public void Skill_2_Action() { //Skill 2 GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; _timerAnim += Time.deltaTime; if (_timerAnim >= CalculatorTimeAnim(skill_2) * 0.9f)// if (animation[].normalizedTime > 0.9f) { _timerAnim = 0; countAction = 0; oldSkillIndexSend = -1; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; SkillHandle = null; ActionHandle = Action_1; if (target != null) { OnAction(target); } else { OnIdle(); } } }
void Start() { if (tag == GameManager.PlayerTagName) { autoSkill = false; } else { autoSkill = true; } _timerAnim = 0; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; ActionHandle = Action_2; sendingSkill = false; InitHealthBar(); hp = maxhp; ConfigAnimation(); if (isConnectedServer()) { if (role.RoleSkills.Count > 0) { //set current skill = deafult skill GameSkill curSkill = role.RoleSkills[0].GameSkill; distanceAction = curSkill.CastRange; } } audio = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); }
public void Skill_1_Action() { //Skill 1 GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; _timerAnim += Time.deltaTime; //attack is completed if (_timerAnim >= CalculatorTimeAnim(skill_1) * 0.9f)// if (animation[].normalizedTime > 0.9f) { _timerAnim = 0; countAction = 0; oldSkillIndexSend = -1; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; SkillHandle = null; ActionHandle = Action_1;//skills completed, wait for default skill if (target != null) { // OnAction(target); } else { OnIdle(); } } }
//check time for next attack private void Action_1() { //when this time, Wait for next attack GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; //countAction (time start idle to now) , when time of the next attack came if (countAction >= actionSpeed - CalculatorTimeAnim(action)) { if (action2 != null)//is mobs { //set clip of default skill to play is random clip (default 1 or default 2) if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 1) { action = action2; } else { action = action1; } } countAction = 0; ActionHandle = Action_2;//attack by default skill } }
}//*/ /// <summary> /// 获取所有子窗口句柄 /// </summary> /// <param name="Father"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool GetChildrenHandles(ref TreeNode Father) { Father.Nodes.Clear(); string F = Father.Text; string C = FunctionHandle.FindChildHandle(Father.Text, "0");//查找第一个子句柄 if (C == "0") { return(false); //当前句柄下没有子句柄 } Father.Nodes.Add(C); while (C != "0") { C = FunctionHandle.FindChildHandle(F, C); //查找下一个子句柄 if (C != "0") //找到了子句柄 { Father.Nodes.Add(C); continue; } else { return(true);//已遍历所有子句柄 } } return(false);//error }
private void Attack_2() { //attack GetComponent <Animation>().Play(; if (GetComponent <Animation>()[].normalizedTime > 0.9f) { AttackHandle = Attack_1; } }
private void Attack_1() { //wait delay & prepare attack GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; countAttack += attackSpeed * Time.deltaTime;// Time.smoothDeltaTime; if (countAttack >= 100) { countAttack = 0; AttackHandle = Attack_2; } }
public void Skill_2_Cast() { //Cast Skill 2 //animation.CrossFade(; // countCastSkill_2 += 1 * Time.deltaTime;//Time.smoothDeltaTime; // if (countCastSkill_2 >= deley_Cast_Skill_2) // { SoundManager.Instance.PlaySkillCast(this, 2); SkillHandle = Skill_2_Action; countCastSkill_2 = 0; StartCoroutine("CalCoolDownSkill_2"); // } }
/// <summary> /// 刷新游戏句柄树状图 /// </summary> /// <param name="str">句柄</param> private void RefreshGameWindow_treeView(IntPtr str) { TreeNode FatherGameHandle = new TreeNode(FunctionHandle.GetTopFatherHandle(str).ToString()); //fHandle.GetTopFatherHandle(GameHandle.Handle).ToString() GetAllChildrenHandles(ref FatherGameHandle); this.GameWindow_HandleList_treeView.Nodes.Clear(); this.GameWindow_HandleList_treeView.Nodes.Add(FatherGameHandle); //选中节点 foreach (TreeNode item in GameWindow_HandleList_treeView.Nodes) { ErgodicTreeView(item, str.ToString()); } }
//network event active skill private void HandleSkillCast(int curSkillIndex) { curSkillIndexSelect = curSkillIndex; if (curSkillIndexSelect == 0) { countAction = 0; actionStat = ActionStat.Action; } else if (curSkillIndexSelect == 1) { _timerAnim = 0; actionStat = ActionStat.Skill; SkillHandle = Skill_1_Cast; } else if (curSkillIndexSelect == 2) { _timerAnim = 0; actionStat = ActionStat.Skill; SkillHandle = Skill_2_Cast; } }
//窗口句柄相关成员 /// <summary> /// 自动后台模式 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void GameWindow_AutoHandle_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //自动查找游戏句柄 int SH = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; //屏幕分辨率高度 int SW = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width; //屏幕分辨率宽度 using (GameHandleClass SeekHandle = new GameHandleClass()) { SeekHandle.Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle; Point XY = new Point(0, 0); do { SeekHandle.Handle = FunctionHandle.WindowFromPoint(XY); if (XY.X > SW) { XY.X = 0; XY.Y += 100; } else { XY.X += 100; } if ((XY.X > SW) && (XY.Y > SH)) { this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "自动后台模式抓取失败╭இɷஇ╮"; this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Red; GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(); RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); return; } } while (!SeekHandle.IsWin_800x480()); GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(SeekHandle); GlobalObject.GameHandle.Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle; // 更改模式 RefreshGameWindow_treeView(GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle); // 刷新树状图 this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "后台模式抓取成功 句柄:" + GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle.ToString(); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Lime; RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); } }
private void Action_2() { //play animation default skill GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; _timerAnim += Time.deltaTime; //attack is completed if (_timerAnim >= CalculatorTimeAnim(action) * 0.9f)// if (animation[].normalizedTime > 0.9f) { //reset _timerAnim = 0; //back to Action_1, handle to action_1 (check time for next attack) ActionHandle = Action_1; countAction = 0; oldSkillIndexSend = -1; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; //send message to server , this role wants to impact target // OnAction(target); } }
public UDBinaryOperator(string symbol, FunctionHandle handle) : base(symbol) { mComputer = handle; }
/// <summary> /// Chorme后台模式 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void GameWindow_Handle_button_MouseCaptureChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GameWindow_IsHandleClick) { GameWindow_IsHandleClick = false; return; } //手动查找游戏句柄 using (GameHandleClass SeekHandle = new GameHandleClass()) { SeekHandle.Handle = FunctionHandle.GetMouseHandle(); SeekHandle.Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle; if (SeekHandle.IsWin_800x480()) { GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(SeekHandle) { Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle }; RefreshGameWindow_treeView(GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "后台模式抓取成功 句柄:" + GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle.ToString(); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Lime; RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); return; } else//chorme模式 { SeekHandle.Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle; Point xy = new Point(); if (FunctionJudge.IsGameInWin(SeekHandle.GetGameBitmap(), out xy)) { GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(SeekHandle) { Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Chorme, XY = xy }; RefreshGameWindow_treeView(GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "后台模式抓取成功 chorme句柄:" + GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle.ToString(); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Lime; RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); } else { // 尝试根父句柄的抓取 SeekHandle.Handle = FunctionHandle.GetTopFatherHandle(SeekHandle.Handle); SeekHandle.Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Handle; if (FunctionJudge.IsGameInWin(SeekHandle.GetGameBitmap(), out xy)) { GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(SeekHandle) { Mode = FunctionHandle.MODE.Chorme, XY = xy }; RefreshGameWindow_treeView(GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "后台模式抓取成功 chorme句柄:" + GlobalObject.GameHandle.Handle.ToString(); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Lime; RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); } else { RefreshGameWindow_treeView(SeekHandle.Handle); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.Text = "后台模式抓取失败 句柄:" + SeekHandle.Handle.ToString(); this.GameWindow_Message_textBox.BackColor = Color.Red; GlobalObject.GameHandle = new GameHandleClass(); RefreshGameWindow_pictureBox(); } } } } }
//update animation , move private void UpdateActionStat() { //Hero State animation switch (actionStat) { case ActionStat.Idle: { /*if (tag == "Player" && !isAuto && typeCharacter != TypeChatacter.Healer) * { * Controller enemy; * float maxRange = distanceAction; * * maxRange = Mathf.Max(maxRange, 3); * * enemy = stateManager.FindEnemyNearest(true, maxRange); * * if (enemy != null && actionStat == ActionStat.Idle) * { * HandleAction(enemy.gameObject); * } * * }*/ oldSkillIndexSend = -1; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; } break; //this role move to point case ActionStat.Move: //receiver from server { oldSkillIndexSend = -1; curSkillIndexSelect = -1; countAction = float.MaxValue; checkDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, LookAtTo(positionWay)); //Debug.Log(name + " move"); if (checkDistance >= 0.5f) { GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speedMove * Time.deltaTime); } else { //positionWay =; OnIdle(); //completed how to move tutorial UIBattleManager.Instance.OnHeroFinishedMove(this); //hanlde =default attack 1 (only mobs) ActionHandle = Action_1; } } break; //this role move to target , and attack case ActionStat.Action: //receiver from server { if (target != null) { checkDistance = (transform.position - LookAtTo(target.transform.position)).magnitude; // *0.8f; if (checkDistance >= distanceAction) { GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speedMove * Time.deltaTime); //hanlde save =default Action_1 , prepare for this action ActionHandle = Action_1; } else { if (isConnectedServer() && oldSkillIndexSend != 0) { //in range attack of default skill, send active skill if (target.GetComponent <Controller>().actionStat != ActionStat.Dead) { GameplayManager.Instance.SendSkillCast(role.Id, role.RoleSkills[0].SkillId); } oldSkillIndexSend = 0; } else { //call function of hanlde ActionHandle(); } if (target.GetComponent <Controller>() != null && target.GetComponent <Controller>().hp <= 0) { target = null; } } } else //target not exist { OnIdle(); } } break; case ActionStat.Skill: //receiver from server { if (SkillHandle != null) { if (isConnectedServer()) { GameSkill curSkill = role.RoleSkills[curSkillIndexSelect].GameSkill; if (isSkillNeedTarget(curSkill)) { if (target == null) { OnIdle(); return; } checkDistance = (transform.position - LookAtTo(target.transform.position)).magnitude; // *0.8f; if (checkDistance >= curSkill.CastRange) { //Debug.Log("Ok CastRange " + curSkill.CastRange); if (GetComponent <Animation>()[].normalizedTime <= 0) { GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speedMove * Time.deltaTime); break; } } else { //Debug.Log("CastRange < " + curSkill.CastRange); } } } SkillHandle(); } else { actionStat = ActionStat.Idle; } } break; case ActionStat.Dead: { if (GetComponent <Animation>().IsPlaying( { return; } if (!GetComponent <Animation>().enabled) { GetComponent <Animation>().enabled = true; } GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; this.enabled = false; } break; case ActionStat.hit: if (hit != null) { GetComponent <Animation>().CrossFade(; } break; } }
public static extern IntPtr wasm_func_as_extern(FunctionHandle function);
void Start() { hp = maxhp; actionStat = ActionStat.Move; AttackHandle = Attack_1; }