlEx2 = "<a href='http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Search/Details?species=Homo_sapiens;idx=Transcript;end=1;q=" + ex2.Name +
                                             "' target='_blank'>" + ex2.Name + "</a> " + bpExon2.ToString() + "bp (" + percentExon2.ToString() + "%)";

                            if (ExtendedOutput)
                                App.Log("<b>Found Fusion Gene #" + NumGenes + ": </b>" + htmlEx1 + " <b>&</b> " + htmlEx2 + "");
                            // App.Log("Fusion Sequence: " + seqFusion);

                            foreach (String key in peptides.Keys)
                                String pep = peptides[key];

                                if (ExtendedOutput)
                                    App.Log(key + ": " + pep);

                                FusionSequence fs = new FusionSequence();
                                fs.SequenceId = NumOrf.ToString();
                                fs.IsHit      = false;
                                fs.Exon1      = ex1;
                                fs.Exon2      = ex2;
                                fs.OrfName    = key;
                                fs.Range1     = rangeLeft;
                                fs.Range2     = rangeRight;
                                fs.Sequence   = pep;
                                FusionSequences.Insert(NumOrf, fs);

                                Hmmer.AddSequence(pep, fs.SequenceId);

                                //String sequenceName = "#" + NumGenes+" "+ex1.Name + " " + percentExon1.ToString() + "% & " + ex2.Name + " " + percentExon2.ToString() + "% ORF " + key;
                        } // if (bSignificantPeptides)
                    }     //   if ((bpExon1 > 100) && (bpExon2 > 100))
                }         //  if (ex1.Strand == ex2.Strand)
            }             //  if ((ex1 != null) && (ex2 != null))
                //App.Log("No Fusion Gene :(");