public void SetMl(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* constMatrix&_cstype */ m) { double[] adbl_m; unsafe {adbl_m = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(m); fixed (double *pdbl_m = adbl_m) { /* constMatrix&_csin_pre */ try { C4dApiPINVOKE.TextureTag_SetMl(swigCPtr, (IntPtr) pdbl_m /* constMatrix&_csin */); } finally { // NOP m = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_m); /* constMatrix&_csin_post */ } } } /* constMatrix&_csin_terminator */ }
public void SetMg(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* constMatrix&_cstype */ mg) { double[] adbl_mg; unsafe {adbl_mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(mg); fixed (double *pdbl_mg = adbl_mg) { /* constMatrix&_csin_pre */ try { C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseDrawHelp_SetMg(swigCPtr, (IntPtr) pdbl_mg /* constMatrix&_csin */); } finally { // NOP mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_mg); /* constMatrix&_csin_post */ } } } /* constMatrix&_csin_terminator */ }
public virtual void GetModelingAxis(BaseObject op, BaseDocument doc, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* Matrix*&_cstype */ axis) { double[] adbl_axis; unsafe {adbl_axis = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(axis); fixed (double *pdbl_axis = adbl_axis) { /* Matrix*&_csin_pre */ try { C4dApiPINVOKE.ObjectData_GetModelingAxis(swigCPtr, BaseObject.getCPtr(op), BaseDocument.getCPtr(doc), (IntPtr) pdbl_axis /* Matrix*&_csin */); } finally { axis = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_axis); /* Matrix*&_csin_post */ } } } /* Matrix*&_csin_terminator */ }
public virtual bool Do(SWIGTYPE_p_void data, BaseObject op, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* constMatrix&_cstype */ mg, bool controlobject) { double[] adbl_mg; unsafe {adbl_mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(mg); fixed (double *pdbl_mg = adbl_mg) { /* constMatrix&_csin_pre */ try { bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.Hierarchy_Do(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(data), BaseObject.getCPtr(op), (IntPtr) pdbl_mg /* constMatrix&_csin */, controlobject); return ret; } finally { // NOP mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_mg); /* constMatrix&_csin_post */ } } } /* constMatrix&_csin_terminator */ }
public bool TestClipping3D(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ mp, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ rad, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* constMatrix&_cstype */ mg, SWIGTYPE_p_Bool clip2d, SWIGTYPE_p_Bool clipz) { double[] adbl_mg; unsafe {adbl_mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(mg); fixed (double *pdbl_mg = adbl_mg) { /* constMatrix&_csin_pre */ try { bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_TestClipping3D(swigCPtr, ref mp /* constVector&_csin */, ref rad /* constVector&_csin */, (IntPtr) pdbl_mg /* constMatrix&_csin */, SWIGTYPE_p_Bool.getCPtr(clip2d), SWIGTYPE_p_Bool.getCPtr(clipz)); return ret; } finally { // NOP mg = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_mg); /* constMatrix&_csin_post */ } } } /* constMatrix&_csin_terminator */ }
public void GetBone(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* Matrix*&_cstype */ m, SWIGTYPE_p_Real len) { double[] adbl_m; unsafe {adbl_m = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(m); fixed (double *pdbl_m = adbl_m) { /* Matrix*&_csin_pre */ try { C4dApiPINVOKE.CAJointObject_GetBone(swigCPtr, (IntPtr) pdbl_m /* Matrix*&_csin */, SWIGTYPE_p_Real.getCPtr(len)); if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } finally { m = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_m); /* Matrix*&_csin_post */ } } } /* Matrix*&_csin_terminator */ }
public void GetViewParameter(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector*&_cstype */ offset, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector*&_cstype */ scale, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector*&_cstype */ scale_z) { C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_GetViewParameter(swigCPtr, ref offset /* Vector*&_csin */, ref scale /* Vector*&_csin */, ref scale_z /* Vector*&_csin */); }
public Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector_cstype_out */ ProjectPointOnLine(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v, double mouse_x, double mouse_y, SWIGTYPE_p_Real offset, SWIGTYPE_p_LONG err) { /* <Vector_csout> */ Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_ProjectPointOnLine__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ref p /* constVector&_csin */, ref v /* constVector&_csin */, mouse_x, mouse_y, SWIGTYPE_p_Real.getCPtr(offset), SWIGTYPE_p_LONG.getCPtr(err)); return ret; } /* <Vector_csout> */
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public bool BackfaceCulling(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ n, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p) { bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_BackfaceCulling(swigCPtr, ref n /* constVector&_csin */, ref p /* constVector&_csin */); return ret; }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector_cstype_out */ CS(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p, bool z_inverse) { /* <Vector_csout> */ Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_CS(swigCPtr, ref p /* constVector&_csin */, z_inverse); return ret; } /* <Vector_csout> */
private void OnPlayButtonDown(GUIButton sender, Fusee.Engine.MouseEventArgs mea) { //entfernen nicht benoetigter GUI Elemente _guiHandler.Remove(_guiButtonPlay); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageHelpButton); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiButtonHelp); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageStartBack); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageStartBee); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageStartPlay); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageGameHelp); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageHelpOne); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageHelpTwo); //Starten des Spiels _game._gameState = GameState.InGame; }
private void OnHelpButtonDown(GUIButton sender, Fusee.Engine.MouseEventArgs mea) { _guiButtonPlay.OnGUIButtonDown += OnPlayButtonDown; _guiButtonPlay.OnGUIButtonDown += OnPlayButtonDown; //entfernen nicht benoetigter GUI Elemente _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageStartBack); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageStartBee); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiButtonHelp); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiTextScore); _guiHandler.Remove(_guiImageHelpButton); //hinzufuegen der benoetigten GUI Elemente fuer Help Screen _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageGameHelp); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageHelpOne); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageHelpTwo); _game._gameState = GameState.GameHelp; }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public void SetAbsRot(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v) { C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseObject_SetAbsRot(swigCPtr, ref v /* constVector&_csin */); }
public void SetR(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ r) { C4dApiPINVOKE.CAMorphNode_SetR(swigCPtr, ref r /* constVector&_csin */); }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public void SetTangent(int index, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v) { C4dApiPINVOKE.CAMorphNode_SetTangent(swigCPtr, index, ref v /* constVector&_csin */); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="Fusee.Math.Core.QuaternionF"/> to <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The matrix value to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion"/> value.</returns> public static Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion ToDirectX(Fusee.Math.Core.QuaternionF value) { return new Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion(value.X, value.Y, value.Z, value.W); }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector_cstype_out */ SW_Reference(double x, double y, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ wp) { /* <Vector_csout> */ Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_SW_Reference(swigCPtr, x, y, ref wp /* constVector&_csin */); return ret; } /* <Vector_csout> */
public void SetVector(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v) { C4dApiPINVOKE.GeData_SetVector(swigCPtr, ref v /* constVector&_csin */); }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector_cstype_out */ CW_V(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v) { /* <Vector_csout> */ Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_CW_V(swigCPtr, ref v /* constVector&_csin */); return ret; } /* <Vector_csout> */
public void SetMatrix(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4D /* constMatrix&_cstype */ v) { double[] adbl_v; unsafe {adbl_v = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.Matrix4DToArrayDoubleC4DLayout(v); fixed (double *pdbl_v = adbl_v) { /* constMatrix&_csin_pre */ try { C4dApiPINVOKE.GeData_SetMatrix(swigCPtr, (IntPtr) pdbl_v /* constMatrix&_csin */); } finally { // NOP v = Fusee.Math.ArrayConversion.Convert.ArrayDoubleC4DLayoutToMatrix4D(pdbl_v); /* constMatrix&_csin_post */ } } } /* constMatrix&_csin_terminator */ }
public double WP_W(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p, bool horizontal) { double ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_WP_W(swigCPtr, ref p /* constVector&_csin */, horizontal); return ret; }
public GeData(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ n) : this(C4dApiPINVOKE.new_GeData__SWIG_8(ref n /* constVector&_csin */), true) { }
} /* <Vector_csout> */ public Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector_cstype_out */ ProjectPointOnPlane(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p, Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ v, double mouse_x, double mouse_y) { /* <Vector_csout> */ Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_ProjectPointOnPlane__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, ref p /* constVector&_csin */, ref v /* constVector&_csin */, mouse_x, mouse_y); return ret; } /* <Vector_csout> */
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4F"/> to <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The matrix value to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix"/> value.</returns> public static Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix ToDirectX(Fusee.Math.Core.Matrix4F value) { Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix m = new Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix(); // Since directx use column-major matrices we transpose our matrix. m.M11 = value[0,0]; m.M12 = value[1,0]; m.M13 = value[2,0]; m.M14 = value[3,0]; m.M21 = value[0,1]; m.M22 = value[1,1]; m.M23 = value[2,1]; m.M24 = value[3,1]; m.M31 = value[0,2]; m.M32 = value[1,2]; m.M33 = value[2,2]; m.M34 = value[3,2]; m.M41 = value[0,3]; m.M42 = value[1,3]; m.M43 = value[2,3]; m.M44 = value[3,3]; return m; }
public bool TestPointZ(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* constVector&_cstype */ p) { bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_TestPointZ(swigCPtr, ref p /* constVector&_csin */); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="Fusee.Math.Core.Vector2F"/> to <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The vector to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2"/> value.</returns> public static Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2 ToDirectX(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector2F value) { return new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2(value.X, value.Y); }
public bool ClipLineZ(ref Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector*&_cstype */ p1, ref Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3D /* Vector*&_cstype */ p2) { bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.BaseView_ClipLineZ(swigCPtr, ref p1 /* Vector*&_csin */, ref p2 /* Vector*&_csin */); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3F"/> to <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The vector to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3"/> value.</returns> public static Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 ToDirectX(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector3F value) { return new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(value.X, value.Y, value.Z); }
public BulletSharp.Quaternion QuaternionToBtQuaternion(Fusee.Math.Quaternion quaternion) { var retval = new BulletSharp.Quaternion(quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w); return retval; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="Fusee.Math.Core.Vector4F"/> to <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The vector to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4"/> value.</returns> public static Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4 ToDirectX(Fusee.Math.Core.Vector4F value) { return new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4(value.X, value.Y, value.Z, value.W); }