private void button_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (element != null) { for (int i = 0; i < manager.getElementCount(); i++) { FunctionElement elementExist = (FunctionElement)manager.getElement(i); if (elementExist.Equals(element)) { continue; } if ( { MessageBox.Show("存在相同的单元名称!", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } = textBox_name.Text; element.commet = textBox_Commet.Text; ArrayList paramsList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramsValue = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramsValueRest = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)numericUpDown_Value.Value; i++) { paramsList.Add((byte)(((ComboBox)FLP_params.Controls[i]).SelectedIndex)); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)numericUpDown_Value.Value; i++) { if (FLP_defValue.Controls[i] is NumericUpDown) { paramsValue.Add((int)(((NumericUpDown)FLP_defValue.Controls[i]).Value)); } else if (FLP_defValue.Controls[i] is ComboBox) { paramsValue.Add((int)(((ComboBox)FLP_defValue.Controls[i]).SelectedIndex)); } else { paramsValue.Add(0); MessageBox.Show("格式错误"); } } for (int i = 0; i < (int)numericUpDown_Value.Value; i++) { paramsValueRest.Add((bool)(((CheckBox)FLP_Modify.Controls[i]).Checked)); } if (beUsedTime == 0) { element.setValue(paramsList); } else if (beUsedTime > 0) { if (checkBox_Modify.Checked) { element.configValue(paramsList, paramsValue, paramsValueRest); } } } this.Close(); }
public static FunctionElement createElement(FunctionsManager managerT, String title) { manager = managerT; element = new FunctionElement(manager); SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig dialog = new SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig(title); dialog.ShowDialog(); return(element); }
/// <summary> /// Verify Metadata.Core.4271 /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Service context</param> /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule fail</param> /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns> public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } bool?passed = null; info = null; var metadata = XElement.Parse(context.MetadataDocument); string xPath = "//*[local-name()='Schema']"; var schemaElems = metadata.XPathSelectElements(xPath, ODataNamespaceManager.Instance); var namespaces = schemaElems .Where(schemaElem => null != schemaElem.Attribute("Namespace")) .Select(schemaElem => schemaElem.GetAttributeValue("Namespace")); foreach (var @namespace in namespaces) { xPath = string.Format("//*[local-name()='Schema' and @Namespace='{0}']/*[local-name()='Function']", @namespace); var functionElems = metadata.XPathSelectElements(xPath, ODataNamespaceManager.Instance) .Where(f => null == f.Attribute("IsBound") || "false" == f.GetAttributeValue("IsBound")) .Select(f => f);; var functionElements = new List <FunctionElement>(); if (null != functionElems && functionElems.Any()) { foreach (var functionElem in functionElems) { var functionElement = FunctionElement.Parse(functionElem); functionElements.Add(functionElement); } } foreach (var functionElement in functionElements) { if (FunctionElement.Unique(functionElement, functionElements, VerifiedParamType.UnorderedSetOfParamNames)) { passed = true; } else { passed = false; break; } } if (false == passed) { break; } } info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(this.ErrorMessage, context.Destination, context.ResponsePayload); return(passed); }
/// <summary> /// 将tokens按照函数的形式整理 /// </summary> public void arrange() { int depth = -1; Function tmp = null; int i = 0; for (; i < tokens.Count; i++) { if (tokens[i].deepth < depth) //根据制表符\t判断该条语句是否已经离开函数定义 { try { functionlist.Add(tmp.functionname, tmp); depth = tokens[i].deepth; i--; continue; } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("arrange函数出现bug,tokens[" + i + "].deepth=" + tokens[i].deepth + ";deepth=" + depth); } } else { if (tokens[i].toks[0].value == "function") { tmp = new Function(); depth = tokens[i].deepth + 1; tmp.functionname = tokens[i].toks[1].value; FunctionElement tmpele = tokens[i].toks[1] as FunctionElement; if (tmpele == null) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("语法错误,函数名的后面应该有括号"); } List <string> paraname = new List <string>(); foreach (List <Element> ele in tmpele.paras) { if (ele != null && ele.Count > 0 && ele[0] != null) { paraname.Add(ele[0].value); } } tmp.parametername = paraname; int j = i + 1; for (; (j < tokens.Count) && (tokens[j].deepth >= depth); j++) { } tmp.sentences = CalcSentences(tokens.GetRange(i + 1, j - i - 1)); i = j - 1; } } } //循环结束如果存在函数,则执行CalcSentences try { functionlist.Add(tmp.functionname, tmp); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("arrange函数出现bug,tokens[" + i + "].deepth=" + tokens[i].deepth + ";deepth=" + depth); } }
//设置地图单元 public static void configElement(FunctionElement elementT, String title) { if (elementT == null) { Console.WriteLine("error in configElement"); return; } manager = (FunctionsManager)elementT.parent; element = elementT; SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig dialog = new SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig(title); dialog.textBox_name.Text =; dialog.textBox_Commet.Text = element.commet; dialog.showParamsList(); dialog.ShowDialog(); }
public override Verb CreateVerb(string[] tokens) { Color(tokens[1].Length, Whitespaces); var functionName = tokens[2]; Color(functionName.Length, Variables); Color(1, Structures); if (GetExpression(source, NextPosition, CloseParenthesis()).If(out var block, out var index)) { var arguments = new Arguments(block); Element = new FunctionElement(functionName, arguments); overridePosition = index; return(new NullOp()); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Transfering a list of strings to a list of token elements /// </summary> /// <param name="ListS"> list of strings </param> /// <returns> list of token elements </returns> static List<Element> StringsToElements(List<string> ListS) { List<Element> ListE = new List<Element>(); foreach (string s in ListS) { Element n = new Element(s); switch (n.Type) { case C.Operation: n = new Operation(n); break; case C.Number: n = new Number(n); break; case C.Function: n = new FunctionElement(n); break; case C.Control: n = new Control(n); break; } ListE.Add(n); } return ListE; }
//增加单元 private void addElement() { if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 0)//增加整型单元 { VarElement element = SmallDialog_NewVar_INT.createElement(form_main.varIntManager); if (element != null) { form_main.varIntManager.addElement(element); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 1)//增加字符单元 { VarElement element = SmallDialog_NewVar_String.createElement(form_main.varStringManager); if (element != null) { form_main.varStringManager.addElement(element); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 2)//增加触发器函数单元 { FunctionElement element = SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig.createElement(form_main.triggerFunctionManager, "新建触发函数单元"); if (element != null) { form_main.triggerFunctionManager.addElement(element); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 3)//增加环境函数单元 { FunctionElement element = SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig.createElement(form_main.contextFunctionManager, "新建环境函数单元"); if (element != null) { form_main.contextFunctionManager.addElement(element); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 4)//增加执行函数单元 { FunctionElement element = SmallDialog_FunctionsConfig.createElement(form_main.executionFunctionManager, "新建执行函数单元"); if (element != null) { form_main.executionFunctionManager.addElement(element); } } }
//生成函数体 private void genFunctionToHead(FileStream fs, FunctionsManager functionManager) { for (int i = 0; i < functionManager.getElementCount(); i++) { FunctionElement fun = (FunctionElement)functionManager.getElement(i); String strParams = " ("; ArrayList paramList = (ArrayList)fun.getValue(); for (int j = 0; j < paramList.Count; j++) { strParams += "p" + j; if (j < paramList.Count - 1) { strParams += ","; } } strParams += ");"; IOUtil.writeTextLine(fs, "host " + + strParams); } }
protected void SetFromFunctionElement(object target, IHeterogeneousConfigurationElement heterogeneousElem) { FunctionElement value = (FunctionElement)heterogeneousElem; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = target.GetType().GetProperty(value.Key); if (propertyInfo != null) { if (value.Type != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Method)) { object result = value.Type.GetMethod(value.Method).Invoke(null, null); propertyInfo.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(result, propertyInfo.PropertyType)); } else { object result = value.Type.GetProperty(value.Property).GetValue(null, null); propertyInfo.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(result, propertyInfo.PropertyType)); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 首先进行词法分析,生成tokens序列。 /// </summary> /// <param name="code">含有代码的字符串</param> public void Lexer(string code) { string[] tmpcode = code.Split('\n');//将代码按照换行符分割成若干行 for (int i = 0; i < tmpcode.Length; i++) { if (tmpcode[i] == null || tmpcode[i].Length == 0) { continue; } int j = 0; for (; tmpcode[i][j] == '\t'; j++) { } List <string> tmptok = AdcancedSplit(tmpcode[i].Trim('\t', '\r')); //整理代码,中缀运算符改后缀 List <Element> restok = new List <Element>(); Stack <string> elestack = new Stack <string>(); int k; if (IsKeyword(tmptok[0])) //第一个字符串是关键字 { k = 1; restok.Add(new Element(tmptok[0], Element.Keyword)); } else { k = 0; } for (; k < tmptok.Count; k++) { Element tmpEle; if (tmptok[k].Contains("(") && tmptok[k].Contains(")")) //是函数 { tmpEle = new FunctionElement(tmptok[k], Element.Function); restok.Add(tmpEle); } else if (tmptok[k].Contains("[") && tmptok[k].Contains("]")) //是数组 { tmpEle = new Element(tmptok[k], Element.Array); restok.Add(tmpEle); } else if (tmptok[k][0] >= '0' && tmptok[k][0] <= '9') //是数字 { tmpEle = new Element(tmptok[k], Element.Number); restok.Add(tmpEle); } else if (tmptok[k][0] >= 'a' && tmptok[k][0] <= 'z' || tmptok[k][0] >= 'A' && tmptok[k][0] <= 'Z') //是一个变量 { tmpEle = new Element(tmptok[k], Element.Variable); restok.Add(tmpEle); } else if (tmptok[k][0] == '"') //是字符串 { tmpEle = new Element(tmptok[k], Element.String); restok.Add(tmpEle); } else //是符号 { if (elestack.Count == 0 || tmptok[k] == "(") { elestack.Push(tmptok[k]); } else { if (tmptok[k] == ")") { while (elestack.Peek() != "(" && elestack.Count > 0) { restok.Add(new Element(elestack.Pop(), Element.Symbol)); } if (elestack.Count == 0) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("syntax error,the number of '(' and ')' don't match!"); } elestack.Pop(); } else { if (operator_priority[tmptok[k]] >= operator_priority[elestack.Peek()]) { elestack.Push(tmptok[k]); } else { if (elestack.Peek() == "(") { elestack.Push(tmptok[k]); } else { while (operator_priority[tmptok[k]] < operator_priority[elestack.Peek()] && elestack.Count > 0) { if (elestack.Peek() == "(") { elestack.Pop(); break; } restok.Add(new Element(elestack.Pop(), Element.Symbol)); } elestack.Push(tmptok[k]); } } } } } } //将栈中的剩余运算符按序插入到表达式后面 while (elestack.Count > 0) { if (elestack.Peek() == "(") { elestack.Pop(); continue; } restok.Add(new Element(elestack.Pop(), Element.Symbol)); } //将整理后的代码生成一个Sentence对象并存入tokens序列中 tokens.Add(new Sentence(restok, j)); } }
public abstract void VisitFunctionElement(FunctionElement element);
/* public override void VisitIfStatementElement(IfStatementElement element) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); } */ public override void VisitFunctionElement(FunctionElement element) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// THe argument processing method resolves all the attribute designators, attribute /// selectors. If there is an internal Apply it will be evaulated within this method. /// </summary> /// <remarks>All the processed arguments are converted into an IFunctionParameter instance /// because this is the only value that can be used to call a function.</remarks> /// <param name="context">The evaluation context instance.</param> /// <param name="arguments">The arguments to process.</param> /// <returns>A list of arguments ready to be used by a function.</returns> private FunctionParameterCollection ProcessArguments(EvaluationContext context, ExpressionCollection arguments) { context.Trace("Processing arguments"); context.AddIndent(); // Create a list to return the processed values. var processedArguments = new FunctionParameterCollection(); // Iterate through the arguments, the IExpressionType is a mark interface foreach (IExpression arg in arguments) { var apply = arg as ApplyElement; if (apply != null) { context.Trace("Nested apply"); // There is a nested apply un this policy a new Apply will be created and also // evaluated. It's return value will be used as the processed argument. var childApply = new Apply(apply); // Evaluate the Apply EvaluationValue retVal = childApply.Evaluate(context); context.TraceContextValues(); // If the results were Indeterminate the Indeterminate value will be placed in // the processed arguments, later another method will validate the parameters // and cancel the evaluation propperly. if (!retVal.IsIndeterminate) { if (!context.IsMissingAttribute) { processedArguments.Add(retVal); } } else { processedArguments.Add(retVal); } } else { var write = arg as FunctionElementReadWrite; if (write != null) { // Search for the function and place it in the processed arguments. var functionId = new FunctionElement(write.FunctionId, write.SchemaVersion); context.Trace("Function {0}", functionId.FunctionId); IFunction function = EvaluationEngine.GetFunction(functionId.FunctionId); if (function == null) { context.Trace("ERR: function not found {0}", _applyBase.FunctionId); context.ProcessingError = true; processedArguments.Add(EvaluationValue.Indeterminate); } else { processedArguments.Add(function); } } else if (arg is VariableReferenceElement) { var variableRef = arg as VariableReferenceElement; var variableDef = context.CurrentPolicy.VariableDefinition[variableRef.VariableId] as VariableDefinition; context.TraceContextValues(); Debug.Assert(variableDef != null, "variableDef != null"); processedArguments.Add(!variableDef.IsEvaluated ? variableDef.Evaluate(context) : variableDef.Value); } else { var readWrite = arg as AttributeValueElementReadWrite; if (readWrite != null) { // The AttributeValue does not need to be processed context.Trace("Attribute value {0}", arg.ToString()); processedArguments.Add(new AttributeValueElement(readWrite.DataType, readWrite.Contents, readWrite.SchemaVersion)); } else { var des = arg as AttributeDesignatorBase; if (des != null) { // Resolve the AttributeDesignator using the EvaluationEngine public methods. context.Trace("Processing attribute designator: {0}", arg.ToString()); var attrDes = des; BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(context, attrDes); // If the attribute was not resolved by the EvaluationEngine search the // attribute in the context document, also using the EvaluationEngine public // methods. if (bag.BagSize == 0) { if (arg is SubjectAttributeDesignatorElement) { ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes); if (attrib != null) { context.Trace("Adding subject attribute designator: {0}", attrib.ToString()); bag.Add(attrib); break; } } else if (arg is ResourceAttributeDesignatorElement) { ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes); if (attrib != null) { context.Trace("Adding resource attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString()); bag.Add(attrib); } } else if (arg is ActionAttributeDesignatorElement) { ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes); if (attrib != null) { context.Trace("Adding action attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString()); bag.Add(attrib); } } else if (arg is EnvironmentAttributeDesignatorElement) { ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes); if (attrib != null) { context.Trace("Adding environment attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString()); bag.Add(attrib); } } } // If the argument was not found and the attribute must be present this is // a MissingAttribute situation so set the flag. Otherwise add the attribute // to the processed arguments. if (bag.BagSize == 0 && attrDes.MustBePresent) { context.Trace("Attribute is missing"); context.IsMissingAttribute = true; context.AddMissingAttribute(attrDes); } else { processedArguments.Add(bag); } } else { var @base = arg as AttributeSelectorElement; if (@base != null) { // Resolve the XPath query using the EvaluationEngine public methods. context.Trace("Attribute selector"); try { BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(context, @base); if (bag.Elements.Count == 0 && @base.MustBePresent) { context.Trace("Attribute is missing"); context.IsMissingAttribute = true; context.AddMissingAttribute(@base); } else { processedArguments.Add(bag); } } catch (EvaluationException e) { context.Trace("ERR: {0}", e.Message); processedArguments.Add(EvaluationValue.Indeterminate); context.ProcessingError = true; } } } } } } } context.RemoveIndent(); return(processedArguments); }
//删除变量 private void deleteElement() { if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 0)//删除整型单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_VarInt.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { VarElement element = (VarElement)form_main.varIntManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } int usedTime = element.getUsedTime(); if (usedTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("变量被引用了" + usedTime + "次,不能删除"); return; } form_main.varIntManager.removeElement(currentIndex); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 1)//删除字符单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_VarString.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { VarElement element = (VarElement)form_main.varStringManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } int usedTime = element.getUsedTime(); if (usedTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("变量被引用了" + usedTime + "次,不能删除"); return; } form_main.varStringManager.removeElement(currentIndex); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 2)//删除触发器函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Trigger.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.triggerFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } int usedTime = element.getUsedTime(); if (usedTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("函数被引用了" + usedTime + "次,不能删除"); return; } form_main.triggerFunctionManager.removeElement(currentIndex); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 3)//删除条件判断函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Condition.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.contextFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } int usedTime = element.getUsedTime(); if (usedTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("函数被引用了" + usedTime + "次,不能删除"); return; } form_main.contextFunctionManager.removeElement(currentIndex); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 4)//删除执行函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Execution.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.executionFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } int usedTime = element.getUsedTime(); if (usedTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("函数被引用了" + usedTime + "次,不能删除"); return; } form_main.executionFunctionManager.removeElement(currentIndex); } } }
public UserElementMixin(FunctionElement element) : this(element.Name, element.Location, element.Documentation, element.Annotations) { }
public void Remove(FunctionElement element) { BaseRemove(element.MethodName); }
//检查变量 private void checkElement() { if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 0)//检查整型单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_VarInt.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { VarElement element = (VarElement)form_main.varIntManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } //String usedInfor = element.getUsedInfor(); //SmallDialog_ShowString.showString("整型变量检查", usedInfor); SmallDialog_ShowList.showList(element.getUsedMeory()); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 1)//检查字符单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_VarString.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { VarElement element = (VarElement)form_main.varStringManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } //String usedInfor = element.getUsedInfor(); //SmallDialog_ShowString.showString("字符变量检查", usedInfor); SmallDialog_ShowList.showList(element.getUsedMeory()); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 2)//检查触发函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Trigger.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.triggerFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } //String usedInfor = element.getUsedInfor(); //SmallDialog_ShowString.showString("触发器函数检查", usedInfor); SmallDialog_ShowList.showList(element.getUsedMeory()); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 3)//检查环境函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Condition.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.contextFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } //String usedInfor = element.getUsedInfor(); //SmallDialog_ShowString.showString("环境函数检查", usedInfor); SmallDialog_ShowList.showList(element.getUsedMeory()); } } if (tabControl_Lists.SelectedIndex == 4)//检查执行函数单元 { int currentIndex = listBox_Execution.SelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0) { FunctionElement element = (FunctionElement)form_main.executionFunctionManager.getElement(currentIndex); if (element == null) { return; } //String usedInfor = element.getUsedInfor(); //SmallDialog_ShowString.showString("执行函数检查", usedInfor); SmallDialog_ShowList.showList(element.getUsedMeory()); } } }
public override void VisitFunctionElement(FunctionElement element) { Console.Write(element.getreturntype() + " "); VisitElement(element.getfunctionname()); Console.Write("("); List<DeclarationElement> args = element.getArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { VisitElement(args[i]); if(i<(args.Count-1)) { Console.Write(","); } } Console.Write(")"); Console.Write("\n{\n\t"); List<Element> funcbody = new List<Element>(); funcbody = element.getBody(); for (int i = 0; i < funcbody.Count; i++) { VisitElement(funcbody[i]); if (i < (funcbody.Count - 1)) { Console.Write("\n\t"); } else { Console.Write("\n"); } } Console.Write("}\n"); }
public void Add(FunctionElement element) { BaseAdd(element); }