/* * Handle the input from the user on a menu */ public static void HandleMenuSelection(string selChar) { if (!IsValidMenuSelection(selChar)) { return; } var selection = MenuToNum(selChar); var menuItem = ShortList[selection - 1]; var functionLoader = new FunctionLoader(); functionLoader.Load(menuItem); }
public void TestFunctionLoaderGetInfo() { var functionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var directory = "/Users/tylerleonhardt/Desktop/Tech/PowerShell/AzureFunctions/azure-functions-powershell-worker/examples/PSCoreApp/MyHttpTrigger"; var scriptPathExpected = $"{directory}/run.ps1"; var name = "MyHttpTrigger"; var metadata = new RpcFunctionMetadata { Name = name, EntryPoint = "", Directory = directory, ScriptFile = scriptPathExpected }; metadata.Bindings.Add("req", new BindingInfo { Direction = BindingInfo.Types.Direction.In, Type = "httpTrigger" }); metadata.Bindings.Add("res", new BindingInfo { Direction = BindingInfo.Types.Direction.Out, Type = "http" }); var functionLoadRequest = new FunctionLoadRequest { FunctionId = functionId, Metadata = metadata }; var functionLoader = new FunctionLoader(); functionLoader.Load(functionLoadRequest); var funcInfo = functionLoader.GetFunctionInfo(functionId); Assert.Equal(directory, funcInfo.Directory); Assert.Equal(name, funcInfo.FunctionName); Assert.Equal(2, funcInfo.AllBindings.Count); Assert.Single(funcInfo.OutputBindings); }
public void TestFunctionLoaderGetFuncWithEntryPoint() { var functionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var directory = "/Users/azure/PSCoreApp/MyHttpTrigger"; var scriptPathExpected = $"{directory}/run.ps1"; var entryPointExpected = "Foo"; var metadata = new RpcFunctionMetadata { Name = "MyHttpTrigger", EntryPoint = entryPointExpected, Directory = directory, ScriptFile = scriptPathExpected }; metadata.Bindings.Add("req", new BindingInfo { Direction = BindingInfo.Types.Direction.In, Type = "httpTrigger" }); metadata.Bindings.Add("res", new BindingInfo { Direction = BindingInfo.Types.Direction.Out, Type = "http" }); var functionLoadRequest = new FunctionLoadRequest { FunctionId = functionId, Metadata = metadata }; var functionLoader = new FunctionLoader(); functionLoader.Load(functionLoadRequest); var funcInfo = functionLoader.GetFunctionInfo(functionId); Assert.Equal(scriptPathExpected, funcInfo.ScriptPath); Assert.Equal(entryPointExpected, funcInfo.EntryPoint); }
public static IntPtr GetConsoleWindow() => FunctionLoader.Load <GetConsoleWindow_t>("GetConsoleWindow")();
public static void ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow) => FunctionLoader.Load <ShowWindow_t>("ShowWindow")(hWnd, nCmdShow);