예제 #1
        // Your module's main class must have a constructor that takes
        // ONLY a ModuleHost object.
        public EmptyModule( Furnarchy.ModuleHost host )
            m_host = host;

             // Subscribe to some commonly used events. (optional)
             m_host.EnabledEvent += new Furnarchy.EnabledDelegate( onEnabled );
             m_host.DisabledEvent += new Furnarchy.DisabledDelegate( onDisabled );
             m_host.TouchedEvent += new Furnarchy.TouchedDelegate( onTouched );
             m_host.TickEvent += new Furnarchy.TickDelegate( onTick );
예제 #2
        // Your module's main class must have a constructor that takes
        // ONLY a ModuleHost object.
        public EmptyModule( Furnarchy.ModuleHost host )
            m_host = host;

             // Our list of toasters.
             m_toasters = new LinkedList<Toaster>( );

             // Create our player context submenu you see when you right-click
             // on an avatar.
             m_player_menu = new MenuItem( );
             m_player_menu.MenuItems.Add( "Toaster!" ).Click += new EventHandler( onMenuToasterClick );

             // Attach it to Furc's player context menu.
             m_host.Client.attachPlayerMenu( m_player_menu );

             /* Subscribe to events. */

             // We need to intercept avatar creation, movement, and update commands to make
             // sure people are created as and remain toasters. The Net subsystem
             // exposes these events.
             m_host.Net.InboundAvatarCreateEvent += new Furnarchy.InboundAvatarCreateDelegate( onInboundAvatarCreate );
             m_host.Net.InboundAvatarMoveEvent += new Furnarchy.InboundAvatarMoveDelegate( onInboundAvatarMove );
             m_host.Net.InboundAvatarUpdateEvent += new Furnarchy.InboundAvatarUpdateDelegate( onInboundAvatarUpdate );
             m_host.Net.InboundAvatarShowEvent += new Furnarchy.InboundAvatarShowDelegate( onInboundAvatarShow );
             m_host.Net.InboundAvatarShow2Event += new Furnarchy.InboundAvatarShow2Delegate( onInboundAvatarShow2 );

             // The Client subsystem's PlayerMenuShowingEvent event will tell us when the player
             // context menu is being shown and the player's name. This allows us to customize the
             // menu per-player.
             m_host.Client.PlayerMenuShowingEvent += new Furnarchy.PlayerMenuShowingDelegate( onPlayerMenuShowing );

             // Some other common events we'll handle.
             m_host.EnabledEvent += new Furnarchy.EnabledDelegate( onEnabled );
             m_host.DisabledEvent += new Furnarchy.DisabledDelegate( onDisabled );
             m_host.TouchedEvent += new Furnarchy.TouchedDelegate( onTouched );
             m_host.CommandEvent += new Furnarchy.CommandDelegate( onCommand );

             // Load up the toasters file.
             loadToasters( );

             // Enable ourselves right away.
             m_host.Enabled = true;
예제 #3
 // This event is raised roughly every 75ms.
 void onTick( object sender, Furnarchy.TickEventArgs e )
     // e.dt is the number of milliseconds that have passed since the last tick event.
예제 #4
 // Player context menu is about to be shown.
 void onPlayerMenuShowing( object sender, Furnarchy.PlayerMenuShowingEventArgs e )
     // Check the "Toaster" menu item if the player is already a toaster.
      if (findToaster( e.player_name ) != null)
     m_player_menu.MenuItems[ 0 ].Checked = true;
     // Not a toaster, so uncheck it.
     m_player_menu.MenuItems[ 0 ].Checked = false;
예제 #5
        // An avatar's appearance is changing.
        void onInboundAvatarUpdate( object sender, Furnarchy.InboundAvatarUpdateEventArgs e )
            if (m_host.Enabled)
            // Use the World subsystem to find the avatar's name.
            Furnarchy.MonsterInfo info = m_host.World.getMonsterInfo( e.guid );
            if (info.guid != 0)
               LinkedListNode<Toaster> t = findToaster( info.name );
               if (t != null)
                  // This avatar is in our toaster list!
                  // Rebuild the command so that the avatar frame is a toaster.
                  // The basic format of an avatar update command is:
                  // B{guid}{frame}{colors}
                  // format() can easily build this line for us.
                  e.line = m_host.Net.format( "B%4N%2N%c",
                                              e.guid, makeToasterFrame( e.frame ), e.colors );

                  // Remember the avatar's real frame number in case we have to un-toaster him later.
                  t.Value = new Toaster( t.Value.shortname, e.frame );
예제 #6
        // An avatar is being created.
        void onInboundAvatarCreate( object sender, Furnarchy.InboundAvatarCreateEventArgs e )
            if (m_host.Enabled)
            LinkedListNode<Toaster> t = findToaster( e.name );
            if (t != null)
               // This avatar is in our toaster list!
               // Rebuild the command so that the avatar frame is a toaster.
               // The basic format of an avatar creation command is:
               // <{guid}{x}{y}{frame}{name}{colors}{flags}
               // format() can easily build this line for us.
               e.line = m_host.Net.format( "<%4N%2N%2N%2N%s%c%1N",
                                           e.guid, e.x, e.y,
                                           makeToasterFrame( e.frame ),
                                           e.name, e.colors, e.flags );

               // Remember the avatar's real frame number in case we have to un-toaster him later.
               t.Value = new Toaster( t.Value.shortname, e.frame );
예제 #7
        void onCommand( object sender, Furnarchy.CommandEventArgs e )
            if (e.args[ 0 ].ToLower( ) == "toaster")
            if (e.args.Length > 1)
               if (e.args[ 1 ].ToLower( ) == "clear")
                  // User said "@toaster clear", so flush the toaster list!
                  clearToasters( false );
                  saveToasters( );
                  // Set 'handled' to true to indicate we handled the command.
                  e.handled = true;
               else if (e.args[ 1 ].ToLower( ) == "list")
                  // User said "@toaster list", so list the toasters!
                  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( String.Format( "{0} toasters: ", m_toasters.Count ) );
                  for (LinkedListNode<Toaster> i = m_toasters.First; i != null; i = i.Next)
                     sb.Append( "<i>" );
                     sb.Append( i.Value.shortname );
                     sb.Append( "</i>" );
                     if (i.Next != null)
                        sb.Append( ", " );
                        sb.Append( "." );

                  m_host.speak( sb.ToString( ) );
                  // Set 'handled' to true to indicate we handled the command.
                  e.handled = true;

            // Touch this module so we raise an onTouched event and spit out the instructions.
            m_host.touch( );
            // Set 'handled' to true to indicate we handled the command.
            e.handled = true;