RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase ( IAPState purchaseState, string purchaseToken, string productId, string orderId, DateTime purchaseTime, string developerPayload, double price, string currency ) : void
purchaseState IAPState
purchaseToken string
productId string
orderId string
purchaseTime DateTime
developerPayload string
price double
currency string
리턴 void
예제 #1
    private void GetSkuInfo(List <GooglePurchase> purchaseInfo, List <GoogleSkuInfo> skuInfo)
        GoogleIABManager.queryInventorySucceededEvent -= GetSkuInfo;
        if (savedPurchase == null)
            //Debug.LogError("FuseSDK_Prime31_IAB::GetSkuInfo - savedPurchase was null!");

        string priceString = skuInfo[0].price;
        double price       = 0;

            price = double.Parse(priceString, NumberStyles.Currency);
            var re    = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\D*(?<num>[\d\s\.,]+?)(?<dec>([\.,]\s*\d?\d?)?)\D*$");
            var match = re.Match(priceString);
            if (match.Success)
                string stripped = "";
                    var dec = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(match.Groups["dec"].Value, @"\s", "");
                    stripped = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(match.Groups["num"].Value, @"[^\d]", "") + dec;
                    price    = double.Parse(stripped, NumberStyles.Currency);

                    //Just in case the culture info is broken and double.Parse can't parse the decimal part properly
                    if (price % 1 == 0 && dec.Length > 1)
                        price /= 100;
                    Debug.LogError("FuseSDK_Prime31_IAB::GetSkuInfo: Error parsing " + priceString + " >> Unable to parse " + stripped);
                Debug.LogError("FuseSDK_Prime31_IAB::GetSkuInfo: Error parsing " + priceString + " >> String did not match regex");

        GooglePurchase purchase = savedPurchase;
        // purchaseTime from GoogleIAB is milliseconds since unix epoch
        DateTime time = new DateTime(purchase.purchaseTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);

        FuseSDK.RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase((FuseMisc.IAPState)purchase.purchaseState, purchase.purchaseToken, purchase.productId, purchase.orderId, time, purchase.developerPayload, price, null);

        savedPurchase = null;
예제 #2
    /// <summary>Records an in-app purchase in the Fuse system made using the Unity IAP plugin.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This function is meant to be called from Unity's IStoreListener.ProcessPurchase function passing in the
    /// purchasedProduct property of the PurchaseEventArgs parameter.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="product">The product that was purchased.</param>
    public static void RegisterUnityInAppPurchase(Product product)
        if (product == null)
        FuseSDK.RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase(FuseMisc.IAPState.PURCHASED, product.receipt,
                                             product.definition.storeSpecificId, product.transactionID, System.DateTime.Now,
                                             string.Empty, (double)product.metadata.localizedPrice, product.metadata.isoCurrencyCode);
        FuseSDK.RegisterIOSInAppPurchase(product.definition.storeSpecificId, product.transactionID, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(product.receipt), FuseMisc.IAPState.PURCHASED);
예제 #3
    private void onMarketPurchase(PurchasableVirtualItem pvi, string payload, Dictionary <string, string> extra)
        // pvi is the PurchasableVirtualItem that was just purchased
        // payload is a text that you can give when you initiate the purchase operation and you want to receive back upon completion
        // extra will contain platform specific information about the market purchase.
        //      Android: The "extra" dictionary will contain "orderId" and "purchaseToken".
        //      iOS: The "extra" dictionary will contain "receipt" and "token".

        string purchaseToken, orderId;
        if (!extra.TryGetValue("purchaseToken", out purchaseToken))
            purchaseToken = string.Empty;
        if (!extra.TryGetValue("orderId", out orderId))
            orderId = string.Empty;
        var item = ((PurchaseWithMarket)pvi.PurchaseType).MarketItem;

        FuseSDK.RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase(FuseMisc.IAPState.PURCHASED, purchaseToken, item.ProductId, orderId,
                                             DateTime.Now, payload, item.Price, item.MarketCurrencyCode);
        string token, receipt;
        if (!extra.TryGetValue("token", out token))
            token = string.Empty;
        if (!extra.TryGetValue("receipt", out receipt))
            receipt = string.Empty;
        var item = ((PurchaseWithMarket)pvi.PurchaseType).MarketItem;

        FuseSDK.RegisterIOSInAppPurchase(item.ProductId, token, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(receipt), FuseMisc.IAPState.PURCHASED);
    void purchaseSuccessful(PurchaseEvent e)
        if (e != null)
            //The Recipt is a json with the contents we need to pass in, parse it here
            JSONObject jObj   = new JSONObject(e.Receipt);
            JSONObject json   = new JSONObject(jObj.GetField("json").ToString().Replace("\\\"", "\"").Trim('"'));
            JSONObject sig    = jObj.GetField("signature");
            string     sigstr = sig.ToString();

            FuseLog("json = " + json.Print(true));
            FuseLog("sig = " + sigstr);

            int    purchaseState = 0;
            string purchaseToken = "";
            string productId     = "";
            string orderId       = "";
            double purchaseTime  = 0;

            json.GetField(ref purchaseState, "purchaseState");
            json.GetField(ref purchaseToken, "purchaseToken");
            json.GetField(ref orderId, "orderId");
            json.GetField(ref productId, "productId");
            json.GetField(ref purchaseTime, "purchaseTime");

            double price = 0;
                price = double.Parse(e.PurchasedItem.localizedPriceString, NumberStyles.Currency);
                var re    = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\D*(?<num>[\d\s\.,]+?)(?<dec>([\.,]\s*\d?\d?)?)\D*$");
                var match = re.Match(e.PurchasedItem.localizedPriceString);
                if (match.Success)
                    string stripped = "";
                        var dec = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(match.Groups["dec"].Value, @"\s", "");
                        stripped = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(match.Groups["num"].Value, @"[^\d]", "") + dec;
                        price    = double.Parse(stripped, NumberStyles.Currency);

                        //Just in case the culture info is broken and double.Parse can't parse the decimal part properly
                        if (price % 1 == 0 && dec.Length > 1)
                            price /= 100;
                        Debug.LogError("Fuse Unibill Tracking: Error parsing " + e.PurchasedItem.localizedPriceString + " >> Unable to parse " + stripped);
                    Debug.LogError("Fuse Unibill Tracking: Error parsing " + e.PurchasedItem.localizedPriceString + " >> String did not match regex");

            FuseSDK.RegisterAndroidInAppPurchase((FuseMisc.IAPState)purchaseState, purchaseToken,
                                                 productId, orderId, (long)purchaseTime,
                                                 sigstr, price, null);