예제 #1
        // Constructing a large C/C++ Example
        private static IAttack LargeCCxxExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "LargeCCxx";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            // spawn notepad
            var createProcessSource1 = new CreateProcess("notepad");
            // spawn calc
            var createProcessSource2 = new CreateProcess("calc");
            // returns the we specified path
            var targetPathSource = new StaticTargetPathCCxxSource(@"C:\Users\Public\baby.txt");
            // returns the data we specified
            var fileResourceSource = new StaticFileResourceCCxxSource(new byte[] { 0x65, 0x65, 0x65, 0x65 });
            // Drop a file to disk (drop the file "C:\Users\Public\baby.txt" to disk with contents "AAAA")
            var writeFileSource = new WriteFileResourceCCxxSource <StaticTargetPathCCxxSource, StaticFileResourceCCxxSource>(targetPathSource, fileResourceSource);
            // Call a series C functions in order
            var functionCallsSource = new SequentialFunctionCallCCxxSource(new IParameterlessCFunction[] { createProcessSource1, writeFileSource });
            // Limit to at most 1 running instance of this code at a time by creating a Global mutex. Only 1 process can have an open handle to a global mutex at a time
            var mutexSource = new MutexSingletonCCxxSource(functionCallsSource, mutexName: @"Global\SomeMutexName");
            // Check a conditional statement, (check if a debugger is attached)
            var antidebuggerSource1 = new NotIsDebuggerPresentCCxxSource();    // Returns true if it's safe to execute (No debugger is attached)
            var antidebuggerSource2 = new RemoteDebuggerCCxxSource();          // Retruns true if it's safe to execute (No debugger is attached)
            var ifElseSource        = new IfElseFunctionCallCCxxSource(
                "{0} && {1}",                                                  // If this boolean expression is true
                new IParameterlessCFunction[] { antidebuggerSource1, antidebuggerSource2 },
                trueCaseFunction: mutexSource,                                 // Then execute this
                falseCaseFunction: createProcessSource2);                      // Otherwise execute this
            var createThreadSource = new CreateThreadCCxxSource(ifElseSource); // Create a new thread and execute this
            var exeWinMainSource   = new FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource(createThreadSource);
            var exeSource          = exeWinMainSource;
            // Summary,
            //  In the main function (WinMain),
            //  Create a thread
            //  In the new thread, Check if a debugger is present using the IsDebuggerPresent technique and the CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent technique
            //      If a debugger is attached,
            //          spawn calc
            //      Else // debuger is not attached
            //          create a mutex. If the mutex is free,
            //              Spawn notepad
            //              Drop C:\Users\Public\baby.txt to disk

            var createProcessExeStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(exeSource);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker()).Link(createProcessExeStaticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("LargeCCxx.exe", createProcessExe);
            // Double click the to confirm that notepad spawns.
            // Open the sample in WinDbg to confirm that calc spawns when a debugger is attached

예제 #2
        // C/C++ with MSVC Example
        private static IAttack CCxxMsvcExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "CCxxMsvc";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            var cmdline = "notepad"; // any commandline
            // CreateProcess is C/C++ code that will create a process using Kernel32!CreateProcessA
            var createProcessSource = new CreateProcess(cmdline);
            // FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource is C/C++ code containing a template WinMain implentation that calls the inputs entry point function
            var createProcessExeSource = new FunctionCallExeWinMainCCxxSource(createProcessSource);
            // createProcessExeSource contains the code for WinMain AND the code to create a process from createProcessSource

            // C/C++ code can be compiled using the MSVC toolchain
            // StaticLibrary represents compiled code
            // Msvc.Compiler accepts Msvc.Compiler.Config as an argument. If None is specifed, then the default is used. The default is good for the majority of cases
            // (ICCxxCompiler<Win64ObjectFile>) means that this is a C/C++ Compiler that produces object files of type Win64ObjectFile (MSVC's object format for 64-bit code)
            var createProcessExeStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(createProcessExeSource);
            // The Linker is used to create an executable using the compiled code from the compilation step
            // Msvc.Linker accepts Msvc.Linker.Config as an argument. If None is specifed, then the default is used. The default is good for the majority of cases
            // (ILinker<Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) means that this is a Linker that access object files of type Win64ObjectFile and produces executables of type Executable (.exe)
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker()).Link(createProcessExeStaticLibrary);

            // The MSVC toolchain can also be used to create a DLL from C/C++ source
            // CreateProcess implements the interface ICFunction. ICFunction represents a callable (using the C calling convention) function. The property "Name" of ICFunction is representative of the function's (unmangled) symbol name
            var exportedFunctionName = ((ICFunction)createProcessSource).Name;
            // DLLs can export functions for other programs to call
            var createProcessDllSource        = new SkeletonDllMainCCxxSource(createProcessSource, exportedFunctions: new[] { exportedFunctionName });
            var createProcessDllStaticLibrary = ((ICCxxCompiler <Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Compiler()).Compile(createProcessDllSource);
            // Msvc.Linker must be explictly told what function(s) to export
            // (ILinker<Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) means that this is a Linker that access object files of type Win64ObjectFile and produces executables of type DynamicLinkLibrary (.dll)
            var createProcessLinkerConfig = new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker.Config(exportedFunctions: createProcessDllSource.ExportedFunctions);
            var createProcessDll          = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, DynamicLinkLibrary>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Msvc.Linker(createProcessLinkerConfig)).Link(createProcessDllStaticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("CCxxMsvcNotepad.exe", createProcessExe); // Double click to confirm that notepad spawns
            samplesOutput.Add("CCxxMsvcNotepad.dll", createProcessDll); // run: "rundll32 Sample8Notepad.dll,CreateProcessFunction" to confirm that notepad spawns
